38,845 research outputs found

    General Diffusion Analysis: How to Find Optimal Permutations for Generalized Type-II Feistel Schemes

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    Type-II Generalized Feistel Schemes are one of the most popular versions of Generalized Feistel Schemes. Their round function consists in applying a classical Feistel transformation to p sub-blocks of two consecutive words and then shifting the k = 2p words cyclically. The low implementation costs it offers are balanced by a low diffusion, limiting its efficiency. Diffusion of such structures may however be improved by replacing the cyclic shift with a different permutation without any additional implementation cost. In this paper, we study ways to determine permutations with the fastest diffusion called optimal permutations. To do so, two ideas are used. First, we study the natural equivalence classes of permutations that preserve cryptographic properties; second, we use the representation of permutations as coloured trees. For both heuristic and historical reasons, we focus first on even-odd permutations, that is, those permutations for which images of even numbers are odd. We derive from their structure an upper bound on the number of their equivalence classes together with a strategy to perform exhaustive searches on classes. We performed those exhaustive searches for sizes k ≤ 24, while previous exhaustive searches on all permutations were limited to k ≤ 16. For sizes beyond the reach of this method, we use tree representations to find permutations with good intermediate diffusion properties. This heuristic leads to an optimal even-odd permutation for k = 26 and best-known results for sizes k = 64 and k = 128. Finally, we transpose these methods to all permutations. Using a new strategy to exhaust equivalence classes, we perform exhaustive searches on classes for sizes k ≤ 20 whose results confirmed the initial heuristic: there always exist optimal permutations that are even-odd and furthermore for k = 18 all optimal permutations are even-odd permutations

    A Proof of the Cameron-Ku conjecture

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    A family of permutations A \subset S_n is said to be intersecting if any two permutations in A agree at some point, i.e. for any \sigma, \pi \in A, there is some i such that \sigma(i)=\pi(i). Deza and Frankl showed that for such a family, |A| <= (n-1)!. Cameron and Ku showed that if equality holds then A = {\sigma \in S_{n}: \sigma(i)=j} for some i and j. They conjectured a `stability' version of this result, namely that there exists a constant c < 1 such that if A \subset S_{n} is an intersecting family of size at least c(n-1)!, then there exist i and j such that every permutation in A maps i to j (we call such a family `centred'). They also made the stronger `Hilton-Milner' type conjecture that for n \geq 6, if A \subset S_{n} is a non-centred intersecting family, then A cannot be larger than the family C = {\sigma \in S_{n}: \sigma(1)=1, \sigma(i)=i \textrm{for some} i > 2} \cup {(12)}, which has size (1-1/e+o(1))(n-1)!. We prove the stability conjecture, and also the Hilton-Milner type conjecture for n sufficiently large. Our proof makes use of the classical representation theory of S_{n}. One of our key tools will be an extremal result on cross-intersecting families of permutations, namely that for n \geq 4, if A,B \subset S_{n} are cross-intersecting, then |A||B| \leq ((n-1)!)^{2}. This was a conjecture of Leader; it was recently proved for n sufficiently large by Friedgut, Pilpel and the author.Comment: Updated version with an expanded open problems sectio

    Harmonic analysis on the infinite symmetric group

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    Let S be the group of finite permutations of the naturals 1,2,... The subject of the paper is harmonic analysis for the Gelfand pair (G,K), where G stands for the product of two copies of S while K is the diagonal subgroup in G. The spherical dual to (G,K) (that is, the set of irreducible spherical unitary representations) is an infinite-dimensional space. For such Gelfand pairs, the conventional scheme of harmonic analysis is not applicable and it has to be suitably modified. We construct a compactification of S called the space of virtual permutations. It is no longer a group but it is still a G-space. On this space, there exists a unique G-invariant probability measure which should be viewed as a true substitute of Haar measure. More generally, we define a 1-parameter family of probability measures on virtual permutations, which are quasi-invariant under the action of G. Using these measures we construct a family {T_z} of unitary representations of G depending on a complex parameter z. We prove that any T_z admits a unique decomposition into a multiplicity free integral of irreducible spherical representations of (G,K). Moreover, the spectral types of different representations (which are defined by measures on the spherical dual) are pairwise disjoint. Our main result concerns the case of integral values of parameter z: then we obtain an explicit decomposition of T_z into irreducibles. The case of nonintegral z is quite different. It was studied by Borodin and Olshanski, see e.g. the survey math.RT/0311369.Comment: AMS Tex, 80 pages, no figure

    Cosmological Implications of the Tetron Model of Elementary Particles

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    Based on a possible solution to the tetron spin problem, a modification of the standard Big Bang scenario is suggested, where the advent of a spacetime manifold is connected to the appearance of tetronic bound states. The metric tensor is constructed from tetron constituents and the reason for cosmic inflation is elucidated. Furthermore, there are natural dark matter candidates in the tetron model. The ratio of ordinary to dark matter in the universe is calculated to be 1:5.Comment: 23 page
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