2,194 research outputs found

    Capturing and Reconstructing the Appearance of Complex {3D} Scenes

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    In this thesis, we present our research on new acquisition methods for reflectance properties of real-world objects. Specifically, we first show a method for acquiring spatially varying densities in volumes of translucent, gaseous material with just a single image. This makes the method applicable to constantly changing phenomena like smoke without the use of high-speed camera equipment. Furthermore, we investigated how two well known techniques -- synthetic aperture confocal imaging and algorithmic descattering -- can be combined to help looking through a translucent medium like fog or murky water. We show that the depth at which we can still see an object embedded in the scattering medium is increased. In a related publication, we show how polarization and descattering based on phase-shifting can be combined for efficient 3D~scanning of translucent objects. Normally, subsurface scattering hinders the range estimation by offsetting the peak intensity beneath the surface away from the point of incidence. With our method, the subsurface scattering is reduced to a minimum and therefore reliable 3D~scanning is made possible. Finally, we present a system which recovers surface geometry, reflectance properties of opaque objects, and prevailing lighting conditions at the time of image capture from just a small number of input photographs. While there exist previous approaches to recover reflectance properties, our system is the first to work on images taken under almost arbitrary, changing lighting conditions. This enables us to use images we took from a community photo collection website

    Recognition of Surface Reflectance Properties from a Single Image under Unknown Real-World Illumination

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    This paper describes a machine vision system that classifies reflectance properties of surfaces such as metal, plastic, or paper, under unknown real-world illumination. We demonstrate performance of our algorithm for surfaces of arbitrary geometry. Reflectance estimation under arbitrary omnidirectional illumination proves highly underconstrained. Our reflectance estimation algorithm succeeds by learning relationships between surface reflectance and certain statistics computed from an observed image, which depend on statistical regularities in the spatial structure of real-world illumination. Although the algorithm assumes known geometry, its statistical nature makes it robust to inaccurate geometry estimates

    Surface Reflectance Estimation and Natural Illumination Statistics

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    Humans recognize optical reflectance properties of surfaces such as metal, plastic, or paper from a single image without knowledge of illumination. We develop a machine vision system to perform similar recognition tasks automatically. Reflectance estimation under unknown, arbitrary illumination proves highly underconstrained due to the variety of potential illumination distributions and surface reflectance properties. We have found that the spatial structure of real-world illumination possesses some of the statistical regularities observed in the natural image statistics literature. A human or computer vision system may be able to exploit this prior information to determine the most likely surface reflectance given an observed image. We develop an algorithm for reflectance classification under unknown real-world illumination, which learns relationships between surface reflectance and certain features (statistics) computed from a single observed image. We also develop an automatic feature selection method

    Infrared Image Enhancement Using Wavelet Transform

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    In Infrared Image Enhancement using Wavelet Transform, two enhancement algorithms namely spatial and spatiotemporal homomorphic filtering (SHF and STHF) have been given for enhancement of the far infrared images based upon a far infrared imaging model. Although spatiotemporal homomorphic filtering may reduce the number of iterations greatly in comparison to spatial one for a similar degree of convergence by making explicit use of the additional information provided temporally, the enhanced results from SHF are in general better than those from STHF. In this dissertation work an additive wavelet transform will be proposed for enhancement and filtration of homomorphic infrared images. Keywords: Infrard Images, Additive Wavelet transform, Homomorphic Image Enhancement

    Wavelet-Based Enhancement Technique for Visibility Improvement of Digital Images

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    Image enhancement techniques for visibility improvement of color digital images based on wavelet transform domain are investigated in this dissertation research. In this research, a novel, fast and robust wavelet-based dynamic range compression and local contrast enhancement (WDRC) algorithm to improve the visibility of digital images captured under non-uniform lighting conditions has been developed. A wavelet transform is mainly used for dimensionality reduction such that a dynamic range compression with local contrast enhancement algorithm is applied only to the approximation coefficients which are obtained by low-pass filtering and down-sampling the original intensity image. The normalized approximation coefficients are transformed using a hyperbolic sine curve and the contrast enhancement is realized by tuning the magnitude of the each coefficient with respect to surrounding coefficients. The transformed coefficients are then de-normalized to their original range. The detail coefficients are also modified to prevent edge deformation. The inverse wavelet transform is carried out resulting in a lower dynamic range and contrast enhanced intensity image. A color restoration process based on the relationship between spectral bands and the luminance of the original image is applied to convert the enhanced intensity image back to a color image. Although the colors of the enhanced images produced by the proposed algorithm are consistent with the colors of the original image, the proposed algorithm fails to produce color constant results for some pathological scenes that have very strong spectral characteristics in a single band. The linear color restoration process is the main reason for this drawback. Hence, a different approach is required for tackling the color constancy problem. The illuminant is modeled having an effect on the image histogram as a linear shift and adjust the image histogram to discount the illuminant. The WDRC algorithm is then applied with a slight modification, i.e. instead of using a linear color restoration, a non-linear color restoration process employing the spectral context relationships of the original image is applied. The proposed technique solves the color constancy issue and the overall enhancement algorithm provides attractive results improving visibility even for scenes with near-zero visibility conditions. In this research, a new wavelet-based image interpolation technique that can be used for improving the visibility of tiny features in an image is presented. In wavelet domain interpolation techniques, the input image is usually treated as the low-pass filtered subbands of an unknown wavelet-transformed high-resolution (HR) image, and then the unknown high-resolution image is produced by estimating the wavelet coefficients of the high-pass filtered subbands. The same approach is used to obtain an initial estimate of the high-resolution image by zero filling the high-pass filtered subbands. Detail coefficients are estimated via feeding this initial estimate to an undecimated wavelet transform (UWT). Taking an inverse transform after replacing the approximation coefficients of the UWT with initially estimated HR image, results in the final interpolated image. Experimental results of the proposed algorithms proved their superiority over the state-of-the-art enhancement and interpolation techniques

    Non-negative bases in spectral image archiving

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