2,696 research outputs found

    Women’s Philanthropy on Campus: Releasing the Energy of Women Donors and Embracing the Winds of Change

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    This handbook is designed to help college and university development leadership and staff think strategically about engaging all alumni and prospective donors in the mission of the institution. Over the last 30 years higher education institutions have experienced significant demographic changes with women becoming increasingly more visible in all facets of campus life

    Work-in-Progress Track Chairs' Welcome

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    It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the Work-in-Progress (WiP) track of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for Television and Online Video (TVX 2017). This year's WiP track continues its tradition of previous TVX conferences in soliciting recent viewpoints, new discoveries, and early-stage design and development in disciplines that are in line with TVX's areas of interest. It provides a unique opportunity for exchanging brave new ideas, receiving feedback and fostering collaborations. To further promote the dissemination of new ideas and early-stage project results, several new initiatives are introduced for the WiP track this year. We offer a Project-in-Progress special track, targeting contributions from ongoing major research initiatives including European Commission-funded or other similar-scale projects for cross-project discussions. Additionally, the WiP authors have the opportunity to present their work as a short pitch presentation at the "Madness session" in the main conference program in addition to physical posters at the conference, and importantly, have the papers included in conference adjunct proceedings indexed in ACM Digital Library. We received a total number of 17 high quality submissions (including 14 on the standard track and 3 on the Project-in-Progress track) from Europe, America and Asia across many topic areas including alternate realities, art, content production, interaction design, immersive media and media studies. Three submissions participated in the Mentoring Program for feedback and guidance from experienced researchers. Based on reviews from Associate Chairs and other expert reviewers in the field, 10 submissions have been accepted. We also selected one winner of the WiP Best Paper Award. We would like to thank the authors for providing the initial submissions and then working to prepare their camera-ready papers. We are grateful to the TVX 2017 conference Chairs and Committee members for tremendous support and behind the scenes work to prepare this track. We also would like to thank experienced researchers, who participated in the Mentoring Programme for providing invaluable guidance to the authors. We express our deep appreciation for the reviewers, who worked incredibly hard in providing feedback for authors. We hope that the WiP track will provide you with a valuable opportunity to exchange ideas with other researchers, developers, designers and artists around the world

    Feedhorn-coupled TES polarimeter camera modules at 150 GHz for CMB polarization measurements with SPTpol

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    The SPTpol camera is a dichroic polarimetric receiver at 90 and 150 GHz. Deployed in January 2012 on the South Pole Telescope (SPT), SPTpol is looking for faint polarization signals in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). The camera consists of 180 individual Transition Edge Sensor (TES) polarimeters at 90 GHz and seven 84-polarimeter camera modules (a total of 588 polarimeters) at 150 GHz. We present the design, dark characterization, and in-lab optical properties of the 150 GHz camera modules. The modules consist of photolithographed arrays of TES polarimeters coupled to silicon platelet arrays of corrugated feedhorns, both of which are fabricated at NIST-Boulder. In addition to mounting hardware and RF shielding, each module also contains a set of passive readout electronics for digital frequency-domain multiplexing. A single module, therefore, is fully functional as a miniature focal plane and can be tested independently. Across the modules tested before deployment, the detectors average a critical temperature of 478 mK, normal resistance R_N of 1.2 Ohm, unloaded saturation power of 22.5 pW, (detector-only) optical efficiency of ~ 90%, and have electrothermal time constants < 1 ms in transition.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure

    Pengendalian Lantai Pabrik dengan Load Oriented Order Release pada Lini Produksi Chair Machinery Department (Studi Kasus PT. Maitland Smith Indonesia)

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    PT. Maitland Smith Indonesia (MSI) merupakan perusahaan manufaktur dari Maitland Smith High Point, Ltd (MSHP) yang bergerak dalam bidang usaha mebel, antara lain kursi, meja, tempat tidur dan kaca. Keterlambatan pengiriman Item ke MSHP oleh MSI sering terjadi. Keterlambatan tersebut disebabkan oleh seringnya ketidaktercapaian target output per hari MSI. Dari Current State Value Stream Mapping PT.MSI, didapatkan bahwa prosentase defect terbesar (21.45%), produktivitas terendah (35.48%), efisiensi terendah (33.40 %), Work in Process (WIP) yang besar (17000 unit/week) dan waktu set up terlama terjadi pada Chair Machinery Department. Produktivitas yang rendah tersebut diakibatkan oleh inefisiensi yang terjadi di lantai produksi. Inefisiensi menunjukkan adanya aktivitas non-value added atau pemborosan (waste). Pemborosan menyebabkan waktu proses produksi semakin lama dan aliran material tidak lancar sehingga menimbulkan banyaknya WIP, serta berujung pada tidak tercapainya target produksi. Pendekatan yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi pemborosan yang terjadi dalam Chair Machinery Department adalah Lean Manufacturing. Dalam Lean Manufacturing, akan didefinisikan aktivitas-aktivitas kunci (VA, NVA, dan NNVA) yang berpengaruh terhadap sistem produksi. Kemudian di analisis akar penyebab pemborosan (failure) dan untuk mengetahui efek dan potensi penyebab permasalahan tersebut, dilakukan dengan menggunakan “Failure Mode Effect and Analysis” (FMEA). Dari hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa failure pembagian beban kerja pada lini produksi yang tidak seimbang memberikan pengaruh yang besar terhadap banyak pemborosan dan ketidaklancaran aliran material sehingga target produksi tidak tercapai. Penelitian difokuskan pada penentuan alur pengendalian produksi dan metode pembebanan untuk memperlancar aliran material serta memaksimalkan throughput. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan tiga skenario pembebanan. Dari ketiga skenario tersebut, skenario 1 merupakan skenario pembebanan terbaik karena mampu memaksimalkan throughput

    Improving reproducibility of geospatial conference papers: lessons learned from a first implementation of reproducibility reviews

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    Ponència presentada a The 15th Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing celebrat a Tromsø, Noruega, el 18 de novembre de 2020In an attempt to increase the reproducibility of contributions to a long-running and established geospatial conference series, the 23rd AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science 2020 (https://agile-online.org/conference-2020) for the first time provided guidelines on preparing reproducible papers (Nüst et al., 2020) and appointed a reproducibility committee to evaluate computational workflows of accepted papers ( https://www.agile-giscience-series.net/review_process.html). Here, the committee’s members report on the lessons learned from reviewing 23 accepted full papers and outline future plans for the conference series. In summary, six submissions were partially reproduced by reproducibility reviewers, whose reports are published openly on OSF ( https://osf.io/6k5fh/). These papers are promoted with badges on the proceedings’ website (https://agile-giss.copernicus.org/articles/1/index.html). Compared to previous years’ submissions (cf. Nüst et al. 2018), the guidelines and increased community awareness markedly improved reproducibility. However, the reproduction attempts also revealed problems, most importantly insufficient documentation. This was partly mitigated by the non-blind reproducibility review, conducted after paper acceptance, where interaction between reviewers and authors can provide the input and attention needed to increase reproducibility. However, the reviews also showed that anonymisation and public repositories, when properly documented, can enable a successful reproduction without interaction, as was the case with one manuscript. Individual and organisational challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the conference’s eventual cancellation increased the teething problems. Nevertheless, also under normal circumstances, future iterations will have to reduce the reviewer’s efforts to be sustainable, ideally by more readily executable workflows and a larger reproducibility committee. Furthermore, we discuss changes to the reproducibility review process and their challenges. Reproducibility reports could be made available to “regular” reviewers, or the reports could be considered equally for acceptance/rejection decisions. Insufficient information or invalid arguments for not disclosing material could then lead to a submission being rejected or not being sent out to peer review. Further organisational improvements are a publication of reviewers’ activities in public databases, making the guidelines mandatory, and collecting data on used tools/repositories, spent efforts, and communications. Finally, we summarise the revision of the guidelines, including their new section for reproducibility reviewers, and the status of the initiative “Reproducible Publications at AGILE Conferences” (https://reproducible-agile.github.io/initiative/), which we connect to related undertakings such as CODECHECK (Eglen et al., 2019). The AGILE Conference’s experiences may help other communities to transition towards more open and reproducible research publications

    Vital Signs, Spring 1986

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    A twenty six page newsletter created by the Boonshoft School of Medicine to document the current affairs of the school. This issue includes a variety of feature articles, alumni profiles, class notes, and more.https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/med_vital_signs/1106/thumbnail.jp
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