933 research outputs found

    Engineering Approaches for Improving Cortical Interfacing and Algorithms for the Evaluation of Treatment Resistant Epilepsy

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    abstract: Epilepsy is a group of disorders that cause seizures in approximately 2.2 million people in the United States. Over 30% of these patients have epilepsies that do not respond to treatment with anti-epileptic drugs. For this population, focal resection surgery could offer long-term seizure freedom. Surgery candidates undergo a myriad of tests and monitoring to determine where and when seizures occur. The “gold standard” method for focus identification involves the placement of electrocorticography (ECoG) grids in the sub-dural space, followed by continual monitoring and visual inspection of the patient’s cortical activity. This process, however, is highly subjective and uses dated technology. Multiple studies were performed to investigate how the evaluation process could benefit from an algorithmic adjust using current ECoG technology, and how the use of new microECoG technology could further improve the process. Computational algorithms can quickly and objectively find signal characteristics that may not be detectable with visual inspection, but many assume the data are stationary and/or linear, which biological data are not. An empirical mode decomposition (EMD) based algorithm was developed to detect potential seizures and tested on data collected from eight patients undergoing monitoring for focal resection surgery. EMD does not require linearity or stationarity and is data driven. The results suggest that a biological data driven algorithm could serve as a useful tool to objectively identify changes in cortical activity associated with seizures. Next, the use of microECoG technology was investigated. Though both ECoG and microECoG grids are composed of electrodes resting on the surface of the cortex, changing the diameter of the electrodes creates non-trivial changes in the physics of the electrode-tissue interface that need to be accounted for. Experimenting with different recording configurations showed that proper grounding, referencing, and amplification are critical to obtain high quality neural signals from microECoG grids. Finally, the relationship between data collected from the cortical surface with micro and macro electrodes was studied. Simultaneous recordings of the two electrode types showed differences in power spectra that suggest the inclusion of activity, possibly from deep structures, by macroelectrodes that is not accessible by microelectrodes.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Bioengineering 201

    Resting-state Connectivity Dynamics in the Human Brain using High-speed fMRI

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    Resting-state fMRI using seed-based connectivity analysis (SCA) typically involves regression of the confounding signals resulting from movement and physiological noise sources. This not only adds additional complexity to the analysis but may also introduce possible regression bias. We recently introduced a computationally efficient real-time SCA approach without confound regression, which employs sliding-window correlation analysis with running mean and standard deviation (meta-statistics). The present study characterizes the confound tolerance of this windowed seed-based connectivity analysis (wSCA), which combines efficient decorrelation of confounding signal events with high-pass filter characteristics that reduce sensitivity to drifts. The confound suppression and the strength of resting-state network (RSN) connectivity were characterized for a range of confounding signal profiles as a function of sliding-window width and scan duration, using simulation and in vivo data. The connectivity strength in six resting-state networks (RSNs) and artifactual connectivity in white matter were compared between wSCA and conventional regression-based SCA (cSCA). The wSCA approach demonstrated scalable confound suppression that increased with decreasing sliding-window width and increasing scan duration in both simulations and in vivo. The confound suppression for sliding-window widths ≤ 15 s was comparable to that of cSCA. Twenty-eight RSNs that were previously reported in a group-ICA study were detected in real-time at scan durations as short as 30 s and with sliding-window widths as short as 4 s. The inter- and intra- network connectivity dynamics of the 28 resting-state networks were studied in real-time and self-repeating connectivity patterns were identified. The wSCA is further investigated offline to study the strength and temporal fluctuations in connectivity using 28 single-region seeds and 28 multi-region seed clusters to measure inter-regional connectivity (IRC) in 140 functional brain regions and inter-network connectivity (INC) among the hubs of 28 RSNs. Multi-region seed IRC maps displayed smaller temporal fluctuations and stronger resting-state connectivity compared with single-region seed IRC maps. Dual thresholding of the meta-statistics maps demonstrated higher spatio-temporal IRC stability in auditory, sensorimotor, and visual cortices compared to other brain regions. The group averaged INC matrices for single-region seeds were consistent with the functional network connectivity matrices (FNCMs) presented in the aforementioned group-ICA study. Furthermore, we extended the mapping of functional connectivity to the whole-brain connectivity fingerprints. In combination with novel brain parcellation methods and advanced machine learning algorithms, wSCA can aid in studying the spatial and temporal connectivity dynamics of the resting-state connectivity. The robust confound tolerance, high temporal resolution, and compatibility with real-time high-speed fMRI, make this approach suitable for monitoring data quality, neurofeedback, and clinical research studies involving disease related changes in functional connectomics

    Fluctuations in instantaneous frequency predict alpha amplitude during visual perception.

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    Rhythmic neural activity in the alpha band (8-13 Hz) is thought to have an important role in the selective processing of visual information. Typically, modulations in alpha amplitude and instantaneous frequency are thought to reflect independent mechanisms impacting dissociable aspects of visual information processing. However, in complex systems with interacting oscillators such as the brain, amplitude and frequency are mathematically dependent. Here, we record electroencephalography in human subjects and show that both alpha amplitude and instantaneous frequency predict behavioral performance in the same visual discrimination task. Consistent with a model of coupled oscillators, we show that fluctuations in instantaneous frequency predict alpha amplitude on a single trial basis, empirically demonstrating that these metrics are not independent. This interdependence suggests that changes in amplitude and instantaneous frequency reflect a common change in the excitatory and inhibitory neural activity that regulates alpha oscillations and visual information processing

    A continuum model for the dynamics of the phase transition from slow-wave sleep to REM sleep

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    Previous studies have shown that activated cortical states (awake and rapid eye-movement (REM) sleep), are associated with increased cholinergic input into the cerebral cortex. However, the mechanisms that underlie the detailed dynamics of the cortical transition from slow-wave to REM sleep have not been quantitatively modeled. How does the sequence of abrupt changes in the cortical dynamics (as detected in the electrocorticogram) result from the more gradual change in subcortical cholinergic input? We compare the output from a continuum model of cortical neuronal dynamics with experimentally-derived rat electrocorticogram data. The output from the computer model was consistent with experimental observations. In slow-wave sleep, 0.5–2-Hz oscillations arise from the cortex jumping between “up” and “down” states on the stationary-state manifold. As cholinergic input increases, the upper state undergoes a bifurcation to an 8-Hz oscillation. The coexistence of both oscillations is similar to that found in the intermediate stage of sleep of the rat. Further cholinergic input moves the trajectory to a point where the lower part of the manifold in not available, and thus the slow oscillation abruptly ceases (REM sleep). The model provides a natural basis to explain neuromodulator-induced changes in cortical activity, and indicates that a cortical phase change, rather than a brainstem “flip-flop”, may describe the transition from slow-wave sleep to REM

    EEG signal classification using wavelet feature extraction and neural networks

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    Decision support systems have been utilised since 1960, providing physicians with fast and accurate means towards more accurate diagnoses and increased tolerance when handling missing or incomplete data. This paper describes the application of neural network models for classification of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. Decision making was performed in two stages: initially, a feature extraction scheme using the wavelet transform (WT) has been applied and then a learning-based algorithm classifier performed the classification. The performance of the neural model was evaluated in terms of training performance and classification accuracies and the results confirmed that the proposed scheme has potential in classifying the EEG signals

    Brain Music : Sistema generativo para la creación de música simbólica a partir de respuestas neuronales afectivas

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    gráficas, tablasEsta tesis de maestría presenta una metodología de aprendizaje profundo multimodal innovadora que fusiona un modelo de clasificación de emociones con un generador musical, con el propósito de crear música a partir de señales de electroencefalografía, profundizando así en la interconexión entre emociones y música. Los resultados alcanzan tres objetivos específicos: Primero, ya que el rendimiento de los sistemas interfaz cerebro-computadora varía considerablemente entre diferentes sujetos, se introduce un enfoque basado en la transferencia de conocimiento entre sujetos para mejorar el rendimiento de individuos con dificultades en sistemas de interfaz cerebro-computadora basados en el paradigma de imaginación motora. Este enfoque combina datos de EEG etiquetados con datos estructurados, como cuestionarios psicológicos, mediante un método de "Kernel Matching CKA". Utilizamos una red neuronal profunda (Deep&Wide) para la clasificación de la imaginación motora. Los resultados destacan su potencial para mejorar las habilidades motoras en interfaces cerebro-computadora. Segundo, proponemos una técnica innovadora llamada "Labeled Correlation Alignment"(LCA) para sonificar respuestas neurales a estímulos representados en datos no estructurados, como música afectiva. Esto genera características musicales basadas en la actividad cerebral inducida por las emociones. LCA aborda la variabilidad entre sujetos y dentro de sujetos mediante el análisis de correlación, lo que permite la creación de envolventes acústicos y la distinción entre diferente información sonora. Esto convierte a LCA en una herramienta prometedora para interpretar la actividad neuronal y su reacción a estímulos auditivos. Finalmente, en otro capítulo, desarrollamos una metodología de aprendizaje profundo de extremo a extremo para generar contenido musical MIDI (datos simbólicos) a partir de señales de actividad cerebral inducidas por música con etiquetas afectivas. Esta metodología abarca el preprocesamiento de datos, el entrenamiento de modelos de extracción de características y un proceso de emparejamiento de características mediante Deep Centered Kernel Alignment, lo que permite la generación de música a partir de señales EEG. En conjunto, estos logros representan avances significativos en la comprensión de la relación entre emociones y música, así como en la aplicación de la inteligencia artificial en la generación musical a partir de señales cerebrales. Ofrecen nuevas perspectivas y herramientas para la creación musical y la investigación en neurociencia emocional. Para llevar a cabo nuestros experimentos, utilizamos bases de datos públicas como GigaScience, Affective Music Listening y Deap Dataset (Texto tomado de la fuente)This master’s thesis presents an innovative multimodal deep learning methodology that combines an emotion classification model with a music generator, aimed at creating music from electroencephalography (EEG) signals, thus delving into the interplay between emotions and music. The results achieve three specific objectives: First, since the performance of brain-computer interface systems varies significantly among different subjects, an approach based on knowledge transfer among subjects is introduced to enhance the performance of individuals facing challenges in motor imagery-based brain-computer interface systems. This approach combines labeled EEG data with structured information, such as psychological questionnaires, through a "Kernel Matching CKA"method. We employ a deep neural network (Deep&Wide) for motor imagery classification. The results underscore its potential to enhance motor skills in brain-computer interfaces. Second, we propose an innovative technique called "Labeled Correlation Alignment"(LCA) to sonify neural responses to stimuli represented in unstructured data, such as affective music. This generates musical features based on emotion-induced brain activity. LCA addresses variability among subjects and within subjects through correlation analysis, enabling the creation of acoustic envelopes and the distinction of different sound information. This makes LCA a promising tool for interpreting neural activity and its response to auditory stimuli. Finally, in another chapter, we develop an end-to-end deep learning methodology for generating MIDI music content (symbolic data) from EEG signals induced by affectively labeled music. This methodology encompasses data preprocessing, feature extraction model training, and a feature matching process using Deep Centered Kernel Alignment, enabling music generation from EEG signals. Together, these achievements represent significant advances in understanding the relationship between emotions and music, as well as in the application of artificial intelligence in musical generation from brain signals. They offer new perspectives and tools for musical creation and research in emotional neuroscience. To conduct our experiments, we utilized public databases such as GigaScience, Affective Music Listening and Deap DatasetMaestríaMagíster en Ingeniería - Automatización IndustrialInvestigación en Aprendizaje Profundo y señales BiológicasEléctrica, Electrónica, Automatización Y Telecomunicaciones.Sede Manizale


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    Neuroscience is a highly multidisciplinary and rapidly evolving research field. An important recent challenge of this discipline is the investigation of the so-called connectome. According to its original meaning, connectome is the map of the all brain neural connections. In this framework, the cognitive processes are not seen as localized in specific loci, but stored and processed in a distributed manner. Connectome aims to map and under-stand the organization of neural interactions trying, at the same time, to explain the role of functional units within the brain system. In particular, one of the most difficult and un-solved tasks in neuroscience is the identification of the areas, connections or brain func-tions that are called neuronal correlates of consciousness (NCCs). In this thesis the neural activity was explored by analysing human brain signals ac-quired during medical procedure. Signals from patients with drug resistant epilepsy were acquired by means of electrodes placed deep in the cortex (intracranial electroencephalog-raphy, EEG-iEEG), positioned in order to localize the epileptogenic focus. The technique, called stereotactic EEG (SEEG), guided and flanked by detailed 3D images, also pro-vides for periodical intracranial single-pulse electrical stimulation (SPES) to highlight are-as of interest. The continuous recording of the EEG activity took place for several days, and signals were grouped in two datasets: one acquired during wakefulness (WAKE) and the other one during the Non-Rapid Eye Movement sleep (NREM), stage 3. The signals were processed by means of two methods based on a multivariate auto-regressive model (MVAR). The first method was DTF (Directed Transfer Function), that is an estimator of the information flow between structures, depending on the signal fre-quency; it is able to describe which structure influences another. The second one was ADTF (Adaptive DTF) that permits to study the time-variant signal features, capturing their temporal dynamics. In addition to these connectivity analysis, feature extraction and classification techniques have been employed. The main aim of the dissertation is to evaluate methods and carry out analyses useful to distinguish between conscious and unconscious states, corresponding to WAKE and NREM respectively, studying at the same time the brain connectivity in response to Single Pulse Electrical Stimulation in intracranial EEG data. Massimini\u2019s group (Department of Biomedical and Clinical sciences \u201cL. Sacco\u201d, Uni-versit\ue0 degli Studi di Milano) revealed a different behavior for signals from the two states, WAKE and NREM: they noted a reactivation of the signal around 300 ms after the system perturbation in WAKE and, in contrast, a period of neural silence (down-state) in NREM condition. A hypothesis about the origin of the reactivation phenomenon is a feedback activity, i.e. the result of the activity from the rest of the network. In the thesis, the ADTF method was chosen to shed light on the down-state effect, paying attention to a defined temporal slice of data. The analysis was completed by the application of the DTF procedure, that was chosen to compare the two consciousness states and underline their differences in the frame of network connectivity. The analysis carried out lead to the following results: \uf0a7 Indication of useful combinations of features and techniques able to distinguish the states of interest \uf0a7 Observations of neural connection changes over frequency and time consider-ing causal relationships \uf0a7 Comparison of connectivity results using different re-referencing styles \uf0a7 Endorsement of the anatomical-functional importance of some channels corre-sponding to specialized brain areas. As conclusion of the analysis it was possible to identify a series of anatomical-functional brain features useful to discriminate the two mentioned states, therefore to speculate on the possibility to differentiate conscious and unconscious states with computational tools

    MERLiN: Mixture Effect Recovery in Linear Networks

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    Causal inference concerns the identification of cause-effect relationships between variables, e.g. establishing whether a stimulus affects activity in a certain brain region. The observed variables themselves often do not constitute meaningful causal variables, however, and linear combinations need to be considered. In electroencephalographic studies, for example, one is not interested in establishing cause-effect relationships between electrode signals (the observed variables), but rather between cortical signals (the causal variables) which can be recovered as linear combinations of electrode signals. We introduce MERLiN (Mixture Effect Recovery in Linear Networks), a family of causal inference algorithms that implement a novel means of constructing causal variables from non-causal variables. We demonstrate through application to EEG data how the basic MERLiN algorithm can be extended for application to different (neuroimaging) data modalities. Given an observed linear mixture, the algorithms can recover a causal variable that is a linear effect of another given variable. That is, MERLiN allows us to recover a cortical signal that is affected by activity in a certain brain region, while not being a direct effect of the stimulus. The Python/Matlab implementation for all presented algorithms is available on https://github.com/sweichwald/MERLi