25 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Trimodal Regression Analysis of Radiodensitometric Distributions to Quantify Sarcopenic and Sequelae Muscle Degeneration.

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files.Muscle degeneration has been consistently identified as an independent risk factor for high mortality in both aging populations and individuals suffering from neuromuscular pathology or injury. While there is much extant literature on its quantification and correlation to comorbidities, a quantitative gold standard for analyses in this regard remains undefined. Herein, we hypothesize that rigorously quantifying entire radiodensitometric distributions elicits more muscle quality information than average values reported in extant methods. This study reports the development and utility of a nonlinear trimodal regression analysis method utilized on radiodensitometric distributions of upper leg muscles from CT scans of a healthy young adult, a healthy elderly subject, and a spinal cord injury patient. The method was then employed with a THA cohort to assess pre- and postsurgical differences in their healthy and operative legs. Results from the initial representative models elicited high degrees of correlation to HU distributions, and regression parameters highlighted physiologically evident differences between subjects. Furthermore, results from the THA cohort echoed physiological justification and indicated significant improvements in muscle quality in both legs following surgery. Altogether, these results highlight the utility of novel parameters from entire HU distributions that could provide insight into the optimal quantification of muscle degeneration.European Commissio

    Automatic multiclass intramedullary spinal cord tumor segmentation on MRI with deep learning

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    Spinal cord tumors lead to neurological morbidity and mortality. Being able to obtain morphometric quantification (size, location, growth rate) of the tumor, edema, and cavity can result in improved monitoring and treatment planning. Such quantification requires the segmentation of these structures into three separate classes. However, manual segmentation of three-dimensional structures is time consuming, tedious and prone to intra- and inter-rater variability, motivating the development of automated methods. Here, we tailor a model adapted to the spinal cord tumor segmentation task. Data were obtained from 343 patients using gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted and T2-weighted MRI scans with cervical, thoracic, and/or lumbar coverage. The dataset includes the three most common intramedullary spinal cord tumor types: astrocytomas, ependymomas, and hemangioblastomas. The proposed approach is a cascaded architecture with U-Net-based models that segments tumors in a two-stage process: locate and label. The model first finds the spinal cord and generates bounding box coordinates. The images are cropped according to this output, leading to a reduced field of view, which mitigates class imbalance. The tumor is then segmented. The segmentation of the tumor, cavity, and edema (as a single class) reached 76.7 ± 1.5% of Dice score and the segmentation of tumors alone reached 61.8 ± 4.0% Dice score. The true positive detection rate was above 87% for tumor, edema, and cavity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first fully automatic deep learning model for spinal cord tumor segmentation. The multiclass segmentation pipeline is available in the Spinal Cord Toolbox (https://spinalcordtoolbox.com/). It can be run with custom data on a regular computer within seconds

    Longitudinal changes of spinal cord grey and white matter following spinal cord injury

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    Objectives: Traumatic and non-traumatic spinal cord injury produce neurodegeneration across the entire neuraxis. However, the spatiotemporal dynamics of spinal cord grey and white matter neurodegeneration above and below the injury is understudied. Methods: We acquired longitudinal data from 13 traumatic and 3 non-traumatic spinal cord injury patients (8-8 cervical and thoracic cord injuries) within 1.5 years after injury and 10 healthy controls over the same period. The protocol encompassed structural and diffusion-weighted MRI rostral (C2/C3) and caudal (lumbar enlargement) to the injury level to track tissue-specific neurodegeneration. Regression models assessed group differences in the temporal evolution of tissue-specific changes and associations with clinical outcomes. Results: At 2 months post-injury, white matter area was decreased by 8.5% and grey matter by 15.9% in the lumbar enlargement, while at C2/C3 only white matter was decreased (-9.7%). Patients had decreased cervical fractional anisotropy (FA: -11.3%) and increased radial diffusivity (+20.5%) in the dorsal column, while FA was lower in the lateral (-10.3%) and ventral columns (-9.7%) of the lumbar enlargement. White matter decreased by 0.34% and 0.35% per month at C2/C3 and lumbar enlargement, respectively, and grey matter decreased at C2/C3 by 0.70% per month. Conclusions: This study describes the spatiotemporal dynamics of tissue-specific spinal cord neurodegeneration above and below a spinal cord injury. While above the injury, grey matter atrophy lagged initially behind white matter neurodegeneration, in the lumbar enlargement these processes progressed in parallel. Tracking trajectories of tissue-specific neurodegeneration provides valuable assessment tools for monitoring recovery and treatment effects

    Longitudinal changes of spinal cord grey and white matter following spinal cord injury

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    Objectives: Traumatic and non-traumatic spinal cord injury produce neurodegeneration across the entire neuraxis. However, the spatiotemporal dynamics of spinal cord grey and white matter neurodegeneration above and below the injury is understudied. // Methods: We acquired longitudinal data from 13 traumatic and 3 non-traumatic spinal cord injury patients (8–8 cervical and thoracic cord injuries) within 1.5 years after injury and 10 healthy controls over the same period. The protocol encompassed structural and diffusion-weighted MRI rostral (C2/C3) and caudal (lumbar enlargement) to the injury level to track tissue-specific neurodegeneration. Regression models assessed group differences in the temporal evolution of tissue-specific changes and associations with clinical outcomes. // Results: At 2 months post-injury, white matter area was decreased by 8.5% and grey matter by 15.9% in the lumbar enlargement, while at C2/C3 only white matter was decreased (−9.7%). Patients had decreased cervical fractional anisotropy (FA: −11.3%) and increased radial diffusivity (+20.5%) in the dorsal column, while FA was lower in the lateral (−10.3%) and ventral columns (−9.7%) of the lumbar enlargement. White matter decreased by 0.34% and 0.35% per month at C2/C3 and lumbar enlargement, respectively, and grey matter decreased at C2/C3 by 0.70% per month. // Conclusions: This study describes the spatiotemporal dynamics of tissue-specific spinal cord neurodegeneration above and below a spinal cord injury. While above the injury, grey matter atrophy lagged initially behind white matter neurodegeneration, in the lumbar enlargement these processes progressed in parallel. Tracking trajectories of tissue-specific neurodegeneration provides valuable assessment tools for monitoring recovery and treatment effects

    ZOOM or Non-ZOOM? Assessing spinal cord diffusion tensor imaging protocols for multi-centre studies

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    The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate two spinal cord (SC) diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) protocols, implemented at multiple sites (using scanners from two different manufacturers), one available on any clinical scanner, and one using more advanced options currently available in the research setting, and to use an automated processing method for unbiased quantification. DTI parameters are sensitive to changes in the diseased SC. However, imaging the cord can be technically challenging due to various factors including its small size, patient-related and physiological motion, and field inhomogeneities. Rapid acquisition sequences such as Echo Planar Imaging (EPI) are desirable but may suffer from image distortions. We present a multi-centre comparison of two acquisition protocols implemented on scanners from two different vendors (Siemens and Philips), one using a reduced field-of-view (rFOV) EPI sequence, and one only using options available on standard clinical scanners such as outer volume suppression (OVS). Automatic analysis was performed with the Spinal Cord Toolbox for unbiased and reproducible quantification of DTI metrics in the white matter. Images acquired using the rFOV sequence appear less distorted than those acquired using OVS alone. SC DTI parameter values obtained using both sequences at all sites were consistent with previous measurements made at 3T. For the same scanner manufacturer, DTI parameter inter-site SDs were smaller for the rFOV sequence compared to the OVS sequence. The higher inter-site reproducibility (for the same manufacturer and acquisition details, i.e. ZOOM data acquired at the two Philips sites) of rFOV compared to the OVS sequence supports the idea that making research options such as rFOV more widely available would improve accuracy of measurements obtained in multi-centre clinical trials. Future multi-centre studies should also aim to match the rFOV technique and signal-to-noise ratios in all sequences from different manufacturers/sites in order to avoid any bias in measured DTI parameters and ensure similar sensitivity to pathological changes

    Traumatic and nontraumatic spinal cord injury: pathological insights from neuroimaging

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    Pathophysiological changes in the spinal cord white and grey matter resulting from injury can be observed with MRI techniques. These techniques provide sensitive markers of macrostructural and microstructural tissue integrity, which correlate with histological findings. Spinal cord MRI findings in traumatic spinal cord injury (tSCI) and nontraumatic spinal cord injury — the most common form of which is degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) — have provided important insights into the pathophysiological processes taking place not just at the focal injury site but also rostral and caudal to the spinal injury. Although tSCI and DCM have different aetiologies, they show similar degrees of spinal cord pathology remote from the injury site, suggesting the involvement of similar secondary degenerative mechanisms. Advanced quantitative MRI protocols that are sensitive to spinal cord pathology have the potential to improve diagnosis and, more importantly, predict outcomes in patients with tSCI or nontraumatic spinal cord injury. This Review describes the insights into tSCI and DCM that have been revealed by neuroimaging and outlines current activities and future directions for the field

    SoftSeg: Advantages of soft versus binary training for image segmentation

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    Most image segmentation algorithms are trained on binary masks formulated as a classification task per pixel. However, in applications such as medical imaging, this "black-and-white" approach is too constraining because the contrast between two tissues is often ill-defined, i.e., the voxels located on objects' edges contain a mixture of tissues. Consequently, assigning a single "hard" label can result in a detrimental approximation. Instead, a soft prediction containing non-binary values would overcome that limitation. We introduce SoftSeg, a deep learning training approach that takes advantage of soft ground truth labels, and is not bound to binary predictions. SoftSeg aims at solving a regression instead of a classification problem. This is achieved by using (i) no binarization after preprocessing and data augmentation, (ii) a normalized ReLU final activation layer (instead of sigmoid), and (iii) a regression loss function (instead of the traditional Dice loss). We assess the impact of these three features on three open-source MRI segmentation datasets from the spinal cord gray matter, the multiple sclerosis brain lesion, and the multimodal brain tumor segmentation challenges. Across multiple cross-validation iterations, SoftSeg outperformed the conventional approach, leading to an increase in Dice score of 2.0% on the gray matter dataset (p=0.001), 3.3% for the MS lesions, and 6.5% for the brain tumors. SoftSeg produces consistent soft predictions at tissues' interfaces and shows an increased sensitivity for small objects. The richness of soft labels could represent the inter-expert variability, the partial volume effect, and complement the model uncertainty estimation. The developed training pipeline can easily be incorporated into most of the existing deep learning architectures. It is already implemented in the freely-available deep learning toolbox ivadomed (https://ivadomed.org)

    Open-access quantitative MRI data of the spinal cord and reproducibility across participants, sites and manufacturers

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    Databases; Imaging techniques; Spinal cord diseasesBases de datos; Tècnicas de imagen; Enfermedades de la médula espinalBases de dades; Tècniques d'imatge; Malalties de la medul·la espinalIn a companion paper by Cohen-Adad et al. we introduce the spine generic quantitative MRI protocol that provides valuable metrics for assessing spinal cord macrostructural and microstructural integrity. This protocol was used to acquire a single subject dataset across 19 centers and a multi-subject dataset across 42 centers (for a total of 260 participants), spanning the three main MRI manufacturers: GE, Philips and Siemens. Both datasets are publicly available via git-annex. Data were analysed using the Spinal Cord Toolbox to produce normative values as well as inter/intra-site and inter/intra-manufacturer statistics. Reproducibility for the spine generic protocol was high across sites and manufacturers, with an average inter-site coefficient of variation of less than 5% for all the metrics. Full documentation and results can be found at https://spine-generic.rtfd.io/. The datasets and analysis pipeline will help pave the way towards accessible and reproducible quantitative MRI in the spinal cord

    Open-access quantitative MRI data of the spinal cord and reproducibility across participants, sites and manufacturers

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    In a companion paper by Cohen-Adad et al. we introduce the spine generic quantitative MRI protocol that provides valuable metrics for assessing spinal cord macrostructural and microstructural integrity. This protocol was used to acquire a single subject dataset across 19 centers and a multi-subject dataset across 42 centers (for a total of 260 participants), spanning the three main MRI manufacturers: GE, Philips and Siemens. Both datasets are publicly available via git-annex. Data were analysed using the Spinal Cord Toolbox to produce normative values as well as inter/intra-site and inter/intra-manufacturer statistics. Reproducibility for the spine generic protocol was high across sites and manufacturers, with an average inter-site coefficient of variation of less than 5% for all the metrics. Full documentation and results can be found at https://spine-generic.rtfd.io/. The datasets and analysis pipeline will help pave the way towards accessible and reproducible quantitative MRI in the spinal cord

    Diffusion tensor imaging within the healthy cervical spinal cord: Within-participants reliability and measurement error

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this record Background Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a promising technique for the visualization of the cervical spinal cord (CSC) in vivo. It provides information about the tissue structure of axonal white matter, and it is thought to be more sensitive than other MR imaging techniques for the evaluation of damage to tracts in the spinal cord. Aim The purpose of this study was to determine the within-participants reliability and error magnitude of measurements of DTI metrics in healthy human CSC. Methods A total of twenty healthy controls (10 male, mean age: 33.9 ± 3.5 years, 10 females, mean age: 47.5 ± 14.4 years), with no family history of any neurological disorders or a contraindication to MRI scanning were recruited over a period of two months. Each participant was scanned twice with an MRI 3 T scanner using standard DTI sequences. Spinal Cord Toolbox (SCT) software was used for image post-processing. Data were first corrected for motion artefact, then segmented, registered to a template, and then the DTI metrics were computed. The within-participants coefficients of variation (CV%), the single and average within-participants intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and Bland-Altman plots for WM, VC, DC and LC fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (AD), and radial diffusivity (RD) were determined for the cervical spinal cord (between the 2nd and 5th cervical vertebrae). Results DTI metrics showed poor to excellent within-participants reliability for both single and average ICC and moderate to high reproducibility for CV%, all variation dependent on the location of the ROI. The BA plots showed good within-participants agreement between the scan-rescan values. Conclusion Results from this reliability study demonstrate that clinical trials using the DTI technique are feasible and that DTI, in particular regions of the cord is suitable for use for the monitoring of degenerative WM changes.Najran University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabi