3,981 research outputs found

    Imaginaries in separably closed valued fields

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    We show that separably closed valued fields of finite imperfection degree (either with lambda-functions or commuting Hasse derivations) eliminate imaginaries in the geometric language. We then use this classification of interpretable sets to study stably dominated types in those structures. We show that separably closed valued fields of finite imperfection degree are metastable and that the space of stably dominated types is strict pro-definable

    The Lascar groups and the 1st homology groups in model theory

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    Let pp be a strong type of an algebraically closed tuple over B=\acl^{\eq}(B) in any theory TT. Depending on a ternary relation \indo^* satisfying some basic axioms (there is at least one such, namely the trivial independence in TT), the first homology group H1(p)H^*_1(p) can be introduced, similarly to \cite{GKK1}. We show that there is a canonical surjective homomorphism from the Lascar group over BB to H1(p)H^*_1(p). We also notice that the map factors naturally via a surjection from the `relativised' Lascar group of the type (which we define in analogy with the Lascar group of the theory) onto the homology group, and we give an explicit description of its kernel. Due to this characterization, it follows that the first homology group of pp is independent from the choice of \indo^*, and can be written simply as H1(p)H_1(p). As consequences, in any TT, we show that H1(p)20|H_1(p)|\geq 2^{\aleph_0} unless H1(p)H_1(p) is trivial, and we give a criterion for the equality of stp and Lstp of algebraically closed tuples using the notions of the first homology group and a relativised Lascar group. We also argue how any abelian connected compact group can appear as the first homology group of the type of a model.Comment: 30 pages, no figures, this merged with the article arXiv:1504.0772

    On Roeckle-precompact Polish group which cannot act transitively on a complete metric space

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    We study when a continuous isometric action of a Polish group on a complete metric space is, or can be, transitive. Our main results consist of showing that certain Polish groups, namely Aut(μ)\mathrm{Aut}^*(\mu) and Homeo+[0,1]\mathrm{Homeo}^+[0,1], such an action can never be transitive (unless the space acted upon is a singleton). We also point out "circumstantial evidence" that this pathology could be related to that of Polish groups which are not closed permutation groups and yet have discrete uniform distance, and give a general characterisation of continuous isometric action of a Roeckle-precompact Polish group on a complete metric space is transitive. It follows that the morphism from a Roeckle-precompact Polish group to its Bohr compactification is surjective

    Definable equivalence relations and zeta functions of groups

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    We prove that the theory of the pp-adics Qp{\mathbb Q}_p admits elimination of imaginaries provided we add a sort for GLn(Qp)/GLn(Zp){\rm GL}_n({\mathbb Q}_p)/{\rm GL}_n({\mathbb Z}_p) for each nn. We also prove that the elimination of imaginaries is uniform in pp. Using pp-adic and motivic integration, we deduce the uniform rationality of certain formal zeta functions arising from definable equivalence relations. This also yields analogous results for definable equivalence relations over local fields of positive characteristic. The appendix contains an alternative proof, using cell decomposition, of the rationality (for fixed pp) of these formal zeta functions that extends to the subanalytic context. As an application, we prove rationality and uniformity results for zeta functions obtained by counting twist isomorphism classes of irreducible representations of finitely generated nilpotent groups; these are analogous to similar results of Grunewald, Segal and Smith and of du Sautoy and Grunewald for subgroup zeta functions of finitely generated nilpotent groups.Comment: 89 pages. Various corrections and changes. To appear in J. Eur. Math. So

    ON WEAK ELIMINATION OF IMAGINARIES, AN APPENDIX OF CASANOVAS AND FARRE'S PAPER AND BASIC EXAMPLES (Model theoretic aspects of the notion of independence and dimension)

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    We give an explicit proof of Fact 2.2.2 in [CF]. And we give basic examples related to (full)/weak/geometric elimination of imaginaries

    Dimension, matroids, and dense pairs of first-order structures

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    A structure M is pregeometric if the algebraic closure is a pregeometry in all M' elementarily equivalent to M. We define a generalisation: structures with an existential matroid. The main examples are superstable groups of U-rank a power of omega and d-minimal expansion of fields. Ultraproducts of pregeometric structures expanding a field, while not pregeometric in general, do have an unique existential matroid. Generalising previous results by van den Dries, we define dense elementary pairs of structures expanding a field and with an existential matroid, and we show that the corresponding theories have natural completions, whose models also have a unique existential matroid. We extend the above result to dense tuples of structures.Comment: Version 2.8. 61 page