280 research outputs found

    Social Science Evidence in Charter Litigation: Lessons from Carter v Canada (Attorney General)

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    In this paper, I offer the reflections of an academic who wandered well out of her wheelhouse. While I have graduate training in both philosophy and law, I am not an expert on the use of social science and humanities evidence in litigation. But, through the course of working on Carter v Canada (Attorney General), I had the opportunity to participate directly in the process of marshalling, preparing, analyzing, and critiquing the evidence. My hope is that, through this paper, I can bring a perspective that may be useful both for practitioners who might (or, I would say, should) be thinking about working with academics, and academics who might (and I hope will) be thinking about getting involved in constitutional litigation that relates to their field of study

    Time to Shine

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    Matriculation Convocatio

    State College Times, March 14, 1933

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    Volume 21, Issue 83https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/12851/thumbnail.jp

    Textbook Affordability Open Course: Facilitator Guide and D2L Course Materials

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    This guide will help facilitators of the Textbook Affordability Open Course organize and implement the content in their own learning environment. The designers of the course have included items that need to be updated and personalized for each implementation of the course as well as helpful tips for successful implementation. This course is an introduction to textbook affordability, open educational resources, and other open practices that impact equity in our classrooms. While it is geared towards higher education faculty, the concepts and practices covered here can be used in any teaching and learning scenario. This course will explore concepts tied to the one cost factor teachers can control - course materials - and relate that directly to increasing equitable practice in the classroom. By the end of the course, you will have explored your own library for options for course materials, searched for open educational resources in your content area, discovered other open practices that may be useful to your own teaching, and defined how equity and course material cost are related

    Leading Lawrence into the Future

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    In this matriculation convocation President Laurie Carter and Provost Peter Blitstein welcome students, faculty, and staff back to campus to mark the start of the new academic year

    Learning: It\u27s Personal

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    If you have any questions about this presentation or would like a copy of the handout, please contact Angela Atwell. Her information can be found at the end of the presentation. Contrary to popular belief, teaching and learning in an online environment is not easier or less work than a traditional classroom. It takes intentionality, discipline and commitment from both the instructor and the student. However, the flexibility offered by online programs makes this option increasingly appealing. With this growing demand, online instructors must think critically about the content, strategically plan activities and align outcomes with diverse student goals. All of this must be done while forging relationships, connecting students and providing opportunities to apply the concepts to the real world. Hardman (2015) reflected on the need to build a community of learners and promote active engagement so that every student can experience the joy of learning. Students will be engaged when they connect with the content, the instructor and their peers. This requires the instructor to shift from teaching to learning. Students must engage in activities that challenge higher-order cognitive skills rather than observe the instructor delivering content (Boling, Hough, Krinsky, Saleem, & Stevens, 2011). Students also need to connect the concepts to their real lives and within the context of their environment. Context is a critical component for all cognitive processes. What we learn, what we know and the connections we make all happen within and as a result of our environment. “One does not remember exactly what has happened. Rather, one remembers one’s construction or reconstruction of what happened” (Sternberg & Sternberg, 2012). Online instructors are tasked with ensuring that educational experiences are meaningful for students, connected to their context and conducted as part of a learning community. Thus, instructors must make learning personal. During this session participants will share best practices and classroom experiences, engage in large and small group discussions, as well as explore a variety of technological tools to help bridge the digital gap in online classrooms. Participants will discuss the challenges of teaching and learning online as well as the need to create opportunities to connect. Polls, “Gallery -Walks”, “Think-Pair-Share”, “Speed-Sharing” and other interactive strategies will be utilized to model the effectiveness of community. In this session, participants: Evaluated current approaches to student engagement. Explored various web 2.0 tools and potential uses in the virtual classroom to create a learning community. Explored the importance of context in cognitive processes and its impact on learning Developed a plan to integrate at least one strategy during the next term

    Tingkat Keterbacaan Pengumuman Berbahasa Inggris dalam Penerbangan Garuda Indonesia

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    Pengumuman informasi penerbangan yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa resmi penerbangan ditemukan mulai dari masa pra journey, pre-flight, in-flight dan post-flight. Beragam jenis informasi yang disampaikan pada In-flight announcement (pengumuman selama penerbangan) menyesuaikan kegunaannya. Meskipun tertulis dalam standar manual, pengumuman dalam penerbangan disampaikan melalui instrumen di dalam kabin menggunakan media suara. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa saja pengumuman dalam penerbangan Garuda Indonesia dan untuk menganalisis tingkat keterbacaan pengumuman tersebut. 2 orang awak kabin Garuda Indonesia membacakan dan merekam in-flight announcement yang dipilih. 10 pertanyaan berkaitan dengan isi pengumuman disusun dan diuji validitasnya. Pertanyaan tersebut diujikan dalam tes menyimak untuk mengetahui tingkat keterpahaman narasumber seputar topik dan detail. Narasumber (n=15) mewakili 3 kategori penutur yakni penutur asli bahasa Inggris (NS1=5), penutur bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua (NS2=5) dan penutur bahasa Indonesia (NS=5). Ini adalah analisis kuantitatif deskriptif menggunakan skor yang didapatkan dari tes. 27 jenis in-flight announcement dikategorikan menjadi 3 penggolongan antara lain pengumuman rutin, pengumuman disaat genting dan pengumuman musiman. Dari nilai rata-rata masing-masing kategori narasumber didapatkan bahwa tingkat keterpahaman pengumuman ada diatas rata-rata (NS1=7, NS2=7,4 dan NS3=8) yang berarti pelafalan penutur dapat dipahami. Menurut penggolongan tingkat pemahaman diketahui bahwa pertanyaan detail untuk jenis pengumuman genting dan musiman yang paling kurang dipahami oleh NS1 dan NS2 dikarenakan jenis pengumumannya yang jarang didengar. Dialek lokal sumber suara juga memberi peran pada pengucapan kata-kata non-Inggris dalam pengumuman

    Inclusive Strategies for the Global Virtual Classroom

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    In today’s digital age of global enterprise, higher education is focused on delivering high quality experiences in virtual learning environments. Instructors must be armed with the knowledge and skills to use online learning tools effectively in order to deliver an engaging learning experience for all students.It is crucial to create a welcoming and inclusive learning environment, possibly even more so in a virtual classroom. Students who feel welcomed and respected are more likely to engage, contribute to the course and add richness to the content. Instructors must facilitate student learning by encouraging cooperation, collaboration and professional networking. Students and instructors must practice inclusive skills to create a culture of respect and benefit from the diversity of a global online experience. This session explored how to enrich your global learning environment by developing a diversity inclusive plan. During this session; Participants identified common stereotypes and myths regarding cultural diversity. Participants examined challenges in a diverse virtual learning environment. Participants defined inclusive strategies to create a climate for learning. Participants developed an action plan for implementation
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