105 research outputs found

    Physical layer secrecy by power splitting and jamming in cooperative multiple relay based on energy harvesting in full-duplex network

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    In this article, we investigated the secrecy performance of a three-hop relay network system with Power Splitting (PS) and Energy Harvesting (EH). In the presence of one eavesdropper, a signal is transferred from source to destination with the help of a relay. The source signal transmits in full-duplex (FD) mood, jamming the relay transfer signals to the destination. The relay and source employ Time Switching (TS) and Energy Harvesting (EH) techniques to obtain the power from the power beacon. In this study, we compared the Secrecy Rate of two Cooperative Schemes, Amplify and Forward (AF) and Decode and Forward (DF), for both designed systems with the established EH and PS system. The Secrecy Rate was improved by 50.5% in the AF scheme and by 44.2% in the DF scheme between the relay and eavesdropper at 40 m apart for the proposed system in EH and PS. This simulation was performed using the Monto Carlo method in MATLAB

    Esquemas de retransmissão baseados no protocolo decodifica-e-encaminha em redes cognitivas do tipo underlay

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    Orientador: José Cândido Silveira Santos FilhoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: O conceito de compartilhamento de espectro do tipo underlay tem sido proposto como uma técnica promissora para contornar o problema da escassez e da subutilização do espectro, permitindo que usuários não licenciados, chamados de usuários secundários, possam acessar simultaneamente uma banda licenciada, alocada aos usuários primários, desde que o nível de interferência sobre os mesmos seja mantido abaixo de um dado limiar aceitável. Entretanto, isso implica que a potência de transmissão na rede secundária deve ser restringida, comprometendo assim a confiabilidade e a cobertura da comunicação. A fim de contornar esse problema, técnicas de retransmissão cooperativa, as quais proveem um novo tipo de diversidade espacial, podem ser exploradas como um meio eficaz para melhorar o desempenho da rede secundária. De fato, a utilização conjunta de ambas as técnicas ¿ compartilhamento de espectro do tipo underlay e retransmissão cooperativa ¿ em redes cooperativas e cognitivas tem recebido especial atenção, já que a eficiência espectral do sistema e o desempenho da rede secundária podem ser melhorados significativamente. Esta tese apresenta quatro contribuições principais na referida área. Em particular, estuda-se o efeito conjunto de duas restrições de potência importantes sobre o desempenho de outage de redes cooperativas e cognitivas, especificamente, o nível máximo de potência interferente tolerada pelo receptor primário e o valor máximo de potência transmitida nos usuários secundários. Foca-se em esquemas de retransmissão baseados no protocolo decodifica-e-encaminha, abordando cenários em que o enlace direto entre fonte e destino está disponível para transmitir informação útil. Como uma primeira contribuição, analisa-se o desempenho de dois esquemas baseados no protocolo de retransmissão half-duplex incremental, os quais exploram a diversidade espacial dos enlaces diretos em redes cooperativas e cognitivas multiusuário. A segunda contribuição investiga o impacto de estimativas desatualizadas do canal sobre o mecanismo de seleção de destino para um desses esquemas anteriores, focando-se apenas no aspecto cooperativo da rede, ou seja, desconsiderando-se o uso de compartilhamento espectral. A terceira contribuição estuda o desempenho de redes cooperativas e cognitivas baseadas no modo full-duplex. Para esse cenário, avalia-se o impacto tanto da autointerferência residual, que é inerente ao modo full-duplex, bem como das restrições de potência que caracterizam o compartilhamento de espectro do tipo underlay. Como contribuição final, motivada pelo compromisso entre a perda de eficiência espectral e o problema da autointerferência residual, próprios dos modos half-duplex e full-duplex, respectivamente, propõe-se e analisa-se um esquema de transmissão adaptativo para redes cooperativas e cognitivas, através do qual, antes de cada processo de comunicação, um dos seguintes modos de transmissão é selecionado: retransmissão half-duplex, retransmissão full-duplex ou transmissão direta. Para todos os cenários considerados, expressões analíticas exatas para a probabilidade de outage são obtidas. Adicionalmente, uma análise assintótica é realizada a fim de caracterizar a ordem de diversidade e o comportamento de outage da rede secundária no regime assintótico de alta relação sinal-ruído. Simulações de Monte Carlo validam os resultados analíticos apresentadosAbstract: Underlay spectrum sharing has been proposed as a promising technique to alleviate the problem of spectrum scarcity and underutilization, by enabling secondary (unlicensed) users to concurrently access a licensed band, provided that the resulting interference on the primary (licensed) users remains below a given acceptable level. However, such a technique implies that the transmit power at the secondary network must be constrained, thereby compromising the communication reliability and coverage. To counteract this, cooperative relaying techniques, which provide a new form of spatial diversity, can be exploited as an effective means to boost the performance of the secondary network. Indeed, the joint use of both techniques¿underlay spectrum sharing and cooperative relaying¿in cognitive relaying networks has drawn special attention, since the overall spectral efficiency and the secondary-network performance can be significantly improved. This dissertation comprises four main contributions in this field. In particular, we examine the combined effect of two crucial power constraints on the outage performance of cognitive relaying networks, namely, the maximum tolerable interference power at the primary receiver and the maximum transmit power at the secondary users. We focus on relaying schemes operating under the decode-and-forward protocol, for scenarios in which the direct link between source and destination is available to convey useful information. As a first contribution, we analyze the performance of two incremental half-duplex relaying schemes, which exploit the spatial diversity of the direct links in a multiuser scenario. Our second contribution investigates the impact of outdated channel estimates on the destination-scheduling mechanism of one of those incremental schemes, from the perspective of a cooperative network only, that is, in the absence of spectrum sharing. The third contribution addresses cognitive full-duplex relaying networks. More specifically, we assess the system performance as a function of both the residual self-interference, which is inherent to the full-duplex relaying mode, and the underlay spectrum-sharing power constraints. As a final contribution, driven by the tradeoff between the spectral-efficiency loss and the residual self-interference problem, intrinsic to the half- and full-duplex relaying modes, respectively, we propose and analyze an adaptive transmission scheme whereby, before each communication process, one out of the following transmission modes is selected: half-duplex relaying, full-duplex relaying, or direct transmission. For all the considered scenarios, exact analytical expressions for the outage probability are derived. In addition, an asymptotic analysis is performed to obtain further insights on the diversity order and outage behavior of the secondary network at the high signal-to-noise ratio regime. Monte Carlo simulations corroborate the accuracy of the presented mathematical analysisDoutoradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaDoutor em Engenharia ElétricaCAPE

    Spectral-energy efficiency trade-off of relay-aided cellular networks

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    Wireless communication networks are traditionally designed to operate at high spectral e ciency with less emphasis on power consumption as it is assumed that endless power supply is available through the power grid where the cells are connected to. As new generations of mobile networks exhibit decreasing gains in spectral e ciency, the mobile industry is forced to consider energy reform policies in order to sustain the economic growth of itself and other industries relying on it. Consequently, the energy e ciency of conventional direct transmission cellular networks is being examined while alternative green network architectures are also explored. The relay-aided cellular network is being considered as one of the potential network architecture for energy e cient transmission. However, relaying transmission incurs multiplexing loss due to its multi-hop protocol. This, in turn, reduces network spectral e ciency. Furthermore, interference is also expected to increase with the deployment of Relay Stations (RSs) in the network. This thesis examines the power consumption of the conventional direct transmission cellular network and contributes to the development of the relay-aided cellular network. Firstly, the power consumption of the direct transmission cellular network is investigated. While most work considered transmitter side strategies, the impact of the receiver on the Base Station (BS) total power consumption is investigated here. Both the zero-forcing and minimum mean square error weight optimisation approaches are considered for both the conventional linear and successive interference cancellation receivers. The power consumption model which includes both the radio frequency transmit power and circuit power is described. The in uence of the receiver interference cancellation techniques, the number of transceiver antennas, circuit power consumption and inter-cell interference on the BS total power consumption is investigated. Secondly, the spectral-energy e ciency trade-o in the relay-aided cellular network is investigated. The signal forwarding and interference forwarding relaying paradigms are considered with the direct transmission cellular network taken as the baseline. This investigation serves to understand the dynamics in the performance trade-o . To select a suitable balance point in the trade-o , the economic e ciency metric is proposed whereby the spectral-energy e ciency pair which maximises the economic pro tability is found. Thus, the economic e ciency metric can be utilised as an alternative means to optimise the relay-aided cellular network while taking into account the inherent spectral-energy e ciency trade-o . Finally, the method of mitigating interference in the relay-aided cellular network is demonstrated by means of the proposed relay cooperation scheme. In the proposed scheme, both joint RS decoding and independent RS decoding approaches are considered during the broadcast phase while joint relay transmission is employed in the relay phase. Two user selection schemes requiring global Channel State Information (CSI) are considered. The partial semi-orthogonal user selection method with reduced CSI requirement is then proposed. As the cooperative cost limits the practicality of cooperative schemes, the cost incurred at the cooperative links between the RSs is investigated for varying degrees of RS cooperation. The performance of the relay cooperation scheme with di erent relay frequency reuse patterns is considered as well. In a nutshell, the research presented in this thesis reveals the impact of the receiver on the BS total power consumption in direct transmission cellular networks. The relayaided cellular network is then presented as an alternative architecture for energy e cient transmission. The economic e ciency metric is proposed to maximise the economic pro tability of the relay network while taking into account the existing spectral-energy e ciency trade-o . To mitigate the interference from the RSs, the relay cooperation scheme for advanced relay-aided cellular networks is proposed

    Relay assisted device-to-device communication with channel uncertainty

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    The gains of direct communication between user equipment in a network may not be fully realised due to the separation between the user equipment and due to the fading that the channel between these user equipment experiences. In order to fully realise the gains that direct (device-to-device) communication promises, idle user equipment can be exploited to serve as relays to enforce device-to-device communication. The availability of potential relay user equipment creates a problem: a way to select the relay user equipment. Moreover, unlike infrastructure relays, user equipment are carried around by people and these users are self-interested. Thus the problem of relay selection goes beyond choosing which device to assist in relayed communication but catering for user self-interest. Another problem in wireless communication is the unavailability of perfect channel state information. This reality creates uncertainty in the channel and so in designing selection algorithms, channel uncertainty awareness needs to be a consideration. Therefore the work in this thesis considers the design of relay user equipment selection algorithms that are not only device centric but that are relay user equipment centric. Furthermore, the designed algorithms are channel uncertainty aware. Firstly, a stable matching based relay user equipment selection algorithm is put forward for underlay device-to-device communication. A channel uncertainty aware approach is proposed to cater to imperfect channel state information at the devices. The algorithm is combined with a rate based mode selection algorithm. Next, to cater to the queue state at the relay user equipment, a cross-layer selection algorithm is proposed for a twoway decode and forward relay set up. The algorithm proposed employs deterministic uncertainty constraint in the interference channel, solving the selection algorithm in a heuristic fashion. Then a cluster head selection algorithm is proposed for device-to-device group communication constrained by channel uncertainty in the interference channel. The formulated rate maximization problem is solved for deterministic and probabilistic constraint scenarios, and the problem extended to a multiple-input single-out scenario for which robust beamforming was designed. Finally, relay utility and social distance based selection algorithms are proposed for full duplex decode and forward device-to-device communication set up. A worst-case approach is proposed for a full channel uncertainty scenario. The results from computer simulations indicate that the proposed algorithms offer spectral efficiency, fairness and energy efficiency gains. The results also showed clearly the deterioration in the performance of networks when perfect channel state information is assumed

    Cooperative Wireless Systems

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    This Ph.D. dissertation reports on the work performed at the Wireless Communication Laboratory - University of Bologna and National Research Council - as well as, for six months, at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuit (IIS) in Nürnberg. The work of this thesis is in the area of wireless communications, especially with regards to cooperative communications aspects in narrow-band and ultra-wideband systems, cooperative links characterization, network geometry, power allocation techniques,and synchronization between nodes. The underpinning of this work is devoted to developing a general framework for design and analysis of wireless cooperative communication systems, which depends on propagation environment, transmission technique, diversity method, power allocation for various scenarios and relay positions. The optimal power allocation for minimizing the bit error probability at the destination is derived. In addition, a syncronization algorithm for master-slave communications is proposed with the aim of jointly compensate the clock drift and offset of wireless nodes composing the network

    Reliability performance analysis of half-duplex and full-duplex schemes with self-energy recycling

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    Abstract. Radio frequency energy harvesting (EH) has emerged as a promising option for improving the energy efficiency of current and future networks. Self-energy recycling (sER), as a variant of EH, has also appeared as a suitable alternative that allows to reuse part of the transmitted energy via an energy loop. In this work we study the benefits of using sER in terms of reliability improvements and compare the performance of full-duplex (FD) and half-duplex (HD) schemes when using multi-antenna techniques at the base station side. We also assume a model for the hardware energy consumption, making the analysis more realistic since most works only consider the energy spent on transmission. In addition to spectral efficiency enhancements, results show that FD performs better than HD in terms of reliability. We maximize the outage probability of the worst link in the network using a dynamic FD scheme where a small base station (SBS) determines the optimal number of antennas for transmission and reception. This scheme proves to be more efficient than classical HD and FD modes. Results show that the use of sER at the SBS introduces changes on the distribution of antennas for maximum fairness when compared to the setup without sER. Moreover, we determine the minimum number of active radio frequency chains required at the SBS in order to achieve a given reliability target

    Recent Advances in Cellular D2D Communications

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    Device-to-device (D2D) communications have attracted a great deal of attention from researchers in recent years. It is a promising technique for offloading local traffic from cellular base stations by allowing local devices, in physical proximity, to communicate directly with each other. Furthermore, through relaying, D2D is also a promising approach to enhancing service coverage at cell edges or in black spots. However, there are many challenges to realizing the full benefits of D2D. For one, minimizing the interference between legacy cellular and D2D users operating in underlay mode is still an active research issue. With the 5th generation (5G) communication systems expected to be the main data carrier for the Internet-of-Things (IoT) paradigm, the potential role of D2D and its scalability to support massive IoT devices and their machine-centric (as opposed to human-centric) communications need to be investigated. New challenges have also arisen from new enabling technologies for D2D communications, such as non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and blockchain technologies, which call for new solutions to be proposed. This edited book presents a collection of ten chapters, including one review and nine original research works on addressing many of the aforementioned challenges and beyond

    Data and Energy Integrated Communication Networks for Wireless Big Data

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    This paper describes a new type of communication network called data and energy integrated communication networks (DEINs), which integrates the traditionally separate two processes, i.e., wireless information transfer (WIT) and wireless energy transfer (WET), fulfilling co-transmission of data and energy. In particular, the energy transmission using radio frequency is for the purpose of energy harvesting (EH) rather than information decoding. One driving force of the advent of DEINs is wireless big data, which comes from wireless sensors that produce a large amount of small piece of data. These sensors are typically powered by battery that drains sooner or later and will have to be taken out and then replaced or recharged. EH has emerged as a technology to wirelessly charge batteries in a contactless way. Recent research work has attempted to combine WET with WIT, typically under the label of simultaneous wireless information and power transfer. Such work in the literature largely focuses on the communication side of the whole wireless networks with particular emphasis on power allocation. The DEIN communication network proposed in this paper regards the convergence of WIT and WET as a full system that considers not only the physical layer but also the higher layers, such as media access control and information routing. After describing the DEIN concept and its high-level architecture/protocol stack, this paper presents two use cases focusing on the lower layer and the higher layer of a DEIN network, respectively. The lower layer use case is about a fair resource allocation algorithm, whereas the high-layer section introduces an efficient data forwarding scheme in combination with EH. The two case studies aim to give a better explanation of the DEIN concept. Some future research directions and challenges are also pointed out

    Radio Communications

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    In the last decades the restless evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) brought to a deep transformation of our habits. The growth of the Internet and the advances in hardware and software implementations modified our way to communicate and to share information. In this book, an overview of the major issues faced today by researchers in the field of radio communications is given through 35 high quality chapters written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world. Various aspects will be deeply discussed: channel modeling, beamforming, multiple antennas, cooperative networks, opportunistic scheduling, advanced admission control, handover management, systems performance assessment, routing issues in mobility conditions, localization, web security. Advanced techniques for the radio resource management will be discussed both in single and multiple radio technologies; either in infrastructure, mesh or ad hoc networks