2,261 research outputs found

    Firms' contribution to open source software and the dominant skilled user

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    : Free/libre or open-source software (FLOSS) is nowadays produced not only by individual benevolent developers but, in a growing proportion, by firms that hire programmers for their own objectives of development in open source or for contributing to open-source projects in the context of dedicated communities. A recent literature has focused on the question of the business models explaining how and why firms may draw benefits from such involvement and their connected activities. They can be considered as the building blocks of a new modus operandi of an industry, built on an alternative approach to intellectual property management. Its prospects will depend on both the firms' willingness to rally and its ability to compete with the traditional “proprietary” approach. As a matter of fact, firms' involvement in FLOSS, while growing, remains very contrasting, depending on the nature of the products and the characteristics of the markets. The aim of this paper is to emphasize that, beside factors like the importance of software as a core competence of the firm, the role of users on the related markets - and more precisely their level of skills - may provide a major explanation of such diversity. We introduce the concept of the dominant skilled user and we set up a theoretical model to better understand how it may condition the nature and outcome of the competition between a FLOSS firm and a proprietary firm. We discuss these results in the light of empirical stylized facts drawn from the recent trends in the software industrySoftware ; Open Source ; Intellectual Property ; Competition ; Users

    Greater Space Means More Service: Leveraging the innovative power of architecture and design

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    Organizational structures certainly are of great importance in order to determine employees’ behaviour and performance. On the other hand, physical structures also significantly influence the way staff and customers view any company and interact with it. In service based activity, such as in retailing, banking, hospitality, and so, firms and institutions are competing thanks to innovations in products/services, delivery processes, and management styles. Innovative approaches may also materialize into the design of facilities. Service providers are in a position to significantly improve convenience, productivity, and attractiveness by designing space and defining appropriate layout carefully. This pattern also has to include identification of the meanings, characterization of size and qualification of the process by which any service facility delivers messages. In the last session of the paper, we address a particular type of service facilities, namely the buildings of institutions for higher education in management. The objective is then to analyze how facilities have evolved in order to cope with the change affecting business education.Service; innovation; architecture; working place; corporate symbols

    Evolution of regional clusters in nanotechnology. Empirical findings from Germany

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    This article aims at establishing a wider understanding of the evolution of spatial clusters. It will be argued that the potential to generate regional growth is dependent on the way a cluster emerges. Two models of cluster formation will be distinguished in detail – start-up clusters and unrelated spatial concentrations. In its sectoral orientation the study is focused on nanotechnology, a key(technology)-industry said to contribute to new growth spurts in the industrialised world. By analysing the evolution of regional clusters in the Saarland and in Berlin-Brandenburg it will be shown that both types of cluster formation can be found in nanotechnology, demanding different modes of policy intervention

    Better Health and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) from a global, regional and local economic perspective

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    Assisting technologies aim to provide more support in the meeting of one's daily needs and the preservation of one's autonomy and quality of life. Continual developments in medicine, medical equipment, nursing and medical care are assumed to lead to new types of care being created. A high degree of social and economic relevance has been attributed to assisting technologies, as well as information and communication systems, by scientists and politicians alike, particularly in connection with the development, promotion and organization of so-called senior-friendly environments and with ambient assisted living (AAL).economic development; ambient assisted living; health care system; assisting technologies; health care; new technologies; health economy

    Better health and ambient assisted living (AAL) from a global, regional and local economic perspective

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    Assisting technologies aim to provide more support in the meeting of one's daily needs and the preservation of one's autonomy and quality of life. Continual developments in medicine, medical equipment, nursing and medical care are assumed to lead to new types of care being created. A high degree of social and economic relevance has been attributed to assisting technologies, as well as information and communication systems, by scientists and politicians alike, particularly in connection with the development, promotion and organization of so-called senior-friendly environments and with ambient assisted living (AAL). Here the focus is especially upon the aged of the future, their specific demands and resources, which these technologies should be able to serve while adhering to their individual requirements. These new technologies can also be extremely relevant to people surrounding the elderly. They can make a considerable difference to the way in which people are able to live together for example by assisting the nursing care provided by close relatives and they may represent new opportunities to the providers of outpatient and inpatient nursing and medical care. -- Assistierende Technologien sollen der besseren UnterstĂŒtzung bei der Deckung von BedĂŒrfnissen des tĂ€glichen Lebens und zur Erhaltung von SelbstĂ€ndigkeit und LebensqualitĂ€t dienen. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass durch die kontinuierliche Entwicklung in der Medizin, der Medizintechnik sowie assistierender Technologien in der medizinischen und pflegerischen Versorgung neue Versorgungsmöglichkeiten geschaffen werden. Insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung, der Förderung und der Ausgestaltung sogenannter altersgerechter Lebenswelten bzw. eines ambient assisted living (AAL) wird den unterstĂŒtzenden Technologien und Informations- und Kommunikationstechniken von wissenschaftlicher und politischer Seite eine hohe gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Relevanz zugewiesen. Im Fokus stehen dabei vor allem die zukĂŒnftigen Älteren und ihre spezifischen Bedarfe und Ressourcen, die diese Technologien ihren individuellen BedĂŒrfnissen entsprechend nutzen können sollen. Derartige Techniken können aber auch fĂŒr Personen aus dem sozialen Umfeld der Älteren von hoher Relevanz sein. So können diese die Gestaltung des Zusammenlebens erheblich Ă€ndern - beispielsweise durch die UnterstĂŒtzung bei der pflegerischen Versorgung durch Angehörige - und beispielsweise den Anbietern im Bereich der gesundheitlichen und pflegerischen ambulanten und stationĂ€ren Versorgung neue Möglichkeiten der Versorgung bieten.

    From M-form to N-form: The Structure of Multinational Corporations

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    The purpose of this study is to map, illuminate and explain the recent development of the strategies, structure and control of multinational corporations. The aim is to identify crucial problems in managing and organizing multinational corporations and describe what sort of approaches are used and proposed to solve these problems. This is a literature study where an inventory and critical examination of the recent research on the strategies, structure and control of multinational corporations. The emphasis in the study is on research carried out in the last ten years. It starts out with a summary of the early research on multinational corporations, proceeds to an analysis of the process school, and ends up with a discussion about organizing international operations from a network perspective.MNC; multinational structure; international; strategy; transnational; subsidiary; global

    Firms' contribution to open source software and the dominant skilled user

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    Free/libre or open-source software (FLOSS) is nowadays produced not only by individual benevolent developers but, in a growing proportion, by firms that hire programmers for their own objectives of development in open source or for contributing to open-source projects in the context of dedicated communities. A recent literature has focused on the question of the business models explaining how and why firms may draw benefits from such involvement and their connected activities. They can be considered as the building blocks of a new modus operandi of an industry, built on an alternative approach to intellectual property management. Its prospects will depend on both the firms' willingness to rally and its ability to compete with the traditional “proprietary” approach. As a matter of fact, firms' involvement in FLOSS, while growing, remains very contrasting, depending on the nature of the products and the characteristics of the markets. The aim of this paper is to emphasize that, beside factors like the importance of software as a core competence of the firm, the role of users on the related markets - and more precisely their level of skills - may provide a major explanation of such diversity. We introduce the concept of the dominant skilled user and we set up a theoretical model to better understand how it may condition the nature and outcome of the competition between a FLOSS firm and a proprietary firm. We discuss these results in the light of empirical stylized facts drawn from the recent trends in the software industr


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    The optimal choice of a decision-making structure in alliances and other combined ventures is an important yet underexplored question. There is no single theory that predicts what types of decision-making structures will be optimal in different alliances. Existing research, while offering insights into the factors influencing the choice of a decision-making structure, does not offer a unified framework of such a choice or the performance implications of various choices. The present dissertation is an attempt to fill this void. The first essay is a conceptual examination of the various factors that may affect the optimal choice of a decision-making structure. I build a general model and outline gaps in the existing research. The second essay considers the implication of interdependence between the collaborating firms and the internal complexity of the firms for the optimal choice of a decision-making structure. I build a simulation model that shows how asymmetric interdependence and significant internal complexity of the partners can reduce the need to centralize decision making in alliances and other combined ventures. The third essay is a study of individual costs and benefits that each partner in an alliance enjoys or bears as a result of collaboration under interdependence. I use computer simulations to show that the size and sign of the individual performance benefits depends on the chosen decision-making structure and the pattern of interdependence between the collaborating firms. The significance of this dissertation lies in the examination of factors unrelated to opportunism as antecedents of an optimal choice of a decision-making structure, which is part of a wider concept of governance mode choice. The findings in this dissertation contribute to the theory of the firm and to the theory of strategic alliances

    Measurement of service innovation project success:A practical tool and theoretical implications

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