33,381 research outputs found

    Wireless technologies for Controlling a Traffic Lights Prototype

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    This paper presents a traffic light control system based on wireless communication technologies. Traffic density is increasing at an alarming rate in developing countries which calls for intelligent dynamic traffic light control systems to replace the conventional manual and time based ones. The approach followed in this paper is based in a secure wireless sensor network to feed real time data to the intelligent traffic light control. A physical prototype was implemented for experimental validation. The physical prototype showed robustness against local failures or unforeseen cases showing that the communication between modules keeps an acceptable packets received ratio

    Intelligent Traffic Signal Control System Using Embedded System

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    A development of an intelligent traffic signal control (ITSC) system needed because present traffic light controllers are based on old microcontroller such as AT89C51 which has very less internal memory and no in-built ADC. These systems have limitation because they will use the predefined program that does not have the flexibility of modification on real time application. The present traffic system have fixed time interval for green and red signal which does not provide the flexibility to the system. The ITSC system consist of high-performance, low power AVR_32 microcontroller with 32kbytes of in-system programmable flash memory and in-built 8-channel, 10-bit ADC which is required to process the IR input from sensor network. The ITSC system will able to deal two basic problem of traditional traffic light system: i) Detection of traffic volume by using genetic algorithm.  ii) Emergence vehicle detection such as ambulance, police etc by using wireless sensor network (IR) embedded at the signal intersection. Keywords: Traffic Volume Estimation, Genetic Algorithm, wireless sensor network, Vehicle detection, Intelligent Traffic Signal Controller, embedded system


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    Vehicular traffic is continuously increasing around the world, especially in large urban areas. The resulting congestion has become a major concern to transportation specialists and decision makers. The existing methods for traffic management, surveillance and control are not adequately efficient in terms of performance, cost, maintenance, and support. In this paper, the design of a system that utilizes and efficiently manages traffic light controllers is presented. In particular, we present an adaptive traffic control system based on a new traffic infrastructure using Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). These techniques are dynamically adaptive to traffic conditions on both single and multiple intersections. An intelligent traffic light controller system with a new method of vehicle detection and dynamic traffic signal time manipulation is used in the project. The project is also designed to control traffic over multiple intersections and follows international standards for traffic light operations. A central monitoring station is designed to monitor all access nodes.

    Development Of Automatic Traffic Light Based On Wireless Sensor Networks With Star Topologies

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    Traffic jam at the intersection is caused by many things such as the number of vehicles that exceed the capacity of the highway, road users who do not obey the rules, or lights on a traffic light that is not in accordance with the road conditions. The government has implemented measures to control congestion solutif at a crossroads in Indonesia, especially in big cities by installing the ATCS (Automatic Traffic Control System) that regulate light traffic lights based on real time conditions crossroads. The weakness of this system still needed the operator to settings the traffic light lamp replacement and maintenance costs are expensive. Therefore, we need a system that can regulate light traffic lights adaptively based on the length of the queue of vehicles. In this project, created a system that is able to set the lights on the traffic light by the long queues of vehicles adaptively based wireless sensor networks. Data from XBee sent with a frequency of 2, 4 Ghz towards the coordinator node, the coordinator node data is then processed by a microcontroller arduino mega to compare the length of the queue between the road and determine the traffic light lights adaptively. The test results show a sensor capable of detecting the vehicle up to a distance of 175 cm, the system can detect the length of the queue as far as 56 meters, and can be changed adaptively in a ccordance long queues of vehicle


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    ABSTRAKSI: Pertumbuhan pemilikan kendaraan semakin meningkat, tanpa diimbangi oleh fasilitas pendukung lalu lintas yang baik akan menimbulkan berbagai permasalahan lalu lintas, khususnya pada persimpangan. Berdasarkan informasi dari dinas perhubungan Bandung, penentuan waktu pergantian warna lampu lalu lintas saat ini dilakukan berdasarkan estimasi jumlah kendaraan yang dilakukan setiap tahun.Dalam proyek akhir ini akan dibuat bagian pengontrol lampu lalu lintas yang merupkan bagian dari rangkaian sistem smart traffic. System ini dibagi menjadi dua blok system, blok kontrol dan blok sensor. pada proyek akhir ini hanya akan dibuat blok kontroler lampu lalu lintas saja, sedangkan blok sensor akan diselesaikan oleh sodari Milda Pangestiani. Secara garis besar tugas Blok kontrol lampu lalu lintas ini adalah mengatur nyala lampu lalu lintas pada persimpangan berdasarkan data jumlah kendaraan yang dikirim oleh sensor secara real-time. Komunikasi data antara blok kontroler dan blok sensor menggunakan komunikasi wireless point-to-point melalui modul XBee Pro S1. Penentuan waktu perubahan warna lampu lalu lintas dilakukan dengan menggunakan metoda yang telah ditetapkan oleh Dirjen Bina Marga dalam buku “Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesian (MKJI)”.Hasil akhir dari pembuatan pengatur lampu lalu lintas cerdas adalaha mengatur lalu lintas pada suatu persimpangan sesuai kondisi persimpangan dan secara real-time. Jarak maksimal peletakan sensor dengan kontroler adalah 40 meter dalam keadaan bebas hambatan. Pada keadaan padat(dengan antrian 30 kendaraan) didapatkan waktu hijau pada fase yang mempunyai ruas padat adalah 16.40 detik dan pada ruas yang sepi adalah 3.3 detik.Kata Kunci : Lampu Lalu Lintas, Smart Traffic, Real-Time. Komunikasi WirelessABSTRACT: The growing of vehicle ownership is getting increase, without support facilities offset by good traffic will cause traffic problems, especially for crossroad. Based on information from the transportation department of Bandung, the timing of traffic light’s color shift today was based on the estimated number of vehicles is carried out every year.In this Final Project will be made traffic-light controller which the part of smart traffic system. This system divided into two block, controller block and sensor block. In this Final Project will only be made blocks of traffic light controller only, whereas block of sensor will be done by Milda Pangestiani. Generally, the duty of traffic-light control block is control the traffic-light at crossroad based on the data of number of vehicle delivered by sensor in real-time. The data communication between controller block and sensor block using point-to-point wireless communication via XBee Pro S1 module. The determination of traffic light color shifting performed using methods that has been established by Directorate General Bina Marga in “Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesian (MKJI)”.The final result of the making of smart traffic light controller is control the traffic lght at the crossroad based on the condition of crossroad in real-time. Maximum distance of the sensor to the sensor is 40 meters with no obstacle. In the crowded traffic condition(30 vehicles queues) got the green time on the road that have crowd phase is 16.40 second and on quite phase is 3.3 seconds.Keyword: Traffic Light, Smart Traffic, Real-Time, Wireless Communicatio

    Not All Wireless Sensor Networks Are Created Equal: A Comparative Study On Tunnels

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are envisioned for a number of application scenarios. Nevertheless, the few in-the-field experiences typically focus on the features of a specific system, and rarely report about the characteristics of the target environment, especially w.r.t. the behavior and performance of low-power wireless communication. The TRITon project, funded by our local administration, aims to improve safety and reduce maintenance costs of road tunnels, using a WSN-based control infrastructure. The access to real tunnels within TRITon gives us the opportunity to experimentally assess the peculiarities of this environment, hitherto not investigated in the WSN field. We report about three deployments: i) an operational road tunnel, enabling us to assess the impact of vehicular traffic; ii) a non-operational tunnel, providing insights into analogous scenarios (e.g., underground mines) without vehicles; iii) a vineyard, serving as a baseline representative of the existing literature. Our setup, replicated in each deployment, uses mainstream WSN hardware, and popular MAC and routing protocols. We analyze and compare the deployments w.r.t. reliability, stability, and asymmetry of links, the accuracy of link quality estimators, and the impact of these aspects on MAC and routing layers. Our analysis shows that a number of criteria commonly used in the design of WSN protocols do not hold in tunnels. Therefore, our results are useful for designing networking solutions operating efficiently in similar environments

    Is There Light at the Ends of the Tunnel? Wireless Sensor Networks for Adaptive Lighting in Road Tunnels

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    Existing deployments of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are often conceived as stand-alone monitoring tools. In this paper, we report instead on a deployment where the WSN is a key component of a closed-loop control system for adaptive lighting in operational road tunnels. WSN nodes along the tunnel walls report light readings to a control station, which closes the loop by setting the intensity of lamps to match a legislated curve. The ability to match dynamically the lighting levels to the actual environmental conditions improves the tunnel safety and reduces its power consumption. The use of WSNs in a closed-loop system, combined with the real-world, harsh setting of operational road tunnels, induces tighter requirements on the quality and timeliness of sensed data, as well as on the reliability and lifetime of the network. In this work, we test to what extent mainstream WSN technology meets these challenges, using a dedicated design that however relies on wellestablished techniques. The paper describes the hw/sw architecture we devised by focusing on the WSN component, and analyzes its performance through experiments in a real, operational tunnel
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