2,285,504 research outputs found

    What is Said and Indirect Speech Reports

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    In their Insensitive Semantics (2005) Cappelen and Lepore argue for the Controversial Aspect (CA) which is a part of their Speech Act Pluralism and which says that speakers don’t have privileged access to what they say. Gross (2006) criticizes C&L’s argument for CA and urges them to abandon that claim. I argue that on C&L’s broad understanding of the notion of what is said, CA (and whole SAP) is trivial, whereas on a more restricted understanding CA is indeed controversial and plausibly false. Moreover, the broad reading of what is said is incompatible with one of C&L’s tests for context-sensitivity

    The Textual Causes and Consequences of Juan Montalvo’s “La dictadura perpetua”: Perspective as Method in Pamphlet and Literary Criticism

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    I watch the news on TV: talking heads discuss something a politician did, and what the police said about what he did, and what reporters have found out, and what the politician’s party members said, and what people on the street say. The anchors from the news program are proud to give their viewers (me) a balanced outlook of what is going on with the politician, who has fallen from grace. I have heard many times that perspective is what makes good journalism, and this idea lingers as I head to work. It is clear that the interpretation of things changes depending on what corollary information you get, or if there is information that has remained hidden or unknown to you

    We need to use the words...

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    Sometimes it’s important to simply say the words 
 as it is in the beginning of wisdom that is the definition of terms. When historians look at the world of project management, what will they say that we have said about climate change? Certainly more general—but absolutely legitimate—terms such as ‘sustainability’ have been used, but in a basic term search in the 3 oldest project management journals, I was surprised to see only a few dozen uses of ‘climate change’ as a specific term. Theconversation started a long time ago using those words, and PMRP would like to encourage more with this commentary on one of the central topics of this journal 
 climate change

    Conversational Implicatures (and How to Spot Them)

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    In everyday conversations we often convey information that goes above and beyond what we strictly speaking say: exaggeration and irony are obvious examples. H.P. Grice introduced the technical notion of a conversational implicature in systematizing the phenomenon of meaning one thing by saying something else. In introducing the notion, Grice drew a line between what is said, which he understood as being closely related to the conventional meaning of the words uttered, and what is conversationally implicated, which can be inferred from the fact that an utterance has been made in context. Since Grice’s seminal work, conversational implicatures have become one of the major research areas in pragmatics. This article introduces the notion of a conversational implicature, discusses some of the key issues that lie at the heart of the recent debate, and explicates tests that allow us to reliably distinguish between semantic entailments and conventional implicatures on the one hand and conversational implicatures on the other

    What people say : publicity without semanticity

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    When a speaker utters a declarative sentence, we may report her speech indirectly: ‘She said that p’. What determines the content reported as what is said (p in ‘she said that p’)? In this dissertation I argue in a novel way against semanticity, the view that what speakers say is linguistically determined. I focus first on demonstrative pronouns (‘this’, ‘that’), showing that attempts to construe their contributions to what is said as determined by a linguistic rule fail. Next I present properties of what is said which seem to support semanticity, notably the publicity of what is said. Publicity is the property of being independent from both the speaker’s intentions and the audience’s actual interpretation. I argue that the publicity of what is said is not best explained by semanticity. I go on to present a non-semantic explanation of the publicity of what is said, which leads me to a general view of the determination of the content of speech acts

    A Philosopher in the Locker Room: Sportsmanship and the Honorary Coach Program at St. John Fisher College

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    In lieu of an abstract, below is the essay\u27s first paragraph. In a recent ad for Under Armour sneakers, the actor Jamie Foxx intones the following: “You know, the Greek philosopher Aristotle said ‘You are what you repeatedly do.’ Huh – but in our book, we take it a little deeper. We say, ‘You are what you repeatedly do when things get hard’” (Under Armour 2015). Foxx goes on to say, “My apologies to Aristotle, but excellence doesn’t become a habit by running the same path over and over. No, No, No! You know what the excellent ones do? They reinvent the rules altogether. The excellent ones just step up to the line and ask ‘What’s the record?’” (Under Armour 2015)

    Sosialisasi Program Kota Layak Anak di Kota Pekanbaru (Studi Kasus : Hak Sipil Anak)

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    Pekanbaru is one of the cities that have been honored as the Child-Friendly City (CFC) given by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. Population and Civil Registration Agency is one of the agencies that took the role in socializing child-Friendly city program, in this case Population and Civil Registration Agency is responsible in fulfillment of children's civil right. The purpose of this research is to find out how the socialization of child-friendly city program in Pekanbaru and what factors affecting that sosialization. The information about fulfillment of a child's civil right.This research use grand theory of Harold D. Laswell (Effendy 2005:10) which is there are five indicators on it: 1.) Who (who said), 2.) Say What (what message to say), 3.) In Which Channel ( the media), 4.) The Whom ( to whom it is addressed ), 5.) With What Effect (effect/impact).The results of research in the field said socialization that Population and Civil Registration Agency did are not optimal yet because there are still many society who do not know about child-friendly city program in civil right. If the socialization optimally done optimally then it will provide a good influence to Pekanbaru society with the child-friendly city in Civil Rights

    Dark Charades

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    It is my belief that every creative act must stand or fall on its intrinsic merits without recourse to props or other would-be aids that anyone of authority or otherwise, might attempt to supply. After the fact of creation the only legitimate manner by which the author may attempt to strengthen his work is by revision. He may, if he so desires, use footnotes or appendices or introductions to explain what he is attempting to do or say in his work. He has no right to attempt to force the reader to accept or agree with what the author hopes he has said in his work. The poem or story must speak for itself. I make no claims that the poems in this volume are great works of art; I do, however, claim that if they make any pretense to being worth reading, this claim must be supported by the poems themselves and not by any word I may write in this introduction. The poems must stand or fall solely on their intrinsic merit. If what they have to say is not worth saying, or is said in a dull or unintelligible manner, let them be forgotten

    Epistemological Implications of Relativism

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    Relativists about knowledge ascriptions think that whether a particular use of a knowledge-ascribing sentence, e.g., “Keith knows that the bank is open” is true depends on the epistemic standards at play in the assessor’s context—viz., the context in which the knowledge ascription is being as- sessed for truth or falsity. Given that the very same knowledge-ascription can be assessed for truth or falsity from indefinitely many perspectives, relativism has a striking consequence. When I ascribe knowledge to someone (e.g., when I say that, at a particular time, “Keith knows that the bank is open”), what I’ve said does not get a truth-value absolutely, but only relatively. If this semantic thesis about the word “knows” and its cognates is true, what implications would this have for epistemology, the philosophical theory of knowledge? e present aim will be to engage with this mostly unexplored question, and then to consider how the epistemological conclusions drawn might bear on the plausibility of a relativist semantics for “knows”

    LANGUAGE ACQUISITION: A Phycholinguistic Study of Language Difficulties in Patients with Broca’s Aphasia

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    Psycholinguistics is the study of language. Language is a tool to communicate with each other. One of the language disorders is Broca's aphasia, which affects a person's communication. Aphasia occurs due to damage to the brain. People with aphasia have language difficulties. This study aims to determine the language difficulties suffered by aphasia broca fighters. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method based on observation through video. This study uses 2 videos to observe, both videos are sourced from a speech-language pathologist and a teenager with Broca's aphasia. The results of the observations from the two videos are that people with Broca's aphasia have difficulty saying what they want to say, they say one or two words that represent what they want to convey. But they understand what is being said and their memory is quite good
