12,495 research outputs found

    SEWordSim: Software-Specific Word Similarity Database

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    International audienceMeasuring the similarity of words is important in accurately representing and comparing documents, and thus improves the results of many natural language processing (NLP) tasks. The NLP community has proposed various measurements based on WordNet, a lexical database that contains relationships between many pairs of words. Recently, a number of techniques have been proposed to address software engineering issues such as code search and fault localization that require understanding natural language documents, and a measure of word similarity could improve their results. However, WordNet only contains information about words senses in general-purpose conversation, which often differ from word senses in a software-engineering context, and the software-specific word similarity resources that have been developed rely on data sources containing only a limited range of words and word uses.In recent work, we have proposed a word similarity resource based on information collected automatically from StackOverflow. We have found that the results of this resource are given scores on a 3-point Likert scale that are over 50% higher than the results of a resource based on WordNet. In this demo paper, we review our data collection methodology and propose a Java API to make the resulting word similarity resource useful in practice.The SEWordSim database and related information can be found at http://goo.gl/BVEAs8. Demo video is available at http://goo.gl/dyNwyb

    B-BabelNet: Business-Specific Lexical Database for Improving Semantic Analysis of Business Process Models

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    Similarity calculation between business process models has an important role in managing repository of business process model. One of its uses is to facilitate the searching process of models in the repository. Business process similarity is closely related to semantic string similarity. Semantic string similarity is usually performed by utilizing a lexical database such as WordNet to find the semantic meaning of the word. The activity name of the business process uses terms that specifically related to the business field. However, most of the terms in business domain are not available in WordNet. This case would decrease the semantic analysis quality of business process model. Therefore, this study would try to improve semantic analysis of business process model. We present a new lexical database called B-BabelNet. B-BabelNet is a lexical database built by using the same method in BabelNet. We attempt to map the Wikipedia page to WordNet database but only focus on the word related to the domain of business. Also, to enrich the vocabulary in the business domain, we also use terms in the business-specific online dictionary (businessdictionary.com). We utilize this database to do word sense disambiguation process on business process model activity’s terms. The result from this study shows that the database can increase the accuracy of the word sense disambiguation process especially in particular terms related to the business and industrial domains

    A comparative study of conversion aided methods for WordNet sentence textual similarity

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    In this paper, we present a comparison of three methods for taxonomic-based sentence semantic relatedness, aided with word parts of speech (PoS) conversion. We use WordNet ontology for determining word level semantic similarity while augmenting WordNet with two other lexicographical databases; namely Categorial Variation Database (CatVar) and Morphosemantic Database in assisting the word category conversion. Using a human annotated benchmark data set, all the three approaches achieved a high positive correlation reaching up to (r = 0.881647) with comparison to human ratings and two other baselines evaluated on the same benchmark data set

    Size Matters: The Impact of Training Size in Taxonomically-Enriched Word Embeddings

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    Word embeddings trained on natural corpora (e.g., newspaper collections, Wikipedia or the Web) excel in capturing thematic similarity (“topical relatedness”) on word pairs such as ‘coffee’ and ‘cup’ or ’bus’ and ‘road’. However, they are less successful on pairs showing taxonomic similarity, like ‘cup’ and ‘mug’ (near synonyms) or ‘bus’ and ‘train’ (types of public transport). Moreover, purely taxonomy-based embeddings (e.g. those trained on a random-walk of WordNet’s structure) outperform natural-corpus embeddings in taxonomic similarity but underperform them in thematic similarity. Previous work suggests that performance gains in both types of similarity can be achieved by enriching natural-corpus embeddings with taxonomic information from taxonomies like WordNet. This taxonomic enrichment can be done by combining natural-corpus embeddings with taxonomic embeddings (e.g. those trained on a random-walk of WordNet’s structure). This paper conducts a deep analysis of this assumption and shows that both the size of the natural corpus and of the random-walk coverage of the WordNet structure play a crucial role in the performance of combined (enriched) vectors in both similarity tasks. Specifically, we show that embeddings trained on medium-sized natural corpora benefit the most from taxonomic enrichment whilst embeddings trained on large natural corpora only benefit from this enrichment when evaluated on taxonomic similarity tasks. The implication of this is that care has to be taken in controlling the size of the natural corpus and the size of the random-walk used to train vectors. In addition, we find that, whilst the WordNet structure is finite and it is possible to fully traverse it in a single pass, the repetition of well-connected WordNet concepts in extended random-walks effectively reinforces taxonomic relations in the learned embeddings

    Learning Graph Embeddings from WordNet-based Similarity Measures

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    We present path2vec, a new approach for learning graph embeddings that relies on structural measures of pairwise node similarities. The model learns representations for nodes in a dense space that approximate a given user-defined graph distance measure, such as e.g. the shortest path distance or distance measures that take information beyond the graph structure into account. Evaluation of the proposed model on semantic similarity and word sense disambiguation tasks, using various WordNet-based similarity measures, show that our approach yields competitive results, outperforming strong graph embedding baselines. The model is computationally efficient, being orders of magnitude faster than the direct computation of graph-based distances.Comment: Accepted to StarSem 201

    A hybrid approach for paraphrase identification based on knowledge-enriched semantic heuristics

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    In this paper, we propose a hybrid approach for sentence paraphrase identification. The proposal addresses the problem of evaluating sentence-to-sentence semantic similarity when the sentences contain a set of named-entities. The essence of the proposal is to distinguish the computation of the semantic similarity of named-entity tokens from the rest of the sentence text. More specifically, this is based on the integration of word semantic similarity derived from WordNet taxonomic relations, and named-entity semantic relatedness inferred from Wikipedia entity co-occurrences and underpinned by Normalized Google Distance. In addition, the WordNet similarity measure is enriched with word part-of-speech (PoS) conversion aided with a Categorial Variation database (CatVar), which enhances the lexico-semantics of words. We validated our hybrid approach using two different datasets; Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus (MSRPC) and TREC-9 Question Variants. In our empirical evaluation, we showed that our system outperforms baselines and most of the related state-of-the-art systems for paraphrase detection. We also conducted a misidentification analysis to disclose the primary sources of our system errors

    NASARI: a novel approach to a Semantically-Aware Representation of items

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    The semantic representation of individual word senses and concepts is of fundamental importance to several applications in Natural Language Processing. To date, concept modeling techniques have in the main based their representation either on lexicographic resources, such as WordNet, or on encyclopedic resources, such as Wikipedia. We propose a vector representation technique that combines the complementary knowledge of both these types of resource. Thanks to its use of explicit semantics combined with a novel cluster-based dimensionality reduction and an effective weighting scheme, our representation attains state-of-the-art performance on multiple datasets in two standard benchmarks: word similarity and sense clustering. We are releasing our vector representations at http://lcl.uniroma1.it/nasari/
