31,513 research outputs found

    The context and content related determinants of professional social networking site usage – A perceived value perspective

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    Previous studies of organisational or recreational use of social networking sites (SNSs) are unable to fully explain a setting where work and play aspects combine, as in the case of professional SNS. This thesis aims at complementing the current research on SNS usage determinants by including the parallel roles of individual and professional self in using a professional SNS, a topic still academically sparse. This thesis applies the perceived value concept as a multidimensional determinant of SNS usage. Previous research has confirmed the relevance of perceived value in studying SNS continuance. In this study, perceived value is framed using context-content and individual-professional value scales for explaining the continuous usage of professional SNS. Theory on perceived consumption value (individual self) is complemented with social capital theory and the concept of resource pooling (professional self). Data from LinkedIn usage is then collected from users of different professional life stage. The research model and hypotheses are tested using PLS-SEM method. The key findings of this study both complement and confirm previous SNS research. First, the results indicate that the bridging social capital is a major contextual determinant of professional SNS usage whereas bonding social capital bears no clear significance. This is opposing to what previous literature on recreational SNS has claimed. Second, the hedonic value seems to be a stronger determinant of professional SNS usage than utilitarian value – something not expected in the case of professional service, but parallel to what has been found on recreational SNS. The perceived value approach brings a new perspective to SNS research and the robust empirical results verify the applicability of the individual-professional as well as the context-content scale of perceived value. The framework also shows substantial predictive capability which demonstrates its relevance for subsequent research

    Innovate Magazine / Annual Review 2009-2010

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    The Impact of Gamification on Employee Engagement in a Complex System of Human Resource Management Processes

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusPromocijas darba mērķis ir izpētīt spēļošanu kā rīku, ko izmanto personālvadības procesu kompleksā sistēmā, un tās potenciālu ietekmēt augstāku darbinieku iesaisti šajos procesos, kā arī izstrādāt rekomendācijas spēļotu un iesaisti veicinošu personālvadības procesu dizainam. Pētījums piedāvā hipotēzi, ka, ņemot vērā spēļu vides augsti iesaistošo raksturu, darbinieku iesaiste dažādos personālvadības procesos tiek pozitīvi ietekmēta, izmantojot spēļu elementus, kas veicina izmērāmu šo procesu rādītāju paaugstināšanos. Darba zinātniskā novitāte izpaužas spēļošanas definīcijā ar fokusu uz personālvadības procesiem, kā arī pienesumā vadībzinātņu teorijas attīstībai: izstrādāts 10-soļu modelis iesaisti veicinošai personālvadības procesu spēļošanai. Darba ietvaros izstrādātā metodoloģija spēļošanas ietekmes izpētei uz darbinieku iesaisti var tikt izmantota gan viena uzņēmuma vai uzņēmumu grupas ietvaros, gan pārrobežu pētījumiemThe aim of this study is to explore gamification as a tool used within a complex system of human resource management processes and its potential to achieve higher employee engagement with these processes, as well as to develop recommendations for gamified and engagement-positive design of the said processes. Hypothesis defended throughout the thesis argues that given highly engaging character of the game environment employee engagement with various human resource management processes can be positively influenced through the application of game elements, thus promoting improvement of the process indicators. Scientific novelty of the doctoral thesis lies in developed gamification definition with a focus on human resource management processes, as well as in contribution to the management theory development: thesis offers 10-steps model for the engagement positive gamification of human resource management processes. Methodology for research of the impact of gamification on employee engagement can be used within any business enterprise or group of enterprises, as well as for the crossborder research

    Now Hiring: Exploring Deportee Transnational Identities and Socio-Economic Reintegration in Baja California, Mexico’s Call Center Industry

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    The anti-immigrant rhetoric in the U.S. intensified deportation, including that of Mexican and Salvadorian migrants with some having served in the U.S. military. Despite weak social connections and explicit/structural barriers in Mexico, many deportees make the decision to stay in Mexico. The focus of this thesis is male deportees belonging to the “1.5 generation,” aged late 20’s-early 60’s, who, after spending their childhood and adulthood in the U.S., have undergone deportation and are faced with social and economic reintegration in the northern border area of Baja California, Mexico. Through 15 in-depth semi-structured interviews, I explore transnational identity negotiations that impact the socio-economic reintegration of deportees within the call center industry. This thesis addresses how strong ‘American’ self-identification, feelings of not belonging, and familial networks in the U.S. influence temporary and long term reintegration. Identity markers, the transnational space of the call enter sector, recyclability of deportee labor, socialization within Mexican society and the work environment, English usage, police harassment and stigmatization were identified as factors preventing reintegration. Thus, this research offers policy recommendations to aid in the socio-economic reintegration process of the region

    Factors Influencing Students’ Choice of an Institution of Higher Education

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    This study examined the following research question: What factors influence student college selection process? The study sought to fill an existing gap in the literature by examining what role technology and other relevant factors have on students’ decision-making as related to college choice. By identifying influencers of college choice, the study’s findings can add to the body of knowledge that admission counselors might use as they develop an appropriate recruiting mix of strategies best suited for today’s college applicants . As the theoretical framework, this research drew on the previous work of Hamrick & Hossler (1996) which combined constructs of both economic and sociologic perspectives with college choice. Additionally, an adaptation of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model (Venkatesh, Morris, & Davis, 2003) was created with key constructs such as Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, and Facilitating Conditions. In addition, the adapted model incorporated two sets of moderators (University Attributes and Individual Attributes) that were hypothesized to influence university or college choice. Socio-demographic information was also collected to better understand how students are being recruited and what methods they perceive as most effective. A convenience sample of students from the freshman class at a major research university in the Southeast were surveyed. Approximately 750 students were selected to receive the main survey, selected with the help of university advisement personnel and university faculty in identifying possible classes to participate. The survey was distributed by e-mail. Over the course of a two-month period, 427 students responded, with 341 surveys completed. Usable surveys were analyzed using the SPSS 25 statistical package. From the data analyzed via multiple regression, Performance Expectancy and Facilitating Conditions were found to be statistically significant whereas Effort Expectancy and Social Influence were found to be insignificant. Individual Attributes as a moderating factor within the model was found to be insignificant. University attributes as a moderating factor within the model was found to be partially confirmed, as only the relationship between social influence (SI) and school of choice behavior (B) was significant, whereas the other hypothesized paths were insignificant. Socio-demographic information from the survey suggested that students were being recruited via email most often, with mail and brochure usage also noted. Social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook were found to be highly used by students but were not effective recruiting tools. The results suggest that performance expectancy and facilitating conditions such as classrooms, athletic facilities, and academic reputation have a significant and positive relationship with behavior (school choice). Conversely, effort expectancy and social influence did not have a significant direct relationship with school of choice behavior. As technology continues to evolve and become a more pervasive influence on students, colleges need to explore if social media might be a useful recruitment tool. The data from this study adds to the body of literature on economic and status-based factors related to school of choice by including the role of technology

    Improving Asynchronous Interview Interaction with Follow-up Question Generation

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    The user experience of an asynchronous video interview system, conventionally is not reciprocal or conversational. Interview applicants expect that, like a typical face-to-face interview, they are innate and coherent. We posit that the planned adoption of limited probing through follow-up questions is an important step towards improving the interaction. We propose a follow-up question generation model (followQG) capable of generating relevant and diverse follow-up questions based on the previously asked questions, and their answers. We implement a 3D virtual interviewing system, Maya, with capability of follow-up question generation. Existing asynchronous interviewing systems are not dynamic with scripted and repetitive questions. In comparison, Maya responds with relevant follow-up questions, a largely unexplored feature of irtual interview systems. We take advantage of the implicit knowledge from deep pre-trained language models to generate rich and varied natural language follow-up questions. Empirical results suggest that followQG generates questions that humans rate as high quality, achieving 77% relevance. A comparison with strong baselines of neural network and rule-based systems show that it produces better quality questions. The corpus used for fine-tuning is made publicly available

    Sustainable Human Resource Management

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    The concept of sustainability is important for companies both in the case of SMEs and worldwide multinational companies. Some key factors to help a company achieve its sustainability objectives are based on human resource management. Sustainable human resource management is a typical cross-functional task that becomes increasingly important at the strategic level of a company. Industry 4.0 technologies, Internet of Things, and competitive demands, as signs of globalization, have led to significant changes across the organizational structures and human resource strategies of companies. The increasing importance of sophisticated human resource strategies in the life of companies and the intention to find optimal design and operation strategies for sustainable human resource management were a motivation for launching this book. This book offers a selection of papers which explain the impact of smart human resource management on economy. Authors from 14 countries published working examples and case studies resulting from their research in this field. The aim of this book is to help students at the level of BSc, MSc, and PhD level, as well as managers and researchers, to understand and appreciate the concept, design, and implementation of sustainable human resource management solutions

    The e-revolution and post-compulsory education: using e-business models to deliver quality education

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    The best practices of e-business are revolutionising not just technology itself but the whole process through which services are provided; and from which important lessons can be learnt by post-compulsory educational institutions. This book aims to move debates about ICT and higher education beyond a simple focus on e-learning by considering the provision of post-compulsory education as a whole. It considers what we mean by e-business, why e-business approaches are relevant to universities and colleges and the key issues this raises for post-secondary education

    Navigating the New Workplace: Technology, Millennials, and Accelerating HR Innovation

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    This paper brings together the latest thinking in research and practice on workplace change and the information technology tools and technologies that enable, and, in some cases, drive that change. We address the shifts in global business that focus leadership on innovation, the changing demographics of employee populations, and how these changes impact talent management and emerging methods and tools that enable HR professionals to be more effective and bring new value to their business enterprises. We detail emergent scientific research on how the millennial generation has transformed the workplace. We describe effective methods, tools, and technologies from actual workplace practice to provide practical insights that one can immediately use in a human resource management context. We also present new hypotheses and recommendations for how to leverage the various change scenarios