23 research outputs found

    Knowledge Flow in Online Communities: A Study of the Relationship Between Knowledge Complexity, Online Collaboration, and Knowledge Flow

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    Prior research establishes useful theory on knowledge flow, knowledge complexity, and collaboration in organizations. However, blogs, wikis, and discussion forums support collaboration and knowledge flow in a new realm, distributed work settings, where participants rarely if ever enjoy face-toface contact. This research will investigate the unique features of online communities that facilitate knowledge flow. Specifically, we will look at the interaction of knowledge complexity and collaboration in knowledge flow in online communities and help provide guidance for researchers in designing online communities for more efficient knowledge transfer

    A Review of Social Media Use in EnterprisesA Review of Social Media Use in EnterprisesA Review of Social Media Use in Enterprises A Review of Social Media Use in EnterprisesA Review of Social Media Use in EnterprisesA Review of Social Media Use in EnterprisesA Review of Social Media Use in Enterprises A Review of Social Media Use in Enterprises A Review of Social Media Use in Enterprises A Review of Social Media Use in EnterprisesA Review of Social Media Use in Enterprises A Review of Social Media Use in Enterprises A Review of Social Media Use in Enterprises A Review of Social Media Use in Enterprises A

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    Social media use in organizations is proliferating and it has been proved to have huge transformative impact on organizations and on individuals. This paper provides a review of researches involving social media use in enterprises. Definition and content of enterprise social media are identified. The necessary complimentary organizational tasks in using social media technologies are discussed. Theoretical and practical implications are addressed

    Web 2.0 and micro-businesses: An exploratory investigation

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    This is the author's final version of the article. This article is (c) Emerald Group Publishing and permission has been granted for this version to appear here. Emerald does not grant permission for this article to be further copied/distributed or hosted elsewhere without the express permission from Emerald Group Publishing Limited.This article was chosen as a Highly Commended Award Winner at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013.Purpose – The paper aims to report on an exploratory study into how small businesses use Web 2.0 information and communication technologies (ICT) to work collaboratively with other small businesses. The study had two aims: to investigate the benefits available from the use of Web 2.0 in small business collaborations, and to characterize the different types of such online collaborations. Design/methodology/approach – The research uses a qualitative case study methodology based on semi-structured interviews with the owner-managers of 12 UK-based small companies in the business services sector who are early adopters of Web 2.0 technologies. Findings – Benefits from the use of Web 2.0 are categorized as lifestyle benefits, internal operational efficiency, enhanced capability, external communications and enhanced service offerings. A 2×2 framework is developed to categorize small business collaborations using the dimensions of the basis for inter-organizational collaboration (control vs cooperation) and the level of Web 2.0 ICT use (simple vs sophisticated). Research limitations/implications – A small number of firms of similar size, sector and location were studied, which limits generalizability. Nonetheless, the results offer a pointer to the likely future use of Web 2.0 tools by other small businesses. Practical implications – The research provides evidence of the attraction and potential of Web 2.0 for collaborations between small businesses. Originality/value – The paper is one of the first to report on use of Web 2.0 ICT in collaborative working between small businesses. It will be of interest to those seeking a better understanding of the potential of Web 2.0 in the small business community.WestFocu

    Las wikis como apoyo para analizar y producir textos científico-técnicos de los estudiantes a distancia del grado en estudios ingleses

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    This paper describes the evolution that a subject such as InglĂ©s para Fines AcadĂ©micos y Profesionales II: Textos CientĂ­fico-TĂ©cnicos (IPAII) / English for Science and Technology has experienced to improve the quality of its teaching, characterised by the promotion of collaborative work among the students and the critical reading of bibliographic references recommended during the course. Due to its nature, with no face-to-face tutorials and based on the analysis and writing of short pieces of EST texts, the teaching team devised the idea of creating a shared space in the form of a wiki so that all students had access to the same working texts. The announcement of the closure of Wikispaces in July 2018 has obliged the teaching team to think about other alternatives for collaborative work without affecting the instructions provided in the course guide. Although some of the most useful features -such as delving into the history of changes for later analysis- have been lost with the modifications carried on during the year 2017-18, others such as the debate on specific topics arisen from the analysis of the texts have been reinforced.Este artĂ­culo describe la evoluciĂłn que ha experimentado una asignatura como InglĂ©s para Fines AcadĂ©micos y Profesionales II: Textos cientĂ­fico-tĂ©cnicos (IPAII) con el fin de mejorar la calidad de su enseñanza, caracterizada por fomentar el trabajo colaborativo y la lectua crĂ­tica de las lecturas propuestas entre su estudiantes a lo largo de todo el curso. Dada la naturaleza de esta asignatura, sin tutorĂ­a presenciales y basada en el anĂĄlisis y producciĂłn de textos cortos, el profesorado acordĂł la creaciĂłn de un espacio comĂșn en forma de wiki donde de modo que todos los estudiantes pudieran acceder a los mismos textos. El anuncio de la clausura de Wikispaces en julio de 2018 obligĂł al equipo docente a pensar en otras posibles alternativas para continuar con el trabajo colaborativo sin interferir con las instrucciones que aparecĂ­an en la guĂ­a didĂĄctica del curso. A pesar de que algunas de las caracterĂ­sticas mĂĄs interesantes de la wiki – como la de indagar en el histĂłrico para detectar la autorĂ­a de todas las modificaciones del texto- se han perdido en el año 2017-18-, otras, como las de debatir sobre temas especĂ­ficos, se han visto favorecidas, quizĂĄ por utilizar sĂłlo un espacio en lugar de dos

    How to promote effectiveness in terms of time in networking processes

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    Because time is present in all learning activities it is important to consider how to optimize it. This is even more important in e-learning given the virtual student profile, most of them adults who do not have time. A tool that seems to favor time management is the wiki. The aim of this article is to analyze how the wiki can favor efficiency in networking processes. The general context is the "ICT skills" course by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Starting from a qualitative methodology, the paper analyzes how students working in small groups carry out a virtual project through a wiki. In terms of encouraging effectiveness by using a wiki in a networking context, data show that it is important to consider three elements: the time required to learn how the tool works, organizing the process and optimizing usage of the tool. The paper provides some key elements along these lines

    Towards Assessing the Success of Social Software in Corporate Environments

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    Induced by the widespread use of social software in personal contexts, companies wish to profit from its advantages. Owing to limited IT budgets and the need to justify investments in such systems, it is important to assess the benefits of employing social software in the corporate context. In this paper, we propose conceptual models for assessing the success of two specific types of social software: wikis and weblogs. These conceptual models are based on the DeLone and McLean IS Success Model as well as on an extensive review of social software literature. The two resulting models form the foundation for future empirical work in this area

    Competitive Advantages Through it Innovation Adoption by Smes

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    Purpose—This paper seeks to explain the impact of IT innovation on competitive advantage; the barriers and the benefits companies gain from adopting and using these innovations and propose a model with which it is possible to measure determinants of IT innovation adoption among SMEs.Design/methodology/approach—This paper presents conceptual consideration on the role of SMEs in the Malaysian economy and the effect of government policy in encouraging companies to adopt IT innovation. The proposed research framework will be empirically validated using survey data. This study is an ongoing research, in the existing stage a theoretical argument is developed and methodology is in the process of being tested through regression analysis.Findings—Conclusions are drawn on the status of Malaysian SMEs to adopt IT innovation. We added attitude and self-efficacy to the Innovation Diffusion Theory to suit it to the individual situation. Therefore a novel approach is needed in order to study and understand it.Research limitations/implications—The paper represents work in progress.Practical implications – This paper present the theoretical framework for further study of IT innovation adoption among Malaysia SMEs.Originality/Value—The Information Technology concept is considered a powerful competitive weapon in the modern economy. This study used Innovation Diffusion Theory as the base theory, and added attitude and self efficacy as determinants to measure the individual’s perception toward innovation adoption. Individual self-efficacy and attitude toward innovation adoption shape beliefs and perceptions toward innovation, leading them to adopt or reject an innovation. Adding these factors to Innovation Diffusion Theory will narrow the breadth of the theory and possibilities to frame a single study which allows examination of the individual and technological dimension toward technology adoption.Keywords: IT innovation adoption, competitive advantage, Innovation Diffusion Theory, SMEs, Malaysia.Research type: conceptual paper

    The adoption of web 2.0 technology in Malaysian retail-chain businesses

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    Motivation for this research derives from recognition that “Web 2.0” technology is being introduced and increased numbers of users. However, very little academic research has been done in reference to the phenomenon and its implications for Malaysian retail-chain businesses. This study attempts to answer three research questions; namely (1) What are the Web 2.0 technologies currently adopted by Malaysian retail-chain businesses? (2) What are the factors that influence Malaysian retail-chain businesses toward Web 2.0 technologies adoption? and (3) What are Malaysian retail-chain businesses perceptions towards Web 2.0 technologies? The research objectives are: (1) To identify the Web 2.0 technologies currently adopted by Malaysian retail-chain businesses, (2) To identify the factors that are likely to influence the Malaysian retail-chain businesses adoption of Web 2.0 technologies, and (3) To examine Malaysian retail-chain businesses perceived importance and satisfaction towards Web 2.0 technologies currently adopted. A theoretical framework for the organizational Web 2.0 adoption was built by reviewing the literature on information systems adoption and attitude towards behaviour. Based on the literature review, variables contexts such as perceived benefits, technology, organization, and environment were identified to predict the Malaysian retail-chain adoption of Web 2.0. Using a survey method, data were collected from 185 respondents in Malaysia. The data was analysed to test on eleven hypotheses. A research framework was proposed and tested using factor analysis, multiple regression analysis and Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) grid techniques. Results showed that eight factors from the four contexts were found to play important role in the adoption of Web 2.0 except technology security, inter-organizational collaboration and organizational readiness. Lastly, this study provides empirical evidence that it is important to examine the organizations perception of importance and satisfaction toward different Web 2.0 technologies

    EvaluaciĂłn de la wiki como herramienta de trabajo colaborativo en la docencia universitaria

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    La herramienta wiki se estå consolidando como una herramienta de trabajo colaborativo y colectivo que tiene su måxima expresión en el desarrollo de la wikipedia. La herramienta wiki consiste en una pågina virtual para la escritura colaborativa, en la cual cada una de las personas que participa puede ir añadiendo y cambiando los contenidos de la pågina. Esta herramienta permite recoger el proceso de construcción del texto, visualizando las formas de trabajo de los estudiantes, guardando un historial de las diferentes versiones y las aportaciones realizadas por cada participante. El uso de esta herramienta pone de manifiesto que la interacción e interdependencia en la creación colectiva necesita de diferentes elementos de soporte a fin de que la deseada interacción se produzca. Entre los aspectos a incidir resaltan la necesidad de reconocer y dar valor al trabajo del otro, al mismo tiempo que se desarrolla una concepción compartida de la autoría que ofrece la suficiente seguridad para modificar el trabajo que otra persona ha realizado. Esta herramienta virtual ha sido implementada en varias asignaturas de la Licenciatura de Psicología de la UAB -como por ejemplo "Psicología Social de la Comunicación", "Pråcticum interno" o "Pråcticas de Psicología Social: Cultura y conocimiento", mediante una plataforma virtual de trabajo hecha con Moodle. Los docentes diseñaron los espacios virtuales a partir de los objetivos del programa de las asignaturas y cada uno de los grupos de trabajo tuvo su propia pågina para el desarrollo del trabajo a lo largo del semestre. Ademås, se han implementado espacios presenciales de seguimiento de las tareas de los estudiantes. En este capítulo se describe el proceso seguido, poniendo como ejemplo algunas de estas asignaturas. Se describen las diferentes opciones implementadas, se muestran los hitos conseguidos en el uso de esta herramienta y se reflexiona sobre las implicaciones de su uso para los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje realizadosThe wiki tool is being developed as a tool for collaborative work and has its maximum expression in the development of wikipedia. The tool consists of a page for virtual collaborative writing, in which each person involved may add and change content of the page. This tool enables the construction of the text, displaying the forms of students' work, keeping a record of the different versions and contributions made by each participant. The use of this tool shows that the interaction and interdependence in the collective creation needs a support in order to happen. Among the aspects to influence stress the need to recognize and give value to the work of others, while developing a shared conception of authorship that offers enough security to change the work that someone else has done. This virtual tool has been implemented in several teaching projects of the degree in psychology at UAB as, for example "Social Communication", "Internal Practicum" or "Social Psychology Practices: Culture and knowledge", through a virtual platform for work done with Moodle. Teachers designed virtual spaces from the program objectives and created a wiki page for each subject and each working group in order to develop their work throughout the semester. In addition, spaces have been implemented to face the tasks of monitoring the students. This chapter describes the process, drawing from examples of these projects. It describes the different options implemented which were the milestones achieved in using this tool and reflects on its implications for teaching and learning processes undertake