70 research outputs found

    A review of technologies and design techniques of millimeter-wave power amplifiers

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    his article reviews the state-of-the-art millimeter-wave (mm-wave) power amplifiers (PAs), focusing on broadband design techniques. An overview of the main solid-state technologies is provided, including Si, gallium arsenide (GaAs), GaN, and other III-V materials, and both field-effect and bipolar transistors. The most popular broadband design techniques are introduced, before critically comparing through the most relevant design examples found in the scientific literature. Given the wide breadth of applications that are foreseen to exploit the mm-wave spectrum, this contribution will represent a valuable guide for designers who need a single reference before adventuring in the challenging task of the mm-wave PA design

    Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Signal Power Generation

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    A survey on RF and microwave doherty power amplifier for mobile handset applications

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    This survey addresses the cutting-edge load modulation microwave and radio frequency power amplifiers for next-generation wireless communication standards. The basic operational principle of the Doherty amplifier and its defective behavior that has been originated by transistor characteristics will be presented. Moreover, advance design architectures for enhancing the Doherty power amplifier’s performance in terms of higher efficiency and wider bandwidth characteristics, as well as the compact design techniques of Doherty amplifier that meets the requirements of legacy 5G handset applications, will be discussed.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. TEC2017-88242-C3-2-RFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDP/50008/201

    An Octave-Range, Watt-Level, Fully-Integrated CMOS Switching Power Mixer Array for Linearization and Back-Off-Efficiency Improvement

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    The power mixer array is presented as a novel power generation approach for non-constant envelope signals. It comprises several power mixer units that are dynamically turned on and off to improve the linearity and back-off efficiency. At the circuit level, the power mixer unit can operate as a switching amplifier to achieve high peak power efficiency. Additional circuit level linearization and back-off efficiency improvement techniques are also proposed. To demonstrate the feasibility of this idea, a fully-integrated octave-range CMOS power mixer array is implemented in a 130 nm CMOS process. It is operational between 1.2 GHz and 2.4 GHz and can generate an output power of +31.3 dBm into an external 50 Ω load with a PAE of 42% and a gain compression of only 0.4 dB at 1.8 GHz. It achieves a PAE of 25%, at an average output power of +26.4 dBm, and an EVM of 4.6% with a non-constant-envelope 16 QAM signal. It can also produce arbitrary signal levels down to -70 dBm of output power with the 16 QAM-modulated signal without any RF gain control circuit

    펄스에 의한 동적 부하 변조 기술을 이용한 고효율 선형 송신기에 관한 연구

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2016. 8. 서광석.STRONG push for longer battery life time and growing thermal concerns for the modern 3G/4G mobile terminals lead to an ever-growing need for higher efficiencies from the handset power amplifiers (PAs). Furthermore, as the modulation signal bandwidth is increased and more complex modulation schemes are introduced for higher data rate, the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of signals increases and the PA requires more power back-off to meet the stringent linearity requirement. Therefore, the PA design has to address the challenging task of enhancing the efficiencies in the back-off power levels. In this dissertation, dynamic load modulation (DLM) technique is investigated to boost the efficiency of a PA in the back-off output power level. This technique increases the efficiency by adjusting the PA load impedance according to the magnitude of the envelope signal. It can be categorized into two types, continuous and discrete types. Continuous-type DLM PA changes load impedance continuously by changing the capacitance of varactors used in the load matching circuit. Although the continuous modulation of the load impedance may result in significant efficiency enhancement, difficulties on integration of varactors and complexities on linearization of the PA make it difficult to be applied to the handset PA applications. Discrete-type DLM PA switches the load impedance from one value to another using RF switches. This type has the advantage in the aspect of ease of integration and simplicity in linearization compared to the continuous-type DLM PA, which make it more suited to the handset PA applications. However, the overall efficiency enhancement is quite limited since the PA does not always operate under the optimal load conditions. To overcome the limitation of the existing DLM techniques, a new method of DLM, called pulsed dynamic load modulation (PDLM), is proposed to operate the PA near the optimum impedance across a continuous back-off power range while still benefiting from the advantages offered by the discrete-type DLM PA. PDLM PA combines the concept of Class-S PA with 1-bit discrete load switching. Analytical calculation using simplified equivalent model is well matched with simulation results. To prove the proposed concept, it is implemented by designing and fabricating a prototype PDLM PA at 837 MHz using a 0.32-μm silicon-on-insulator (SOI) CMOS process. The experimental results show the overall PAE improvement for high-PAPR signals such as LTE signals. Several issues caused by the PDLM technique are also discussed such as imperfect pulse tone termination effect and output noise spectrum due to pulse tones. Improving methods are proposed through the further analysis and evaluation. The proposed PA is compared to the envelope tracking (ET) PA which is commonly used to boost efficiency at the back-off output power. Since the proposed concept is realized with low-power control circuits unlike envelope tracking, which requires high-power circuits such as dc-dc converters and linear amplifiers, the PDLM PA concept of this work can provide a potential solution for high-efficiency PAs for the future mobile terminals using wideband modulation signals.Chapter 1. Introduction 1 Chapter 2. Dynamic Load Modulation Technique 8 2.1 Introduction 8 2.2 Continuous-type dynamic load modulation PA 9 2.3 Discrete-type dynamic load modulation PA 14 2.4 Implementation example 15 2.4.1 DLM PA Structure 16 2.4.2 Linearization 23 2.4.3 Experimental Results 25 2.4.4 Conclusion 31 2.5 Limitations 32 2.6 References 33 Chapter 3. A Pulsed Dynamic Load Modulation Technique for High-Efficiency Linear Transmitters 36 3.1 Introduction 36 3.2 Operation Principle of the PDLM PA 38 3.2.1 Concept of the PDLM PA 38 3.2.2 Theoretical Analysis of the PDLM PA 41 3.3 Circuit Design 47 3.3.1 2 stage CMOS PA design 49 3.3.2 High power RF switch design 59 3.3.3 PWM signal generator and switch driver 61 3.4 Experimental Results 63 3.5 Conclusion 76 3.6 References 77 Chapter 4. Discussions 83 4.1 Operation bandwidth of the PDLM PA 83 4.2 Spectral noise reduction method 87 4.3 References 91 Chapter 5. Conclusions 94 5.1 Research Summary 94 5.2 Future Works 95 Abstract in Korean 97 Publications 99Docto

    Vidutinių dažnių 5G belaidžių tinklų galios stiprintuvų tyrimas

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    This dissertation addresses the problems of ensuring efficient radio fre-quency transmission for 5G wireless networks. Taking into account, that the next generation 5G wireless network structure will be heterogeneous, the device density and their mobility will increase and massive MIMO connectivity capability will be widespread, the main investigated problem is formulated – increasing the efficiency of portable mid-band 5G wireless network CMOS power amplifier with impedance matching networks. The dissertation consists of four parts including the introduction, 3 chapters, conclusions, references and 3 annexes. The investigated problem, importance and purpose of the thesis, the ob-ject of the research methodology, as well as the scientific novelty are de-fined in the introduction. Practical significance of the obtained results, defended state-ments and the structure of the dissertation are also included. The first chapter presents an extensive literature analysis. Latest ad-vances in the structure of the modern wireless network and the importance of the power amplifier in the radio frequency transmission chain are de-scribed in detail. The latter is followed by different power amplifier archi-tectures, parameters and their improvement techniques. Reported imped-ance matching network design methods are also discussed. Chapter 1 is concluded distinguishing the possible research vectors and defining the problems raised in this dissertation. The second chapter is focused around improving the accuracy of de-signing lumped impedance matching network. The proposed methodology of estimating lumped inductor and capacitor parasitic parameters is dis-cussed in detail provi-ding complete mathematical expressions, including a summary and conclusions. The third chapter presents simulation results for the designed radio fre-quency power amplifiers. Two variations of Doherty power amplifier archi-tectures are presented in the second part, covering the full step-by-step de-sign and simulation process. The latter chapter is concluded by comparing simulation and measurement results for all designed radio frequency power amplifiers. General conclusions are followed by an extensive list of references and a list of 5 publications by the author on the topic of the dissertation. 5 papers, focusing on the subject of the discussed dissertation, have been published: three papers are included in the Clarivate Analytics Web of Sci-ence database with a citation index, one paper is included in Clarivate Ana-lytics Web of Science database Conference Proceedings, and one paper has been published in unreferred international conference preceedings. The au-thor has also made 9 presentations at 9 scientific conferences at a national and international level.Dissertatio

    An X-Band power amplifier design for on-chip RADAR applications

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    Tremendous growth of RAdio Detecting And Ranging (RADAR) and communication electronics require low manufacturing cost, excellent performance, minimum area and highly integrated solutions for transmitter/receiver (T/R) modules, which are one of the most important blocks of RADAR systems. New circuit topologies and process technologies are investigated to fulfill these requirements of next generation RADAR systems. With the recent improvements, Silicon-Germanium Bipolar CMOS technology became a good candidate for recently used III-V technologies, such as GaAs, InP, and GaN, to meet high speed and performance requirements of present RADAR applications. As new process technologies are used, new solutions and circuit architectures have to be provided while taking into account the advantages and disadvantageous of used technologies. In this thesis, a new T/R module system architecture is presented for single/onchip X-Band phased array RADAR applications. On-chip T/R module consists of five blocks; T/R switch, single-pole double-throw (SPDT) switch, low noise amplifier (LNA), power amplifier (PA), and phase shifter. As the main focus of this thesis, a two-stage power amplifier is realized, discussed and measured. Designed in IHP's 0.25 [micrometer] SiGe BiCMOS process technology, the power amplifier operates in Class-A mode to achieve high linearity and presents a measured small-signal gain of 25 dB at 10 GHz. While achieving an output power of 22 dBm, the power amplifier has drain efficiency of 30 % in saturation. The total die area is 1 [square millimeters], including RF and DC pads. To our knowledge, these results are comparable to and/or better than those reported in the literature

    A linear high-efficiency millimeter-wave CMOS Doherty radiator leveraging on-antenna active load-modulation

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    This thesis presents a Doherty Radiator architecture that explores multi-feed antennas to achieve an on-antenna Doherty load modulation network and demonstrate high-speed high-efficiency transmission of wideband modulated signals. On the passive circuits, we exploit the multi-feed antenna concept to realize compact and high-efficiency on-antenna active load modulation for close-to-ideal Doherty operation, on-antenna power combining, and mm-Wave signal radiation. Moreover, we analyze the far-field transmission of the proposed Doherty Radiator and demonstrate its wide Field-of-View (FoV). On the active circuits, we employ a GHz-bandwidth adaptive biasing at the Doherty Auxiliary power amplifier (PA) path to enhance the Main/Auxiliary Doherty cooperation and appropriate turning-on/-off of the Auxiliary path. A proof-of-concept Doherty Radiator implemented in a 45nm CMOS SOI process over 62-68GHz exhibits a consistent 1.45-1.53× PAE enhancement at 6dB PBO over an idealistic class-B PA with the same PAE at P1dB. The measured Continuous-Wave (CW) performance at 65GHz demonstrates 19.4/19.2dBm PSAT/P1dB and achieves 27.5%/20.1% PAE at peak/6dB PBO, respectively. For single-carrier 1Gsym/s 64-QAM modulation, the Doherty Radiator shows average output power of 14.2dBm with an average 20.2% PAE and -26.7dB EVM without digital predistortion. Consistent EVMs are observed over the entire antenna FoV, demonstrating spatially undistorted transmission and constant Doherty PBO efficiency enhancement.M.S

    Radio Frequency and Millimeter Wave Circuit Component Design with SiGe BiCMOS Technology

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    The objective of this research is to study and leverage the unique properties and advantages of silicon-germanium (SiGe) heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) integrated circuit technologies to better design radio frequency (RF) and millimeter wave (mm-wave) circuit components. With recent developments, the high yield and modest cost silicon-based semiconductor technologies have proven to be attractive and cost-effective alternatives to high-performance III-V technology platforms. Between SiGe bipolar complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (BiCMOS) technology and advanced RF complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology, the fundamental device-level differences between SiGe HBTs and field-effect transistors (FETs) grant SiGe HBTs clear advantages as well as unique design concerns. The work presented in this dissertation identifies several advantages and challenges on design using SiGe HBTs and provides design examples that exploit and address these unique benefits and problems with circuit component designs using SiGe HBTs.Ph.D