373 research outputs found

    A Type-coherent, Expressive Representation as an Initial Step to Language Understanding

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    A growing interest in tasks involving language understanding by the NLP community has led to the need for effective semantic parsing and inference. Modern NLP systems use semantic representations that do not quite fulfill the nuanced needs for language understanding: adequately modeling language semantics, enabling general inferences, and being accurately recoverable. This document describes underspecified logical forms (ULF) for Episodic Logic (EL), which is an initial form for a semantic representation that balances these needs. ULFs fully resolve the semantic type structure while leaving issues such as quantifier scope, word sense, and anaphora unresolved; they provide a starting point for further resolution into EL, and enable certain structural inferences without further resolution. This document also presents preliminary results of creating a hand-annotated corpus of ULFs for the purpose of training a precise ULF parser, showing a three-person pairwise interannotator agreement of 0.88 on confident annotations. We hypothesize that a divide-and-conquer approach to semantic parsing starting with derivation of ULFs will lead to semantic analyses that do justice to subtle aspects of linguistic meaning, and will enable construction of more accurate semantic parsers.Comment: Accepted for publication at The 13th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2019

    Modeling Language Variation and Universals: A Survey on Typological Linguistics for Natural Language Processing

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    Linguistic typology aims to capture structural and semantic variation across the world's languages. A large-scale typology could provide excellent guidance for multilingual Natural Language Processing (NLP), particularly for languages that suffer from the lack of human labeled resources. We present an extensive literature survey on the use of typological information in the development of NLP techniques. Our survey demonstrates that to date, the use of information in existing typological databases has resulted in consistent but modest improvements in system performance. We show that this is due to both intrinsic limitations of databases (in terms of coverage and feature granularity) and under-employment of the typological features included in them. We advocate for a new approach that adapts the broad and discrete nature of typological categories to the contextual and continuous nature of machine learning algorithms used in contemporary NLP. In particular, we suggest that such approach could be facilitated by recent developments in data-driven induction of typological knowledge

    Graph-based broad-coverage semantic parsing

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    Many broad-coverage meaning representations can be characterized as directed graphs, where nodes represent semantic concepts and directed edges represent semantic relations among the concepts. The task of semantic parsing is to generate such a meaning representation from a sentence. It is quite natural to adopt a graph-based approach for parsing, where nodes are identified conditioning on the individual words, and edges are labeled conditioning on the pairs of nodes. However, there are two issues with applying this simple and interpretable graph-based approach for semantic parsing: first, the anchoring of nodes to words can be implicit and non-injective in several formalisms (Oepen et al., 2019, 2020). This means we do not know which nodes should be generated from which individual word and how many of them. Consequently, it makes a probabilistic formulation of the training objective problematical; second, graph-based parsers typically predict edge labels independent from each other. Such an independence assumption, while being sensible from an algorithmic point of view, could limit the expressiveness of statistical modeling. Consequently, it might fail to capture the true distribution of semantic graphs. In this thesis, instead of a pipeline approach to obtain the anchoring, we propose to model the implicit anchoring as a latent variable in a probabilistic model. We induce such a latent variable jointly with the graph-based parser in an end-to-end differentiable training. In particular, we test our method on Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) parsing (Banarescu et al., 2013). AMR represents sentence meaning with a directed acyclic graph, where the anchoring of nodes to words is implicit and could be many-to-one. Initially, we propose a rule-based system that circumvents the many-to-one anchoring by combing nodes in some pre-specified subgraphs in AMR and treats the alignment as a latent variable. Next, we remove the need for such a rule-based system by treating both graph segmentation and alignment as latent variables. Still, our graph-based parsers are parameterized by neural modules that require gradient-based optimization. Consequently, training graph-based parsers with our discrete latent variables can be challenging. By combing deep variational inference and differentiable sampling, our models can be trained end-to-end. To overcome the limitation of graph-based parsing and capture interdependency in the output, we further adopt iterative refinement. Starting with an output whose parts are independently predicted, we iteratively refine it conditioning on the previous prediction. We test this method on semantic role labeling (Gildea and Jurafsky, 2000). Semantic role labeling is the task of predicting the predicate-argument structure. In particular, semantic roles between the predicate and its arguments need to be labeled, and those semantic roles are interdependent. Overall, our refinement strategy results in an effective model, outperforming strong factorized baseline models

    A tree does not make a well-formed sentence: Improving syntactic string-to-tree statistical machine translation with more linguistic knowledge

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    AbstractSynchronous context-free grammars (SCFGs) can be learned from parallel texts that are annotated with target-side syntax, and can produce translations by building target-side syntactic trees from source strings. Ideally, producing syntactic trees would entail that the translation is grammatically well-formed, but in reality, this is often not the case. Focusing on translation into German, we discuss various ways in which string-to-tree translation models over- or undergeneralise. We show how these problems can be addressed by choosing a suitable parser and modifying its output, by introducing linguistic constraints that enforce morphological agreement and constrain subcategorisation, and by modelling the productive generation of German compounds

    Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar

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    Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) is a constraint-based or declarative approach to linguistic knowledge, which analyses all descriptive levels (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics) with feature value pairs, structure sharing, and relational constraints. In syntax it assumes that expressions have a single relatively simple constituent structure. This volume provides a state-of-the-art introduction to the framework. Various chapters discuss basic assumptions and formal foundations, describe the evolution of the framework, and go into the details of the main syntactic phenomena. Further chapters are devoted to non-syntactic levels of description. The book also considers related fields and research areas (gesture, sign languages, computational linguistics) and includes chapters comparing HPSG with other frameworks (Lexical Functional Grammar, Categorial Grammar, Construction Grammar, Dependency Grammar, and Minimalism)

    Evaluating Parsers with Dependency Constraints

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    Many syntactic parsers now score over 90% on English in-domain evaluation, but the remaining errors have been challenging to address and difficult to quantify. Standard parsing metrics provide a consistent basis for comparison between parsers, but do not illuminate what errors remain to be addressed. This thesis develops a constraint-based evaluation for dependency and Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG) parsers to address this deficiency. We examine the constrained and cascading impact, representing the direct and indirect effects of errors on parsing accuracy. This identifies errors that are the underlying source of problems in parses, compared to those which are a consequence of those problems. Kummerfeld et al. (2012) propose a static post-parsing analysis to categorise groups of errors into abstract classes, but this cannot account for cascading changes resulting from repairing errors, or limitations which may prevent the parser from applying a repair. In contrast, our technique is based on enforcing the presence of certain dependencies during parsing, whilst allowing the parser to choose the remainder of the analysis according to its grammar and model. We draw constraints for this process from gold-standard annotated corpora, grouping them into abstract error classes such as NP attachment, PP attachment, and clause attachment. By applying constraints from each error class in turn, we can examine how parsers respond when forced to correctly analyse each class. We show how to apply dependency constraints in three parsers: the graph-based MSTParser (McDonald and Pereira, 2006) and the transition-based ZPar (Zhang and Clark, 2011b) dependency parsers, and the C&C CCG parser (Clark and Curran, 2007b). Each is widely-used and influential in the field, and each generates some form of predicate-argument dependencies. We compare the parsers, identifying common sources of error, and differences in the distribution of errors between constrained and cascaded impact. Our work allows us to contrast the implementations of each parser, and how they respond to constraint application. Using our analysis, we experiment with new features for dependency parsing, which encode the frequency of proposed arcs in large-scale corpora derived from scanned books. These features are inspired by and extend on the work of Bansal and Klein (2011). We target these features at the most notable errors, and show how they address some, but not all of the difficult attachments across newswire and web text. CCG parsing is particularly challenging, as different derivations do not always generate different dependencies. We develop dependency hashing to address semantically redundant parses in n-best CCG parsing, and demonstrate its necessity and effectiveness. Dependency hashing substantially improves the diversity of n-best CCG parses, and improves a CCG reranker when used for creating training and test data. We show the intricacies of applying constraints to C&C, and describe instances where applying constraints causes the parser to produce a worse analysis. These results illustrate how algorithms which are relatively straightforward for constituency and dependency parsers are non-trivial to implement in CCG. This work has explored dependencies as constraints in dependency and CCG parsing. We have shown how dependency hashing can efficiently eliminate semantically redundant CCG n-best parses, and presented a new evaluation framework based on enforcing the presence of dependencies in the output of the parser. By otherwise allowing the parser to proceed as it would have, we avoid the assumptions inherent in other work. We hope this work will provide insights into the remaining errors in parsing, and target efforts to address those errors, creating better syntactic analysis for downstream applications

    A Re-Analysis of NEG-RAISING in English

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