13,382 research outputs found

    A type-level approach to component prototyping

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    Algebraic theories for modeling components and their interactions offer abstraction over the specifics of component states and interfaces. For example, such theories deal with forms of sequential composition of two components in a manner independent of the type of data stored in the states of the components, and independent of the number and types of methods offered by the interfaces of the combinators. General purpose programming languages do not offer this level of abstraction, which implies that a gap must be bridged when turning component models into implementations. In this paper, we present an approach to prototyping of component-based systems that employs so-called type-level programming (or compile-time computation) to bridge the gap between abstract component models and their type-safe implementation in a functional programming language. We demonstrate our approach using Barbosa’s model of components as generalized Mealy machines. For this model, we develop a combinator library in Haskell, which uses typelevel programming with two effects. Firstly, wiring between components is computed during compilation. Secondly, the well-formedness of the component compositions is guarded byHaskell’s strong type system.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, under grant number SFRH/BD/30231/2006

    Parallel Program Composition with Paragraphs in Stapl

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    Languages and tools currently available for the development of parallel applications are difficult to learn and use. The Standard Template Adaptive Parallel Library (STAPL) is being developed to make it easier for programmers to implement a parallel application. STAPL is a parallel programming library for C++ that adopts the generic programming philosophy of the C++ Standard Template Library. STAPL provides collections of parallel algorithms (pAlgorithms) and containers (pContainers) that allow a developer to write their application without reimplementing the algorithms and data structures commonly used in parallel computing. pViews in STAPL are abstract data types that provide generic data access operations independently of the type of pContainer used to store the data. Algorithms and applications have a formal, high level representation in STAPL. A computation in STAPL is represented as a parallel task graph, which we call a PARAGRAPH. A PARAGRAPH contains a representation of the algorithm's input data, the operations that are used to transform individual data elements, and the ordering between the application of operations that transform the same data element. Just as programs are the result of a composition of algorithms, STAPL programs are the result of a composition of PARAGRAPHs. This dissertation develops the PARAGRAPH program representation and its compositional methods. PARAGRAPHs improve the developer's difficult situation by simplifying what she must specify when writing a parallel algorithm. The performance of the PARAGRAPH is evaluated using parallel generic algorithms, benchmarks from the NAS suite, and a nuclear particle transport application that has been written using STAPL. Our experiments were performed on Cray XT4 and Cray XE6 massively parallel systems and an IBM Power5 cluster, and show that scalable performance beyond 16,000 processors is possible using the PARAGRAPH

    Finite Presheaf categories as a nice setting for doing generic programming

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    The purpose of this paper is to describe how some theorems about constructions in categories can be seen as a way of doing generic programming. No prior knowledge of category theory is required to understand the paper. We explore the class of nite presheaf categories. Each of these categories can be seen as a type or universe of structures parameterized by a diagram (actually a nite category) C. Examples of these categories are: graphs, labeled graphs, nite automata and evolutive sets. Limits and colimits are very general ways of combining objects in categories in such a way that a new object is built and satis es a certain universal property. When con- centrating on nite presheaf categories and interpreting them as types or structures, limits and colimits can be interpreted as very general operations on types. Theorems on the construction of limits and colimits in arbitrary categories will provide a generic implementation of these operations. Also, nite presheaf categories are toposes. Because of this, each of these categories has an internal logic. We are going to show that some theorems about the truth of sentences of this logic can be interpreted as a way an implementing a generic theorem prover. The paper discusses non trivial theorems and de nitions from category and topos theory but the emphasis is put on their computational content and in what way they provide rich and abstract data structures and algorithms.Eje: Workshop sobre Aspectos Teoricos de la Inteligencia ArtificialRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    The generation of concurrent code for declarative languages

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis presents an approach to the implementation of declarative languages on a simple, general purpose concurrent architecture. The safe exploitation of the available concurrency is managed by relatively sophisticated code generation techniques to transform programs into an intermediate concurrent machine code. Compilation techniques are discussed for 1'-HYBRID, a strongly typed applicative language, and for 'c-HYBRID, a concurrent, nondeterministic logic language. An approach is presented for 1'- HYBRID whereby the style of programming influences the concurrency utilised when a program executes. Code transformation techniques are presented which generalise tail-recursion optimisation, allowing many recursive functions to be modelled by perpetual processes. A scheme is also presented to allow parallelism to be increased by the use of local declarations, and constrained by the use of special forms of identity function. In order to preserve determinism in the language, a novel fault handling mechanism is used, whereby exceptions generated at run-time are treated as a special class of values within the language. A description is given of ,C-HYBRID, a dialect of the nondeterministic logic language Concurrent Prolog. The language is embedded within the applicative language 1'-HYBRID, yielding a combined applicative and logic programming language. Various cross-calling techniques are described, including the use of applicative scoping rules to allow local logical assertions. A description is given of a polymorphic typechecking algorithm for logic programs, which allows different instances of clauses to unify objects of different types. The concept of a method is derived to allow unification Information to be passed as an implicit argument to clauses which require it. In addition, the typechecking algorithm permits higher-order objects such as functions to be passed within arguments to clauses. Using Concurrent Prolog's model of concurrency, techniques are described which permit compilation of 'c-HYBRID programs to abstract machine code derived from that used for the applicative language. The use of methods allows polymorphic logic programs to execute without the need for run-time type information in data structures.The Science and Engineering Research Council

    Refactoring pattern matching

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    Defining functions by pattern matching over the arguments is advantageous for understanding and reasoning, but it tends to expose the implementation of a datatype. Significant effort has been invested in tackling this loss of modularity; however, decoupling patterns from concrete representations while maintaining soundness of reasoning has been a challenge. Inspired by the development of invertible programming, we propose an approach to program refactoring based on a right-invertible language rinv—every function has a right (or pre-) inverse. We show how this new design is able to permit a smooth incremental transition from programs with algebraic datatypes and pattern matching, to ones with proper encapsulation, while maintaining simple and sound reasoning

    Comparing Tag Scheme Variations Using an Abstract Machine Generator

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    In this paper we study, in the context of a WAM-based abstract machine for Prolog, how variations in the encoding of type information in tagged words and in their associated basic operations impact performance and memory usage. We use a high-level language to specify encodings and the associated operations. An automatic generator constructs both the abstract machine using this encoding and the associated Prolog-to-byte code compiler. Annotations in this language make it possible to impose constraints on the final representation of tagged words, such as the effectively addressable space (fixing, for example, the word size of the target processor /architecture), the layout of the tag and value bits inside the tagged word, and how the basic operations are implemented. We evaluate large number of combinations of the different parameters in two scenarios: a) trying to obtain an optimal general-purpose abstract machine and b) automatically generating a specially-tuned abstract machine for a particular program. We conclude that we are able to automatically generate code featuring all the optimizations present in a hand-written, highly-optimized abstract machine and we canal so obtain emulators with larger addressable space and better performance

    Description and Optimization of Abstract Machines in a Dialect of Prolog

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    In order to achieve competitive performance, abstract machines for Prolog and related languages end up being large and intricate, and incorporate sophisticated optimizations, both at the design and at the implementation levels. At the same time, efficiency considerations make it necessary to use low-level languages in their implementation. This makes them laborious to code, optimize, and, especially, maintain and extend. Writing the abstract machine (and ancillary code) in a higher-level language can help tame this inherent complexity. We show how the semantics of most basic components of an efficient virtual machine for Prolog can be described using (a variant of) Prolog. These descriptions are then compiled to C and assembled to build a complete bytecode emulator. Thanks to the high level of the language used and its closeness to Prolog, the abstract machine description can be manipulated using standard Prolog compilation and optimization techniques with relative ease. We also show how, by applying program transformations selectively, we obtain abstract machine implementations whose performance can match and even exceed that of state-of-the-art, highly-tuned, hand-crafted emulators.Comment: 56 pages, 46 figures, 5 tables, To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP