228 research outputs found

    Weak convergence results for inhomogeneous rotating fluid equations

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    We consider the equations governing incompressible, viscous fluids in three space dimensions, rotating around an inhomogeneous vector B(x): this is a generalization of the usual rotating fluid model (where B is constant). We prove the weak convergence of Leray--type solutions towards a vector field which satisfies the usual 2D Navier--Stokes equation in the regions of space where B is constant, with Dirichlet boundary conditions, and a heat--type equation elsewhere. The method of proof uses weak compactness arguments

    Rate-independent elastoplasticity at finite strains and its numerical approximation

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    Gradient plasticity at large strains with kinematic hardening is analyzed as quasistatic rate-independent evolution. The energy functional with a frame-indifferent polyconvex energy density and the dissipation are approximated numerically by finite elements and implicit time discretization, such that a computationally implementable scheme is obtained. The non-selfpenetration as well as a possible frictionless unilateral contact is considered and approximated numerically by a suitable penalization method which keeps polyconvexity and simultaneously by-passes the Lavrentiev phenomenon. The main result concerns the convergence of the numerical scheme towards energetic solutions.   In the case of incompressible plasticity and of nonsimple materials, where the energy depends on the second derivative of the deformation, we derive an explicit stability criterion for convergence relating the spatial discretization and the penalizations

    Solving Elliptic Problems with Singular Sources Using Singularity Splitting Deep Ritz Method

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    In this work, we develop an efficient solver based on neural networks for secondorder elliptic equations with variable coefficients and a singular source. This class of problems covers general point sources, line sources, and the combination of point-line sources and has a broad range of practical applications. The proposed approach is based on decomposing the true solution into a singular part that is known analytically using the fundamental solution of the Laplace equation and a regular part that satisfies a suitable modified elliptic PDE with a smoother source and then solving for the regular part using the deep Ritz method. A path-following strategy is suggested to select the penalty parameter for enforcing the Dirichlet boundary condition. Extensive numerical experiments in two-and multi-dimensional spaces with point sources, line sources, or their combinations are presented to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed approach, and a comparative study with several existing approaches based on neural networks is also given, which shows clearly its competitiveness for the specific class of problems. In addition, we briefly discuss the error analysis of the approach

    Uniform regularity for the Navier-Stokes equation with Navier boundary condition

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    We prove that there exists an interval of time which is uniform in the vanishing viscosity limit and for which the Navier-Stokes equation with Navier boundary condition has a strong solution. This solution is uniformly bounded in a conormal Sobolev space and has only one normal derivative bounded in LL^\infty. This allows to get the vanishing viscosity limit to the incompressible Euler system from a strong compactness argument

    Mathematical study of the betaplane model: Equatorial waves and convergence results

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    We are interested in a model of rotating fluids, describing the motion of the ocean in the equatorial zone. This model is known as the Saint-Venant, or shallow-water type system, to which a rotation term is added whose amplitude is linear with respect to the latitude; in particular it vanishes at the equator. After a physical introduction to the model, we describe the various waves involved and study in detail the resonances associated with those waves. We then exhibit the formal limit system (as the rotation becomes large), obtained as usual by filtering out the waves, and prove its wellposedness. Finally we prove three types of convergence results: a weak convergence result towards a linear, geostrophic equation, a strong convergence result of the filtered solutions towards the unique strong solution to the limit system, and finally a "hybrid" strong convergence result of the filtered solutions towards a weak solution to the limit system. In particular we obtain that there are no confined equatorial waves in the mean motion as the rotation becomes large.Comment: Revised version after referee's comments. Accepted for publication in M\'{e}moires de la Soci\'{e}t\'{e} Math\'{e}matique de Franc