342 research outputs found

    Graphene textile smart clothing for wearable cardiac monitoring

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    Wearable electronics is a rapidly growing field that recently started to introduce successful commercial products into the consumer electronics market. Employment of biopotential signals in wearable systems as either biofeedbacks or control commands are expected to revolutionize many technologies including point of care health monitoring systems, rehabilitation devices, human–computer/machine interfaces (HCI/HMIs), and brain–computer interfaces (BCIs). Since electrodes are regarded as a decisive part of such products, they have been studied for almost a decade now, resulting in the emergence of textile electrodes. This study reports on the synthesis and application of graphene nanotextiles for the development of wearable electrocardiography (ECG) sensors for personalized health monitoring applications. In this study, we show for the first time that the electrocardiogram was successfully obtained with graphene textiles placed on a single arm. The use of only one elastic armband, and an “all-textile-approach” facilitates seamless heart monitoring with maximum comfort to the wearer. The functionality of graphene textiles produced using dip coating and stencil printing techniques has been demonstrated by the non-invasive measurement of ECG signals, up to 98% excellent correlation with conventional pre-gelled, wet, silver/silver-chloride (Ag / AgCl) electrodes. Heart rate have been successfully determined with ECG signals obtained in different situations. The system-level integration and holistic design approach presented here will be effective for developing the latest technology in wearable heart monitoring devices

    Smart nanotextiles: materials and their application

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    Textiles are ubiquitous to us, enveloping our skin and surroundings. Not only do they provide a protective shield or act as a comforting cocoon but they also serve esthetic appeal and cultural importance. Recent technologies have allowed the traditional functionality of textiles to be extended. Advances in materials science have added intelligence to textiles and created ‘smart’ clothes. Smart textiles can sense and react to environmental conditions or stimuli, e.g., from mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical, or magnetic sources (Lam Po Tang and Stylios 2006). Such textiles find uses in many applications ranging from military and security to personalized healthcare, hygiene, and entertainment. Smart textiles may be termed ‘‘passive’’ or ‘‘active.’’ A passive smart textile monitors the wearer’s physiology or the environment, e.g., a shirt with in-built thermistors to log body temperature over time. If actuators are integrated, the textile becomes an active, smart textile as it may respond to a particular stimulus, e.g., the temperature-aware shirt may automatically roll up the sleeves when body temperature rises. The fundamental components in any smart textile are sensors and actuators. Interconnections, power supply, and a control unit are also needed to complete the system. All these components must be integrated into textiles while still retaining the usual tactile, flexible, and comfortable properties that we expect from a textile. Adding new functionalities to textiles while still maintaining the look and feel of the fabric is where nanotechnology has a huge impact on the textile industry. This article describes current developments in materials for smart nanotextiles and some of the many applications where these innovative textiles are of great benefit

    Review on Smart Electro-Clothing Systems (SeCSs)

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    This review paper presents an overview of the smart electro-clothing systems (SeCSs) targeted at health monitoring, sports benefits, fitness tracking, and social activities. Technical features of the available SeCSs, covering both textile and electronic components, are thoroughly discussed and their applications in the industry and research purposes are highlighted. In addition, it also presents the developments in the associated areas of wearable sensor systems and textile-based dry sensors. As became evident during the literature research, such a review on SeCSs covering all relevant issues has not been presented before. This paper will be particularly helpful for new generation researchers who are and will be investigating the design, development, function, and comforts of the sensor integrated clothing materials

    Wearable smart textiles for long-term electrocardiography monitoring : a review

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    The continuous and long-term measurement and monitoring of physiological signals such as electrocardiography (ECG) are very important for the early detection and treatment of heart disorders at an early stage prior to a serious condition occurring. The increasing demand for the continuous monitoring of the ECG signal needs the rapid development of wearable electronic technology. During wearable ECG monitoring, the electrodes are the main components that affect the signal quality and comfort of the user. This review assesses the application of textile electrodes for ECG monitoring from the fundamentals to the latest developments and prospects for their future fate. The fabrication techniques of textile electrodes and their performance in terms of skin–electrode contact impedance, motion artifacts and signal quality are also reviewed and discussed. Textile electrodes can be fabricated by integrating thin metal fiber during the manufacturing stage of textile products or by coating textiles with conductive materials like metal inks, carbon mate-rials, or conductive polymers. The review also discusses how textile electrodes for ECG function via direct skin contact or via a non-contact capacitive coupling. Finally, the current intensive and promising research towards finding textile-based ECG electrodes with better comfort and signal quality in the fields of textile, material, medical and electrical engineering are presented as a perspective

    Development of washable silver printed textile electrodes for long-term ECG monitoring

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    Long-term electrocardiography (ECG) monitoring is very essential for the early detection and treatment of cardiovascular disorders. However, commercially used silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) electrodes have drawbacks, and these become more obvious during long-term signal monitoring, making them inconvenient for this use. In this study, we developed silver printed textile electrodes from knitted cotton and polyester fabric for ECG monitoring. The surface resistance of printed electrodes was 1.64 Ω/sq for cotton and 1.78 Ω/sq for polyester electrodes. The ECG detection performance of the electrodes was studied by placing three electrodes around the wrist where the electrodes were embedded on an elastic strap with Velcro. The ECG signals collected using textile electrodes had a comparable waveform to those acquired using standard Ag/AgCl electrodes with a signal to noise ratio (SNR) of 33.10, 30.17, and 33.52 dB for signals collected from cotton, polyester, and Ag/AgCl electrodes, respectively. The signal quality increased as the tightness of the elastic strap increased. Signals acquired at 15 mmHg pressure level with the textile electrodes provided a similar quality to those acquired using standard electrodes. Interestingly, the textile electrodes gave acceptable signal quality even after ten washing cycles

    Challenges in Design and Fabrication of Flexible/Stretchable Carbon- and Textile-Based Wearable Sensors for Health Monitoring: A Critical Review

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    To demonstrate the wearable flexible/stretchable health-monitoring sensor, it is necessary to develop advanced functional materials and fabrication technologies. Among the various developed materials and fabrication processes for wearable sensors, carbon-based materials and textile-based configurations are considered as promising approaches due to their outstanding characteristics such as high conductivity, lightweight, high mechanical properties, wearability, and biocompatibility. Despite these advantages, in order to realize practical wearable applications, electrical and mechanical performances such as sensitivity, stability, and long-term use are still not satisfied. Accordingly, in this review, we describe recent advances in process technologies to fabricate advanced carbon-based materials and textile-based sensors, followed by their applications such as human activity and electrophysiological sensors. Furthermore, we discuss the remaining challenges for both carbon- and textile-based wearable sensors and then suggest effective strategies to realize the wearable sensors in health monitoring

    Conception, development and evaluation of polymer-based screen-printed textile electrodes for biopotential monitoring

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    Wearable technologies represent the new frontier of vital signs monitoring in different applications, from fitness to health. With the progressive miniaturization of the electronic components, enabling the implementation of portable and hand-held acquisition and recording devices, the research focus has shifted toward the development of effective and unobtrusive textile electrodes. This work deals with the study, development and characterization of organic-polymer-based electrodes for biopotentials. After an overview of the main materials and fabrication technologies presented so far in the scientific literature, the possibility to use these electrodes as an alternative to the Ag/AgCl disposable gelled electrodes usually adopted in clinical practice was tested. For this purpose, several textile electrode realization techniques were studied and optimized, in order to create electrodes with adequate features to detect two fundamental physiological signals: the electrocardiogram (ECG) and the electromyogram (EMG). The electrodes were obtained by depositing on the fabric the organic bio-compatible polymer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) doped with poly(4-styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) with three deposition procedures: dipcoating, ink-jet printing and screen printing. The physical\u2013chemical properties of the polymer solution were varied for each procedure to obtain an optimal and reproducible result. For what concerns the ECG signal, the research activity focused on screen-printed textile electrodes and their performance was first assessed by benchtop measurements and then by human trials. The first tests demonstrated that, by adding solid or liquid electrolytes the electrodes, the largest part of the characteristics required by the ANSI/AAMI EC12:2000 standard for gelled ECG electrodes can be achieved. Tests performed in different conditions showed that the skin contact impedance and the ECG morphological features are highly similar to those obtainable with disposable gelled Ag/AgCl electrodes (\u3c1 > 0.99). A trial with ten subjects revealed also the capability of the proposed electrodes to accurately capture with clinical instruments an ECG morphology with performance comparable to off-the-shelf disposable electrodes. Furthermore, the proposed textile electrodes preserve their electrical properties and functionality even after several mild washing cycles, while they suffered physical stretching. Similar tests were performed on screen-printed textile electrodes fabricated in two different sizes to test them as EMG sensors, with and without electrolytes. After a series of controlled acquisitions performed by electro-stimulating the muscles in order to analyze the waveform morphologu of the M-wave, the statistical analysis showed a high similarity in terms of rms of the noise and electrode-skin impedance between conventional and textile electrodes with the addition of solid hydrogel and saline solution. Furthermore, the M-wave recorded on the tibialis anterior muscle during the stimulation of the peroneal nerve was comparatively analyzed between conventional and textile electrodes. The comparison provided an R2 value higher than 97% in all measurement conditions. These results opened their use in smart garments for real application scenarios and for this purpose were developed a couple of smart shirts able to detect the EGC and the EMG signal. The results indicated that this approach could be adopted in the future for the development of smart garments able to comfortably detect physiological signals

    Design of a wearable sensor system for neonatal seizure monitoring

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