1,595 research outputs found

    When Does Channel-Output Feedback Enlarge the Capacity Region of the Two-User Linear Deterministic Interference Channel?

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    International audienceThe two-user linear deterministic interference channel (LD-IC) with noisy channel-output feedback is fully described by six parameters that correspond to the number of bit-pipes between each transmitter and its corresponding intended receiver, i.e., n11\overrightarrow{n}_{11} and n22\overrightarrow{n}_{22}; between each transmitter and its corresponding non-intended receiver i.e., n12n_{12} and n21n_{21}; and between each receiver and its corresponding transmitter, i.e., n11\overleftarrow{n}_{11} and n22\overleftarrow{n}_{22}. An LD-IC without feedback corresponds to the case in which n11=n22=0\overleftarrow{n}_{11} = \overleftarrow{n}_{22} = 0 and the capacity region is denoted by C(n11,n22,n12,n21,0,0)C(\overrightarrow{n}_{11}, \overrightarrow{n}_{22}, n_{12}, n_{21}, 0 , 0). In the case in which feedback is available at both transmitters, n11>0\overleftarrow{n}_{11} > 0 and n22>0\overleftarrow{n}_{22} > 0, the capacity is denoted by C(n11,n22,n12,n21,n11,n22)C(\overrightarrow{n}_{11}, \overrightarrow{n}_{22}, n_{12}, n_{21}, \overleftarrow{n}_{11} , \overleftarrow{n}_{22}).This paper presents the exact conditions on n11\overleftarrow{n}_{11} (resp. n22\overleftarrow{n}_{22}) for observing an improvement in the capacity region C(n11,n22,n12,n21,n11,0)C(\overrightarrow{n}_{11}, \overrightarrow{n}_{22}, n_{12}, n_{21}, \overleftarrow{n}_{11} , 0) (resp. C(n11,n22,n12,n21,0,n22)C(\overrightarrow{n}_{11}, \overrightarrow{n}_{22}, n_{12}, n_{21}, 0 , \overleftarrow{n}_{22})) with respect to C(n11,n22,n12,n21,0,0)C(\overrightarrow{n}_{11}, \overrightarrow{n}_{22}, n_{12}, n_{21}, 0 , 0), for any 44-tuple (n11(\overrightarrow{n}_{11}, n22\overrightarrow{n}_{22}, n12n_{12}, n21)N4n_{21}) \in \mathbb{N}^4.Specifically, it is shown that there exists a threshold for the number of bit-pipes in the feedback link of transmitter-receiver pair 11 (resp. 22), denoted by n11\overleftarrow{n}_{11}^{\star} (resp. n22\overleftarrow{n}_{22}^{\star}) for which any n11>n11\overleftarrow{n}_{11} > \overleftarrow{n}_{11}^{\star} (resp. n22>n22\overleftarrow{n}_{22} > \overleftarrow{n}_{22}^{\star}) enlarges the capacity region, i.e., C(n11,n22,n12,n21,0,0)C(n11,n22,n12,n21,n11,0)C(\overrightarrow{n}_{11}, \overrightarrow{n}_{22}, n_{12}, n_{21}, 0 , 0) \subset C(\overrightarrow{n}_{11}, \overrightarrow{n}_{22}, n_{12}, n_{21}, \overleftarrow{n}_{11} , 0) (resp. C(n11,n22,n12,n21,0,0)C(n11,n22,n12,n21,0,n22)C(\overrightarrow{n}_{11}, \overrightarrow{n}_{22}, n_{12}, n_{21}, 0 , 0)\subset C(\overrightarrow{n}_{11}, \overrightarrow{n}_{22}, n_{12}, n_{21} , 0, \overleftarrow{n}_{22})).The exact conditions on n11\overleftarrow{n}_{11} (resp. n22\overleftarrow{n}_{22}) to observe an improvement on a single rate or the sum-rate capacity, for any 44-tuple (n11,n22,n12,n21)(\overrightarrow{n}_{11}, \overrightarrow{n}_{22}, n_{12}, n_{21}) N4\in \mathbb{N}^4 are also presented in this paper

    Noisy Channel-Output Feedback Capacity of the Linear Deterministic Interference Channel

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    In this paper, the capacity region of the two-user linear deterministic (LD) interference channel with noisy output feedback (IC-NOF) is fully characterized. This result allows the identification of several asymmetric scenarios in which imple- menting channel-output feedback in only one of the transmitter- receiver pairs is as beneficial as implementing it in both links, in terms of achievable individual rate and sum-rate improvements w.r.t. the case without feedback. In other scenarios, the use of channel-output feedback in any of the transmitter-receiver pairs benefits only one of the two pairs in terms of achievable individual rate improvements or simply, it turns out to be useless, i.e., the capacity regions with and without feedback turn out to be identical even in the full absence of noise in the feedback links.Comment: 5 pages, 9 figures, see proofs in V. Quintero, S. M. Perlaza, and J.-M. Gorce, "Noisy channel-output feedback capacity of the linear deterministic interference channel," INRIA, Tech. Rep. 456, Jan. 2015. This was submitted and accepted in IEEE ITW 201

    Nash Region of the Linear Deterministic Interference Channel with Noisy Output Feedback

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    In this paper, the η\eta-Nash equilibrium (η\eta-NE) region of the two-user linear deterministic interference channel (IC) with noisy channel-output feedback is characterized for all η>0\eta > 0. The η\eta-NE region, a subset of the capacity region, contains the set of all achievable information rate pairs that are stable in the sense of an η\eta-NE. More specifically, given an η\eta-NE coding scheme, there does not exist an alternative coding scheme for either transmitter-receiver pair that increases the individual rate by more than η\eta bits per channel use. Existing results such as the η\eta-NE region of the linear deterministic IC without feedback and with perfect output feedback are obtained as particular cases of the result presented in this paper.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to appear in ISIT 201

    When Does Output Feedback Enlarge the Capacity of the Interference Channel?

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    In this paper, the benefits of channel-output feedback in the Gaussian interference channel (G-IC) are studied under the effect of additive Gaussian noise. Using a linear deterministic (LD) model, the signal to noise ratios (SNRs) in the feedback links beyond which feedback plays a significant role in terms of increasing the individual rates or the sum-rate are approximated. The relevance of this work lies on the fact that it identifies the feedback SNRs for which in any G-IC one of the following statements is true: (a) feedback does not enlarge the capacity region; (b) feedback enlarges the capacity region and the sum-rate is greater than the largest sum-rate without feedback; and (c) feedback enlarges the capacity region but no significant improvement is observed in the sum-rate

    Achievable Regions for Interference Channels with Generalized and Intermittent Feedback

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    In this paper, we first study a two-user interference channel with generalized feedback. We establish an inner bound on its capacity region. The coding scheme that we employ for the inner bound is based on an appropriate combination of Han-Kobayash rate splitting and compress-and-forward at the senders. Each sender compresses the channel output that is observes using a compression scheme that is \`a-la Lim et al. noisy network coding and Avestimeher et al. quantize-map-and-forward. Next, we study an injective deterministic model in which the senders obtain output feedback only intermittently. Specializing the coding scheme of the model with generalized feedback to this scenario, we obtain useful insights onto effective ways of combining noisy network coding with interference alignment techniques. We also apply our results to linear deterministic interference channels with intermittent feedback.Comment: To appear in Proc. of the 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 6 pages, 2 figure

    A Novel Transmission Scheme for the KK-user Broadcast Channel with Delayed CSIT

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    The state-dependent KK-user memoryless Broadcast Channel~(BC) with state feedback is investigated. We propose a novel transmission scheme and derive its corresponding achievable rate region, which, compared to some general schemes that deal with feedback, has the advantage of being relatively simple and thus is easy to evaluate. In particular, it is shown that the capacity region of the symmetric erasure BC with an arbitrary input alphabet size is achievable with the proposed scheme. For the fading Gaussian BC, we derive a symmetric achievable rate as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio~(SNR) and a small set of parameters. Besides achieving the optimal degrees of freedom at high SNR, the proposed scheme is shown, through numerical results, to outperform existing schemes from the literature in the finite SNR regime.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (revised version

    Capacity of All Nine Models of Channel Output Feedback for the Two-user Interference Channel

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    In this paper, we study the impact of different channel output feedback architectures on the capacity of the two-user interference channel. For a two-user interference channel, a feedback link can exist between receivers and transmitters in 9 canonical architectures (see Fig. 2), ranging from only one feedback link to four feedback links. We derive the exact capacity region for the symmetric deterministic interference channel and the constant-gap capacity region for the symmetric Gaussian interference channel for all of the 9 architectures. We show that for a linear deterministic symmetric interference channel, in the weak interference regime, all models of feedback, except the one, which has only one of the receivers feeding back to its own transmitter, have the identical capacity region. When only one of the receivers feeds back to its own transmitter, the capacity region is a strict subset of the capacity region of the rest of the feedback models in the weak interference regime. However, the sum-capacity of all feedback models is identical in the weak interference regime. Moreover, in the strong interference regime all models of feedback with at least one of the receivers feeding back to its own transmitter have the identical sum-capacity. For the Gaussian interference channel, the results of the linear deterministic model follow, where capacity is replaced with approximate capacity.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, results improved by deriving capacity region of all 9 canonical feedback models in two-user interference channe