618 research outputs found

    Work Informatics - Mon Amour

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    Work Informaticsā€”Mon Amour

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    This article displays the professional career of the author. It is started with a chronological narrative of his academic work highlighting some crucial events in it. The main contribution of his work is a conceptual framework called ā€˜Work Informaticsā€™ that regards the use of information technology as an inherent part of the work of the actual user. This framework is briefly explained. The final discussion tries to transcend the restrictions created by the unusual subjective character of this paper: what are the lessons learned and how are the two stories connected

    Flashforward: the future is now

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    Towards an Ethics of Distance: Representation, Free Production and Virtuality

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    This article takes it inspiration from a crisis between Deleuzian free production and representation in contemporary virtual and digital culture. The aim is to sketch a different ethics to the ethics of difference between free production and representation as described by Deleuze and Guattari and invoked by Michel Foucault in his preface to Anti-Oedipe. This article outlines the case for an ethical relationality between these two structures which reflects the socio-political and ethical exigencies of our virtual and digital cultures: specifically, an ethics of relationality derived paradoxically from the distance inscribed in ethical philosophy. Drawing on an amalgamation of Ricoeurean ethics and social constructionism in a definition of selfhood, I argue for the need to stand back from the distanciating effects of the virtual revolution ā€“ not with a view to approximating the cultural politics of specificity in the logic of representation ā€“ but to see in the gap in "distance from" specificity, a space of ethical and philosophical agency wherein lies the value-added of otherness

    Facts, Interactivity and Videotape : Exploring the Design Space of Data in Interactive Video Storytelling

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    We live in a society that is increasingly data rich, with an unprecedented amount of information being captured, stored and analysed about our lives and the people we share them with. We explore the relationship between this new data and emergent forms of interactive video storytelling. In particular we ask: i) how can interactive video storytelling techniques be employed to provide accessible, informative and pleasurable ways for people to engage with data; and ii) how can data be used by the creators of interactive video stories to meet expressive goals and support new forms of experience? We present an analysis of 43 interactive videos that use data in a noteworthy fashion. This analysis reveals a design space comprising key techniques for telling engaging interactive video stories with and about data. To conclude, we discuss challenges relating to the production and consumption of such content and make recommendations for future research

    Focal Spot, Fall/Winter 1994

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    A requiem for the body or how weā€™ll stop worrying and love AI

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    In Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Denis Villeneuve, a film director who has always been interested in identity and relational dynamics, addresses a crucial issue in contemporary debate, that is, the man-machine relationship in post-human society. By creating a respectful virtual dialogue with Blade Runner (Ridley Scott 1982), of which it is the sequel, and by implicitly collecting not only the legacy of Philip K. Dickā€™s ā€œDo Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?ā€ (1968), but the atmospheres and the problems expressed by his various predecessors (from Metropolis, Fritz Lang 1927, up to Ex Machina, Alex Garland 2014), this film creates a shadow game in which the human being is (re)considered no longer in relationship to one, but to several types of "creature". Frankenstein and Jekyll had already challenged the concept of "individual", and Deckard had posed the existential drama of his own fragile identity; nonetheless, in this film the human (or presumed such) being must confront him/herself not only with androids or replicants, but also and above all with creatures that are, in fact, simple holographic softwares. The stakes are very high: our future as human beings in a world that will be increasingly inhabited by impalpable presences whose intelligence could ā€“ and will ā€“ go far beyond ours. The problematization of the concept of motherhood, the creation of extra-world colonies, the grafting of memories are all issues that today, differently from the 1980s, we feel as much closer to reality than to fiction. The aim of my paper is therefore to interpret the film in light of the ethical, scientific, and human disorientation that affects not only the spectator, but the citizen of our millennium as the planet slips towards an irreversible environmental and social crisis

    BUSM Dean's report

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    Reports from the Office of the Dean, Boston University School of Medicine


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    Les ressources humaines sont consideĢreĢes comme le facteur le plus deĢterminant au sein de lā€™organisation permettant dā€™acqueĢrir un avantage concurrentiel (Alla & Rajaa, 2018). DeĢvelopper lā€™implication organisationnelle des ressources humaines est absolument neĢcessaire pour stimuler une relation durable entre le personnel et lā€™organisation. En effet lā€™implication organisationnelle est le lien psychologique qui unit lā€™employeĢ aĢ€ son organisation et qui rend moins probable son deĢpart de lā€™organisation. Lā€™objectif de cette recherche est dā€™eĢtudier le roĢ‚le de meĢdiation de lā€™amour du meĢtier dans la relation entre les pratiques de gestion des ressources humaines et lā€™implication organisationnelle des instituteurs du primaire public en CoĢ‚te dā€™Ivoire. Elle est conduite sur un eĢchantillon de convenance de 420 instituteurs du primaire public craie en main apreĢ€s quā€™une eĢtude qualitative exploratoire ait eĢteĢ reĢaliseĢe aupreĢ€s de 20 instituteurs du primaire public. Notre eĢtude fait appel aĢ€ la meĢthode des eĢquations structurelles sous AMOS 24 deĢveloppeĢe par Arbuckle (2016). Nos reĢsultats montrent que lā€™amour inneĢ et lā€™amour acquis jouent un roĢ‚le meĢdiateur dans la relation entre les pratiques de gestion de ressources humaines et lā€™implication organisationnelle des instituteurs du primaire public

    Facing Forward: Art & Theory from a Future Perspective

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    Contributors to this volume include participants in the Facing Forward Project of 2011-12, which started as a collaboration between the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis at the University of Amsterdam, ..
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