11 research outputs found

    The Impact of COVID-19: Become New Entrepreneurs with Online Business

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    The number of unemployed increased dramatically due to COVID-19. This can happen because many companies instruct their employees to work from home and some companies forced to do temporary dismissal and/or lay off their employees to survive during a pandemic. After that, many of people decide to create online business and become entrepreneurs. Products sold can be obtained from other people (be reseller) or make it by themselves. These products will be sold online, both with shopping applications and social media. The purpose of this research is to introduce the advantages of being an entrepreneur with online business and to show how technology affects the business. Therefore, this research tries to analyze the benefits of being an entrepreneur compared to being an employee and to find out how new entrepreneurs manage and market their products by technology during this pandemic. The samples of this research are 10 new entrepreneurs who get temporary dismissal of workers and or lay off from their company and open the online business in Surabaya and Sidoarjo. The methodology of this research is a qualitative methodology by analyzing social media accounts or online shop accounts that entrepreneurs use for selling their products and also conducting online interviews with them to ensure their accuracy. The results of this research indicate that online businesses provide benefits and convenience for entrepreneurs to do business during this pandemic and also give a motivation for entrepreneurs to continue and improve their business if COVID-19 has been completed

    An Empirical Analysis of Consumer Impulse Purchases

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    In China, shopping festivals such as T-mall Double Eleven, Double Twelve, and JD 618 are the best times for merchants to sell their products. In this paper, to help sellers in shopping festivals, we do an empirical study to identify the main factors that stimulate consumers to make impulsive purchases. Our research results show: (1) logistics services, product praise rate, and product sales volume indirectly affect impulse buying through perceived value as an intermediary; (2) source reliability, pre-sales service, and after-sales service indirectly affect impulse purchase through perceived risk as an intermediary; and (3) commodity prices and product discounts directly affect impulse purchase


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    Purpose:  This study aims to determine the effect of creative information advertising as a mediation between market expansion and influencer marketing on the number of sales in the online market.   Theoretical framework: The design of creative information advertising is expected to be able to mediate the expansion of market reach and the use of influencer marketing techniques for sales of goods/products, where the expansion of market reach alone is not able to directly and significantly affect sales of goods/products, as well as influencer marketing techniques in the online market. With signaling theory, it can be understood that the wider the market reach, the more diverse the characters, cultures, and capabilities of customers.   Design/methodology/approach:  This is a quantitative research using purposive sampling conducted on 398 online marketers in Indonesia. Data is processed with SEM-Amos and SPSS.   Findings: This research provides benefits by building a theoretical model to understand online marketing which raises new findings related to the Signal Theory Point of View, namely the expansion of market reaches whose effect becomes significant when using influencer marketing.   Research, Practical & Social implications:  The concept of creative information advertising is able to solve problems that occur between market expansion and insignificant/negative value sales.   Originality/value: This research was conducted with the aim of bridging the negative influence between market reach on product sales by including creative information advertising as an intervening variable. Therefore, the concept of creative information advertising which is a novelty for this research is tested on online marketers of micro and small businesses that use 3rd party marketplaces in Indonesia.Propósito:  Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar el efecto de la publicidad de información creativa como mediación entre la expansión del mercado y el marketing de influencers en el número de ventas en el mercado en línea. Marco teórico: Se espera que el diseño de publicidad de información creativa sea capaz de mediar en la expansión del alcance del mercado y el uso de técnicas de marketing de influencers para la venta de bienes/productos, donde la expansión del alcance del mercado por sí sola no puede afectar directa y significativamente venta de bienes/productos, así como técnicas de marketing de influencers en el mercado online. Con la teoría de la señalización, se puede entender que cuanto más amplio sea el alcance del mercado, más diversos serán los caracteres, las culturas y las capacidades de los clientes. Diseño/metodología/enfoque: esta es una investigación cuantitativa que utiliza un muestreo intencional realizado en 398 vendedores en línea en Indonesia. Los datos se procesan con SEM-Amos y SPSS. Hallazgos: esta investigación brinda beneficios al construir un modelo teórico para comprender el marketing en línea que plantea nuevos hallazgos relacionados con el punto de vista de la teoría de la señal, a saber, la expansión de los alcances del mercado cuyo efecto se vuelve significativo cuando se utiliza el marketing de influencia. Implicaciones de investigación, prácticas y sociales: El concepto de publicidad de información creativa puede resolver los problemas que ocurren entre la expansión del mercado y las ventas de valor insignificante/negativo. Originalidad/valor: esta investigación se realizó con el objetivo de reducir la influencia negativa entre el alcance del mercado en las ventas de productos al incluir la publicidad de información creativa como una variable interviniente. Por lo tanto, el concepto de publicidad de información creativa, que es una novedad para esta investigación, se prueba en comercializadores en línea de micro y pequeñas empresas que utilizan mercados de terceros en Indonesia.Objetivo:  Este estudo tem como objetivo determinar o efeito da publicidade de informação criativa como uma mediação entre a expansão do mercado e o marketing de influenciadores no número de vendas no mercado online. Referencial teórico: Espera-se que o design de publicidade de informação criativa seja capaz de mediar a expansão do alcance do mercado e o uso de técnicas de marketing de influenciadores para vendas de bens/produtos, onde a expansão do alcance do mercado por si só não é capaz de afetar direta e significativamente vendas de mercadorias/produtos, bem como técnicas de marketing de influenciadores no mercado online. Com a teoria da sinalização, pode-se entender que quanto maior o alcance do mercado, mais diversos são os personagens, culturas e capacidades dos clientes. Design/metodologia/abordagem:  Esta é uma pesquisa quantitativa usando amostragem intencional realizada em 398 profissionais de marketing on-line na Indonésia. Os dados são processados com SEM-Amos e SPSS. Resultados: Esta pesquisa fornece benefícios ao construir um modelo teórico para entender o marketing online que levanta novas descobertas relacionadas ao Ponto de Vista da Teoria dos Sinais, ou seja, a expansão dos alcances de mercado cujo efeito se torna significativo ao usar o marketing de influenciadores. Implicações de pesquisa, práticas e sociais:  O conceito de publicidade de informação criativa é capaz de resolver problemas que ocorrem entre a expansão do mercado e vendas de valor insignificante/negativo. Originalidade/valor: Esta pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de colmatar a influência negativa entre o alcance do mercado nas vendas do produto, incluindo a publicidade de informação criativa como uma variável interveniente. Portanto, o conceito de publicidade de informação criativa, que é uma novidade para esta pesquisa, é testado em comerciantes on-line de micro e pequenas empresas que usam mercados de terceiros na Indonésia

    Identifying Features and Predicting Consumer Helpfulness of Product Reviews

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    Major corporations utilize data from online platforms to make user product or service recommendations. Companies like Netflix, Amazon, Yelp, and Spotify rely on purchasing trends, user reviews, and helpfulness votes to make content recommendations. This strategy can increase user engagement on a company\u27s platform. However, misleading and/or spam reviews significantly hinder the success of these recommendation strategies. The rise of social media has made it increasingly difficult to distinguish between authentic content and advertising, leading to a burst of deceptive reviews across the marketplace. The helpfulness of the review is subjective to a voting system. As such, this study aims to predict product reviews that are helpful and enable strategies to moderate a user review post to improve the helpfulness quality of a review. The prediction of review helpfulness will utilize NLP methods against Amazon product review data. Multiple machine learning principles of different complexities will be implemented in this review to compare the results and ease of implementation (e.g., Naïve Bayes and BERT) to predict a product review\u27s helpfulness. The result of this study concludes that review helpfulness can be effectively predicted through the deployment of model features. The removal of duplicate reviews, the imputing of review helpfulness based on word count, and the inclusion of lexical elements are recommended to be included in review analysis. The results of this research indicate that the deployment of these features results in a high F1-Score of 0.83 for predicting helpful Amazon product reviews

    After-sales attributes in e-commerce journey : a systematic literature review and future research agenda

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Claudimar Pereira da VeigaCoorientador: Profa. Dra. Cássia Rita Pereira da VeigaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão de Organizações, Liderança e Decisão. Defesa : Curitiba, 28/03/2023Inclui referências: p. 44-53Resumo: Nos últimos anos, o comércio eletrônico assumiu um papel mais estratégico e relevante no que diz respeito ao bom desempenho do setor varejista global. As facilidades e conveniências oferecidas pelo varejo eletrônico contribuem para atender às demandas de um consumidor mais conectado. No entanto, é necessário considerar a natureza complexa do mercado on-line, que exige que os varejistas eletrônicos se desafiem a criar conexões mais fortes com seus clientes para obter maior satisfação. Nesse contexto, os serviços oferecidos no pós-venda, uma das etapas mais relevantes da jornada de consumo, podem ajudar a reduzir os impactos negativos passíveis de ocorrência na experiência de compra on-line. O pós-venda no e-commerce é um domínio de pesquisa que tem ganhado destaque nos últimos anos, e esse amadurecimento no ambiente acadêmico exige uma compreensão mais profunda dessa produção científica. Portanto, para sintetizar os principais insights e sugerir uma agenda para estudos futuros sobre o tema, foi realizada uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura (RSL) para este estudo, utilizando uma abordagem híbrida, combinando uma revisão estruturada com uma revisão bibliométrica. Uma das principais contribuições desta pesquisa é a apresentação seminal dos atributos do pós-venda no e-commerce, em uma visão global e ampla, com foco na relação varejista-consumidor, aqui denominado After-sales Customer Services (AFSCS). Diferentemente das poucas revisões existentes sobre o tema, este trabalho é inovador porque investiga o pós-compra do e-commerce, os atributos desta etapa e a relação entre varejista e consumidor nesta etapa da jornada de forma mais direta e exclusiva, e de maneira completa.Abstract: In recent years, e-commerce has assumed a more strategic and relevant role with regard to the good performance of the global retail industry. The facilities and conveniences provided by e-tail contribute to meeting the demands of a more connected consumer. However, it is necessary to consider the complex nature of the online market, which requires e-retailers to challenge themselves in order to create stronger connections with their customers to achieve greater customer satisfaction. In this context, the services offered in the after-sales phase, one of the most relevant stages of the consumer journey, can help reduce the negative impacts involved in the decision and experience of an online purchase. The post-sale in e-commerce is a research domain that has become increasingly prominent in recent years, and this maturation in the academic environment requires a deeper understanding of this scientific production. Therefore, to synthesize the main insights and suggest an agenda for future studies of this theme, a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) was conducted for this study using a hybrid approach, combining a structured review with a bibliometric review. One of the main contributions of the research is the seminal presentation of after-sales attributes in e-commerce, in a global and broad view, focusing on the retailer and consumer relationship, referred to herein as After-sales Customer Services (AFSCS). Unlike the other few existing reviews regarding the theme, this work is innovative because it investigates the e-commerce post-purchase, the attributes of this stage, and the relationship between retailer and consumer at this stage of the journey in a more direct, exclusive, and complete way

    Aplicación web progresiva para comercio electrónico en una PYME, Lima – 2021

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    El comercio electrónico constituye una de las actividades más importantes que genera gran recurrencia en los usuarios en internet y a su vez genera ganancias sustanciales a las empresas. Por tal motivo, el presente proyecto tuvo como objetivo determinar el efecto de la aplicación web progresiva sobre el comercio electrónico en una pyme. Fue un estudio de tipo aplicado, enfoque cuantitativo, diseño experimental (pre-experimental) y nivel explicativo. Se usarán fichas de registro para medir la variable dependiente, teniendo como resultado un aumento en el número de visitas y la tasa de conversión que se traduce a las compras en línea que realiza el usuario dentro del comercio electrónico; y esto se debió a los beneficios que la aplicación web progresiva trajo después de su implementación, esto se traduce a mejores ganancias en la empresa y continuidad de negocio. Por tal motivo, se concluyó que la implementación de una aplicación web progresiva mejoró el comercio electrónico en una PYME

    Discovering the value of unstructured data in business settings

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    With the increasing amount of unstructured data in business settings, the analysis of unstructured data is reshaping business practices in many industries. The implementation of unstructured data analysis will eventually have dominant presence in all department of organisations thus contributing to the organisations. This dissertation focuses the most widely utilised unstructured data-textual data within the organisation. A variety of techniques has been applied in three studies to discover the information within the unstructured textual data. Study I proposed a dynamic model that incorporates values from topic membership, an outcome variable from Latent Dirichlet Allocation (a probabilistic topic model), with sentiment analysis for rating prediction. A variety of machine learning algorithms are employed to validate the model. Study II focused on the exploration of online reviews from customers in the OFD domain. In addition, this study examines the outcomes of franchising in the service sector from the customer’s perspective. This study identifies key issues during the processes of producing and delivering product/services from service providers to customers in service industries using a large-scale dataset. Study III extends the data scope to the firm-level data. Latent signals are discovered from companies’ self-descriptions. In addition, the association between the signals and the organisation context of the entrepreneurship is also examined, which could display the heterogeneity of various signals across different organisation context