67,054 research outputs found

    Wind Power Prediction with Machine Learning Methods in Complex Terrain Areas

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    The increasing amount of intermittant wind energy sources connected to the power grid present several challenges in balancing the power network. Accurate prediction of wind power production is identified as one of the most important measures for balancing the power network while maintaining a sustainable integration of wind power in the power grid. However, the volatile nature of wind makes wind power forecasting a complicated task, and it is known that the performance of already established wind power prediction models decreases for wind farms in complex terrain sites. This thesis aims to forecast the future wind power output for five different wind farms in Northern Norway using methods from statistics and machine learning. The wind farm sites are generally characterized as complex terrain areas with good wind resources. Four different prediction models are developed for short to medium-term, multi- step prediction of wind power, ranging from traditional statistical models such as the arimax process to complex machine learning models. Additionally, two of the models are implemented both using the recursive and the direct multi- step forecasting technique. For each wind farm, the models are evaluated for an entire year and utilize multivariate input data with variables from a nwp model. The results of the experiments varied greatly across all locations. It was seen that the implemented models were outperformed by the persistence model for short forecasting horizons. However, when the forecasting horizon increased, several models showed a lower error than the persistence model

    Wind power predictions from nowcasts to 4-hour forecasts: a learning approach with variable selection

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    We study the prediction of short term wind speed and wind power (every 10 minutes up to 4 hours ahead). Accurate forecasts for those quantities are crucial to mitigate the negative effects of wind farms' intermittent production on energy systems and markets. For those time scales, outputs of numerical weather prediction models are usually overlooked even though they should provide valuable information on higher scales dynamics. In this work, we combine those outputs with local observations using machine learning. So as to make the results usable for practitioners, we focus on simple and well known methods which can handle a high volume of data. We study first variable selection through two simple techniques, a linear one and a nonlinear one. Then we exploit those results to forecast wind speed and wind power still with an emphasis on linear models versus nonlinear ones. For the wind power prediction, we also compare the indirect approach (wind speed predictions passed through a power curve) and the indirect one (directly predict wind power)

    Calibration of wind speed ensemble forecasts for power generation

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    In the last decades wind power became the second largest energy source in the EU covering 16% of its electricity demand. However, due to its volatility, accurate short range wind power predictions are required for successful integration of wind energy into the electrical grid. Accurate predictions of wind power require accurate hub height wind speed forecasts, where the state of the art method is the probabilistic approach based on ensemble forecasts obtained from multiple runs of numerical weather prediction models. Nonetheless, ensemble forecasts are often uncalibrated and might also be biased, thus require some form of post-processing to improve their predictive performance. We propose a novel flexible machine learning approach for calibrating wind speed ensemble forecasts, which results in a truncated normal predictive distribution. In a case study based on 100m wind speed forecasts produced by the operational ensemble prediction system of the Hungarian Meteorological Service, the forecast skill of this method is compared with the predictive performance of three different ensemble model output statistics approaches and the raw ensemble forecasts. We show that compared with the raw ensemble, post-processing always improves the calibration of probabilistic and accuracy of point forecasts and from the four competing methods the novel machine learning based approach results in the best overall performance.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    The value of interpretable machine learning in wind power prediction : an emperical study using shapley addidative explanations to interpret a complex wind power prediction model

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    The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate if interpretable machine learning provides valuable insight into TrønderEnergi’s wind power prediction models. As we will see, interpretable machine learning provides explanations at different levels. The main objective is therefore answered by dividing the analysis into three different sections based on the scope of explanations. The sections are global, local, and grouped explanations. Global explanations seek to interpret the whole model at once, local explanations aim to explain individual observations and the grouped explanations aims to uncover observations with similar explanation structure. To quantify these explanations, we use Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP). This approach takes a complex machine learning model and estimates a separate explanation model from which each feature´s marginal contribution to the predicted output is estimated. The global analysis shows that wind speed is the biggest contributor to the prediction, while wind direction contributes to a lower degree. However, wind direction SHAP-dependence plot shows why wind direction is an important feature in wind power predictions. When including wind direction as a feature, random forest seems to take speed-up effects and wake effects into account. In the local explanations we examine the observation with the highest prediction error and the one with highest imbalance cost. Inaccurate wind speed forecasts seem to be the cause of the observation´s large prediction error. An underestimation of the real production and a large spread between the spot price and RK-price seems to be the main contributor to the observation with highest imbalance cost. In the cluster analysis, we see that when Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models predict different wind speeds for the same observation, the model tends to perform worse in terms of RMSE. Observations where NWP-models all predict either high or low wind speeds for the same observation, performs significantly better, with less than half as low RMSE. We also discuss how these three explanation frameworks can be used to gain business benefits. We find that there are many potential benefits but some of the more prominent are legal, control and trust.nhhma

    Optimal prediction intervals of wind power generation

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    Accurate and reliable wind power forecasting is essential to power system operation. Given significant uncertainties involved in wind generation, probabilistic interval forecasting provides a unique solution to estimate and quantify the potential impacts and risks facing system operation with wind penetration beforehand. This paper proposes a novel hybrid intelligent algorithm approach to directly formulate optimal prediction intervals of wind power generation based on extreme learning machine and particle swarm optimization. Prediction intervals with associated confidence levels are generated through direct optimization of both the coverage probability and sharpness to ensure the quality. The proposed method does not involve the statistical inference or distribution assumption of forecasting errors needed in most existing methods. Case studies using real wind farm data from Australia have been conducted. Comparing with benchmarks applied, experimental results demonstrate the high efficiency and reliability of the developed approach. It is therefore convinced that the proposed method provides a new generalized framework for probabilistic wind power forecasting with high reliability and flexibility and has a high potential of practical applications in power systems

    Machine Learning Modeling of Horizontal Photovoltaics Using Weather and Location Data

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    Solar energy is a key renewable energy source; however, its intermittent nature and potential for use in distributed systems make power prediction an important aspect of grid integration. This research analyzed a variety of machine learning techniques to predict power output for horizontal solar panels using 14 months of data collected from 12 northern-hemisphere locations. We performed our data collection and analysis in the absence of irradiation data—an approach not commonly found in prior literature. Using latitude, month, hour, ambient temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed, and cloud ceiling as independent variables, a distributed random forest regression algorithm modeled the combined dataset with an R2 value of 0.94. As a comparative measure, other machine learning algorithms resulted in R2 values of 0.50–0.94. Additionally, the data from each location was modeled separately with R2 values ranging from 0.91 to 0.97, indicating a range of consistency across all sites. Using an input variable permutation approach with the random forest algorithm, we found that the three most important variables for power prediction were ambient temperature, humidity, and cloud ceiling. The analysis showed that machine learning potentially allowed for accurate power prediction while avoiding the challenges associated with modeled irradiation data

    Wind power output prediction: a comparative study of extreme learning machine

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    This study aims to propose a wind power prediction method that achieves high accuracy in order to minimize the impact of wind power on the power system and reduce scheduling difficulties in systems incorporating wind power. The importance of developing renewable energy has been recognized by society due to the increasing severity of the energy crisis. Wind energy offers advantages such as efficiency, cleanliness, and ease of development. However, the random nature of wind energy poses challenges to power systems and complicates the scheduling process. Therefore, accurate wind power prediction is of utmost importance. A wind power prediction model was constructed based on an improved tunicate swarm algorithm–extreme learning machine (ITSA-ELM). The improved tunicate swarm algorithm (ITSA) optimizes the random parameters of extreme learning machine (ELM), resulting in the best prediction performance. ITSA is an enhancement of the tunicate swarm algorithm (TSA), which introduces a reverse learning mechanism, a non-linear self-learning factor, and a Cauchy mutation strategy to address the drawbacks of poor convergence and susceptibility to local optima in TSA. Two different scenarios were used to verify the effectiveness of ITSA-ELM. The results showed that ITSA-ELM has a decrease of 1.20% and 21.67% in MAPE, compared with TSA-ELM, in May and December, respectively. This study has significant implications for promoting the development of renewable energy and reducing scheduling difficulties in power systems

    Probabilistic forecasting of wind power generation using extreme learning machine.

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    Accurate and reliable forecast of wind power is essential to power system operation and control. However, due to the nonstationarity of wind power series, traditional point forecasting can hardly be accurate, leading to increased uncertainties and risks for system operation. This paper proposes an extreme learning machine (ELM)-based probabilistic forecasting method for wind power generation. To account for the uncertainties in the forecasting results, several bootstrap methods have been compared for modeling the regression uncertainty, based on which the pairs bootstrap method is identified with the best performance. Consequently, a new method for prediction intervals formulation based on the ELM and the pairs bootstrap is developed. Wind power forecasting has been conducted in different seasons using the proposed approach with the historical wind power time series as the inputs alone. The results demonstrate that the proposed method is effective for probabilistic forecasting of wind power generation with a high potential for practical applications in power systems

    Spatio-temporal estimation of wind speed and wind power using machine learning: predictions, uncertainty and technical potential

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    The growth of wind generation capacities in the past decades has shown that wind energy can contribute to the energy transition in many parts of the world. Being highly variable and complex to model, the quantification of the spatio-temporal variation of wind power and the related uncertainty is highly relevant for energy planners. Machine Learning has become a popular tool to perform wind-speed and power predictions. However, the existing approaches have several limitations. These include (i) insufficient consideration of spatio-temporal correlations in wind-speed data, (ii) a lack of existing methodologies to quantify the uncertainty of wind speed prediction and its propagation to the wind-power estimation, and (iii) a focus on less than hourly frequencies. To overcome these limitations, we introduce a framework to reconstruct a spatio-temporal field on a regular grid from irregularly distributed wind-speed measurements. After decomposing data into temporally referenced basis functions and their corresponding spatially distributed coefficients, the latter are spatially modelled using Extreme Learning Machines. Estimates of both model and prediction uncertainties, and of their propagation after the transformation of wind speed into wind power, are then provided without any assumptions on distribution patterns of the data. The methodology is applied to the study of hourly wind power potential on a grid of 250 by 250 squared meters for turbines of 100 meters hub height in Switzerland, generating the first dataset of its type for the country. The potential wind power generation is combined with the available area for wind turbine installations to yield an estimate of the technical potential for wind power in Switzerland. The wind power estimate presented here represents an important input for planners to support the design of future energy systems with increased wind power generation.Comment: 45 pages, 21 figures. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2022