7 research outputs found

    An efficient rate control algorithm for a wavelet video codec

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    Rate control plays an essential role in video coding and transmission to provide the best video quality at the receiver's end given the constraint of certain network conditions. In this paper, a rate control algorithm using the Quality Factor (QF) optimization method is proposed for the wavelet-based video codec and implemented on an open source Dirac video encoder. A mathematical model which we call Rate-QF (R - QF) model is derived to generate the optimum QF for the current coding frame according to the target bitrate. The proposed algorithm is a complete one pass process and does not require complex mathematical calculation. The process of calculating the QF is quite simple and further calculation is not required for each coded frame. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can control the bitrate precisely (within 1% of target bitrate in average). Moreover, the variation of bitrate over each Group of Pictures (GOPs) is lower than that of H.264. This is an advantage in preventing the buffer overflow and underflow for real-time multimedia data streaming

    An efficient rate control algorithm for a wavelet video codec

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    Rate control plays an essential role in video coding and transmission to provide the best video quality at the receiver's end given the constraint of certain network conditions. In this paper, a rate control algorithm using the Quality Factor (QF) optimization method is proposed for the wavelet-based video codec and implemented on an open source Dirac video encoder. A mathematical model which we call Rate-QF (R - QF) model is derived to generate the optimum QF for the current coding frame according to the target bitrate. The proposed algorithm is a complete one pass process and does not require complex mathematical calculation. The process of calculating the QF is quite simple and further calculation is not required for each coded frame. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can control the bitrate precisely (within 1% of target bitrate in average). Moreover, the variation of bitrate over each Group of Pictures (GOPs) is lower than that of H.264. This is an advantage in preventing the buffer overflow and underflow for real-time multimedia data streaming

    A DWT based perceptual video coding framework: concepts, issues and techniques

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    The work in this thesis explore the DWT based video coding by the introduction of a novel DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) / MC (Motion Compensation) / DPCM (Differential Pulse Code Modulation) video coding framework, which adopts the EBCOT as the coding engine for both the intra- and the inter-frame coder. The adaptive switching mechanism between the frame/field coding modes is investigated for this coding framework. The Low-Band-Shift (LBS) is employed for the MC in the DWT domain. The LBS based MC is proven to provide consistent improvement on the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) of the coded video over the simple Wavelet Tree (WT) based MC. The Adaptive Arithmetic Coding (AAC) is adopted to code the motion information. The context set of the Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding (ABAC) for the inter-frame data is redesigned based on the statistical analysis. To further improve the perceived picture quality, a Perceptual Distortion Measure (PDM) based on human vision model is used for the EBCOT of the intra-frame coder. A visibility assessment of the quantization error of various subbands in the DWT domain is performed through subjective tests. In summary, all these findings have solved the issues originated from the proposed perceptual video coding framework. They include: a working DWT/MC/DPCM video coding framework with superior coding efficiency on sequences with translational or head-shoulder motion; an adaptive switching mechanism between frame and field coding mode; an effective LBS based MC scheme in the DWT domain; a methodology of the context design for entropy coding of the inter-frame data; a PDM which replaces the MSE inside the EBCOT coding engine for the intra-frame coder, which provides improvement on the perceived quality of intra-frames; a visibility assessment to the quantization errors in the DWT domain

    Séparation de sources aveugle utilisant la transformée en ondelettes continues

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    La séparation d'un mélange convolutif de deux sources à partir de deux capteurs est considérée dans ce travail. Plusieurs approches sont présentées dans la littérature qui font usage de méthodes statistiques et de transformées telle que la transformée de Fourrier à fenêtre glissante et la transformée en paquets d'ondelettes. Un nouvel algorithme basée sur l'analyse en composantes indépendantes et la transformée en ondelettes continues est présenté. Une méthode connue de séparation de sources dans le domaine de la fréquence a été modifiée en remplaçant l'algorithme d'élimination de la corrélation croisée par un algorithme de séparation dont les performances sont indépendantes de la matrice de mélange. Les coefficients de la transformée en ondelettes continues des mélanges sont employés comme signaux d'entrée dans l'algorithme développé plutôt que les signaux eux mêmes. Les échelles de la transformée sont réparties suivant les schèmes suivants : linéaires, logarithmiques et loi mu. Une distribution uniforme des échelles de fréquence a aussi été considérée. Les mélanges employés pour l'évaluation de l'algorithme sont synthétiques. Les résultats expérimentaux sont présentés et évalués

    Hardware realization of discrete wavelet transform cauchy Reed Solomon minimal instruction set computer architecture for wireless visual sensor networks

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    Large amount of image data transmitting across the Wireless Visual Sensor Networks (WVSNs) increases the data transmission rate thus increases the power transmission. This would inevitably decreases the operating lifespan of the sensor nodes and affecting the overall operation of WVSNs. Limiting power consumption to prolong battery lifespan is one of the most important goals in WVSNs. To achieve this goal, this thesis presents a novel low complexity Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) Cauchy Reed Solomon (CRS) Minimal Instruction Set Computer (MISC) architecture that performs data compression and data encoding (encryption) in a single architecture. There are four different programme instructions were developed to programme the MISC processor, which are Subtract and Branch if Negative (SBN), Galois Field Multiplier (GF MULT), XOR and 11TO8 instructions. With the use of these programme instructions, the developed DWT CRS MISC were programmed to perform DWT image compression to reduce the image size and then encode the DWT coefficients with CRS code to ensure data security and reliability. Both compression and CRS encoding were performed by a single architecture rather than in two separate modules which require a lot of hardware resources (logic slices). By reducing the number of logic slices, the power consumption can be subsequently reduced. Results show that the proposed new DWT CRS MISC architecture implementation requires 142 Slices (Xilinx Virtex-II), 129 slices (Xilinx Spartan-3E), 144 Slices (Xilinx Spartan-3L) and 66 Slices (Xilinx Spartan-6). The developed DWT CRS MISC architecture has lower hardware complexity as compared to other existing systems, such as Crypto-Processor in Xilinx Spartan-6 (4828 Slices), Low-Density Parity-Check in Xilinx Virtex-II (870 slices) and ECBC in Xilinx Spartan-3E (1691 Slices). With the use of RC10 development board, the developed DWT CRS MISC architecture can be implemented onto the Xilinx Spartan-3L FPGA to simulate an actual visual sensor node. This is to verify the feasibility of developing a joint compression, encryption and error correction processing framework in WVSNs

    Hardware realization of discrete wavelet transform cauchy Reed Solomon minimal instruction set computer architecture for wireless visual sensor networks

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    Large amount of image data transmitting across the Wireless Visual Sensor Networks (WVSNs) increases the data transmission rate thus increases the power transmission. This would inevitably decreases the operating lifespan of the sensor nodes and affecting the overall operation of WVSNs. Limiting power consumption to prolong battery lifespan is one of the most important goals in WVSNs. To achieve this goal, this thesis presents a novel low complexity Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) Cauchy Reed Solomon (CRS) Minimal Instruction Set Computer (MISC) architecture that performs data compression and data encoding (encryption) in a single architecture. There are four different programme instructions were developed to programme the MISC processor, which are Subtract and Branch if Negative (SBN), Galois Field Multiplier (GF MULT), XOR and 11TO8 instructions. With the use of these programme instructions, the developed DWT CRS MISC were programmed to perform DWT image compression to reduce the image size and then encode the DWT coefficients with CRS code to ensure data security and reliability. Both compression and CRS encoding were performed by a single architecture rather than in two separate modules which require a lot of hardware resources (logic slices). By reducing the number of logic slices, the power consumption can be subsequently reduced. Results show that the proposed new DWT CRS MISC architecture implementation requires 142 Slices (Xilinx Virtex-II), 129 slices (Xilinx Spartan-3E), 144 Slices (Xilinx Spartan-3L) and 66 Slices (Xilinx Spartan-6). The developed DWT CRS MISC architecture has lower hardware complexity as compared to other existing systems, such as Crypto-Processor in Xilinx Spartan-6 (4828 Slices), Low-Density Parity-Check in Xilinx Virtex-II (870 slices) and ECBC in Xilinx Spartan-3E (1691 Slices). With the use of RC10 development board, the developed DWT CRS MISC architecture can be implemented onto the Xilinx Spartan-3L FPGA to simulate an actual visual sensor node. This is to verify the feasibility of developing a joint compression, encryption and error correction processing framework in WVSNs