14 research outputs found

    Quantum Mathematics in Artificial Intelligence

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    In the decade since 2010, successes in artificial intelligence have been at the forefront of computer science and technology, and vector space models have solidified a position at the forefront of artificial intelligence. At the same time, quantum computers have become much more powerful, and announcements of major advances are frequently in the news. The mathematical techniques underlying both these areas have more in common than is sometimes realized. Vector spaces took a position at the axiomatic heart of quantum mechanics in the 1930s, and this adoption was a key motivation for the derivation of logic and probability from the linear geometry of vector spaces. Quantum interactions between particles are modelled using the tensor product, which is also used to express objects and operations in artificial neural networks. This paper describes some of these common mathematical areas, including examples of how they are used in artificial intelligence (AI), particularly in automated reasoning and natural language processing (NLP). Techniques discussed include vector spaces, scalar products, subspaces and implication, orthogonal projection and negation, dual vectors, density matrices, positive operators, and tensor products. Application areas include information retrieval, categorization and implication, modelling word-senses and disambiguation, inference in knowledge bases, and semantic composition. Some of these approaches can potentially be implemented on quantum hardware. Many of the practical steps in this implementation are in early stages, and some are already realized. Explaining some of the common mathematical tools can help researchers in both AI and quantum computing further exploit these overlaps, recognizing and exploring new directions along the way.Comment: Adding journal reference, recommended by JAIR editors upon publicatio

    A Mathematical Framework for Causally Structured Dilations and its Relation to Quantum Self-Testing

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    The motivation for this thesis was to recast quantum self-testing [MY98,MY04] in operational terms. The result is a category-theoretic framework for discussing the following general question: How do different implementations of the same input-output process compare to each other? In the proposed framework, an input-output process is modelled by a causally structured channel in some fixed theory, and its implementations are modelled by causally structured dilations formalising hidden side-computations. These dilations compare through a pre-order formalising relative strength of side-computations. Chapter 1 reviews a mathematical model for physical theories as semicartesian symmetric monoidal categories. Many concrete examples are discussed, in particular quantum and classical information theory. The key feature is that the model facilitates the notion of dilations. Chapter 2 is devoted to the study of dilations. It introduces a handful of simple yet potent axioms about dilations, one of which (resembling the Purification Postulate [CDP10]) entails a duality theorem encompassing a large number of classic no-go results for quantum theory. Chapter 3 considers metric structure on physical theories, introducing in particular a new metric for quantum channels, the purified diamond distance, which generalises the purified distance [TCR10,Tom12] and relates to the Bures distance [KSW08a]. Chapter 4 presents a category-theoretic formalism for causality in terms of '(constructible) causal channels' and 'contractions'. It simplifies aspects of the formalisms [CDP09,KU17] and relates to traces in monoidal categories [JSV96]. The formalism allows for the definition of 'causal dilations' and the establishment of a non-trivial theory of such dilations. Chapter 5 realises quantum self-testing from the perspective of chapter 4, thus pointing towards the first known operational foundation for self-testing.Comment: PhD thesis submitted to the University of Copenhagen (ISBN 978-87-7125-039-8). Advised by prof. Matthias Christandl, submitted 1st of December 2020, defended 11th of February 2021. Keywords: dilations, applied category theory, quantum foundations, causal structure, quantum self-testing. 242 pages, 1 figure. Comments are welcom

    A Framework for Non-Asymptotic Quantum Information Theory

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    This thesis consolidates, improves and extends the smooth entropy framework for non-asymptotic information theory and cryptography. We investigate the conditional min- and max-entropy for quantum states, generalizations of classical R\'enyi entropies. We introduce the purified distance, a novel metric for unnormalized quantum states and use it to define smooth entropies as optimizations of the min- and max-entropies over a ball of close states. We explore various properties of these entropies, including data-processing inequalities, chain rules and their classical limits. The most important property is an entropic formulation of the asymptotic equipartition property, which implies that the smooth entropies converge to the von Neumann entropy in the limit of many independent copies. The smooth entropies also satisfy duality and entropic uncertainty relations that provide limits on the power of two different observers to predict the outcome of a measurement on a quantum system. Finally, we discuss three example applications of the smooth entropy framework. We show a strong converse statement for source coding with quantum side information, characterize randomness extraction against quantum side information and prove information theoretic security of quantum key distribution using an intuitive argument based on the entropic uncertainty relation.Comment: PhD thesis, Department of Physics, ETH Zuric

    Applications of Approximate Learning and Inference for Probabilistic Models

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    We develop approximate inference and learning methods for facilitating the use of probabilistic modeling techniques motivated by applications in two different areas. First, we consider the ill-posed inverse problem of recovering an image from an underdetermined system of linear measurements corrupted by noise. Second, we consider the problem of inferring user preferences for items from counts, pairwise comparisons and user activity logs, instances of implicit feedback. Plausible models for images and the noise, incurred when recording them, render posterior inference intractable, while the scale of the inference problem makes sampling based approximations ineffective. Therefore, we develop deterministic approximate inference algorithms for two different augmentations of a typical sparse linear model: first, for the rectified-linear Poisson likelihood, and second, for tree-structured super-Gaussian mixture models. The rectified-linear Poisson likelihood is an alternative noise model, applicable in astronomical and biomedical imaging applications, that operate in intensity regimes in which quantum effects lead to observations that are best described by counts of particles arriving at a sensor, as well as in general Poisson regression problems arising in various fields. In this context we show, that the model-specific computations for Expectation Propagation can be robustly solved by a simple dynamic program. Next, we develop a scalable approximate inference algorithm for structured mixture models, that uses a discrete graphical model to represent dependencies between the latent mixture components of a collection of mixture models. Specifically, we use tree-structured mixtures of super-Gaussians to model the persistence across scales of large coefficients of the Wavelet transform of an image for improved reconstruction. In the second part on models of user preference, we consider two settings: the global static and the contextual dynamic setting. In the global static setting, we represent user-item preferences by a latent low-rank matrix. Instead of using numeric ratings we develop methods to infer this latent representation for two types of implicit feedback: aggregate counts of users interacting with a service and the binary outcomes of pairwise comparisons. We model count data using a latent Gaussian bilinear model with Poisson likelihoods. For this model, we show that the Variational Gaussian approximation can be further relaxed to be available in closed-form by adding additional constraints, leading to an efficient inference algorithm. In the second implicit feedback scenario, we infer the latent preference matrix from pairwise preference statements. We combine a low-rank bilinear model with non-parameteric item- feature regression and develop a novel approximate variational Expectation Maximization algorithm that mitigates the computational challenges due to latent couplings induced by the pairwise comparisons. Finally, in the contextual dynamic setting, we model sequences of user activity at the granularity of single interaction events instead of aggregate counts. Routinely gathered in the background at a large scale in many applications, such sequences can reveal temporal and contextual aspects of user behavior through recurrent patterns. To describe such data, we propose a generic collaborative sequence model based on recurrent neural networks, that combines ideas from collaborative filtering and language modeling

    Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Conference

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    Forecasting: theory and practice

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    Forecasting has always been at the forefront of decision making and planning. The uncertainty that surrounds the future is both exciting and challenging, with individuals and organisations seeking to minimise risks and maximise utilities. The large number of forecasting applications calls for a diverse set of forecasting methods to tackle real-life challenges. This article provides a non-systematic review of the theory and the practice of forecasting. We provide an overview of a wide range of theoretical, state-of-the-art models, methods, principles, and approaches to prepare, produce, organise, and evaluate forecasts. We then demonstrate how such theoretical concepts are applied in a variety of real-life contexts. We do not claim that this review is an exhaustive list of methods and applications. However, we wish that our encyclopedic presentation will offer a point of reference for the rich work that has been undertaken over the last decades, with some key insights for the future of forecasting theory and practice. Given its encyclopedic nature, the intended mode of reading is non-linear. We offer cross-references to allow the readers to navigate through the various topics. We complement the theoretical concepts and applications covered by large lists of free or open-source software implementations and publicly-available databases.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Forecasting: theory and practice

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    Forecasting has always been at the forefront of decision making and planning. The uncertainty that surrounds the future is both exciting and challenging, with individuals and organisations seeking to minimise risks and maximise utilities. The large number of forecasting applications calls for a diverse set of forecasting methods to tackle real-life challenges. This article provides a non-systematic review of the theory and the practice of forecasting. We provide an overview of a wide range of theoretical, state-of-the-art models, methods, principles, and approaches to prepare, produce, organise, and evaluate forecasts. We then demonstrate how such theoretical concepts are applied in a variety of real-life contexts. We do not claim that this review is an exhaustive list of methods and applications. However, we wish that our encyclopedic presentation will offer a point of reference for the rich work that has been undertaken over the last decades, with some key insights for the future of forecasting theory and practice. Given its encyclopedic nature, the intended mode of reading is non-linear. We offer cross-references to allow the readers to navigate through the various topics. We complement the theoretical concepts and applications covered by large lists of free or open-source software implementations and publicly-available databases

    Celebrated Econometricians: Katarina Juselius and Søren Johansen

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    This Special Issue collects contributions related to advances in the theory and practice of Econometrics induced by the research of Katarina Juselius and Søren Johansen, whom this Special Issue aims to celebrate. The papers in this Special Issue provide advances on several topics, and they are grouped in the following areas, with three to four papers per group). The first group provides a historical perspective on Katarina’s and Søren’s contributions to Econometrics. The second group of papers concentrates on representation theory, while the third focuses on estimation and inference. The fourth group explores extensions of CVARs for modelling and forecasting, and the fifth and final group is centered on empirical applications

    Motif discovery in sequential data

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, 2006.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references (v. 2, leaves [435]-467).In this thesis, I discuss the application and development of methods for the automated discovery of motifs in sequential data. These data include DNA sequences, protein sequences, and real-valued sequential data such as protein structures and timeseries of arbitrary dimension. As more genomes are sequenced and annotated, the need for automated, computational methods for analyzing biological data is increasing rapidly. In broad terms, the goal of this thesis is to treat sequential data sets as unknown languages and to develop tools for interpreting an understanding these languages. The first chapter of this thesis is an introduction to the fundamentals of motif discovery, which establishes a common mode of thought and vocabulary for the subsequent chapters. One of the central themes of this work is the use of grammatical models, which are more commonly associated with the field of computational linguistics. In the second chapter, I use grammatical models to design novel antimicrobial peptides (AmPs). AmPs are small proteins used by the innate immune system to combat bacterial infection in multicellular eukaryotes. There is mounting evidence that these peptides are less susceptible to bacterial resistance than traditional antibiotics and may form the basis for a novel class of therapeutics.(cont.) In this thesis, I described the rational design of novel AmPs that show limited homology to naturally-occurring proteins but have strong bacteriostatic activity against several species of bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus anthracis. These peptides were designed using a linguistic model of natural AmPs by treating the amino acid sequences of natural AmPs as a formal language and building a set of regular grammars to describe this language. is set of grammars was used to create novel, unnatural AmP sequences that conform to the formal syntax of natural antimicrobial peptides but populate a previously unexplored region of protein sequence space. The third chapter describes a novel, GEneric MOtif DIscovery Algorithm (Gemoda) for sequential data. Gemoda can be applied to any dataset with a sequential character, including both categorical and real-valued data. As I show, Gemoda deterministically discovers motifs that are maximal in composition and length. As well, the algorithm allows any choice of similarity metric for finding motifs. These motifs are representation-agnostic: they can be represented using regular expressions, position weight matrices, or any other model for sequential data.(cont.) I demonstrate a number of applications of the algorithm, including the discovery of motifs in amino acids and DNA sequences, and the discovery of conserved protein sub-structures. The final chapter is devoted to a series of smaller projects, employing tool methods indirectly related to motif discovery in sequential data. I describe the construction of a software tool, Biogrep that is designed to match large pattern sets against large biosequence databases in a parallel fashion. is makes biogrep well-suited to annotating sets of sequences using biologically significant patterns. In addition, I show that the BLOSUM series of amino acid substitution matrices, which are commonly used in motif discovery and sequence alignment problems, have changed drastically over time.The fidelity of amino acid sequence alignment and motif discovery tools depends strongly on the target frequencies implied by these underlying matrices. us, these results suggest that further optimization of these matrices is possible. The final chapter also contains two projects wherein I apply statistical motif discovery tools instead of grammatical tools.(cont.) In the first of these two, I develop three different physiochemical representations for a set of roughly 700 HIV-I protease substrates and use these representations for sequence classification and annotation. In the second of these two projects, I develop a simple statistical method for parsing out the phenotypic contribution of a single mutation from libraries of functional diversity that contain a multitude of mutations and varied phenotypes. I show that this new method successfully elucidates the effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms on the strength of a promoter placed upstream of a reporter gene. The central theme, present throughout this work, is the development and application of novel approaches to finding motifs in sequential data. The work on the design of AmPs is very applied and relies heavily on existing literature. In contrast, the work on Gemoda is the greatest contribution of this thesis and contains many new ideas.by Kyle L. Jensen.Ph.D