3,804 research outputs found

    Generation Me

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    Book review of Generation me: Why today\u27s young Americans are more confident, assertive, entitled-and more miserable than ever before by Jean Twenge

    The teaching of foreign languages for specific purposes – how and why

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    Most businesses today need linguists not just to permit communication across the globe but also to understand different cultural realities and needs. In the world of work, language skills are becoming increasingly important in organisations and businesses who want to be competitive on an international level. Mastery in foreign languages is considered not just an excellent tool to bridge gaps between people coming from different countries and to create strong sentimental and professional relationships, but above all an instrument that enables workers to considerably improve their career prospects. Knowing how to use a language in specific circumstances and purposes gives people a very strong bargaining power, especially in the labour world. Whereas up to twenty or thirty years ago, speaking a foreign language was a very important prerequisite for just a few, like managers or diplomats, today it has become of fundamental importance in all professional circles. In fact, in today’s European society, languages and interculture play a fundamental role in getting to know different people and in obtaining professional and economic development.This explains why today there exists a need to diversify the language training market with courses in foreign languages for specific purposes, be it for tourism, for call centres, for business and so on, focusing on acquiring the necessary terminological, interdisciplinary and intercultural skills needed for specific jobs.peer-reviewe

    On Bitter-Juicy Philosophizing Via Aesthetics

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    To philosophize or not is a matter of conscious choice and option. But when we start with such a premise, we have to lay down what we understand by this activity. In the paper the author undertakes this task, distinguishing four-fold the philosophizing practice with regard to the domain of aesthetics. In the final section of the paper he considers the problem which seems to him fundamental, namely why today philosophizing via aesthetics in a definite way should be recommendable and primary, as well as why it has to be bitter-juicy.To philosophize or not is a matter of conscious choice and option. But when we start with such a premise, we have to lay down what we understand by this activity. In the paper the author undertakes this task, distinguishing four-fold the philosophizing practice with regard to the domain of aesthetics. In the final section of the paper he considers the problem which seems to him fundamental, namely why today philosophizing via aesthetics in a definite way should be recommendable and primary, as well as why it has to be bitter-juicy

    Employment Discrimination Plaintiffs in Federal Court: From Bad to Worse?

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    This Article utilizes the Administrative Office\u27s data to convey the realities of federal employment discrimination litigation. Litigants in these jobs cases appeal more often than other litigants, with the defendants doing far better on those appeals than the plaintiffs. These troublesome facts help explain why today fewer plaintiffs are undertaking the frustrating route into federal district court, where plaintiffs must pursue their claims relatively often all the way through trial and where at both pretrial and trial these plaintiffs lose unusually often

    Living in the Gray: Why Today\u27s Supported Decision-Making-Type Models Eliminate Binary Solutions to Court-Ordered Guardianships

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    A guardianship or nothing. One option completely strips a person of his or her rights; the other option provides no protection. Both are extreme options; both are the only legal options in a majority of United States jurisdictions. Only providing legal recognition for two options aggravates the problem of granting unnecessary or overly broad guardianships for people with disabilities. Inappropriately granted guardianships consequently leads to violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals’ constitutional rights, and individuals’ human rights. However, viable intermediate options now exist that can be implemented in lieu of the two extreme options. Alternatives to guardianships simultaneously provide support for the individual, while maintaining as many rights as possible. One such example of a viable alternative is Supported Decision-Making (SDM). The first step the United States could take towards promoting an autonomy-focused system is ratifying the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which the United States signed in 2009 but has yet to ratify. Ratifying this document would require states to legally recognizes SDM-type models. In addition to providing legal recognition for guardianship alternatives, state legal systems should alter mental capacity determination framework to further avoid rights-capturing legal systems. But, should there be push back to ratifying the CRPD and providing legal recognition for alternatives, there is a more attainable solution: require school systems to provide students and families with information about every available support option. School systems have a unique role in an individual’s pathway to autonomy because the school is present during the student’s “transition” years. School systems can stop the problem before it even occurs. Support needs are not one-size-fits-all models, and states must work towards filling in the gap between granting a guardianship or nothing at all. Individuals should not be completely stripped of their rights simply because they have been categorically deemed “incapacitated.

    Book Review of Justice a Philosophical Book of Michael J. Sandel

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    People often seek for philosophical ideas to justify what they believe as the right thing to do. Many people believe that philosophical ideas matter to enrich their knowledge in order for them to think more wisely. It is why many books of philosophy are nowadays out to fulfill the demand from the society. Even if, many sources are also available to meet the people‟s interest in philosophy such as reading articles, watching movies and many other, average reasonable people would rather to choose to read books as their source to get philosophical idea. It is also the reason why today we have many philosophical books traded in the market and we can find them easily in many book stores, like Solitude, Voltaire, and etc
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