8 research outputs found

    Watermarking three-dimensional polygonal models through geometric and topological modifications

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    Optimal Outsourcing for Intellectual Property Protection and Production Cost Minimization

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    This paper presents a methodology for optimal outsourcing of products. Outsourcing of products can have the advantage of reducing the production cost, but often causes a risk that important technology may leak and get used by competitors. To help reduce the risk of intellectual property (IP) leakage, a model proposed in this paper assumes that it is possible to separate some of the important geometrical features on some of the product parts that are outsourced, and then manufacture them in-house. The model estimates the fraction of IP-value that is subject to risk of leakage based on patent claims and how they relate to the outsourced parts and/or features. Production cost is modelled by assuming a base cost for manufacturing parts in-house, and then a discount rate is applied if the decision to outsource is made. Separation of geometrical features from manufactured parts introduces additional cost, which is modelled as an overhead if the decision to separate features is made. The outsourcing management process is then viewed as a two-objective problem, with the objectives being the minimization of both the fraction of IP-value at risk of leakage, as well as the production cost. A case study of an auto-slide-hinge mechanism is presented, in which the two-objective optimization problem is transformed into a single-objective constrained problem. Genetic algorithm is then applied iteratively on the problem in order generate the Pareto-plot that visualizes the trade-offs between the two objectives.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87272/4/Saitou56.pd

    A Digital Image Copyright Protection Scheme Based on Visual Cryptography

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    [[abstract]]A simple and efficient watermark method is proposed in this paper. The watermark method is an excellent technique to protect the copyright ownership of a digital image. The proposed watermark method is built up on the concept of visual cryptography. According to the proposed method, the watermark pattern does not have to be embedded into the original image directly, which makes it harder to detect or recover from the marked image in an illegal way. It can be retrieved from the marked image without making comparison with the original image. The notary also can off-line adjudge the ownership of the suspect image by this method. The watermark pattern can be any significant black/white image that can be used to typify the owner. Experimental results show that the watermark pattern in the marked image has good transparency and robustness. By the proposed method, all the pixels of the marked image are equal to the original image.[[notice]]補正完

    A shape-preserving data embedding algorithm for NURBS curves and surfaces

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    This paper describes a novel method of data protection of the three-dimensional (3D) models that are obtained from automatic process of geometric restitution, using old two-dimensional (2D) architectural and artistic drawings. The first contribution of our research is the algorithm that includes several image processing steps, which are required in order to define walls, staircases and openings from the digitalized hand drawn architectural plans. The result of this step is detailed 3D model of the digitally processed historical building plans. The experimental confirmation of the algorithm accuracy is 3D model of the Chateau de Versailles, which is descripted by old hand drawings, dating between the end of the XVII and the XIX century. Next part of our research is theoretical and mathematical analysis of geometrical features of such 3D model that is a result of the image processing algorithm. The key-achievement of this part is new method of protecting the geometrical data using optimized adaptive Sparse Quantization Index Modulation (QIM) for embedding data bits into essential structure of the generated model. As a final result we present a secure authentication of the automatically restituted 3D model of the historically important artifact

    Visualização interativa de modelos 3D realistas na web

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Luciano SilvaCo-orientadora : Profª. Drª. Olga Regina Pereira BellonTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa: Curitiba, 16/09/2014Inclui referênciasResumo: A visualização 3D remota de objetos culturais é uma ferramenta importante para diversas atividades na área de preservação digital, pois pode minimizar danos causados pelo transporte ou manipulação física dos objetos. Os modelos 3D gerados no processo de digitalização 3D podem auxiliar em restaurações ou na reconstrução física dos objetos. Devido aos avanços das tecnologias para digitalização 3D, os modelos 3D estão cada vez mais precisos. A disponibilização desses modelos para a visualização na web pode ser dificultada por restrições de acesso remoto, como por exemplo espaço de armazenamento, memória, capacidade de processamento e velocidade de conexão disponíveis. Nesse contexto, esta tese se concentra na visualização web interativa de modelos 3D realistas com fidelidade visual requerida ao estudo remoto dos objetos. O framework de visualização 3D baseada na web proposto incorpora a compressão progressiva de modelos 3D coloridos orientada por dados, uma base de dados de apoio à reconstrução 3D progressiva e uma aplicação web para a visualização 3D remota. Ao preservar as cores através do mapeamento de textura, a abordagem de compressão 3D progressiva orientada por dados proposta provê modelos intermediários com boa qualidade visual, principalmente a baixas resoluções. A estrutura do framework possibilita à aplicação suportar acessos simultâneos, além de viabilizar o acesso remoto por computadores e dispositivos móveis com restrição de recursos. A aplicação desenvolvida aproveita os recentes avanços das tecnologias web, proporcionando acesso livre de plugins e melhorando a qualidade da experiência do usuário. A solução proposta foi aplicada aos modelos 3D do conjunto de esculturas chamado "Os Doze Profetas" de Aleijadinho, considerado Patrimônio Mundial pela UNESCO. Através dos resultados experimentais pode-se comprovar que a preservação das cores combinada à reconstrução 3D progressiva é uma estratégia efetiva e apropriada para a visualização interativa de modelos 3D realistas na web. Palavras-chave: Preservação digital. Modelos 3D realistas. Visualização na web. Reconstrução 3D progressiva. Qualidade visual.Abstract: Remote 3D visualization of valuable objects is a very important tool for the accomplishment of digital preservation tasks, since it prevents damages caused both by shipping and physical manipulation. The 3D models generated by 3D scanning may help physical restoration or reconstruction of the objects. Due to advances in 3D scanning technologies, the 3D models are becoming increasingly detailed. The web visualization of these models generated for digital preservation purposes is hampered by storage space, memory and processing restrictions. In this context, this thesis focuses on interactive web visualization of realistic 3D models for the remote study of the objects. The proposed web-based 3D visualization framework incorporates the datadriven progressive compression of colored 3D models, the database to support the progressive 3D reconstruction and a web application for remote 3D visualization. By preserving the colors through texture mapping, the proposed data-driven progressive 3D compression provides intermediate models with good visual quality at low resolutions. The framework enables the web application to support concurrent access, as well as providing access through computers with restricted resources. Our application takes advantages of the recent advances of the web technologies for providing a plugin-free experience. The proposed solution was applied to sculptures of the Twelve Prophets of Aleijadinho, considered World Heritage by UNESCO. The experimental results shows that the color preservation combined with progressive 3D reconstruction is an effective and appropriate strategy for interactive visualization of realistic 3D models on the web. Keywords: Digital preservation. Realistic 3D models. Web-based visualization. Progressive 3D reconstrution. Visual Quality