3,740 research outputs found

    Analysis & Classification of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia using KNN Algorithm

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    The early Detection of leukemia in cancer patients can greatly increase the chances of recovery. The leukemia can be identified by specific tests such as Cytogenetics and Immunophenotyping and morphological cell classification made by hematologist observing blood & marrow microscope images. This Diagnostic methods are costly and time consuming. We propose the use of morphological analysis of microscopic images of leukemic blood cells for the identification purpose, the morphological analysis just requires an image not a blood sample and hence is suitable for low cost and remote diagnostic system . The proposed system firstly individuates in the blood image the leucocytes from the others blood cells, then it select the lymphocyte cells (the ones interested by acute leukemia), it evaluates morphological indexes from those cells and finally it classifies the presence of the leukemia. The segmentation process provides two enhanced images for each blood cell; containing the cytoplasm and the nuclei regions. Unique features for each form of leukemia can then be extracted from the two images and used for identification

    Modeling of evolving textures using granulometries

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    This chapter describes a statistical approach to classification of dynamic texture images, called parallel evolution functions (PEFs). Traditional classification methods predict texture class membership using comparisons with a finite set of predefined texture classes and identify the closest class. However, where texture images arise from a dynamic texture evolving over time, estimation of a time state in a continuous evolutionary process is required instead. The PEF approach does this using regression modeling techniques to predict time state. It is a flexible approach which may be based on any suitable image features. Many textures are well suited to a morphological analysis and the PEF approach uses image texture features derived from a granulometric analysis of the image. The method is illustrated using both simulated images of Boolean processes and real images of corrosion. The PEF approach has particular advantages for training sets containing limited numbers of observations, which is the case in many real world industrial inspection scenarios and for which other methods can fail or perform badly. [41] G.W. Horgan, Mathematical morphology for analysing soil structure from images, European Journal of Soil Science, vol. 49, pp. 161–173, 1998. [42] G.W. Horgan, C.A. Reid and C.A. Glasbey, Biological image processing and enhancement, Image Processing and Analysis, A Practical Approach, R. Baldock and J. Graham, eds., Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 37–67, 2000. [43] B.B. Hubbard, The World According to Wavelets: The Story of a Mathematical Technique in the Making, A.K. Peters Ltd., Wellesley, MA, 1995. [44] H. Iversen and T. Lonnestad. An evaluation of stochastic models for analysis and synthesis of gray-scale texture, Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 15, pp. 575–585, 1994. [45] A.K. Jain and F. Farrokhnia, Unsupervised texture segmentation using Gabor filters, Pattern Recognition, vol. 24(12), pp. 1167–1186, 1991. [46] T. Jossang and F. Feder, The fractal characterization of rough surfaces, Physica Scripta, vol. T44, pp. 9–14, 1992. [47] A.K. Katsaggelos and T. Chun-Jen, Iterative image restoration, Handbook of Image and Video Processing, A. Bovik, ed., Academic Press, London, pp. 208–209, 2000. [48] M. K¨oppen, C.H. Nowack and G. R¨osel, Pareto-morphology for color image processing, Proceedings of SCIA99, 11th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis 1, Kangerlussuaq, Greenland, pp. 195–202, 1999. [49] S. Krishnamachari and R. Chellappa, Multiresolution Gauss-Markov random field models for texture segmentation, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 6(2), pp. 251–267, 1997. [50] T. Kurita and N. Otsu, Texture classification by higher order local autocorrelation features, Proceedings of ACCV93, Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Osaka, pp. 175–178, 1993. [51] S.T. Kyvelidis, L. Lykouropoulos and N. Kouloumbi, Digital system for detecting, classifying, and fast retrieving corrosion generated defects, Journal of Coatings Technology, vol. 73(915), pp. 67–73, 2001. [52] Y. Liu, T. Zhao and J. Zhang, Learning multispectral texture features for cervical cancer detection, Proceedings of 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Macro to Nano, pp. 169–172, 2002. [53] G. McGunnigle and M.J. Chantler, Modeling deposition of surface texture, Electronics Letters, vol. 37(12), pp. 749–750, 2001. [54] J. McKenzie, S. Marshall, A.J. Gray and E.R. Dougherty, Morphological texture analysis using the texture evolution function, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 17(2), pp. 167–185, 2003. [55] J. McKenzie, Classification of dynamically evolving textures using evolution functions, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Strathclyde, UK, 2004. [56] S.G. Mallat, Multiresolution approximations and wavelet orthonormal bases of L2(R), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 315, pp. 69–87, 1989. [57] S.G. Mallat, A theory for multiresolution signal decomposition: the wavelet representation, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 11, pp. 674–693, 1989. [58] B.S. Manjunath and W.Y. Ma, Texture features for browsing and retrieval of image data, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 18, pp. 837–842, 1996. [59] B.S. Manjunath, G.M. Haley and W.Y. Ma, Multiband techniques for texture classification and segmentation, Handbook of Image and Video Processing, A. Bovik, ed., Academic Press, London, pp. 367–381, 2000. [60] G. Matheron, Random Sets and Integral Geometry, Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1975

    Factors influencing job satisfaction in the Malaysian Vocational College: herzberg two factor theory perspective

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    Teaching nowadays requires high commitment from teachers; the workload is heavy, the role is broad and the teachers are directly responsible for educating and developing the students. Educating and developing technical and vocational students requires quality, competent and high commitment teachers. Without commitment and motivation, they feel dissatisfied, or lack of passion in their job and the worst situation, some of them may withdraw or turnover from the profession. Teachers will achieve job satisfaction when the motivation and hygiene factors complement each other. Vocational colleges want their teachers to have the best possible performance. However, how to motivate the teachers? There is not much point in motivating them if they do not care about hygiene factors. Motivating people to work when the things they complain about disappear. When the dissatisfaction is taken away, the institutions can focus on motivating teachers effectively. Hence, the purpose of this study is to highlight the factors that affect job satisfaction in vocational colleges in Malaysia and identify the factors that affect job satisfaction. This study used Two-Factor Theory from Herzberg to decide how significant hygiene and motivator factors are related to job satisfaction among the vocational teachers and how the two factors complement each other. Among the factors identified are company policy, supervision, work conditions, salary, recognition, the work itself, personal growth, and achievement. This study also has theoretical implications for directing future developments study and offers practical suggestions to the management in the improvement of job satisfaction among vocational teachers. Job satisfaction is essential for individuals and vocational colleges. Factors affecting job satisfaction need to be given more attention to improve the quality of education and thus achieve student success. Herzberg Two-Factor Theory provides two factors that affect teachers' motivation in the workplace. Hygiene factors will influence teachers’ working less if they are not present, while motivational factors will motivate teachers to work better if they are present. Therefore, any hygiene factors must be resolved first, and then motivating factors must be boosted

    A switched-beam antenna for cellular communication

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    Wireless communication has created a continuing demand for increased bandwidth and better quality of services. Smart antenna arrays are one of the ways to accommodate this demand which can provide numerous benefits to service provider and the customer. Switched-beam antenna was chosen for this project due to its easier implementation and lower cost compared to adaptive array. Switched-beam antenna is one of smart antenna technique which comprises a number of predefined beams. The control system switches among the beams that provide the maximum signal response. Through the investigation and study on this system, found that, the 1200 sectorization with three monopole antenna elements suited for prototype construction. The initial stage to design this system is by using MA TLAB simulation to identify the antenna characteristic and the parameters involved. The second stage is about the construction of the prototype switched-beam antenna used to measure the antenna gain and relative power level which displayed using CASSY program

    Using wavelet denoising and mathematical morphology in the segmentation technique applied to blood cells images

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    Accurate image segmentation is used in medical diagnosis since this technique is a noninvasive pre-processing step for biomedical treatment. In this work we present an efficient segmentation method for medical image analysis. In particular, with this method blood cells can be segmented. For that, we combine the wavelet transform with morphological operations. Moreover, the wavelet thresholding technique is used to eliminate the noise and prepare the image for suitable segmentation. In wavelet denoising we determine the best wavelet that shows a segmentation with the largest area in the cell. We study different wavelet families and we conclude that the wavelet db1 is the best and it can serve for posterior works on blood pathologies. The proposed method generates goods results when it is applied on several images. Finally, the proposed algorithm made in MatLab environment is verified for a selected blood cells.Boix García, M.; Cantó Colomina, B. (2013). Using wavelet denoising and mathematical morphology in the segmentation technique applied to blood cells images. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. 10(2):279-294. doi:10.3934/mbe.2013.10.279S27929410

    Extraction of Nucleolus Candidate Zone in White Blood Cells of Peripheral Blood Smear Images Using Curvelet Transform

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    The main part of each white blood cell (WBC) is its nucleus which contains chromosomes. Although white blood cells (WBCs) with giant nuclei are the main symptom of leukemia, they are not sufficient to prove this disease and other symptoms must be investigated. For example another important symptom of leukemia is the existence of nucleolus in nucleus. The nucleus contains chromatin and a structure called the nucleolus. Chromatin is DNA in its active form while nucleolus is composed of protein and RNA, which are usually inactive. In this paper, to diagnose this symptom and in order to discriminate between nucleoli and chromatins, we employ curvelet transform, which is a multiresolution transform for detecting 2D singularities in images. For this reason, at first nuclei are extracted by means of K-means method, then curvelet transform is applied on extracted nuclei and the coefficients are modified, and finally reconstructed image is used to extract the candidate locations of chromatins and nucleoli. This method is applied on 100 microscopic images and succeeds with specificity of 80.2% and sensitivity of 84.3% to detect the nucleolus candidate zone. After nucleolus candidate zone detection, new features that can be used to classify atypical and blast cells such as gradient of saturation channel are extracted

    Manual and automatic image analysis segmentation methods for blood flow studies in microchannels

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    In blood flow studies, image analysis plays an extremely important role to examine raw data obtained by high-speed video microscopy systems. This work shows different ways to process the images which contain various blood phenomena happening in microfluidic devices and in microcirculation. For this purpose, the current methods used for tracking red blood cells (RBCs) flowing through a glass capillary and techniques to measure the cell-free layer thickness in different kinds of microchannels will be presented. Most of the past blood flow experimental data have been collected and analyzed by means of manual methods, that can be extremely reliable, but they are highly time-consuming, user-intensive, repetitive, and the results can be subjective to user-induced errors. For this reason, it is crucial to develop image analysis methods able to obtain the data automatically. Concerning automatic image analysis methods for individual RBCs tracking and to measure the well known microfluidic phenomena cell-free layer, two developed methods are presented and discussed in order to demonstrate their feasibility to obtain accurate data acquisition in such studies. Additionally, a comparison analysis between manual and automatic methods was performed.This project has been funded by Portuguese national funds of FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) through the base funding from the following research units: UIDB/00532/2020 (Transport Phenomena Research Center—CEFT), UIDB/04077/2020 (Mechanical Engineering and Resource Sustainability Center—MEtRICs), UIDB/00690/2020 (CIMO). The authors are also grateful for the partial funding of FCT through the projects, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-029394 (PTDC/EMD-EMD/29394/2017) and NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-030171 (PTDC/EMD-EMD/30171/2017) funded by COMPETE2020, NORTE2020, PORTUGAL2020 and FEDER. D. Bento acknowledges the PhD scholarship SFRH/BD/ 91192/2012 granted by FCT

    Computer vision for microscopy diagnosis of malaria

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    This paper reviews computer vision and image analysis studies aiming at automated diagnosis or screening of malaria infection in microscope images of thin blood film smears. Existing works interpret the diagnosis problem differently or propose partial solutions to the problem. A critique of these works is furnished. In addition, a general pattern recognition framework to perform diagnosis, which includes image acquisition, pre-processing, segmentation, and pattern classification components, is described. The open problems are addressed and a perspective of the future work for realization of automated microscopy diagnosis of malaria is provided