25,958 research outputs found

    West nile virus myocarditis causing a fatal arrhythmia: a case report

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    West Nile Virus is one of the most frequently reported etiologies of viral encephalitis in the USA. West Nile Virus infections among hospitalized patients manifests most commonly as neuro-invasive disease. West Nile Virus has also been reported to cause myocarditis. Arrhythmia is not an uncommon occurrence in viral myocarditis. As cases of West Nile Virus increase, it is important that the index of suspicion also increase for this uncommon complication. Physicians who are caring for West Nile Virus-infected patients need to be aware of the possibility of West Nile Virus -related myocarditis. The question arises whether a patient with an established diagnosis of West Nile Virus -meningoencephalitis should be under continuous cardiac monitoring, bearing in mind the rare, but fatal, complication of cardiac arrhythmia secondary to viral myocarditis. We present a case report of a 65-year-old man who initially presented with fever, blurry vision, and decreased oral intake who subsequently suffered a fatal arrhythmia; further laboratory tests and autopsy findings revealed the patient likely had developed encephalitis and myocarditis secondary to West Nile Virus infection

    West Nile Virus: Epidemiology, Classification and Molecular Basic

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    Virus west nile (WN) dapat menimbulkan penyakit yang ditularkan melalui nyamuk. Di Indonesia virus west nile mulaidiperhatikan karena menginfeksi 12 warga Surabaya pada tahun 2014. Pemahaman mengenai virus west nile ditinjau dariaspek epidemiologi, klasifikasi dan dasar molekuler diperlukan untuk mengenal apa dan bagaimana sifat dari virus WNdalam rangka upaya deteksi dini dan pencegahan terjadinya KLB virus WN. Tulisan ini merupakan telaah denganmengumpulkan informasi dari berbagai jurnal dan buku teks mengenai virus west nile. Secara epidemiologi virus dapattersebar melalui vektor nyamuk utamanya Culex sp., dan Aedes sp. sebagai vektor sekunder. Virus ini d jugaditemukan pada burung/unggas. Penularan virus melalui gigitan nyamuk yang terinfeksi ke hewan dan manusia. Virus westnile merupakan anggota famili Flaviviridae dari genus Flavivirus. Virus ini memiliki genom yang terdiri dari satu singlestranded(ss) RNA yang dikelilingi suatu nucleocapsid berbentuk icosahedral atau isometric. Genom virus west nilememiliki panjang 11.029 nukleotida. Upaya pencegahan terhadap infeksi virus WN dapat dilakukan dengan mengendalikanpopulasi nyamuk, mengurangi gigitan nyamuk, dan secara berkala melakukan survei pada unggas/burung utamanya yangdipelihara dalam skala besar maupun yang sedang bermigrasi

    West Nile Virus Encephalitis and Myocarditis in Wolf and Dog

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    In the third season (2002) of the West Nile virus epidemic in the United States, two canids (wolf and dog) were diagnosed with West Nile virus encephalitis and myocarditis with similarities to known affected species (humans, horses, and birds). The West Nile virus infections were confirmed by immunohistochemistry and polymerase chain reaction

    West Nile Virus Survey of Birds, Horses, and Mosquitoes of the Pacific Coast, Southern Mexico

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    Abstract. Serology of West Nile virus vectors and non-human reservoirs was surveyed at Acapulco, Jose Azueta, and Ometepec, three Pacific Coast localities of Guerrero State, Mexico. The objectives of this study were to use enzyme-linked immnosorbent assay (ELISA) to assess West Nile virus antibodies of bird and equine serum samples and use reverse transcription of polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to detect the virus in field-collected resting mosquitoes. Forty birds trapped using mist nets yielded 10% seroprevalence. Similarly, 18.6% of 102 equine blood samples had West Nile virus. In addition, 4,854 mosquitoes were caught using motorized backpack aspirators and grouped into 116 pools. Of the 16 species and seven genera, no mosquito was positive for West Nile virus. Our study demonstrated West Nile virus seroprevalence on resident birds and equines in Guerrero State, Mexico

    West Nile Virus; History of the Virus and Implications of Public Health for South Dakota in 2004

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    West Nile Virus is currently affecting human and animal life in North America. This Virus has been a popular topic among researchers, health professionals, and state health departments because of its rapid emergence as a threat to human and animal populations. In this article, I will be discussing the symptomology associated with West Nile Virus and the disease\u27s pattern of transmission. Furthermore, I will describe procedures for diagnosing and treating West Nile Virus and minimizing its future spread into human populations. I will conclude this article by predicting how the West Nile Virus will impact South Dakotans in 2004

    NMR analysis of the dynamic exchange of the NS2B cofactor between open and closed conformations of the West Nile Virus NS2B-NS3 protease

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    BACKGROUND The two-component NS2B-NS3 proteases of West Nile and dengue viruses are essential for viral replication and established targets for drug development. In all crystal structures of the proteases to date, the NS2B cofactor is located far from the substrate binding site (open conformation) in the absence of inhibitor and lining the substrate binding site (closed conformation) in the presence of an inhibitor. METHODS In this work, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy of isotope and spin-labeled samples of the West Nile virus protease was used to investigate the occurrence of equilibria between open and closed conformations in solution. FINDINGS In solution, the closed form of the West Nile virus protease is the predominant conformation irrespective of the presence or absence of inhibitors. Nonetheless, dissociation of the C-terminal part of the NS2B cofactor from the NS3 protease (open conformation) occurs in both the presence and the absence of inhibitors. Low-molecular-weight inhibitors can shift the conformational exchange equilibria so that over 90% of the West Nile virus protease molecules assume the closed conformation. The West Nile virus protease differs from the dengue virus protease, where the open conformation is the predominant form in the absence of inhibitors. CONCLUSION Partial dissociation of NS2B from NS3 has implications for the way in which the NS3 protease can be positioned with respect to the host cell membrane when NS2B is membrane associated via N- and C-terminal segments present in the polyprotein. In the case of the West Nile virus protease, discovery of low-molecular-weight inhibitors that act by breaking the association of the NS2B cofactor with the NS3 protease is impeded by the natural affinity of the cofactor to the NS3 protease. The same strategy can be more successful in the case of the dengue virus NS2B-NS3 protease.The project was funded by the Australian Research Council (http://www.arc.gov.au), grant DP0877540

    Nita the Mosquito

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    This activity book is a fun, non-threatening way to help you teach children how to protect themselves, their families, and friends from a serious health threat, the West Nile virus. While it is not common in humans, the West Nile virus is a potentially dangerous disease spread by mosquito bites. It is important for everyone to be educated on the prevention of West Nile virus

    Little Bug Big Bite!

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    This activity book is a fun, non-threatening way to help you teach children how to protect themselves, their families, and friends from a serious health threat, the West Nile virus. While it is not common in humans, the West Nile virus is a potentially dangerous disease spread by mosquito bites. It is important for everyone to be educated on the prevention of West Nile virus

    Isolation of two strains of West Nile virus during an outbreak in southern Russia, 1999.

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    From July to September 1999, a widespread outbreak of meningoencephalitis associated with West Nile virus (Flavivirus, Flaviviridae) occurred in southern Russia, with hundreds of cases and dozens of deaths. Two strains of West Nile virus isolated from patient serum and brain-tissue samples reacted in hemagglutination-inhibition and neutralization tests with patients' convalescent-phase sera and immune ascites fluid from other strains of West Nile virus

    Discovery of a Non-Peptidic Inhibitor of West Nile Virus NS3 Protease by High-Throughput Docking

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    An estimated 2.5 billion people are at risk of diseases caused by dengue and West Nile virus. As of today, there are neither vaccines to prevent nor drugs to cure the severe infections caused by these viruses. The NS3 protease is one of the most promising targets for drug development against West Nile virus because it is an essential enzyme for viral replication and because success has been demonstrated with the closely related hepatitis C virus protease. We have discovered a small molecule that inhibits the NS3 protease of West Nile virus by computer-aided high-throughput docking, and validated it using three experimental techniques. The inhibitor has potential to be developed to a drug candidate to combat West Nile virus infections