98 research outputs found

    Méta-modélisation du comportement d'un modèle: concepts, modèle et outil

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    International audienceEn s'appuyant sur l'expérience acquise en ISI pour décrire des comportements causaux ou en ingénierie des processus pour décrire des processus intentionnels, la thèse devra : Etudier l'état de l'art dans le domaine de l'IDM pour identifier ses caractéristiques. Proposer un méta-modèle incluant la spécification des propriétés comportementales du modèle durant sa méta-description et expérimenter celui-ci sur plusieurs modèles utilisés dans l'ISI et dans l'ingénierie des méthodes. Ce travail doit enrichir la perspective statique du modèle par une perspective activité ainsi qu'une perspective dynamique où la sémantique du concept et le comportement sous-jacent doivent être identifiés et formalisés. Définir l'architecture de la solution logicielle permettant de méta-décrire un comportement relié à un modèle et d'exécuter cette méta-description. Développer la plateforme logicielle dans un environnement open source. Expérimenter et évaluer la plateforme logicielle proposée par le développement d'un méta-CAME et d'un méta-CASE

    Model Driven Mutation Applied to Adaptative Systems Testing

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    Dynamically Adaptive Systems modify their behav- ior and structure in response to changes in their surrounding environment and according to an adaptation logic. Critical sys- tems increasingly incorporate dynamic adaptation capabilities; examples include disaster relief and space exploration systems. In this paper, we focus on mutation testing of the adaptation logic. We propose a fault model for adaptation logics that classifies faults into environmental completeness and adaptation correct- ness. Since there are several adaptation logic languages relying on the same underlying concepts, the fault model is expressed independently from specific adaptation languages. Taking benefit from model-driven engineering technology, we express these common concepts in a metamodel and define the operational semantics of mutation operators at this level. Mutation is applied on model elements and model transformations are used to propagate these changes to a given adaptation policy in the chosen formalism. Preliminary results on an adaptive web server highlight the difficulty of killing mutants for adaptive systems, and thus the difficulty of generating efficient tests.Comment: IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, Mutation Analysis Workshop (Mutation 2011), Berlin : Allemagne (2011

    Generic Model Refactorings

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    Many modeling languages share some common concepts and principles. For example, Java, MOF, and UML share some aspects of the concepts\ud of classes, methods, attributes, and inheritance. However, model\ud transformations such as refactorings specified for a given language\ud cannot be readily reused for another language because their related\ud metamodels may be structurally different. Our aim is to enable a\ud flexible reuse of model transformations across various metamodels.\ud Thus, in this paper, we present an approach allowing the specification\ud of generic model transformations, in particular refactorings, so\ud that they can be applied to different metamodels. Our approach relies\ud on two mechanisms: (1) an adaptation based mainly on the weaving\ud of aspects; (2) the notion of model typing, an extension of object\ud typing in the model-oriented context. We validated our approach by\ud performing some experiments that consisted of specifying three well\ud known refactorings (Encapsulate Field, Move Method, and Pull Up Method)\ud and applying each of them onto three different metamodels (Java,\ud MOF, and UML)

    Towards a pivotal-based approach for business process alignment.

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    This article focuses on business process engineering, especially on alignment between business analysis and implementation. Through a business process management approach, different transformations interfere with process models in order to make them executable. To keep the consistency of process model from business model to IT model, we propose a pivotal metamodel-centric methodology. It aims at keeping or giving all requisite structural and semantic data needed to perform such transformations without loss of information. Through this we can ensure the alignment between business and IT. This article describes the concept of pivotal metamodel and proposes a methodology using such an approach. In addition, we present an example and the resulting benefits

    SéMo'07 : premier atelier sur la Sémantique des Modèles

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    International audienceThis paper summarises the presentations and exchanges that took place in the SéMo'2007 workshop in March 2007 in Toulouse during the IDM conference. The main topic of the workshop was the semantics of models and meta-models in the purpose to confront the MDE users needs and the technologies used for specification and programming languages

    SpoonEMF, une brique logicielle pour l'utilisation de l'IDM dans le cadre de la réingénierie de programmes Java5

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    2 ième Journée sur l'Ingénièrie Dirigée par les ModèlesCe document présente succinctement SpoonEMF, une brique logicielle pour l'utilisation de l'IDM dans le cadre de la réingénierie d'applications écrites en Java. L'accent dans cette courte présentation est mis sur les cas d'utilisation possibles de cette brique logicielle et l'intérêt des choix techniques retenus : le framework EMF pour l'expression du méta-modèle afin de favoriser l'interopérabilité avec d'autres outils et l'intégration au sein du projet Spoon pour la définition du méta-modèle et la réutilisation d'outils comme l'analyseur syntaxique de code Java5 (parser) ou le générateur de code (pretty printer)

    Meta-model Pruning

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    Large and complex meta-models such as those of Uml and its profiles are growing due to modelling and inter-operability needs of numerous\ud stakeholders. The complexity of such meta-models has led to coining\ud of the term meta-muddle. Individual users often exercise only a small\ud view of a meta-muddle for tasks ranging from model creation to construction\ud of model transformations. What is the effective meta-model that represents\ud this view? We present a flexible meta-model pruning algorithm and\ud tool to extract effective meta-models from a meta-muddle. We use\ud the notion of model typing for meta-models to verify that the algorithm\ud generates a super-type of the large meta-model representing the meta-muddle.\ud This implies that all programs written using the effective meta-model\ud will work for the meta-muddle hence preserving backward compatibility.\ud All instances of the effective meta-model are also instances of the\ud meta-muddle. We illustrate how pruning the original Uml metamodel\ud produces different effective meta-models

    Séparation des préoccupations en phase de méta-modélisation

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    http://www2.lifl.fr/~mullera/CoMo07.htmhttp://www2.lifl.fr/~mullera/CoMo07.htmCe document présente succinctement le problème de la claire séparation de la définition des différentes formes de sémantique en phase de méta-modélisation afin de permettre l'utilisation du MOF ou d'ecore pour la définition du méta-modèle, l'utilisation d'OCL pour la définition de la sémantique statique et l'utilisation de Kermeta pour la définition de la sémantique opérationnelle. L'accent dans cette courte présentation est mis sur la justification du besoin de cette séparation et les choix techniques retenus basé sur un modèle pivot et un mécanisme de composition de modèles inspiré du merge d'UML

    Service Oriented Architecture Definition Using Composition of Business-Driven Fragments

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    International audienceServices Oriented Architecture are built through the compo- sition of services (e.g. Web Services) to define complex business process (e.g. Orchestrations). Well known methodologies focus on identifying ser- vices and orchestrations at design time. However the orchestration design phase is still a heavy burden, as it induces to deal with both technical and business domain concerns. This article proposes to use an evolution framework (Adore) to capitalize architects knowledge and best practices into “evolutions”. Architects can build business-driven orchestrations by composing reusable “evolutions” following a design–by–composition ap- proach. We apply this approach to build a legacy Soa called Seduite (validation platform for the French national research project Faros)

    Towards Model-Driven Validation of Autonomic Software Systems in Open Distributed Environments

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    New distributed systems are running onto fluctuating environments (e.g. ambient or grid computing). These fluctuations must be taken into account when deploying these systems. Autonomic computing aims at realizing programs that implement self-adaptation behaviour. Unfortunately in practice, these programs are not often statically validated, and their execution can lead to emergent undesirable behaviour. In this paper, we argue that static validation is mandatory for large autonomic distributed systems. We identify two kinds of validation that are relevant and crucial when deploying such systems. These validations affect the deployment procedures of software composing a system, as well as the autonomic policies of this system. Using our Dacar model-based framework for deploying autonomic software distributed architectures, we show how we tackle the problem of static validation of autonomic distributed system