16 research outputs found

    Workload-Aware Database Monitoring and Consolidation

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    In most enterprises, databases are deployed on dedicated database servers. Often, these servers are underutilized much of the time. For example, in traces from almost 200 production servers from different organizations, we see an average CPU utilization of less than 4%. This unused capacity can be potentially harnessed to consolidate multiple databases on fewer machines, reducing hardware and operational costs. Virtual machine (VM) technology is one popular way to approach this problem. However, as we demonstrate in this paper, VMs fail to adequately support database consolidation, because databases place a unique and challenging set of demands on hardware resources, which are not well-suited to the assumptions made by VM-based consolidation. Instead, our system for database consolidation, named Kairos, uses novel techniques to measure the hardware requirements of database workloads, as well as models to predict the combined resource utilization of those workloads. We formalize the consolidation problem as a non-linear optimization program, aiming to minimize the number of servers and balance load, while achieving near-zero performance degradation. We compare Kairos against virtual machines, showing up to a factor of 12× higher throughput on a TPC-C-like benchmark. We also tested the effectiveness of our approach on real-world data collected from production servers at Wikia.com, Wikipedia, Second Life, and MIT CSAIL, showing absolute consolidation ratios ranging between 5.5:1 and 17:1

    Efficient Database Risk Management Using BSP and Fuzzy Logic

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    Increasing passion for internet throughout the world causes the exponential growth in the web applications and distributed techniques. Due to high usage of web applications massive transactions are happening at the database server side. Even though databases are well equipped with powerful tools, most of the times they are unable to fulfill the user’s demand and resulting in longer waiting queues or crashing of databases. So many methods and systems are existing to handle the overflowing database queries, but most of them again take longer time to get rid of the situation. This paper put forwards an idea of handling this risk situation of the database by collecting all the queries in a Queue and thereby evaluating risk aware situation by fuzzy classification. Once the risk awareness is notified then these queries in the queue are committing quickly using batch stream processing technique to avoid longer waiting queues of the queries for execution. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15079

    Incremental elasticity for array databases

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    Relational databases benefit significantly from elasticity, whereby they execute on a set of changing hardware resources provisioned to match their storage and processing requirements. Such flexibility is especially attractive for scientific databases because their users often have a no-overwrite storage model, in which they delete data only when their available space is exhausted. This results in a database that is regularly growing and expanding its hardware proportionally. Also, scientific databases frequently store their data as multidimensional arrays optimized for spatial querying. This brings about several novel challenges in clustered, skew-aware data placement on an elastic shared-nothing database. In this work, we design and implement elasticity for an array database. We address this challenge on two fronts: determining when to expand a database cluster and how to partition the data within it. In both steps we propose incremental approaches, affecting a minimum set of data and nodes, while maintaining high performance. We introduce an algorithm for gradually augmenting an array database's hardware using a closed-loop control system. After the cluster adds nodes, we optimize data placement for n-dimensional arrays. Many of our elastic partitioners incrementally reorganize an array, redistributing data only to new nodes. By combining these two tools, the scientific database efficiently and seamlessly manages its monotonically increasing hardware resources.Intel Corporation (Science and Technology Center for Big Data

    Priority-Driven Differentiated Performance for NoSQL Database-As-a-Service

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    Designing data stores for native Cloud Computing services brings a number of challenges, especially if the Cloud Provider wants to offer database services capable of controlling the response time for specific customers. These requests may come from heterogeneous data-driven applications with conflicting responsiveness requirements. For instance, a batch processing workload does not require the same level of responsiveness as a time-sensitive one. Their coexistence may interfere with the responsiveness of the time-sensitive workload, such as online video gaming, virtual reality, and cloud-based machine learning. This paper presents a modification to the popular MongoDB NoSQL database to enable differentiated per-user/request performance on a priority basis by leveraging CPU scheduling and synchronization mechanisms available within the Operating System. This is achieved with minimally invasive changes to the source code and without affecting the performance and behavior of the database when the new feature is not in use. The proposed extension has been integrated with the access-control model of MongoDB for secure and controlled access to the new capability. Extensive experimentation with realistic workloads demonstrates how the proposed solution is able to reduce the response times for high-priority users/requests, with respect to lower-priority ones, in scenarios with mixed-priority clients accessing the data store

    Elasca: Workload-Aware Elastic Scalability for Partition Based Database Systems

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    Providing the ability to increase or decrease allocated resources on demand as the transactional load varies is essential for database management systems (DBMS) deployed on today's computing platforms, such as the cloud. The need to maintain consistency of the database, at very large scales, while providing high performance and reliability makes elasticity particularly challenging. In this thesis, we exploit data partitioning as a way to provide elastic DBMS scalability. We assert that the flexibility provided by a partitioned, shared-nothing parallel DBMS can be used to implement elasticity. Our idea is to start with a small number of servers that manage all the partitions, and to elastically scale out by dynamically adding new servers and redistributing database partitions among these servers as the load varies. Implementing this approach requires (a) efficient mechanisms for addition/removal of servers and migration of partitions, and (b) policies to efficiently determine the optimal placement of partitions on the given servers as well as plans for partition migration. This thesis presents Elasca, a system that implements both these features in an existing shared-nothing DBMS (namely VoltDB) to provide automatic elastic scalability. Elasca consists of a mechanism for enabling elastic scalability, and a workload-aware optimizer for determining optimal partition placement and migration plans. Our optimizer minimizes computing resources required and balances load effectively without compromising system performance, even in the presence of variations in intensity and skew of the load. The results of our experiments show that Elasca is able to achieve performance close to a fully provisioned system while saving 35% resources on average. Furthermore, Elasca's workload-aware optimizer performs up to 79% less data movement than a greedy approach to resource minimization, and also balance load much more effectively

    Fault Tolerant Multitenant Database Server Consolidation

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    Server consolidation is important in situations where a sequence of database tenants need to be allocated (hosted) dynamically on a minimum number of cloud server machines. Given a tenant’s load defined by the amount of resources that the tenant requires and a service-level- agreement (SLA) between the tenant customer and the cloud service provider, resource cost savings can be achieved by consolidating multiple database tenants on server machines. Ad- ditionally, in realistic settings, server machines might fail causing their tenants to become un- available. To address this, service providers place multiple replicas of each tenant on different servers and reserve extra capacity to ensure that tenant failover will not result in overload on any remaining server. The focus of this thesis is on providing effective strategies for placing tenants on server machines so that the SLA requirements are met in the presence of failure of one or more servers. We propose the Cube-Fit (CUBEFIT ) algorithm for multitenant database server consolidation that saves resource costs by utilizing fewer servers than existing approaches for analytical workloads. Additionally, unlike existing consolidation algorithms, CUBEFIT can tolerate multiple server failures while ensuring that no server becomes overloaded. We provide extensive theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation of CUBEFIT. We show that compared to existing algorithms, the average case and worst case behavior of CUBEFIT is superior and that CUBEFIT produces near-optimal tenant allocation when the number of tenants is large. Through evaluation and deployment on a cluster of up to 73 machines as well as through simulation stud- ies, we experimentally demonstrate the efficacy of CUBEFIT in practical settings

    Allocation Strategies for Data-Oriented Architectures

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    Data orientation is a common design principle in distributed data management systems. In contrast to process-oriented or transaction-oriented system designs, data-oriented architectures are based on data locality and function shipping. The tight coupling of data and processing thereon is implemented in different systems in a variety of application scenarios such as data analysis, database-as-a-service, and data management on multiprocessor systems. Data-oriented systems, i.e., systems that implement a data-oriented architecture, bundle data and operations together in tasks which are processed locally on the nodes of the distributed system. Allocation strategies, i.e., methods that decide the mapping from tasks to nodes, are core components in data-oriented systems. Good allocation strategies can lead to balanced systems while bad allocation strategies cause skew in the load and therefore suboptimal application performance and infrastructure utilization. Optimal allocation strategies are hard to find given the complexity of the systems, the complicated interactions of tasks, and the huge solution space. To ensure the scalability of data-oriented systems and to keep them manageable with hundreds of thousands of tasks, thousands of nodes, and dynamic workloads, fast and reliable allocation strategies are mandatory. In this thesis, we develop novel allocation strategies for data-oriented systems based on graph partitioning algorithms. Therefore, we show that systems from different application scenarios with different abstraction levels can be generalized to generic infrastructure and workload descriptions. We use weighted graph representations to model infrastructures with bounded and unbounded, i.e., overcommited, resources and possibly non-linear performance characteristics. Based on our generalized infrastructure and workload model, we formalize the allocation problem, which seeks valid and balanced allocations that minimize communication. Our allocation strategies partition the workload graph using solution heuristics that work with single and multiple vertex weights. Novel extensions to these solution heuristics can be used to balance penalized and secondary graph partition weights. These extensions enable the allocation strategies to handle infrastructures with non-linear performance behavior. On top of the basic algorithms, we propose methods to incorporate heterogeneous infrastructures and to react to changing workloads and infrastructures by incrementally updating the partitioning. We evaluate all components of our allocation strategy algorithms and show their applicability and scalability with synthetic workload graphs. In end-to-end--performance experiments in two actual data-oriented systems, a database-as-a-service system and a database management system for multiprocessor systems, we prove that our allocation strategies outperform alternative state-of-the-art methods