127,536 research outputs found

    DESAIN INTERIOR WINE AND DINE HOUSE DI YOGYAKARTA (Dengan Pendekatan Desain Klasik-Eklektik)

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    ABSTRAK Wine merupakan minuman yang sangat digandrungi oleh golongan menengah ke atas. Hal ini dapat dirasakan adanya eksekutif-eksekutif muda yang berkumpul untuk berbagi pengalaman mengenai wine. Maka dari itu diperlukan suatu tempat untuk menampung komunitas ini sekaligus mendapatkan edukasi. Di Yogyakarta sudah terdapat beberapa tempat yang menjual wine, tetapi belum ada wadah yang menampung penikmat wine. Perancangan Wine and Dine House ini sendiri memiliki tujuan agar dapat memberikan pengetahuan tentang memilih, menyimpan dan cara minum wine yang benar. Fasilitas yang direncanakan meliputi lobi, area informasi, galeri dan penjualan, restoran, bar, area penyimpanan, kantor, dan servis. Selain mendapatkan edukasi pengunjung juga mendapatkan hiburan berupa restoran untuk menikmati hidangan bertaraf internasional dengan diiringi aluman musik jazz dari piano dan sexofon dan juga digunakan untuk komunitas wine. Dapat pula sebagai tempat berkumpul dengan dilengkapi VIP area. Sesuai dengan karakter dan tempat penyimpanan wine itu sendiri, maka tema yang diusung pada perencanaan ini adalah ruang tersembunyi dengan pembawaan suasana interior seolah-olah berada langsung di gudang penyimpanan wine, sehingga pengunjung dapat merasakan interaksinya dengan wine. Unsur desain klasik-eklektik akan dipakai dalam perancangan karena dirasa paling pas sebagai tema perancangan interior ini. ABSTRACT Wine is a popular beverage among middle-up society. It can be shown by the young executives that gather together to share experiences about wine. Having it said, it is important to have a place to contain this community as well as gaining education. There are already some places in Yogyakarta that sell wine, but not accommodates for the wine connoisseur. Wine and dine house design itself has the purpose in order to provide knowledge about choosing, saving and the manner of drinking wine. The facilities planned include lobby, information area, gallery and store, restaurant, bar, storage area, office, and service. Other than gaining education, visitors also get entertainment in form of restaurant to enjoy international standard cuisine with a jazz music from a piano and saxophone as its background and it is also used for the wine community. It can also be use as a gathering place with equipped VIP area. In accordance with the character of wine itself, then the design theme refers to a hidden room with the interior atmosphere as if being directly in wine storage, so the visitors can feel their interaction with wine. Element of the design classiceclectic will be used in design because it has the most fitting theme of this interior design

    Bridging global divides with tracking and tracing technology

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    Product-tracking technology is increasingly available to big players in the value chain connecting producers to consumers, giving them new competitive advantages. Such shifts in technology don't benefit small producers, especially those in developing regions, to the same degree. This article examines the practicalities of leveling the playing field by creating a generic form of tracing technology that any producer, large or small, can use. It goes beyond considering engineering solutions to look at what happens in the context of use, reporting on work with partners in Chile and India and reflecting on the potential for impact on business and community well-being

    Colloidal stability of tannins: astringency, wine tasting and beyond

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    Tannin-tannin and tannin-protein interactions in water-ethanol solvent mixtures are studied in the context of red wine tasting. While tannin self-aggregation is relevant for visual aspect of wine tasting (limpidity and related colloidal phenomena), tannin affinities for salivary proline-rich proteins is fundamental for a wide spectrum of organoleptic properties related to astringency. Tannin-tannin interactions are analyzed in water-ethanol wine-like solvents and the precipitation map is constructed for a typical grape tannin. The interaction between tannins and human salivary proline-rich proteins (PRP) are investigated in the framework of the shell model for micellization, known for describing tannin-induced aggregation of beta-casein. Tannin-assisted micellization and compaction of proteins observed by SAXS are described quantitatively and discussed in the case of astringency

    Experimental Philosophical Aesthetics as Public Philosophy

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    Experimental philosophy offers an alternative mode of engagement for public philosophy, in which the public can play a participatory role. We organized two public events on the aesthetics of coffee that explored this alternative mode of engagement. The first event focuses on issues surrounding the communication of taste. The second event focuses on issues concerning ethical influences on taste. In this paper, we report back on these two events which explored the possibility of doing experimental philosophical aesthetics as public philosophy. We set the stage by considering the significance and current state of efforts in public philosophy, and by introducing the emerging sub-discipline of experimental philosophical aesthetics. Then, we discuss the research and outreach aspects of the two events on the aesthetics of coffee. Finally, we conclude by reflecting on the prospects and potential pitfalls of experimental philosophy as public philosophy

    Organising haute-cuisine service processes : a case study

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    One of the essential aims of service process organisation is to increase the added value for the customer, thereby increasing customer satisfaction and stimulating consumption. In a haute-cuisine context, customers typically have a higher degree of uncertainty as they often lack the experience of receiving and judging quality in a haute-cuisine setting. This article reports on the application of service process organisation in a haute-cuisine restaurant. The case study shows that there is a significant need to reduce back office activities so that interaction with the customer or customer-facing processes can be increased. This can increase the added value for the customer and can result in higher profits for the restaurants as the customer is either willing to pay higher prices or to consume more. Routines should be implemented that align with segmentation and customer data, while undergoing a retraditionalisation of the service through know-how and interaction. Only interaction with, and integration of, the customer adds significant value that can be further expanded by providing an atmosphere where customer and co-customer have the chance to interact

    Efficiency of traps in collecting selected Diptera families according to the used bait: Comparison of baits and mixtures in a field experiment

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    Traps made from PET bottles were used to assess the efficiency of four baits in terms of the number of individuals for selected Diptera families collecting in Eastern Slovak gardens in summer and autumn. Bait used in traps significantly affected the taxonomical composition of the samples obtained. Moreover, significant differences in bait efficiencies and temporal shift in bait efficiencies were confirmed for the Diptera order and for selected dipteran families. The most effective bait for baited-trap Diptera sampling was beer, followed by wine, meat, and syrup from the summer sampling season. In the autumn sampling season, the wine was most effective, followed by beer, syrup, and meat. For the family Scatopsidae wine, and for the family Platystomatidae, meat were the most effective baits. Drosophilidae were most attracted to beer in summer and to wine bait in autumn

    Alternative model-building for the study of socially interactive robots

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    In this discussion paper, we consider the potential merits of applying an alternative approach to model building (Empirical Modelling, also known as EM) in studying social aspects of human-robot interaction (HRI). The first section of the paper considers issues in modelling for HRI. The second introduces EM principles, outlining their potential application to modelling for HRI and its implications. The final section examines the prospects for applying EM to HRI from a practical perspective with reference to a simple case study and to existing models

    Environmental attitudes towards wine tourism

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    Wine tourism marketers frequently seek new ways to promote destinations, often executing ecologically sustainable practices. As consumer environmental knowledge of a wine tourism destination increases, consumer attitudes change, influencing perceptions of the environmental policies of a wine region. In this consumer-driven economy, it is therefore important to search for effective ways to market destinations, and one approach is selective marketing. By focusing on consumers in this manner, it is possible to understand better their concerns and motivations, which should aid in marketing and advertising efforts. This study investigated wine consumers environmental concerns and attitudes about wine regions. Results suggest environmental attitudes differed by demographics regarding the impact of wine tourism, providing ideas on further marketing efforts for those involved in wine tourism

    Vague space - The experience of wine and architecture

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    Cultural architecture is a physical of manifestation to the culture. Space is a strong way to show this manifestation, because spatial experience relates intimately with one’s mood. A good spatial experience is able to empathize with the activity occuring within the space. I chose the architecture competition for a Wine Culture Centre as my thesis topic, because I see that the experience of drinking wine that can be expressed through the architecture. I use the design of the Wine Culture Centre to demonstrate my design method and attitude towards the relationship between space and activity. I began the project by visiting the site and conducting research into the site and surrounding context. Two thousand years ago, humans began to plant grapes and make wine in Verona and today Verona continues to be one of the world’s most prolific regions for viticulture. A new wine culture centre will rebuilt around an existing winery. Within this culture center, the memory of wine and the culture of wine exist in the place all the time. Wine culture centre materializes the experience of wine into physical material. Furthermore, context, rituality and vague atmosphere are some common features in both wine and architecture and will be explored in this project. The terroir of wine shows how wine captures its context of making wine, tasting wine conveys rituality, vague atmosphere happens during drinking wine when we begin to feel a little drunk, all these similarities are transformed and applied in the spatial atmosphere and organization of the building. Moreover, natural elements are important to utilize in architectural emotion. Sunlight, rain and land are presented in architecture to evoke a connection to nature. The interaction between natural elements and architectural space allows nature to be easily experienced. In the project, I focus on the experience of visitor in the wine culture centre and the design aims to create architectural manifesto to experience of wine and terroir in Verona
