292 research outputs found

    VideoAnalysis4ALL: An On-line Tool for the Automatic Fragmentation and Concept-based Annotation, and the Interactive Exploration of Videos.

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    This paper presents the VideoAnalysis4ALL tool that supports the automatic fragmentation and concept-based annotation of videos, and the exploration of the annotated video fragments through an interactive user interface. The developed web application decomposes the video into two different granularities, namely shots and scenes, and annotates each fragment by evaluating the existence of a number (several hundreds) of high-level visual concepts in the keyframes extracted from these fragments. Through the analysis the tool enables the identification and labeling of semantically coherent video fragments, while its user interfaces allow the discovery of these fragments with the help of human-interpretable concepts. The integrated state-of-the-art video analysis technologies perform very well and, by exploiting the processing capabilities of multi-thread / multi-core architectures, reduce the time required for analysis to approximately one third of the video’s duration, thus making the analysis three times faster than real-time processing

    Detecção de eventos complexos em vídeos baseada em ritmos visuais

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    Orientador: Hélio PedriniDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O reconhecimento de eventos complexos em vídeos possui várias aplicações práticas relevantes, alavancadas pela grande disponibilidade de câmeras digitais instaladas em aeroportos, estações de ônibus e trens, centros de compras, estádios, hospitais, escolas, prédios, estradas, entre vários outros locais. Avanços na tecnologia digital têm aumentado as capacidades dos sistemas em reconhecer eventos em vídeos por meio do desenvolvimento de dispositivos com alta resolução, dimensões físicas pequenas e altas taxas de amostragem. Muitos trabalhos disponíveis na literatura têm explorado o tema a partir de diferentes pontos de vista. Este trabalho apresenta e avalia uma metodologia para extrair características dos ritmos visuais no contexto de detecção de eventos em vídeos. Um ritmo visual pode ser visto com a projeção de um vídeo em uma imagem, tal que a tarefa de análise de vídeos é reduzida a um problema de análise de imagens, beneficiando-se de seu baixo custo de processamento em termos de tempo e complexidade. Para demonstrar o potencial do ritmo visual na análise de vídeos complexos, três problemas da área de visão computacional são selecionados: detecção de eventos anômalos, classificação de ações humanas e reconhecimento de gestos. No primeiro problema, um modelo e? aprendido com situações de normalidade a partir dos rastros deixados pelas pessoas ao andar, enquanto padro?es representativos das ações são extraídos nos outros dois problemas. Nossa hipo?tese e? de que vídeos similares produzem padro?es semelhantes, tal que o problema de classificação de ações pode ser reduzido a uma tarefa de classificação de imagens. Experimentos realizados em bases públicas de dados demonstram que o método proposto produz resultados promissores com baixo custo de processamento, tornando-o possível aplicar em tempo real. Embora os padro?es dos ritmos visuais sejam extrai?dos como histograma de gradientes, algumas tentativas para adicionar características do fluxo o?tico são discutidas, além de estratégias para obter ritmos visuais alternativosAbstract: The recognition of complex events in videos has currently several important applications, particularly due to the wide availability of digital cameras in environments such as airports, train and bus stations, shopping centers, stadiums, hospitals, schools, buildings, roads, among others. Moreover, advances in digital technology have enhanced the capabilities for detection of video events through the development of devices with high resolution, small physical size, and high sampling rates. Many works available in the literature have explored the subject from different perspectives. This work presents and evaluates a methodology for extracting a feature descriptor from visual rhythms of video sequences in order to address the video event detection problem. A visual rhythm can be seen as the projection of a video onto an image, such that the video analysis task can be reduced into an image analysis problem, benefiting from its low processing cost in terms of time and complexity. To demonstrate the potential of the visual rhythm in the analysis of complex videos, three computer vision problems are selected in this work: abnormal event detection, human action classification, and gesture recognition. The former problem learns a normalcy model from the traces that people leave when they walk, whereas the other two problems extract representative patterns from actions. Our hypothesis is that similar videos produce similar patterns, therefore, the action classification problem is reduced into an image classification task. Experiments conducted on well-known public datasets demonstrate that the method produces promising results at high processing rates, making it possible to work in real time. Even though the visual rhythm features are mainly extracted as histogram of gradients, some attempts for adding optical flow features are discussed, as well as strategies for obtaining alternative visual rhythmsMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computação1570507, 1406910, 1374943CAPE

    Temporal segmentation tool for high-quality real time video editing software

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    The increasing use of video editing software requires faster and more efficient editing tools. As a first step, these tools perform a temporal segmentation in shots that allows a later building of indexes describing the video content. Here, we propose a novel real-time high-quality shot detection strategy, suitable for the last generation of video editing software requiring both low computational cost and high quality results. While abrupt transitions are detected through a very fast pixel-based analysis, gradual transitions are obtained from an efficient edge-based analysis. Both analyses are reinforced with a motion analysis that helps to detect and discard false detections. This motion analysis is carried out exclusively over a reduced set of candidate transitions, thus maintaining the computational requirements demanded by new applications to fulfill user needs

    VERGE: A Multimodal Interactive Search Engine for Video Browsing and Retrieval.

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    This paper presents VERGE interactive search engine, which is capable of browsing and searching into video content. The system integrates content-based analysis and retrieval modules such as video shot segmentation, concept detection, clustering, as well as visual similarity and object-based search


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    VIDEO segmentation facilitates e±cient video indexing and navigation in large digital video archives. It is an important process in a content-based video indexing and retrieval (CBVIR) system. Many automated solutions performed seg- mentation by utilizing information about the \facts" of the video. These \facts" come in the form of labels that describe the objects which are captured by the cam- era. This type of solutions was able to achieve good and consistent results for some video genres such as news programs and informational presentations. The content format of this type of videos is generally quite standard, and automated solutions were designed to follow these format rules. For example in [1], the presence of news anchor persons was used as a cue to determine the start and end of a meaningful news segment. The same cannot be said for video genres such as movies and feature films. This is because makers of this type of videos utilized different filming techniques to design their videos in order to elicit certain affective response from their targeted audience. Humans usually perform manual video segmentation by trying to relate changes in time and locale to discontinuities in meaning [2]. As a result, viewers usually have doubts about the boundary locations of a meaningful video segment due to their different affective responses. This thesis presents an entirely new view to the problem of high level video segmentation. We developed a novel probabilistic method for affective level video content analysis and segmentation. Our method had two stages. In the first stage, a®ective content labels were assigned to video shots by means of a dynamic bayesian 0. Abstract 3 network (DBN). A novel hierarchical-coupled dynamic bayesian network (HCDBN) topology was proposed for this stage. The topology was based on the pleasure- arousal-dominance (P-A-D) model of a®ect representation [3]. In principle, this model can represent a large number of emotions. In the second stage, the visual, audio and a®ective information of the video was used to compute a statistical feature vector to represent the content of each shot. Affective level video segmentation was achieved by applying spectral clustering to the feature vectors. We evaluated the first stage of our proposal by comparing its emotion detec- tion ability with all the existing works which are related to the field of a®ective video content analysis. To evaluate the second stage, we used the time adaptive clustering (TAC) algorithm as our performance benchmark. The TAC algorithm was the best high level video segmentation method [2]. However, it is a very computationally intensive algorithm. To accelerate its computation speed, we developed a modified TAC (modTAC) algorithm which was designed to be mapped easily onto a field programmable gate array (FPGA) device. Both the TAC and modTAC algorithms were used as performance benchmarks for our proposed method. Since affective video content is a perceptual concept, the segmentation per- formance and human agreement rates were used as our evaluation criteria. To obtain our ground truth data and viewer agreement rates, a pilot panel study which was based on the work of Gross et al. [4] was conducted. Experiment results will show the feasibility of our proposed method. For the first stage of our proposal, our experiment results will show that an average improvement of as high as 38% was achieved over previous works. As for the second stage, an improvement of as high as 37% was achieved over the TAC algorithm

    Deliverable D1.4 Visual, text and audio information analysis for hypervideo, final release

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    Having extensively evaluated the performance of the technologies included in the first release of WP1 multimedia analysis tools, using content from the LinkedTV scenarios and by participating in international benchmarking activities, concrete decisions regarding the appropriateness and the importance of each individual method or combination of methods were made, which, combined with an updated list of information needs for each scenario, led to a new set of analysis requirements that had to be addressed through the release of the final set of analysis techniques of WP1. To this end, coordinated efforts on three directions, including (a) the improvement of a number of methods in terms of accuracy and time efficiency, (b) the development of new technologies and (c) the definition of synergies between methods for obtaining new types of information via multimodal processing, resulted in the final bunch of multimedia analysis methods for video hyperlinking. Moreover, the different developed analysis modules have been integrated into a web-based infrastructure, allowing the fully automatic linking of the multitude of WP1 technologies and the overall LinkedTV platform

    Video Abstracting at a Semantical Level

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    One the most common form of a video abstract is the movie trailer. Contemporary movie trailers share a common structure across genres which allows for an automatic generation and also reflects the corresponding moviea s composition. In this thesis a system for the automatic generation of trailers is presented. In addition to action trailers, the system is able to deal with further genres such as Horror and comedy trailers, which were first manually analyzed in order to identify their basic structures. To simplify the modeling of trailers and the abstract generation itself a new video abstracting application was developed. This application is capable of performing all steps of the abstract generation automatically and allows for previews and manual optimizations. Based on this system, new abstracting models for horror and comedy trailers were created and the corresponding trailers have been automatically generated using the new abstracting models. In an evaluation the automatic trailers were compared to the original Trailers and showed a similar structure. However, the automatically generated trailers still do not exhibit the full perfection of the Hollywood originals as they lack intentional storylines across shots

    A video summarisation system for post-production

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    Post-production facilities deal with large amounts of digital video, which presents difficulties when tracking, managing and searching this material. Recent research work in image and video analysis promises to offer help in these tasks, but there is a gap between what these systems can provide and what users actually need. In particular the popular research models for indexing and retrieving visual data do not fit well with how users actually work. In this thesis we explore how image and video analysis can be applied to an online video collection to assist users in reviewing and searching for material faster, rather than purporting to do it for them. We introduce a framework for automatically generating static 2-dimen- sional storyboards from video sequences. The storyboard consists of a series of frames, one for each shot in the sequence, showing the principal objects and motions of the shot. The storyboards are rendered as vector images in a familiar comic book style, allowing them to be quickly viewed and understood. The process consists of three distinct steps: shot-change detection, object segmentation, and presentation. The nature of the video material encountered in a post-production fa- cility is quite different from other material such as television programmes. Video sequences such as commercials and music videos are highly dy- namic with very short shots, rapid transitions and ambiguous edits. Video is often heavily manipulated, causing difficulties for many video processing techniques. We study the performance of a variety of published shot-change de- tection algorithms on the type of highly dynamic video typically encoun- tered in post-production work. Finding their performance disappointing, we develop a novel algorithm for detecting cuts and fades that operates directly on Motion-JPEG compressed video, exploiting the DCT coeffi- cients to save computation. The algorithm shows superior performance on highly dynamic material while performing comparably to previous algorithms on other material

    Redes neurais convolucionais de múltiplos canais para reconhecimento de ações em sequências de vídeos baseado em informações espaço-temporais

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    Orientador: Hélio PedriniDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Avanços na tecnologia digital aumentaram as capacidades de reconhecimento de eventos por meio do desenvolvimento de dispositivos com alta resolução, pequenas dimensões físicas e altas taxas de amostragem. O reconhecimento de eventos complexos em vídeos possui várias aplicações relevantes, particularmente devido à grande disponibilidade de câmeras digitais em ambientes como aeroportos, bancos, estradas, entre outros. A grande quantidade de dados produzidos é o cenário ideal para o desenvolvimento de métodos automáticos baseados em aprendizado de máquina profundo. Apesar do progresso significativo alcançado com as redes neurais profundas aplicadas a imagens, a compreensão do conteúdo de vídeos ainda enfrenta desafios na modelagem de relações espaço-temporais. Nesta dissertação, o problema do reconhecimento de ações humanas em vídeos foi investigada. Uma rede de múltiplos canais é a arquitetura de escolha para incorporar informações temporais, uma vez que se pode beneficiar de redes profundas pré-treinadas para imagens e de características tradicionais para inicialização. Além disso, seu custo de treinamento é geralmente menor do que o das redes neurais para vídeos. Imagens de ritmo visual são exploradas, pois codificam informações de longo prazo quando comparadas a quadros estáticos e fluxo ótico. Um novo método baseado em rastreamento de pontos é deesnvolvido para decidir a melhor direção do ritmo visual para cada vídeo. Além disso, redes neurais recorrentes foram treinadas a partir das características extraídas dos canais da arquitetura proposta. Experimentos conduzidos nas desafiadoras bases de dados públicas UCF101 e HMDB51 mostraram que a abordagem é capaz de melhorar o desempenho da rede, alcançando taxas de acurácia comparáveis aos métodos da literatura. Embora os ritmos visuais sejam originalmente criados a partir de imagens RGB, outros tipos de fontes e estratégias para sua criação são explorados e discutidos, tais como fluxo ótico, gradientes de imagem e histogramas de coresAbstract: Advances in digital technology have increased event recognition capabilities through the development of devices with high resolution, small physical dimensions and high sampling rates. The recognition of complex events in videos has several relevant applications, particularly due to the large availability of digital cameras in environments such as airports, banks, roads, among others. The large amount of data produced is the ideal scenario for the development of automatic methods based on deep learning. Despite the significant progress achieved through image-based deep neural networks, video content understanding still faces challenges in modeling spatio-temporal relations. In this dissertation, we address the problem of human action recognition in videos. A multi-stream network is our architecture of choice to incorporate temporal information, since it may benefit from pre-trained deep networks for images and from hand-crafted features for initialization. Furthermore, its training cost is usually lower than video-based networks. We explore visual rhythm images since they encode longer-term information when compared to still frames and optical flow. We propose a novel method based on point tracking for deciding the best visual rhythm direction for each video. In addition, we experimented with recurrent neural networks trained from the features extracted from the streams of the previous architecture. Experiments conducted on the challenging UCF101 and HMDB51 public datasets demonstrated that our approach is able to improve network performance, achieving accuracy rates comparable to the state-of-the-art methods. Even though the visual rhythms are originally created from RGB images, other types of source and strategies for their creation are explored and discussed, such as optical flow, image gradients and color histogramsMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computação1736920CAPE