12,960 research outputs found

    The history of WiMAX: a complete survey of the evolution in certification and standarization for IEEE 802.16 and WiMAX

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    Most researchers are familiar with the technical features of WiMAX technology but the evolution that WiMAX went through, in terms of standardization and certification, is missing and unknown to most people. Knowledge of this historical process would however aid to understand how WiMAX has become the widespread technology that it is today. Furthermore, it would give insight in the steps to undertake for anyone aiming at introducing a new wireless technology on a worldwide scale. Therefore, this article presents a survey on all relevant activities that took place within three important organizations: the 802.16 Working Group of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) for technology development and standardization, the WiMAX Forum for product certification and the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) for international recognition. An elaborated and comprehensive overview of all those activities is given, which reveals the importance of the willingness to innovate and to continuously incorporate new ideas in the IEEE standardization process and the importance of the WiMAX Forum certification label granting process to ensure interoperability. We also emphasize the steps that were taken in cooperating with the ITU to improve the international esteem of the technology. Finally, a WiMAX trend analysis is made. We showed how industry interest has fluctuated over time and quantified the evolution in WiMAX product certification and deployments. It is shown that most interest went to the 2.5 GHz and 3.5GHz frequencies, that most deployments are in geographic regions with a lot of developing countries and that the highest people coverage is achieved in Asia Pacific. This elaborated description of all standardization and certification activities, from the very start up to now, will make the reader comprehend how past and future steps are taken in the development process of new WiMAX features

    Interpretation of IEEE 802.16e (WiMAX)

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    The development of 802.16 standards for Broadband Wireless Access technologies was motivated by the rapidly growing need for high-speed, ubiquitous and cost-effective access. The limitations of conventional Broadband wireless access have been overcome with the scalable features of WiMAX. The aim of this paper is to analyse all compulsory features of the WiMAX OFDM physical layer specified in IEEE 802.16e. This paper gives an overview about the WiMAX standard and studies the performance of a WiMAX transmitter and receiver. This is done in order to study the WiMAX network practically. WiMAX network is implemented and analysed in great detail with the help of simulation results. Simulation is performed in the Matlab simulink

    An identity aware wimax personalization for pervasive computing services

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    Mobile Internet access is becoming more and more pervasive in the new 4G scenarios, where WiMAX is to play a crucial role. WiMax has advantages when considering both energy consumption and bandwidth, when compared with HSDPA and LTE. However, we have found some limitations in IEEE 802.16 security support, which may limit authentication and authorization mechanisms for ubiquitous service development. In this article we analyze weaknesses and vulnerabilities we have found in WiMAX security. WiMax, with the adequate identity management support, could be invaluable for developing new pervasive computing services. We propose the introduction of identity management in WiMAX, as a pervious step to the definition of identity aware WiMax personalization of pervasive computing servicesProyecto CCG10-UC3M/TIC-4992 de la Comunidad AutĂłnoma de Madrid y la Universidad Carlos III de Madri

    Desain Band Pass Filter untuk Jaringan WiMAX 3.5 GHz

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    The development of Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) today, not only the connections that are needed, but also speed internet access and large capacity. One of the BWA technology is currently used in IEEE 802.16d WiMAX standard. IEEE 802.16d WiMAX standard using a frequency of 3.5 GHz. Indonesian satellite using the same frequency with the frequency of WiMAX. To avoid interference between WiMAX and satellite receivers need to filter WiMAX. Band pass filter is present as a solution to overcome the problem of interference between WiMAX and Satellite. In this final report discusses the design of bandstop filter circuit consisting of components - namely passive components, inductors and capacitors. Responses were used in this design is the Chebyshev response for Chebyshev response can result in a high degree of steepness of the passband to stopband
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