2,821 research outputs found

    South Dakota Farm and Home Research

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    Director’s Comments [p] 2 “The questions pile up; most must be solved ‘on location’ “Profile with potential [p] 3 “He’s 43, a family farmer, been in the hog business 18 years, want to expand”About-face [p] 8 “Young people are still leaving state, but who are these folks moving in? “Find her in your own herd [p] 13 “the distance in cow efficiency can be 145 lb. more calf on 600lb less hay”A tractor for the 90’s [p] 15 “Did you put the cat out? Did you plug in the electric tractor? “Large mouths in farm ponds [p] 19 “can’t fool our local bass with a ‘southern’ stocking formula “Coming of age [p] 22 “A 4-acre infant 30 years ago, young giant now covers 25,000 country acres”https://openprairie.sdstate.edu/agexperimentsta_sd-fhr/1125/thumbnail.jp

    Spartan Daily, May 1, 2003

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    Volume 120, Issue 62https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/9858/thumbnail.jp

    The Cord Weekly (September 10, 1998)

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    The Cord Weekly (June 22, 2000)

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    Managing artificial intelligence projects: Key insights from an AI consulting firm

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    While organisations are increasingly interested in artificial intelligence (AI), many AI projects encounter significant issues or even fail. To gain a deeper understanding of the issues that arise during these projects and the practices that contribute to addressing them, we study the case of Consult, a North American AI consulting firm that helps organisations leverage the power of AI by providing custom solutions. The management of AI projects at Consult is a multi-method approach that draws on elements from traditional project management, agile practices, and AI workflow practices. While the combination of these elements enables Consult to be effective in delivering AI projects to their customers, our analysis reveals that managing AI projects in this way draw upon three core logics, that is, commonly shared norms, values, and prescribed behaviours which influence actors\u27 understanding of how work should be done. We identify that the simultaneous presence of these three logics—a traditional project management logic, an agile logic, and an AI workflow logic—gives rise to conflicts and issues in managing AI projects at Consult, and successfully managing these AI projects involves resolving conflicts that arise between them. From our case findings, we derive four strategies to help organisations better manage their AI projects

    The Cord Weekly (January 10, 2007)

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    Visual AI and Linguistic Intelligence Through Steerability and Composability

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    This study explores the capabilities of multimodal large language models (LLMs) in handling challenging multistep tasks that integrate language and vision, focusing on model steerability, composability, and the application of long-term memory and context understanding. The problem addressed is the LLM's ability (Nov 2023 GPT-4 Vision Preview) to manage tasks that require synthesizing visual and textual information, especially where stepwise instructions and sequential logic are paramount. The research presents a series of 14 creatively and constructively diverse tasks, ranging from AI Lego Designing to AI Satellite Image Analysis, designed to test the limits of current LLMs in contexts that previously proved difficult without extensive memory and contextual understanding. Key findings from evaluating 800 guided dialogs include notable disparities in task completion difficulty. For instance, 'Image to Ingredient AI Bartender' (Low difficulty) contrasted sharply with 'AI Game Self-Player' (High difficulty), highlighting the LLM's varying proficiency in processing complex visual data and generating coherent instructions. Tasks such as 'AI Genetic Programmer' and 'AI Negotiator' showed high completion difficulty, emphasizing challenges in maintaining context over multiple steps. The results underscore the importance of developing LLMs that combine long-term memory and contextual awareness to mimic human-like thought processes in complex problem-solving scenarios

    Retaining Ownership of Calves- Obendorf Farms

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    Retaining Ownership is when a producer chooses to obtain ownership of their calves until they have reached a finished weight and are ready to be sent to slaughter. Cow-calf producers generally sell their calves at weaning time or within a few months of weaning. Every operation as their own way of doing things and sometimes change is hard to come by. Obendorf Farms wanted to evaluate, at what point in time would it be best to sell their 2020 calf crop? Four different scenarios were analyzed. The first scenario involved no change from previous years which, is selling their calves in December, a few months after they are weaned. The second scenario is selling their calves 30 days after weaning. The third scenario is retaining ownership of the calves by taking them to a feedlot and putting them on a slow feed program. The last scenario also includes retaining ownership of the calves but push the calves on feed. By doing this analysis owners at Obendorf Farms will be able to see which option gives them the best net income on their 2020 calf crop

    The impact of local responsiveness on the process of internationalization : the case of Jerónimo Martins in Colombia

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    The case study under examination focuses on the internalization strategy held by a major Portuguese retail company that decided to expand its business to Colombia by starting a successful local supermarket chain named "Ara". The objective of the research is to provide an important insight regarding the relationship between the dilemma of standardization/adaptation, the Local Responsiveness (“LR”) impact and sustainability for the retail food industry. This dissertation endeavours to recognize the factors hidden LR as saw by administrators of Multinational Enterprises ("MNE") inside an element rising environment. This project purpose is to analyse three crucial areas that can definitely impact the success of such strategy: environment, structure and organization. The results that surfaced from this research attest the difficulty in understanding a given company’s international strategy, namely because although the internationalisation process can be easily assessed the underlying strategy suffers profound structural changes along the process. The final finding is that, to some extent, when the internationalization strategy considers LR as core goal, it supports sustainable growth and contributes to the success of the project. My goal is that the conclusions drawn from this study can make an important commitment to the current hypotheses with respect to the subject, and also helping organizations in characterizing and executing their internationalization methodologies.O impacto da capacidade de resposta local no processo de internacionalização. O caso da Jerónimo Martins na Colômbia Autor: Mariana Carvalho Duarte de Sousa Morais O caso de estudo apresentado, foca o processo de internacionalização de uma grande empresa de retalho portuguesa, Jerónimo Martins, que decidiu expandir o seu negócio na Colômbia através de uma nova cadeia de supermercados – a “Ara”. O objetivo desta tese é obter uma melhor compreensão entre o dilema da relação de conceitos como a sustentabilidade/adaptação, o impacto da resposta local na estratégia e a sustentabilidade do sector do retalho alimentar. Identificando os fatores subjacentes ao conceito de Local Responsiveness percebidas pela gestão das subsidiarias de multinacionais, enquadrada na dinâmica de países emergentes. Propõe-se validar três níveis de fatores: ambientais, estruturais e organizacionais. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a estratégia internacional de uma empresa nem sempre é facilmente compreendida quando analisada. Como exemplo, o momento em que se decide enveredar pela globalização pode determinar o processo de internacionalização, mas a estratégia pode mudar ao longo do tempo. Como conclusões finais, demonstra-se que, quando uma empresa inclui na sua estratégia a capacidade de resposta local e acredita que esse fator é crucial para o sucesso, tal decisão ajuda a suportar e manter o crescimento do projeto. Espera-se que as conclusões deste estudo possam vir a contribuir positivamente para as teorias existentes sobre esta matéria e para o sucesso da estratégia de crescimento e internacionalização de qualquer empresa