24 research outputs found

    Weihrauch goes Brouwerian

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    We prove that the Weihrauch lattice can be transformed into a Brouwer algebra by the consecutive application of two closure operators in the appropriate order: first completion and then parallelization. The closure operator of completion is a new closure operator that we introduce. It transforms any problem into a total problem on the completion of the respective types, where we allow any value outside of the original domain of the problem. This closure operator is of interest by itself, as it generates a total version of Weihrauch reducibility that is defined like the usual version of Weihrauch reducibility, but in terms of total realizers. From a logical perspective completion can be seen as a way to make problems independent of their premises. Alongside with the completion operator and total Weihrauch reducibility we need to study precomplete representations that are required to describe these concepts. In order to show that the parallelized total Weihrauch lattice forms a Brouwer algebra, we introduce a new multiplicative version of an implication. While the parallelized total Weihrauch lattice forms a Brouwer algebra with this implication, the total Weihrauch lattice fails to be a model of intuitionistic linear logic in two different ways. In order to pinpoint the algebraic reasons for this failure, we introduce the concept of a Weihrauch algebra that allows us to formulate the failure in precise and neat terms. Finally, we show that the Medvedev Brouwer algebra can be embedded into our Brouwer algebra, which also implies that the theory of our Brouwer algebra is Jankov logic.Comment: 36 page

    Computability and analysis: the legacy of Alan Turing

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    We discuss the legacy of Alan Turing and his impact on computability and analysis.Comment: 49 page

    Continuity, Discontinuity and Dynamics in Mathematics & Economics - Reconsidering Rosser's Visions

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    Barkley Rosser has been a pioneer in arguing the case for the mathematics of discontinuity, broadly conceived, to be placed at the foundations of modelling economic dynamics. In this paper we reconsider this vision from the broad perspective of a variety of different kinds of mathematics and suggest a broadening of Rosser’s methodology to the study of economic dynamicsContinuity, Discontinuity, Economic Dynamics, Relaxation Oscillations

    The degree structure of Weihrauch-reducibility

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    We answer a question by Vasco Brattka and Guido Gherardi by proving that the Weihrauch-lattice is not a Brouwer algebra. The computable Weihrauch-lattice is also not a Heyting algebra, but the continuous Weihrauch-lattice is. We further investigate the existence of infinite infima and suprema, as well as embeddings of the Medvedev-degrees into the Weihrauch-degrees

    Sequential discontinuity and first-order problems

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    We explore the low levels of the structure of the continuous Weihrauch degrees of first-order problems. In particular, we show that there exists a minimal discontinuous first-order degree, namely that of \accn, without any determinacy assumptions. The same degree is also revealed as the least sequentially discontinuous one, i.e. the least degree with a representative whose restriction to some sequence converging to a limit point is still discontinuous. The study of games related to continuous Weihrauch reducibility constitutes an important ingredient in the proof of the main theorem. We present some initial additional results about the degrees of first-order problems that can be obtained using this approach

    Completion of Choice

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    We systematically study the completion of choice problems in the Weihrauch lattice. Choice problems play a pivotal role in Weihrauch complexity. For one, they can be used as landmarks that characterize important equivalences classes in the Weihrauch lattice. On the other hand, choice problems also characterize several natural classes of computable problems, such as finite mind change computable problems, non-deterministically computable problems, Las Vegas computable problems and effectively Borel measurable functions. The closure operator of completion generates the concept of total Weihrauch reducibility, which is a variant of Weihrauch reducibility with total realizers. Logically speaking, the completion of a problem is a version of the problem that is independent of its premise. Hence, studying the completion of choice problems allows us to study simultaneously choice problems in the total Weihrauch lattice, as well as the question which choice problems can be made independent of their premises in the usual Weihrauch lattice. The outcome shows that many important choice problems that are related to compact spaces are complete, whereas choice problems for unbounded spaces or closed sets of positive measure are typically not complete.Comment: 30 page

    Computability in basic quantum mechanics

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    The basic notions of quantum mechanics are formulated in terms of separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space H. In terms of the Hilbert lattice L of closed linear subspaces of H the notions of state and observable can be formulated as kinds of measures as in [21]. The aim of this paper is to show that there is a good notion of computability for these data structures in the sense of Weihrauch’s Type Two Effectivity (TTE) [26]. Instead of explicitly exhibiting admissible representations for the data types under consideration we show that they do live within the category QCB0 which is equivalent to the category AdmRep of admissible representations and continuously realizable maps between them. For this purpose in case of observables we have to replace measures by valuations which allows us to prove an effective version of von Neumann’s Spectral Theorem