51 research outputs found

    On Linear Information Systems

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    Scott's information systems provide a categorically equivalent, intensional description of Scott domains and continuous functions. Following a well established pattern in denotational semantics, we define a linear version of information systems, providing a model of intuitionistic linear logic (a new-Seely category), with a "set-theoretic" interpretation of exponentials that recovers Scott continuous functions via the co-Kleisli construction. From a domain theoretic point of view, linear information systems are equivalent to prime algebraic Scott domains, which in turn generalize prime algebraic lattices, already known to provide a model of classical linear logic

    Tangent Categories from the Coalgebras of Differential Categories

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    Following the pattern from linear logic, the coKleisli category of a differential category is a Cartesian differential category. What then is the coEilenberg-Moore category of a differential category? The answer is a tangent category! A key example arises from the opposite of the category of Abelian groups with the free exponential modality. The coEilenberg-Moore category, in this case, is the opposite of the category of commutative rings. That the latter is a tangent category captures a fundamental aspect of both algebraic geometry and Synthetic Differential Geometry. The general result applies when there are no negatives and thus encompasses examples arising from combinatorics and computer science

    There Is Only One Notion of Differentiation

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    Differential linear logic was introduced as a syntactic proof-theoretic approach to the analysis of differential calculus. Differential categories were subsequently introduce to provide a categorical model theory for differential linear logic. Differential categories used two different approaches for defining differentiation abstractly: a deriving transformation and a coderiliction. While it was thought that these notions could give rise to distinct notions of differentiation, we show here that these notions, in the presence of a monoidal coalgebra modality, are completely equivalent

    Note on models of polarised intuitionistic logic

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    Following renewed interest in duploids arising from the exponential comonad of linear logic (the construction describing polarised intuitionistic translations into linear logic), I summarise here various remarks:• about a decomposition of Girard's "boring" translation as the expression of call-by-value in call-by-name, dual to how thunks are used to express call-by-name in call-by-value• about the coincidence between linear CPS translations and Girard's translations of intuitionistic logic into linear logic,• about a completeness property of historical models of linear logic in the above context• about a rational reconstruction of these translations with the Linear Call-by-Push-Value
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