516,784 research outputs found

    Introduction to Data Ethics

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    An Introduction to data ethics, focusing on questions of privacy and personal identity in the economic world as it is defined by big data technologies, artificial intelligence, and algorithmic capitalism. Originally published in The Business Ethics Workshop, 3rd Edition, by Boston Acacdemic Publishing / FlatWorld Knowledge

    Problems and Opportunities of Interdisciplinary Work involving Users in Speculative Research for Innovation of Novel ICT Applications

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    In this article we focus upon some challenges of multidisciplinary teams working interdisciplinary in research for innovation of novel ICT applications. We start by defining some general challenges of especially social scientists when working interdisciplinary. The formulated challenges are grounded in our personal experiences. In the next part of the article we focus upon research methods that are used when involving users in the research of novel ICT applications. We shortly describe the different methods and the value they have for social scientists, designers, marketing people and engineers. In the latest part of the article we argument why, from our opinion, using this speculative research methods involving users can help facilitating interdisciplinary work

    An open reply to "What is going on at the Library of Congress?" by Thomas Mann

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    This is an open response to a report by Thomas Mann at the Library of Congress concerning changes in cataloging. The author contends that, although the current changes at the Library of Congress are suspect, changes are imminent and experienced catalogers must offer positive suggestions for change, otherwise they will be ignored by management

    Opening Access by Overcoming Zeno's Paralysis

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    Open Access (OA) means free access for all would-be users webwide to all articles published in all peer-reviewed research journals across all scholarly and scientific disciplines. 100% OA is optimal for research, researchers, their institutions, and their funders because it maximizes research access and usage. It is also 100% feasible: authors just need to deposit ("self-archive") their articles on their own institutional websites. Hence 100% OA is inevitable. Yet the few keystrokes needed to reach it have been paralyzed for a decade by a seemingly endless series of phobias (about everything from piracy and plagiarism to posterity and priorities), each easily shown to be groundless, yet persistent and recurring. The cure for this "Zeno's Paralysis" is for researchers' institutions and funders to mandate the keystrokes, just as they already mandate publishing, and for the very same reason: to maximize research usage, impact and progress. 95% of researchers have said they would comply with a self-archiving mandate; 93% of journals have already given self-archiving their blessing; and those institutions that have already mandated it are successfully and rapidly moving toward 100% OA

    Proposed Marketing Strategy for TELKOM FLEXI to Compete with GSM Operators

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    In Indonesian telecommunication industry, market penetration of FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) based is still about 12% of the total population size. But the market penetration of GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) based in cellular telecommunication industry has reach 82%. Therefore when the FWA operators in Indonesia want to expand their market, they will have to compete with GSM operators. As market leader of FWA license in Indonesia, it is time for Flexi for extending their network and also targeting new market that were not their target market so far, GSM users. Flexi is a voice and data telecommunications service based on wireless CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) 2000-1x technology. This is a limited mobility service, meaning that, unlike cellular subscribers, Flexi customers can only use the service within a particular area code. Charges are based on residential telephone (PSTN TELKOM) tariffs. Flexi offers three basic services: voice, SMS and high speed data. This study explores the problem of Flexi In competing with GSM operators using several analyses. The relevant external environment factor that may influence telecommunication industry and Flexi's business is analyzed with Porterñ€ℱs Five Forces model. The companyñ€ℱs resources, capabilities and core competencies are determined to identify what company can and cannot do. Then the segmentation, targeting and positioning of Flexi will be analyzed. The perception, motivation, and buying decision of customer is also explored to get insight about why the customers want or don't want to use CDMA Flexi. Finally, the existing marketing strategy (marketing mix) of Flexi is examined to describe the symptoms and errors within it, in order to formulate the root causes. No firm positioning statement, doesnñ€ℱt actively provide handset for its target market, ineffective promotional activities, and low of product knowledge are the root causes of Flexi's low acceptance in the market. Therefore, to overcome those root causes, then formulate a more firm positioning statement and tagline to be more suitable with Flexi's target market, improving product weaknesses, and use a community as marketing campaign media are what Flexi have to do to have a more effective marketing effort. The management should develop promotion strategy which is composed of six elements: advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, direct marketing, internet marketing, and public relations.  Keyword: Marketing Strategy, Marketing Mix, CDMA, GSMÂ

    HIV vulnerability of men and women who inject drugs in Kumasi, Ghana

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    This study was implemented by Boston University in collaboration with the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology with support from the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the U.S. Agency for International Development under Project SEARCH Task Order No. GHH‐I‐00‐07‐00023‐00, beginning August 27, 2010. The content and views expressed here are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or policy of USAID or the U.S. Government.Reducing vulnerability to HIV infection among key populations in Ghana is a major goal for the National AIDS Control Program (NACP) and the GAC. While a number of studies have explored HIV risk behaviours among several key vulnerable populations in Ghana including female sex workers, men who have sex with men, and prisoners, little is known about the drug use and sexual vulnerability of people who inject drugs (PWID). In addition, no programs have been implemented to reduce the vulnerability among this population. This report provides the findings from a qualitative study that aimed to understand the social, economic and behavioral vulnerability to HIV of PWID in Kumasi and to inform the development and implementation of HIV prevention programs for this population. The research was conducted by a collaborative team comprised of researchers from Boston University’s Center for Global and Health and Development (CGHD) and the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) School of Medical Sciences. It is one of nine studies under the Operations Research on Key Populations project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The study was designed and carried out in collaboration with the Ghana AIDS Commission (GAC).Support from the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the U.S. Agency for International Development under Project SEARCH Task Order No. GHH‐I‐00‐07‐00023‐00, beginning August 27, 201

    Younger Adults' Understanding of Questions for a Service User Experience Survey. Funded/commissioned by: The Health and Social Care Information Centre

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    For some time now councils with social services responsibilities (CSSRs) have been required to conduct surveys of user’s experience of social services. These have taken place nationally in three-yearly cycles. In 2002/03 the survey was for older people, in 2003/04 it was for younger adults with physical and sensory impairments, and in 2004/05 it was for children. 2005/06 marked the beginning of the second wave of the cycle. The mandate for conducting surveys of user’s experiences and satisfaction with services was first given in the white paper Modern Local Government: in Touch with the People (Department for the Environment, Trade and the Regions, 1998). In 2002 the Office of National Statistics (ONS) and SPRU developed a set of questionnaires for this purpose (Qureshi and Rowlands, 2004). Subsequent national surveys have drawn on this work to identify a set of compulsory questions for each round. User experience surveys (UESs) are regarded as an important part of the overall performance framework for social care and, providing councils with information about how they might improve services locally. Local authorities are required to submit their results to government bodies so that the relative performance of the CSSRs can be judged. This report is composed of five sections. The aims and objectives of the report are outlined in the second section and the method used to gather the data is outlined in section 3. In section 4 we report on the findings from the fieldwork and draw some conclusions and recommendations for the national survey in section 5. The topic guides for the focus groups and interviews are included in the appendices along with a brief discussion of the findings from the focus groups and a copy of the final extended questionnaire.</p

    Platforms, the First Amendment and Online Speech: Regulating the Filters

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    In recent years, online platforms have given rise to multiple discussions about what their role is, what their role should be, and whether they should be regulated. The complex nature of these private entities makes it very challenging to place them in a single descriptive category with existing rules. In today’s information environment, social media platforms have become a platform press by providing hosting as well as navigation and delivery of public expression, much of which is done through machine learning algorithms. This article argues that there is a subset of algorithms that social media platforms use to filter public expression, which can be regulated without constitutional objections. A distinction is drawn between algorithms that curate speech for hosting purposes and those that curate for navigation purposes, and it is argued that content navigation algorithms, because of their function, deserve separate constitutional treatment. By analyzing the platforms’ functions independently from one another, this paper constructs a doctrinal and normative framework that can be used to navigate some of the complexity. The First Amendment makes it problematic to interfere with how platforms decide what to host because algorithms that implement content moderation policies perform functions analogous to an editorial role when deciding whether content should be censored or allowed on the platform. Content navigation algorithms, on the other hand, do not face the same doctrinal challenges; they operate outside of the public discourse as mere information conduits and are thus not subject to core First Amendment doctrine. Their function is to facilitate the flow of information to an audience, which in turn participates in public discourse; if they have any constitutional status, it is derived from the value they provide to their audience as a delivery mechanism of information. This article asserts that we should regulate content navigation algorithms to an extent. They undermine the notion of autonomous choice in the selection and consumption of content, and their role in today’s information environment is not aligned with a functioning marketplace of ideas and the prerequisites for citizens in a democratic society to perform their civic duties. The paper concludes that any regulation directed to content navigation algorithms should be subject to a lower standard of scrutiny, similar to the standard for commercial speech
