1,687 research outputs found

    When FPGAs are better at floating-point than microprocessors

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    It has been shown that FPGAs could outperform high-end microprocessors on floating-point computations thanks to massive parallelism. However, most previous studies re-implement in the FPGA the operators present in a processor. This is a safe and relatively straightforward approach, but it doesn't exploit the greater flexibility of the FPGA. This article is a survey of the many ways in which the FPGA implementation of a given floating-point computation can be not only faster, but also more accurate than its microprocessor counterpart. Techniques studied here include custom precision, specific accumulator design, dedicated architectures for coarser operators which have to be implemented in software in processors, and others. A real-world biomedical application illustrates these claims. This study also points to how current FPGA fabrics could be enhanced for better floating-point support

    FPGA Implementation of an Adaptive Noise Canceller for Robust Speech Enhancement Interfaces

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    This paper describes the design and implementation results of an adaptive Noise Canceller useful for the construction of Robust Speech Enhancement Interfaces. The algorithm being used has very good performance for real time applications. Its main disadvantage is the requirement of calculating several operations of division, having a high computational cost. Besides that, the accuracy of the algorithm is critical in fixed-point representation due to the wide range of the upper and lower bounds of the variables implied in the algorithm. To solve this problem, the accuracy is studied and according to the results obtained a specific word-length has been adopted for each variable. The algorithm has been implemented for Altera and Xilinx FPGAs using high level synthesis tools. The results for a fixed format of 40 bits for all the variables and for a specific word-length for each variable are analyzed and discussed

    Efficient Neural Network Implementations on Parallel Embedded Platforms Applied to Real-Time Torque-Vectoring Optimization Using Predictions for Multi-Motor Electric Vehicles

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    The combination of machine learning and heterogeneous embedded platforms enables new potential for developing sophisticated control concepts which are applicable to the field of vehicle dynamics and ADAS. This interdisciplinary work provides enabler solutions -ultimately implementing fast predictions using neural networks (NNs) on field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and graphical processing units (GPUs)- while applying them to a challenging application: Torque Vectoring on a multi-electric-motor vehicle for enhanced vehicle dynamics. The foundation motivating this work is provided by discussing multiple domains of the technological context as well as the constraints related to the automotive field, which contrast with the attractiveness of exploiting the capabilities of new embedded platforms to apply advanced control algorithms for complex control problems. In this particular case we target enhanced vehicle dynamics on a multi-motor electric vehicle benefiting from the greater degrees of freedom and controllability offered by such powertrains. Considering the constraints of the application and the implications of the selected multivariable optimization challenge, we propose a NN to provide batch predictions for real-time optimization. This leads to the major contribution of this work: efficient NN implementations on two intrinsically parallel embedded platforms, a GPU and a FPGA, following an analysis of theoretical and practical implications of their different operating paradigms, in order to efficiently harness their computing potential while gaining insight into their peculiarities. The achieved results exceed the expectations and additionally provide a representative illustration of the strengths and weaknesses of each kind of platform. Consequently, having shown the applicability of the proposed solutions, this work contributes valuable enablers also for further developments following similar fundamental principles.Some of the results presented in this work are related to activities within the 3Ccar project, which has received funding from ECSEL Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No. 662192. This Joint Undertaking received support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Romania, Belgium, United Kingdom, France, Netherlands, Latvia, Finland, Spain, Italy, Lithuania. This work was also partly supported by the project ENABLES3, which received funding from ECSEL Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No. 692455-2

    Performance comparison of single-precision SPICE Model-Evaluation on FPGA, GPU, Cell, and multi-core processors

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    Automated code generation and performance tuning techniques for concurrent architectures such as GPUs, Cell and FPGAs can provide integer factor speedups over multi-core processor organizations for data-parallel, floating-point computation in SPICE model-evaluation. Our Verilog AMS compiler produces code for parallel evaluation of non-linear circuit models suitable for use in SPICE simulations where the same model is evaluated several times for all the devices in the circuit. Our compiler uses architecture specific parallelization strategies (OpenMP for multi-core, PThreads for Cell, CUDA for GPU, statically scheduled VLIW for FPGA) when producing code for these different architectures. We automatically explore different implementation configurations (e.g. unroll factor, vector length) using our performance-tuner to identify the best possible configuration for each architecture. We demonstrate speedups of 3- 182times for a Xilinx Virtex5 LX 330T, 1.3-33times for an IBM Cell, and 3-131times for an NVIDIA 9600 GT GPU over a 3 GHz Intel Xeon 5160 implementation for a variety of single-precision device models

    High Performance Reconfigurable Computing for Linear Algebra: Design and Performance Analysis

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    Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) enable powerful performance acceleration for scientific computations because of their intrinsic parallelism, pipeline ability, and flexible architecture. This dissertation explores the computational power of FPGAs for an important scientific application: linear algebra. First of all, optimized linear algebra subroutines are presented based on enhancements to both algorithms and hardware architectures. Compared to microprocessors, these routines achieve significant speedup. Second, computing with mixed-precision data on FPGAs is proposed for higher performance. Experimental analysis shows that mixed-precision algorithms on FPGAs can achieve the high performance of using lower-precision data while keeping higher-precision accuracy for finding solutions of linear equations. Third, an execution time model is built for reconfigurable computers (RC), which plays an important role in performance analysis and optimal resource utilization of FPGAs. The accuracy and efficiency of parallel computing performance models often depend on mean maximum computations. Despite significant prior work, there have been no sufficient mathematical tools for this important calculation. This work presents an Effective Mean Maximum Approximation method, which is more general, accurate, and efficient than previous methods. Together, these research results help address how to make linear algebra applications perform better on high performance reconfigurable computing architectures

    Vector support for multicore processors with major emphasis on configurable multiprocessors

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    It recently became increasingly difficult to build higher speed uniprocessor chips because of performance degradation and high power consumption. The quadratically increasing circuit complexity forbade the exploration of more instruction-level parallelism (JLP). To continue raising the performance, processor designers then focused on thread-level parallelism (TLP) to realize a new architecture design paradigm. Multicore processor design is the result of this trend. It has proven quite capable in performance increase and provides new opportunities in power management and system scalability. But current multicore processors do not provide powerful vector architecture support which could yield significant speedups for array operations while maintaining arealpower efficiency. This dissertation proposes and presents the realization of an FPGA-based prototype of a multicore architecture with a shared vector unit (MCwSV). FPGA stands for Filed-Programmable Gate Array. The idea is that rather than improving only scalar or TLP performance, some hardware budget could be used to realize a vector unit to greatly speedup applications abundant in data-level parallelism (DLP). To be realistic, limited by the parallelism in the application itself and by the compiler\u27s vectorizing abilities, most of the general-purpose programs can only be partially vectorized. Thus, for efficient resource usage, one vector unit should be shared by several scalar processors. This approach could also keep the overall budget within acceptable limits. We suggest that this type of vector-unit sharing be established in future multicore chips. The design, implementation and evaluation of an MCwSV system with two scalar processors and a shared vector unit are presented for FPGA prototyping. The MicroBlaze processor, which is a commercial IP (Intellectual Property) core from Xilinx, is used as the scalar processor; in the experiments the vector unit is connected to a pair of MicroBlaze processors through standard bus interfaces. The overall system is organized in a decoupled and multi-banked structure. This organization provides substantial system scalability and better vector performance. For a given area budget, benchmarks from several areas show that the MCwSV system can provide significant performance increase as compared to a multicore system without a vector unit. However, a MCwSV system with two MicroBlazes and a shared vector unit is not always an optimized system configuration for various applications with different percentages of vectorization. On the other hand, the MCwSV framework was designed for easy scalability to potentially incorporate various numbers of scalar/vector units and various function units. Also, the flexibility inherent to FPGAs can aid the task of matching target applications. These benefits can be taken into account to create optimized MCwSV systems for various applications. So the work eventually focused on building an architecture design framework incorporating performance and resource management for application-specific MCwSV (AS-MCwSV) systems. For embedded system design, resource usage, power consumption and execution latency are three metrics to be used in design tradeoffs. The product of these metrics is used here to choose the MCwSV system with the smallest value

    H-SIMD machine : configurable parallel computing for data-intensive applications

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    This dissertation presents a hierarchical single-instruction multiple-data (H-SLMD) configurable computing architecture to facilitate the efficient execution of data-intensive applications on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). H-SIMD targets data-intensive applications for FPGA-based system designs. The H-SIMD machine is associated with a hierarchical instruction set architecture (HISA) which is developed for each application. The main objectives of this work are to facilitate ease of program development and high performance through ease of scheduling operations and overlapping communications with computations. The H-SIMD machine is composed of the host, FPGA and nano-processor layers. They execute host SIMD instructions (HSIs), FPGA SIMD instructions (FSIs) and nano-processor instructions (NPLs), respectively. A distinction between communication and computation instructions is intended for all the HISA layers. The H-SIMD machine also employs a memory switching scheme to bridge the omnipresent large bandwidth gaps in configurable systems. To showcase the proposed high-performance approach, the conditions to fully overlap communications with computations are investigated for important applications. The building blocks in the H-SLMD machine, such as high-performance and area-efficient register files, are presented in detail. The H-SLMD machine hierarchy is implemented on a host Dell workstation and the Annapolis Wildstar II FPGA board. Significant speedups have been achieved for matrix multiplication (MM), 2-dimensional discrete cosine transform (2D DCT) and 2-dimensional fast Fourier transform (2D FFT) which are used widely in science and engineering. In another FPGA-based programming paradigm, a high-level language (here ANSI C) can be used to program the FPGAs in a mode similar to that of the H-SIMD machine in terms of trying to minimize the effect of overheads. More specifically, a multi-threaded overlapping scheme is proposed to reduce as much as possible, or even completely hide, runtime FPGA reconfiguration overheads. Nevertheless, although the HLL-enabled reconfigurable machine allows software developers to customize FPGA functions easily, special architecture techniques are needed to achieve high-performance without significant penalty on area and clock frequency. Two important high-performance applications, matrix multiplication and image edge detection, are tested on the SRC-6 reconfigurable machine. The implemented algorithms are able to exploit the available data parallelism with independent functional units and application-specific cache support. Relevant performance and design tradeoffs are analyzed
