8 research outputs found

    Using Word2Vec recommendation for improved purchase prediction

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    Reseñas online de los booktubers: el efecto de la credibilidad y satisfacción en la intención de compra de literatura juvenil

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    La era digital está en una evolución progresiva, por ese motivo es que muchas actividades que antes se realizaban de manera tradicional, se han digitalizado. Como el caso de las reseñas de productos, en este caso de literatura juvenil promocionada por los booktubers, reseñas que dependen de variables como la credibilidad o satisfacción para influir en la intención de compra del consumidor. Estas variables otorgan a las personas la experiencia en línea deseada para poder crearse una opinión de un producto y/o servicio, y con ello aumentar la posibilidad de que el consumidor recomiende las reseñas a más personas. Por esa razón, se desarrolló una investigación acerca de los efectos que tienen la credibilidad y la satisfacción de las reseñas en línea en la intención de compra de la literatura juvenil. En el presente trabajo se utilizó una encuesta en línea enviada a 400 consumidores, en la que se usó la escala de Likert como herramienta de medición.The digital age is in a progressive evolution, for this reason it is that many activities that were previously carried out in a traditional way, have been digitized. As in the case of product reviews, in this case youth literature promoted by booktubers, reviews that depend on variables such as credibility or satisfaction to influence the consumer's purchase intention. These variables give people the desired online experience to be able to create an opinion of a product and/or service, and thereby increase the possibility that the consumer will recommend the reviews to more people. For that reason, research on the effects of credibility and satisfaction of online reviews on the purchase intention of children's literature was demonstrated. In the present work, an online survey sent to 400 consumers was obtained, in which the Likert scale was used as a measurement tool.Trabajo de investigació

    Predicción en línea del abandono de carrito de compras de un cliente en el sitio web de un e-commerce con técnicas de machine learning

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    Construye un sistema predictor que emplee modelos predictivos para predecir el abandono del carrito de compras, esto es, predecir “n” minutos después de que el cliente entró a la página web del e-commerce, si el cliente realizará o no la compra de sus productos. El abandono del carrito de compras es un problema muy común que genera pérdidas potenciales a los e-commerce, quienes hoy en día son la nueva forma de comercio. En esta investigación se propone el uso de 3 técnicas de Machine Learning: Extreme Gradient Boosting Machine, AdaBoost y Bagging; para la predicción del abandono de carrito de compras de forma online en la página web de un e-commerce dedicado a la venta de libros, prediciendo la intención del cliente antes que termine su sesión. Para ello, el sistema predictor implementa las técnicas mencionadas y predice el abandono o no del carrito a través de un proceso de votación de los predictores, siendo el resultado final del sistema lo que la mayoría de predictores decida. El sistema es implementado a manera de un servicio web para que la página web pueda consultar la predicción en tiempo real y brinde oportunidad a la empresa de realizar acciones de marketing que convenza al cliente de no abandonar y efectuar la compra de sus productos. Finalmente basándose en la métrica de recall se compara los resultados obtenidos de cada uno de los modelos predictivos contra los resultados obtenidos por el sistema de predicción online, obteniendo el sistema un valor de 0.9443 mejor que los resultados obtenidos por los modelos

    Considering temporal aspects in recommender systems: a survey

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    Under embargo until: 2023-07-04The widespread use of temporal aspects in user modeling indicates their importance, and their consideration showed to be highly effective in various domains related to user modeling, especially in recommender systems. Still, past and ongoing research, spread over several decades, provided multiple ad-hoc solutions, but no common understanding of the issue. There is no standardization and there is often little commonality in considering temporal aspects in different applications. This may ultimately lead to the problem that application developers define ad-hoc solutions for their problems at hand, sometimes missing or neglecting aspects that proved to be effective in similar cases. Therefore, a comprehensive survey of the consideration of temporal aspects in recommender systems is required. In this work, we provide an overview of various time-related aspects, categorize existing research, present a temporal abstraction and point to gaps that require future research. We anticipate this survey will become a reference point for researchers and practitioners alike when considering the potential application of temporal aspects in their personalized applications.acceptedVersio

    Designing for Optimum Experiences in Online Retail: The Impact of Website Design on Flow in Online Retail Environments

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    Online shopping is increasingly popular and is expected to grow significantly. The buying of retail items online now forms a vital part of the retail economy (ONS, 2018). Online sales have seen a steady increase since 2008 with 18% of total retail sales occurring online in 2019 (ONS, 2019). The rise in store closures together with the growth in online sales has led to an increased interest in understanding consumer behaviour in online retail (PWC, ONS 2019). Over the last two decades, both retailers and consumers have become increasingly experience orientated. The provision of a memorable customer experience in online retail is seen as a competitive advantage from a service delivery perspective; due to its impact on desirable customer outcomes. However, there is limited research exploring a comprehensive set of website design features that contribute to an optimum online experience that impacts customer outcomes such as satisfaction and intention to purchase. The thesis provides an intellectual understanding of the facilitation of a memorable customer experience online by understanding the impact of website design elements on the overall customer experience in online retail. Understanding how to design websites for optimum customer experience can afford retailers a strong competitive advantage. Further to understand customer outcomes, the research explores the role of flow experience which addresses the cognitive involvement of the customer. The relationship between website design features, flow experience and customer outcomes is examined. Online retailers are increasingly focusing on providing an exceptional customer experience as a key characteristic of the service delivery system. Flow offers a distinctive approach to explore customer experience and can be described as a state of optimum experience. Research indicates that customers who achieve flow are acutely immersed in the online environment. Acute involvement in the navigation process, for example, results in immersion within the online system. Successful experiences are assumed to have a significant impact on customer outcomes. These include purchase decisions, loyalty and an affinity with a retailer. This, therefore, provides opportunities for strategic differentiation. Website design is one of the significant factors that contribute to e-commerce success; building intuitive and engaging websites is crucial for online retailers as it generates a positive experience which 2 leads to more online buying, customer satisfaction and loyalty. This research examines whether customers who achieve flow due to their interaction with specific website design attributes during their online shopping experience are more likely to leave satisfied and exhibit intention to purchase

    The advertising effects of connected television and digital out of home media : a field experiment

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    Television advertising has traditionally been used by marketers to reach mass audiences, but linear TV viewership is in decline as viewer attention moves toward emerging digital media. This fragmentation of audiences poses a challenge for marketing practitioners, who must learn which alternative media should be used in marketing plans to reach desired consumers. The aim of this research is to provide insights to marketing practitioners exploring new ways to communicate with fragmented audiences due to decreased linear TV viewership. The integrated marketing communications (IMC) paradigm presents one approach to exploring the individual and combined effects of media activated in an advertising campaign. However, there is limited information about the advertising effects of emerging media. As such, connected TV (CTV) and digital out of home (DOOH) have been selected to test the effectiveness of two emerging media. A critical literature review develops a conceptual model in accordance with the IMC paradigm and formulates six hypotheses to test the direct effect of attitude toward media on attitudinal outcomes of attitude toward the ad and brand opinion, and consumer decision outcomes of brand awareness, brand consideration, purchase intent and ad recall. In accordance with a positivist ontology, a field experiment is run for goodr, a nascent sports sunglasses brand seeking to add media beyond search and social media advertising to reach new customers. Using a GDPR-compliant mobile-based survey platform, a panel of 400 consumers is divided into four treatment groups of 100 people each: unexposed, exposed to CTV only, exposed to DOOH only and exposed to both CTV and DOOH. Linear and logistic regression analyses are used to assess the correlation between attitude to media and the dependent variables. Statistically significant positive relationships are identified for most hypotheses and Hayes Process analyses show statistically significant indirect relationships with attitude toward the ad as the mediator variable. Despite the supported hypotheses, the results demonstrate the challenge of measuring IMC activity given that evidence of media synergies is inconclusive. However, for a new business seeking to grow market share, the results show CTV and DOOH are effective and should be considered for media plans. The research provides a foundation for future research by identifying the need to consider a laboratory element in the methodology and use a video-based DOOH creative treatment to compare the medium with CTV more equally