1,091 research outputs found

    Investigations of closed source registration method of depth sensor technologies for human-robot collaboration

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    Productive teaming is the new form of human-robot interaction. The multimodal 3D imaging has a key role in this to gain a more comprehensive understanding of production system as well as to enable trustful collaboration from the teams. For a complete scene capture, the registration of the image modalities is required. Currently, low-cost RGB-D sensors are often used. These come with a closed source registration function. In order to have an efficient and freely available method for any sensors, we have developed a new method, called Triangle-Mesh-Rasterization-Projection (TMRP). To verify the performance of our method, we compare it with the closed-source projection function of the Azure Kinect Sensor (Microsoft). The qualitative comparison showed that both methods produce almost identical results. Minimal differences at the edges indicate that our TMRP interpolation is more accurate. With our method, a freely available open-source registration method is now available that can be applied to almost any multimodal 3D/2D image dataset and is not like the Microsoft SDK optimized for Microsoft products

    Towards a High Quality Real-Time Graphics Pipeline

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    Modern graphics hardware pipelines create photorealistic images with high geometric complexity in real time. The quality is constantly improving and advanced techniques from feature film visual effects, such as high dynamic range images and support for higher-order surface primitives, have recently been adopted. Visual effect techniques have large computational costs and significant memory bandwidth usage. In this thesis, we identify three problem areas and propose new algorithms that increase the performance of a set of computer graphics techniques. Our main focus is on efficient algorithms for the real-time graphics pipeline, but parts of our research are equally applicable to offline rendering. Our first focus is texture compression, which is a technique to reduce the memory bandwidth usage. The core idea is to store images in small compressed blocks which are sent over the memory bus and are decompressed on-the-fly when accessed. We present compression algorithms for two types of texture formats. High dynamic range images capture environment lighting with luminance differences over a wide intensity range. Normal maps store perturbation vectors for local surface normals, and give the illusion of high geometric surface detail. Our compression formats are tailored to these texture types and have compression ratios of 6:1, high visual fidelity, and low-cost decompression logic. Our second focus is tessellation culling. Culling is a commonly used technique in computer graphics for removing work that does not contribute to the final image, such as completely hidden geometry. By discarding rendering primitives from further processing, substantial arithmetic computations and memory bandwidth can be saved. Modern graphics processing units include flexible tessellation stages, where rendering primitives are subdivided for increased geometric detail. Images with highly detailed models can be synthesized, but the incurred cost is significant. We have devised a simple remapping technique that allowsfor better tessellation distribution in screen space. Furthermore, we present programmable tessellation culling, where bounding volumes for displaced geometry are computed and used to conservatively test if a primitive can be discarded before tessellation. We introduce a general tessellation culling framework, and an optimized algorithm for rendering of displaced Bézier patches, which is expected to be a common use case for graphics hardware tessellation. Our third and final focus is forward-looking, and relates to efficient algorithms for stochastic rasterization, a rendering technique where camera effects such as depth of field and motion blur can be faithfully simulated. We extend a graphics pipeline with stochastic rasterization in spatio-temporal space and show that stochastic motion blur can be rendered with rather modest pipeline modifications. Furthermore, backface culling algorithms for motion blur and depth of field rendering are presented, which are directly applicable to stochastic rasterization. Hopefully, our work in this field brings us closer to high quality real-time stochastic rendering

    3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering

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    Radiance Field methods have recently revolutionized novel-view synthesis of scenes captured with multiple photos or videos. However, achieving high visual quality still requires neural networks that are costly to train and render, while recent faster methods inevitably trade off speed for quality. For unbounded and complete scenes (rather than isolated objects) and 1080p resolution rendering, no current method can achieve real-time display rates. We introduce three key elements that allow us to achieve state-of-the-art visual quality while maintaining competitive training times and importantly allow high-quality real-time (>= 30 fps) novel-view synthesis at 1080p resolution. First, starting from sparse points produced during camera calibration, we represent the scene with 3D Gaussians that preserve desirable properties of continuous volumetric radiance fields for scene optimization while avoiding unnecessary computation in empty space; Second, we perform interleaved optimization/density control of the 3D Gaussians, notably optimizing anisotropic covariance to achieve an accurate representation of the scene; Third, we develop a fast visibility-aware rendering algorithm that supports anisotropic splatting and both accelerates training and allows realtime rendering. We demonstrate state-of-the-art visual quality and real-time rendering on several established datasets.Comment: https://repo-sam.inria.fr/fungraph/3d-gaussian-splatting

    Online Mapping and Perception Algorithms for Multi-robot Teams Operating in Urban Environments.

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    This thesis investigates some of the sensing and perception challenges faced by multi-robot teams equipped with LIDAR and camera sensors. Multi-robot teams are ideal for deployment in large, real-world environments due to their ability to parallelize exploration, reconnaissance or mapping tasks. However, such domains also impose additional requirements, including the need for a) online algorithms (to eliminate stopping and waiting for processing to finish before proceeding) and b) scalability (to handle data from many robots distributed over a large area). These general requirements give rise to specific algorithmic challenges, including 1) online maintenance of large, coherent maps covering the explored area, 2) online estimation of communication properties in the presence of buildings and other interfering structure, and 3) online fusion and segmentation of multiple sensors to aid in object detection. The contribution of this thesis is the introduction of novel approaches that leverage grid-maps and sparse multi-variate gaussian inference to augment the capability of multi-robot teams operating in urban, indoor-outdoor environments by improving the state of the art of map rasterization, signal strength prediction, colored point cloud segmentation, and reliable camera calibration. In particular, we introduce a map rasterization technique for large LIDAR-based occupancy grids that makes online updates possible when data is arriving from many robots at once. We also introduce new online techniques for robots to predict the signal strength to their teammates by combining LIDAR measurements with signal strength measurements from their radios. Processing fused LIDAR+camera point clouds is also important for many object-detection pipelines. We demonstrate a near linear-time online segmentation algorithm to this domain. However, maintaining the calibration of a fleet of 14 robots made this approach difficult to employ in practice. Therefore we introduced a robust and repeatable camera calibration process that grounds the camera model uncertainty in pixel error, allowing the system to guide novices and experts alike to reliably produce accurate calibrations.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113516/1/jhstrom_1.pd

    Visualization and inspection of the geometry of particle packings

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    Gegenstand dieser Dissertation ist die Entwicklung von effizienten Verfahren zur Visualisierung und Inspektion der Geometrie von Partikelmischungen. Um das Verhalten der Simulation für die Partikelmischung besser zu verstehen und zu überwachen, sollten nicht nur die Partikel selbst, sondern auch spezielle von den Partikeln gebildete Bereiche, die den Simulationsfortschritt und die räumliche Verteilung von Hotspots anzeigen können, visualisiert werden können. Dies sollte auch bei großen Packungen mit Millionen von Partikeln zumindest mit einer interaktiven Darstellungsgeschwindigkeit möglich sein. . Da die Simulation auf der Grafikkarte (GPU) durchgeführt wird, sollten die Visualisierungstechniken die Daten des GPU-Speichers vollständig nutzen. Um die Qualität von trockenen Partikelmischungen wie Beton zu verbessern, wurde der Korngrößenverteilung große Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet, die die Raumfüllungsrate hauptsächlich beeinflusst und daher zwei der wichtigsten Eigenschaften des Betons bestimmt: die strukturelle Robustheit und die Haltbarkeit. Anhand der Korngrößenverteilung kann die Raumfüllungsrate durch Computersimulationen bestimmt werden, die analytischen Ansätzen in der Praxis wegen der breiten Größenverteilung der Partikel oft überlegen sind. Eine der weit verbreiteten Simulationsmethoden ist das Collective Rearrangement, bei dem die Partikel zunächst an zufälligen Positionen innerhalb eines Behälters platziert werden. Später werden Überlappungen zwischen Partikeln aufgelöst, indem überlappende Partikel voneinander weggedrückt werden. Durch geschickte Anpassung der Behältergröße während der Simulation, kann die Collective Rearrangement-Methode am Ende eine ziemlich dichte Partikelpackung generieren. Es ist jedoch sehr schwierig, den gesamten Simulationsprozess ohne ein interaktives Visualisierungstool zu optimieren oder dort Fehler zu finden. Ausgehend von der etablierten rasterisierungsbasierten Methode zum Darstellen einer großen Menge von Kugeln, bietet diese Dissertation zunächst schnelle und pixelgenaue Methoden zur neuartigen Visualisierung der Überlappungen und Freiräume zwischen kugelförmigen Partikeln innerhalb eines Behälters.. Die auf Rasterisierung basierenden Verfahren funktionieren gut für kleinere Partikelpackungen bis ca. eine Million Kugeln. Bei größeren Packungen entstehen Probleme durch die lineare Laufzeit und den Speicherverbrauch. Zur Lösung dieses Problems werden neue Methoden mit Hilfe von Raytracing zusammen mit zwei neuen Arten von Bounding-Volume-Hierarchien (BVHs) bereitgestellt. Diese können den Raytracing-Prozess deutlich beschleunigen --- die erste kann die vorhandene Datenstruktur für die Simulation wiederverwenden und die zweite ist speichereffizienter. Beide BVHs nutzen die Idee des Loose Octree und sind die ersten ihrer Art, die die Größe von Primitiven für interaktives Raytracing mit häufig aktualisierten Beschleunigungsdatenstrukturen berücksichtigen. Darüber hinaus können die Visualisierungstechniken in dieser Dissertation auch angepasst werden, um Eigenschaften wie das Volumen bestimmter Bereiche zu berechnen. All diese Visualisierungstechniken werden dann auf den Fall nicht-sphärischer Partikel erweitert, bei denen ein nicht-sphärisches Partikel durch ein starres System von Kugeln angenähert wird, um die vorhandene kugelbasierte Simulation wiederverwenden zu können. Dazu wird auch eine neue GPU-basierte Methode zum effizienten Füllen eines nicht-kugelförmigen Partikels mit polydispersen überlappenden Kugeln vorgestellt, so dass ein Partikel mit weniger Kugeln gefüllt werden kann, ohne die Raumfüllungsrate zu beeinträchtigen. Dies erleichtert sowohl die Simulation als auch die Visualisierung. Basierend auf den Arbeiten in dieser Dissertation können ausgefeiltere Algorithmen entwickelt werden, um großskalige nicht-sphärische Partikelmischungen effizienter zu visualisieren. Weiterhin kann in Zukunft Hardware-Raytracing neuerer Grafikkarten anstelle des in dieser Dissertation eingesetzten Software-Raytracing verwendet werden. Die neuen Techniken können auch als Grundlage für die interaktive Visualisierung anderer partikelbasierter Simulationen verwendet werden, bei denen spezielle Bereiche wie Freiräume oder Überlappungen zwischen Partikeln relevant sind.The aim of this dissertation is to find efficient techniques for visualizing and inspecting the geometry of particle packings. Simulations of such packings are used e.g. in material sciences to predict properties of granular materials. To better understand and supervise the behavior of these simulations, not only the particles themselves but also special areas formed by the particles that can show the progress of the simulation and spatial distribution of hot spots, should be visualized. This should be possible with a frame rate that allows interaction even for large scale packings with millions of particles. Moreover, given the simulation is conducted in the GPU, the visualization techniques should take full use of the data in the GPU memory. To improve the performance of granular materials like concrete, considerable attention has been paid to the particle size distribution, which is the main determinant for the space filling rate and therefore affects two of the most important properties of the concrete: the structural robustness and the durability. Given the particle size distribution, the space filling rate can be determined by computer simulations, which are often superior to analytical approaches due to irregularities of particles and the wide range of size distribution in practice. One of the widely adopted simulation methods is the collective rearrangement, for which particles are first placed at random positions inside a container, later overlaps between particles will be resolved by letting overlapped particles push away from each other to fill empty space in the container. By cleverly adjusting the size of the container according to the process of the simulation, the collective rearrangement method could get a pretty dense particle packing in the end. However, it is very hard to fine-tune or debug the whole simulation process without an interactive visualization tool. Starting from the well-established rasterization-based method to render spheres, this dissertation first provides new fast and pixel-accurate methods to visualize the overlaps and free spaces between spherical particles inside a container. The rasterization-based techniques perform well for small scale particle packings but deteriorate for large scale packings due to the large memory requirements that are hard to be approximated correctly in advance. To address this problem, new methods based on ray tracing are provided along with two new kinds of bounding volume hierarchies (BVHs) to accelerate the ray tracing process --- the first one can reuse the existing data structure for simulation and the second one is more memory efficient. Both BVHs utilize the idea of loose octree and are the first of their kind to consider the size of primitives for interactive ray tracing with frequently updated acceleration structures. Moreover, the visualization techniques provided in this dissertation can also be adjusted to calculate properties such as volumes of the specific areas. All these visualization techniques are then extended to non-spherical particles, where a non-spherical particle is approximated by a rigid system of spheres to reuse the existing simulation. To this end a new GPU-based method is presented to fill a non-spherical particle with polydisperse possibly overlapping spheres efficiently, so that a particle can be filled with fewer spheres without sacrificing the space filling rate. This eases both simulation and visualization. Based on approaches presented in this dissertation, more sophisticated algorithms can be developed to visualize large scale non-spherical particle mixtures more efficiently. Besides, one can try to exploit the hardware ray tracing of more recent graphic cards instead of maintaining the software ray tracing as in this dissertation. The new techniques can also become the basis for interactively visualizing other particle-based simulations, where special areas such as free space or overlaps between particles are of interest

    Towards a filmic look and feel in real time computer graphics

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    Film footage has a distinct look and feel that audience can instantly recognize, making its replication desirable for computer generated graphics. This thesis presents methods capable of replicating significant portions of the film look and feel while being able to fit within the constraints imposed by real-time computer generated graphics on consumer hardware