905 research outputs found

    Monitoring of Welding Using Laser Diodes

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    Passive Visual Sensing in Automatic Arc Welding

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    Visual Sensing and Defect Detection of Gas Tungsten Arc Welding

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    Weld imperfections or defects such as incomplete penetration and lack of fusion are critical issues that affect the integration of welding components. The molten weld pool geometry is the major source of information related to the formation of these defects. In this dissertation, a new visual sensing system has been designed and set up to obtain weld pool images during GTAW. The weld pool dynamical behavior can be monitored using both active and passive vision method with the interference of arc light in the image significantly reduced through the narrow band pass filter and laser based auxiliary light source.Computer vision algorithms based on passive vision images were developed to measure the 3D weld pool surface geometry in real time. Specifically, a new method based on the reversed electrode image (REI) was developed to calculate weld pool surface height in real time. Meanwhile, the 2D weld pool boundary was extracted with landmarks detection algorithms. The method was verified with bead-on-plate and butt-joint welding experiments.Supervised machine learning was used to develop the capability to predict, in real-time, the incomplete penetration on thin SS304 plate with the key features extracted from weld pool images. An integrated self-adaptive close loop control system consisting the non-contact visual sensor, machine learning based defect predictor, and welding power source was developed for real-time welding penetration control for bead on plate welding. Moreover, the data driven methods were first applied to detect incomplete penetration and LOF in multi-pass U groove welding. New features extracted from reversed electrode image played the most important role to predict these defects. Finally, real time welding experiments were conducted to verify the feasibility of the developed models

    Intelligent 3D seam tracking and adaptable weld process control for robotic TIG welding

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    Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding is extensively used in aerospace applications, due to its unique ability to produce higher quality welds compared to other shielded arc welding types. However, most TIG welding is performed manually and has not achieved the levels of automation that other welding techniques have. This is mostly attributed to the lack of process knowledge and adaptability to complexities, such as mismatches due to part fit-up. Recent advances in automation have enabled the use of industrial robots for complex tasks that require intelligent decision making, predominantly through sensors. Applications such as TIG welding of aerospace components require tight tolerances and need intelligent decision making capability to accommodate any unexpected variation and to carry out welding of complex geometries. Such decision making procedures must be based on the feedback about the weld profile geometry. In this thesis, a real-time position based closed loop system was developed with a six axis industrial robot (KUKA KR 16) and a laser triangulation based sensor (Micro-Epsilon Scan control 2900-25). [Continues.


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    Observing the weld pool surface and measuring its geometrical parameters is a key to developing the next-generation intelligent welding machines that can mimic a skilled human welder who observes the weld pool to adjust welding parameters. It also provides us an effective way to improve and validate welding process modeling. Although different techniques have been applied in the past few years, the dynamic specular weld pool surface and the strong weld arc complicate these approaches and make the observation /measurement difficult. In this dissertation, a novel machine vision system to measure three-dimensional gas tungsten arc weld pool surface is proposed, which takes advantage of the specular reflection. In the designed system, a structured laser pattern is projected onto the weld pool surface and its reflection from the specular weld pool surface is imaged on an imaging plane and recorded by a high-speed camera with a narrow band-pass filter. The deformation of the molten weld pool surface distorts the reflected pattern. To derive the deformed surface of the weld pool, an image processing algorithm is firstly developed to detect the reflection points in the reflected laser pattern. The reflection points are then matched with their respective incident rays according to the findings of correspondence simulations. As a result, a set of matched incident ray and reflection point is obtained and an iterative surface reconstruction scheme is proposed to derive the three-dimensional pool surface from this set of data based on the reflection law. The reconstructed results proved the effectiveness of the system. Using the proposed surface measurement (machine vision) system, the fluctuation of weld pool surface parameters has been studied. In addition, analysis has been done to study the measurement error and identify error sources in order to improve the measurement system for better accuracy. The achievements in this dissertation provide a useful guidance for the further studies in on-line pool measurement and welding quality control

    Detecting Process Anomalies in the GMAW Process by Acoustic Sensing with a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for Classification

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    Today, the quality of welded seams is often examined off-line with either destructive or non-destructive testing. These test procedures are time-consuming and therefore costly. This is especially true if the welds are not welded accurately due to process anomalies. In manual welding, experienced welders are able to detect process anomalies by listening to the sound of the welding process. In this paper, an approach to transfer the “hearing” of an experienced welder into an automated testing process is presented. An acoustic measuring device for recording audible sound is installed for this purpose on a fully automated welding fixture. The processing of the sound information by means of machine learning methods enables in-line process control. Existing research results until now show that the arc is the main sound source. However, both the outflow of the shielding gas and the wire feed emit sound information. Other investigations describe welding irregularities by evaluating and assessing existing sound recordings. Descriptive analysis was performed to find a connection between certain sound patterns and welding irregularities. Recent contributions have used machine learning to identify the degree of welding penetration. The basic assumption of the presented investigations is that process anomalies are the cause of welding irregularities. The focus was on detecting deviating shielding gas flow rates based on audio recordings, processed by a convolutional neural network (CNN). After adjusting the hyperparameters of the CNN it was capable of distinguishing between different flow rates of shielding gas

    Seam tracking and gap bridging during robotic laser beam welding via grayscale imaging and wobbling

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    The use of laser beam welding with robotic manipulators is expanding towards wider industrial applications as the system availability increases with reduced capital costs. Conventionally, laser welding requires high positioning and coupling accuracy. Due to the variability in the part geometry and positioning, as well as the thermal deformation that may occur during the process, joint position and fit-up are not always acceptable nor predictable a-priori if simple fixtures are used. This makes the passage from virtual CAD/CAM environment to real production site not trivial, limiting applications where short part preparations are a need like small-batch productions. Solutions that render the laser welding operations feasible for production series with non-stringent tolerances are required to serve a wider range of industrial applications. Such solutions should be able to track the seam as well as tolerating variable gaps formed between the parts to be joined. In this work, an online correction for robot trajectory based on a greyscale coaxial vision system with external illumination and an adaptive wobbling strategy are proposed as means to increase the overall flexibility of a manufacturing plant. The underlying vision algorithm and control architectures are presented; the robustness of the system to poor illumination conditions and variable reflection conditions is also discussed. The developed solution employed two control loops: the first is able to change the robot pose to follow varying trajectories; the second, able to vary the amplitude of circular wobbling as a function of the gap formed in butt-joint welds. Demonstrator cases on butt-joint welds with AISI 301 stainless steel with increased complexity were used to test the efficacy of the solution. The system was successfully tested on 2 mm thick, planar stainless-steel sheets at a maximum welding speed of 25 mm/s and yielded a maximum positioning and yaw-orientation errors of respectively 0.325 mm and 4.5°. Continuous welds could be achieved with up to 1 mm gaps and variable seam position with the developed control method. The acceptable weld quality could be maintained up to 0.6 mm gap in the employed autogenous welding configuration

    Selective Darkening Filter and Welding Arc Observation for the Manual Welding Process

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    An optical see-through LCD (GLCD) with a resolution of n x m pixels gives the ability to selectively control the darkening in the welders view. The setup of such a Selective Auto Darkening Filter is developed and its applicability tested. The setup is done by integrating a camera into the welding operation for extracting the welding arc position properly. A prototype of a GLCD taylored for welding is mounted in the welder's view. The extraction of the welding arc position requires an enhanced video acquisition during welding. The observation of scenes with high dynamic contrast is an outstanding problem which occurs if very high differences between the darkest and the brightest spot in a scene occur. The application to welding with its harsh conditions needs the development of supporting hardware. The synchronization of the camera with the flickering light conditions of pulsed welding processes in Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) stabilizes the acquisition process and allows the scene to be flashed precisely if required by compact high power LEDs. The image acquisition is enhanced by merging two different exposed images for the resulting image. These source images cover a wider histogram range than it is possible by using only a single shot image with optimal camera parameters. After testing different standard contrast enhancement algorithm a novel content based algorithm is developed. It segments the image into areas with similar content and enhances these independently
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