8 research outputs found

    Étude bibliographique de l'ordonnancement simultané des moyens de production et des ressources humaines

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    RÉSUMÉ: Alors que de très nombreuses recherches portent sur l'ordonnancement d'atelier, bien peu portent sur l'ordonnancement des ressources humaines et encore moins sur l'ordonnancement simultané des ordres de production et des opérateurs. Si quelques travaux existent sur l'ordonnancement des ressources humaines en vue d'ajuster la capacité à la charge ou sur la définition fine du cycle de travail sur un poste, les manques sont flagrants au niveau de l'ordonnancement. Ce travail met l'accent sur les nombreux manques dans ce domaine

    IZVOĐENJE PROCESA PLANIRANJA RADA U PODUZEĆU ˝AD Plastik˝ d.d., Solin : završni rad

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    Svrha planiranja radne snage je da se pomoću raspoložive radne snage u poduzeću mogu izvršiti različite operacije koje su neophodne za neometano odvijanje proizvodnog procesa. Mnoga poduzeća ulažu u obučavanje radne snage kako bi ona bila sposobna izvršiti različite operacije. Kao rezultat toga, radna snaga postaje jednako važna u ostvarivanju konkurentnih prednosti. Dobro obučeni radnici su sposobni efektivno upotrijebiti postojeću opremu, te brzo odgovoriti na promjene u okruženju bez obzira odnose li se one na proizvode ili količinu proizvoda. Radna snaga je posebno važan izvor kvalitetnog upravljanja i postizanja efektivnosti. Upravljanje radnom snagom postaje dio planiranja potreba za kapacitetima. Generalno razvijajući ljude, AD Plastik d.d. Solin razvija i ambijent u kojem se prepoznaje i nagrađuje uspješnost pojedinca i timova. Također, vode računa o organizacijskoj klimi, o zadovoljstvu zaposlenika pojedinim aspektima organizacijskog funkcioniranja i života jer su itekako svjesni da o tomu ovisi njihova motiviranost odnosno angažiranost u ostvarivanju postavljenih ciljeva kompanije. Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi na koji način poduzeće AD Plastik d.d. Solin provodi planiranje rada, koje metode planiranja rada koristi, koji elementi utječu pozitivno ili negativno na poslovanje poduzeća te na koji način poduzeće pozitivne utjecaje koristi, a negativne eliminira.The purpose of workforce planning is that by using the available workforce in the company you can perform various operations that are necessary for the smooth progress of the production process. Many companies invest in employee training so they can perform different operations. As a result, the labor force is becoming important in achieving competitive advantages. Well-trained employees are able to effectively use the existing equipment, and quickly respond to changes in the environment, regardless of whether they refer to products or quantity. The labour force is a particularly important source of quality management and important to achieve effectiveness. Workforce management becomes part of the planning of capacity requirements. Overall, developing people, ADPlastik d.d. develops an environment in which it recognizes and rewards individual performance and team. Also, they take into account the organizational climate, employee satisfaction, certain aspects of organizational functioning and life as they are well aware of that fact depends on their motivation and commitment to achieving the objectives of the company. The aim of this study is to determine how the company AD Plastik Inc. Solin is planning work, which work planning methods they use, which elements effect the company's bussines positively or negatively and how the company uses the positive impacts and eliminates the negative ones

    IZVOĐENJE PROCESA PLANIRANJA RADA U PODUZEĆU ˝AD Plastik˝ d.d., Solin : završni rad

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    Svrha planiranja radne snage je da se pomoću raspoložive radne snage u poduzeću mogu izvršiti različite operacije koje su neophodne za neometano odvijanje proizvodnog procesa. Mnoga poduzeća ulažu u obučavanje radne snage kako bi ona bila sposobna izvršiti različite operacije. Kao rezultat toga, radna snaga postaje jednako važna u ostvarivanju konkurentnih prednosti. Dobro obučeni radnici su sposobni efektivno upotrijebiti postojeću opremu, te brzo odgovoriti na promjene u okruženju bez obzira odnose li se one na proizvode ili količinu proizvoda. Radna snaga je posebno važan izvor kvalitetnog upravljanja i postizanja efektivnosti. Upravljanje radnom snagom postaje dio planiranja potreba za kapacitetima. Generalno razvijajući ljude, AD Plastik d.d. Solin razvija i ambijent u kojem se prepoznaje i nagrađuje uspješnost pojedinca i timova. Također, vode računa o organizacijskoj klimi, o zadovoljstvu zaposlenika pojedinim aspektima organizacijskog funkcioniranja i života jer su itekako svjesni da o tomu ovisi njihova motiviranost odnosno angažiranost u ostvarivanju postavljenih ciljeva kompanije. Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi na koji način poduzeće AD Plastik d.d. Solin provodi planiranje rada, koje metode planiranja rada koristi, koji elementi utječu pozitivno ili negativno na poslovanje poduzeća te na koji način poduzeće pozitivne utjecaje koristi, a negativne eliminira.The purpose of workforce planning is that by using the available workforce in the company you can perform various operations that are necessary for the smooth progress of the production process. Many companies invest in employee training so they can perform different operations. As a result, the labor force is becoming important in achieving competitive advantages. Well-trained employees are able to effectively use the existing equipment, and quickly respond to changes in the environment, regardless of whether they refer to products or quantity. The labour force is a particularly important source of quality management and important to achieve effectiveness. Workforce management becomes part of the planning of capacity requirements. Overall, developing people, ADPlastik d.d. develops an environment in which it recognizes and rewards individual performance and team. Also, they take into account the organizational climate, employee satisfaction, certain aspects of organizational functioning and life as they are well aware of that fact depends on their motivation and commitment to achieving the objectives of the company. The aim of this study is to determine how the company AD Plastik Inc. Solin is planning work, which work planning methods they use, which elements effect the company's bussines positively or negatively and how the company uses the positive impacts and eliminates the negative ones

    Ordonnancement d'atelier et ressources humaines: affectation des opérateurs dans un flowshop

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    Cet article aborde le problème de l'ordonnancement d'un atelier de type flowshop, lorsque les durées opératoires varient suivant quel opérateur travaille sur quelle machine. La prise en compte de cette notion de performance ajoute l'affectation des opérateurs au problème d’ordonnancement, qui ne se résume plus à une recherche de séquence de passage des travaux sur les machines. Une heuristique basée sur une règle d'affectation "intuitive" généralement utilisée est évaluée, puis une borne inférieure du problème complet est présentée. Cette borne permet de faire apparaître certaines caractéristiques des règles d’affectation

    Optimización de la mano de obra en una línea mixta de ensamblado. Aplicación en la industria del automóvil

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la minimización de la fuerza de trabajo en una línea de ensamblado de modelo mixto y el desarrollo de una aproximación heurística para resolverlo. La heurística se prueba en un caso industrial real y en diferentes instancias teoricas. El trabajo es una mejora del proceso propuesto por un artículo de investigación.The objective of this work is to study the workforce minimization in a mixed model assembly line and the development of a heuristic approach to solve it. The heuristic is tested in a real case industry as well as in different theoretical instances. The work is an improvement of the procedure proposed in a research article.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster en Organización Industrial y Gestión de Empresa

    Automates et programmation par contraintes pour la planification de personnel

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    As soon as a structure is organized, the ability to put the right people at the right time is critical to satisfy the need of a department, a school or a company. We define personnel scheduling problems as the process of building, in an optimized manner, the personnel schedules. The aims of this thesis are to propose a mean to express those problems in a simple and automatic way, avoiding the user to interact with the technical aspects of the resolution. For that matter, we propose to mix the modeling power of automata with the efficiency and modularity of constraint programming for complex problem solving. Thus, we use the expressiveness of the finite multi-valued automata to model complex scheduling rules. Then, to make use of those built automata, we introduce a new filtering algorithm for multi-valued finite automata based on Lagrangian relaxation : multicost-regular. We also introduce a soft version of this constraint that has the ability to penalize violated rules defined by the automaton : soft-multicost-regular. The constraint model is automatically built. It is solved using the constraint library CHOCO and the whole modeling-solving process has been tested on realistic instances from ASAP and NRP10 libraries. The solution search is finally improved using specialized regret-based heuristics using the structure of multicost-regular and soft-multicost-regular.Dès lors qu'une structure est organisée, la capacité de placer les bonnes personnes au bon moment devient cruciale pour satisfaire les besoins d'un service, d'une école ou d'une entreprise. On définit les problèmes de planification de personnel comme le procédé consistant à construire de manière optimisée les emplois du temps de travail du personnel. La motivation de cette thèse est de proposer un moyen d'exprimer ces problèmes de manière simple et automatique, sans avoir à intervenir ensuite dans le processus de résolution. Pour cela, nous proposons de rassembler le pouvoir de modélisation des automates avec la capacité de la programmation par contraintes à résoudre efficacement des problèmes complexes. Le caractère expressif des automates est ainsi utilisé pour modéliser des règles de séquencement complexes. Puis, afin d'intégrer ces automates multi-pondérés dans un modèle de programmation par contraintes, nous introduisons un nouvel algorithme de filtrage basé sur la relaxation lagrangienne : multicost-regular. Nous présentons également une version souple de cette contrainte permettant de pénaliser les violations d'une règle modélisée par un tel automate : soft-multicost-regular. Le modèle contraintes basé sur ces contraintes est automatiquement construit. Il est résolu à l'aide de la librairie de contraintes CHOCO et à été testé sur des instances réalistes issues des librairies ASAP et NRP10. La recherche de solution est améliorée par l'utilisation d'heuristiques spécifiques basées sur les regrets et s'appuyant sur la structure des contraintes multicost-regular et soft-multicost-regular