1,485 research outputs found

    The organisational and communication implications of electronic ordering systems for hospital pathology services

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    Computerised Provider Order Entry (CPOE) systems provide clinicians with the ability to electronically enter hospital orders for laboratory tests and services. CPOE is able to integrate with hospital information systems and provide point of care decision support to users thereby making a potentially significant contribution to the efficiency and effectiveness of care delivery. The evidence of the impact of CPOE systems on pathology services is not extensive and insufficient attention has been paid to their effect on organisational and communication processes. This thesis aimed to investigate the implications of CPOE systems for pathology laboratories, their work processes and relationships with other hospital departments, using comparative examinations to identify the tasks they are involved in and the particular needs the laboratories expect to be filled by the new system. This longitudinal study of a CPOE system was carried out over three years using multiple cases from a hospital pathology service based at a large Sydney teaching hospital. Multi-methods using quantitative and qualitative data were employed to achieve triangulation of data, theory and methods. The findings provide evidence of a significant 14.3% reduction of laboratory turnaround times from 42 to 36 minutes when laboratory data for two months were compared before and after CPOE implementation. The findings also reveal changes in the pattern and organisation of information communication, highlighting transformations in the way that work is planned, negotiated and synchronised. These findings are drawn together in a comprehensive organisational communication framework that is highly relevant for developing a contingent and situational understanding of the impact of CPOE on pathology services

    Implementation of computerised physician order entry (CPOE) and picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) in the NHS: quantitative before and after study

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    Objective To assess the impact of components of the national programme for information technology (NPfIT) on measures of clinical and operational efficiency

    A Fit between Clinical Workflow and Health Care Information Systems

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    A Fit between Clinical Workflow and Health Care Information Systems

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    A Fit between Clinical Workflow and Health Care Information Systems: Not waiting for Godot but making the journey

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    Health care has long suffered from inefficiencies due to the fragmentation of patient care information and the lack of coordination between health professionals [1]. Health care information systems (HISs) have been lauded as tools to remedy such inefficiencies [2, 3]. The primary idea behind the support of their implementation in health care is that these systems support clinical workflow and thereby decrease medical errors [2]. However, their introduction to health care settings have been accompanied by a transformation of the way their primary users, care providers, carry out clinical tasks and establish or maintain work relationships [4]. Studies have shown that these transformations have not always been productive [5, 6]

    Computer physician order entry (CPOE) as a strategy to estimate laboratory activity and costs associated with cancer clinical trials

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    Introduction: Most of clinical laboratories are not properly reimbursed for their activity related to clinical trials (CTs) conducted in their institutions due to a lack of measurement strategies. We implemented a specific computer physician order entry (CPOE) environment for CTs in order to facilitate ordering to providers and estimate the associated costs to be compared with the standard of care (SOC). Materials and methods: Four specific electronic formularies, restricted to two new virtual CTs clinical services (onco - CT and haemo - CT), were implemented in January 2015. For each clinical trial displayed in the panels there were several box-cells that contained several profiles based on the different phase of the trials. Tests included in the profiles were the tests required by protocol. Laboratory costs (€) per patient were compared between the CTs services and their regular outpatients clinical services (onco - Out and haemo - Out, considered the SOC) for three years. Results: Costs per patient were higher for CTs services and increased progressively each year (25%, 70% and 70% and 0.6%, 2.7% and 17% in 2015, 2016 and 2017 for Oncology and Haematology, respectively). Taking into account all these differences and the number of patients attending a total difference in expense of + 130,377.7 € for the period 2015-2017 was obtained between CTs and outpatients services. Conclusions: Strategies through CPOE systems based on restricted and specific profiles for CTs ordering are a promising tool that can improve laboratory associated costs estimation and provide robust evidence in reimbursement negotiation processes with CTs sponsors

    CPOE in Iran-A viable prospect?. Physicians' opinions on using CPOE in an Iranian teaching hospital

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    Background: In recent years, the theory that on-line clinical decision support systems can improve patients' safety among hospitalised individuals has gained greater acceptance. However, the feasibility of implementing such a system in a middle or low-income country has rarely been studied. Understanding the current prescription process and a proper needs assessment of prescribers can act as the key to successful implementation. Objectives: The aim of this study was to explore physicians' opinions on the current prescription process, and the expected benefits and perceived obstacles to employ Computerised Physician Order Entry in an Iranian teaching hospital. Methods: Initially, the interview guideline was developed through focus group discussions with eight experts. Then semi-structured interviews were held with 19 prescribers. After verbatim transcription, inductive thematic analysis was performed on empirical data. Forty hours of on-looker observations were performed in different wards to explore the current prescription process. Results: The current prescription process was identified as a physician-centred, top-down, model, where prescribers were found to mostly rely on their memories as well as being overconfident. Some errors may occur during different paper-based registrations, transcriptions and transfers. Physician opinions on Computerised Physician Order Entry were categorised into expected benefits and perceived obstacles. Confidentiality issues, reduction of medication errors and educational benefits were identified as three themes in the expected benefits category. High cost, social and cultural barriers, data entry time and problems with technical support emerged as four themes in the perceived obstacles category. Conclusions: The current prescription process has a high possibility of medication errors. Although there are different barriers confronting the implementation and continuation of Computerised Physician Order Entry in Iranian hospitals, physicians have a willingness to use them if these systems provide significant benefits. A pilot study in a limited setting and a comprehensive analysis of health outcomes and economic indicators should be performed, to assess the merits of introducing Computerised Physician Order Entry with decision support capabilities in Iran. © 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Factors Impacting Use of Information Technology by Physicians in Private Practice

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    This research examines the impact of various factors on the use of IT in clinical practice, prescriptions, and patient information. This was done using a national sample of 3425 physicians who worked in a solo or group practice in the United States. Besides the extent of use of electronic medical records by physicians and number of physicians in practice, none of the other factors consistently impacted the use of IT in clinical practice, prescriptions, and patient information, respectively. The results of this study highlight the need to develop specific strategies to increase the use of information technology in healthcare
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