7 research outputs found

    Water Pipeline Leakage Detection Based on Machine Learning and Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The detection of water pipeline leakage is important to ensure that water supply networks can operate safely and conserve water resources. To address the lack of intelligent and the low efficiency of conventional leakage detection methods, this paper designs a leakage detection method based on machine learning and wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The system employs wireless sensors installed on pipelines to collect data and utilizes the 4G network to perform remote data transmission. A leakage triggered networking method is proposed to reduce the wireless sensor network’s energy consumption and prolong the system life cycle effectively. To enhance the precision and intelligence of leakage detection, we propose a leakage identification method that employs the intrinsic mode function, approximate entropy, and principal component analysis to construct a signal feature set and that uses a support vector machine (SVM) as a classifier to perform leakage detection. Simulation analysis and experimental results indicate that the proposed leakage identification method can effectively identify the water pipeline leakage and has lower energy consumption than the networking methods used in conventional wireless sensor networks

    Water Pipeline Leakage Detection Based on Machine Learning and Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The detection of water pipeline leakage is important to ensure that water supply networks can operate safely and conserve water resources. To address the lack of intelligent and the low efficiency of conventional leakage detection methods, this paper designs a leakage detection method based on machine learning and wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The system employs wireless sensors installed on pipelines to collect data and utilizes the 4G network to perform remote data transmission. A leakage triggered networking method is proposed to reduce the wireless sensor network’s energy consumption and prolong the system life cycle effectively. To enhance the precision and intelligence of leakage detection, we propose a leakage identification method that employs the intrinsic mode function, approximate entropy, and principal component analysis to construct a signal feature set and that uses a support vector machine (SVM) as a classifier to perform leakage detection. Simulation analysis and experimental results indicate that the proposed leakage identification method can effectively identify the water pipeline leakage and has lower energy consumption than the networking methods used in conventional wireless sensor networks

    Deteksi Kebocoran Pipa Air Menggunakan Machine Learning dengan Jaringan Nirkabel IEEE 802.15.4

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    Pipa adalah cara paling ekonomis dan paling aman dalam mendistribusikan hasil produk seperti air, petrokimia, gas, dan cairan lainnya. Terlepas dari manfaat tersebut, ternyata pipa memiliki ancaman yaitu potensi kebocoran. Artikel ini membahas pendeteksian kebocoran pipa air menggunakan parameter debit aliran. Pengujian dilakukan pada dua format dataset, menggunakan raw dataset dan process dataset menggunakan metode volume balance. Pada proses pembelajaran ada beberapa hal yang perlu disoroti seperti pemilihan tipe dataset, pre-processing dengan menormalisasi dataset, dan menerapkan metode fungsi kernel untuk meningkatkan kinerja akurasi prediksi ukuran dan lokasi kebocoran pipa. Dataset dilatih menggunakan algortima SVM untuk mengklasifikasikan ukuran dan lokasi kebocoran pipa. Hasil klasfikasi ukuran kebocoran dengan fungsi kernel polynomial pada raw dataset mencapai akurasi sebesar 98,25%, recall 99,1%, presisi 99,8%, dan F-measure 99,5%. Sedangkan fungsi kernel Radial Basis Function pada process dataset mencapai akurasi tertinggi sebesar 89,7%, recall 94,4%, presisi 95,4%,  dan F-measure 94,6%. Dalam hal mengidentifkasikan lokasi kebocoran, fungsi kernel polynomial pada raw dataset meningkatkan akurasi sebesar 88,96%, recall 94,7%, presisi 91,5%, dan F-measure 92,8%. Sedangkan fungsi kernel polynomial pada process dataset mencapai akurasi sebesar 74,42%, recall 74,1%, presisi 72,8%, dan F-measure 71,3%

    Systematic review on research trends on sensor-based leak detection methods in water distribution systems

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    A substantial amount of treated water is lost every year due to leakages in water distribution systems. Leakages can be identified and reduced using leakage detection methods, which can be broadly split into computer-based and sensor-based methods. This systematic review focuses on trends in sensor-based leakage detection methods published between 2000 and 2019, following the methodology proposed by PRISMA 2009 (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses). We conducted a database search using Scopus, obtaining a total of 78 relevant article papers. We categorized the articles based on the primary leakage detection methods discussed, yielding 33 article papers on acoustic methods, 31 article papers on non-acoustic methods, and the remaining article papers on wireless sensor networks (WSN). The highest number of article papers were published in the “Journal of Sound and Vibration”. Between 2000 and 2007 we observed that acoustic leak detection methods were the most widely researched methods within the published literature. After 2008, non-acoustic leak detection methods became more prominent, subsequently followed by an increase in research focusing on WSNs. During the transition period between acoustic methods and WSNs, non-acoustic leak detection methods started to emerge, showing promising results in detecting leakages. Research interest in WSNs substantially increased in 2016. The application of WSN methods for leakage detection shows a promising advancement in sensor-based leakage detection methods and opportunities for improvement in the future

    A hybrid model-based method for leak detection in large scale water distribution networks

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    During the past decades, the problem of finding leaks in Water Distribution Networks (WDN) has been controversy. The quicker detection of leaks prevents water loss and helps avoiding their economic and environmental consequences. On the other hand, increasing the speed of leak detection increases the false leak detection that imposes high costs. In this paper, we propose a real-time hybrid method using AI algorithms and hydraulic relations for detecting and locating leaks and identifying the volume of losses material. The proposed method relies on simple and cost-effective flow sensors installed on each junction in the pipeline network. We demonstrate how influential features for leak detection would be generated by using hydraulic equations like Hazen-Williams, Darcy-Weisbach and pressure drop. Through exploiting Decision Tree, KNN, random forest, and Bayesian network we build predictive models and based on the pipeline topology, we locate leaks and their pressure. Comparing the results of applying the proposed method on various leak scenarios shows that the proposed method in this paper, outperforms other existing methods

    Water Pipeline Leakage Detection Based on Machine Learning and Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The detection of water pipeline leakage is important to ensure that water supply networks can operate safely and conserve water resources. To address the lack of intelligent and the low efficiency of conventional leakage detection methods, this paper designs a leakage detection method based on machine learning and wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The system employs wireless sensors installed on pipelines to collect data and utilizes the 4G network to perform remote data transmission. A leakage triggered networking method is proposed to reduce the wireless sensor network’s energy consumption and prolong the system life cycle effectively. To enhance the precision and intelligence of leakage detection, we propose a leakage identification method that employs the intrinsic mode function, approximate entropy, and principal component analysis to construct a signal feature set and that uses a support vector machine (SVM) as a classifier to perform leakage detection. Simulation analysis and experimental results indicate that the proposed leakage identification method can effectively identify the water pipeline leakage and has lower energy consumption than the networking methods used in conventional wireless sensor networks