569,897 research outputs found

    Bohemians and Gentlemen. The representation of artists in British society 1850-1950

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    How do we understand the artist; how do we imagine he or she lives? Is our view formed by visiting exhibitions or artists' studios, reading criticism, biography or novels, looking at self-portraits and photographs, watching films? Do we feel we know Vermeer through looking at his paintings, reading a catalogue or Tracy Chevalier's historic novel or watching Colin Firth and Scarlet Johansson star in Girl with a Pearl Earring? In this lecture - and my proposed book - I shall be examining the multi-faceted construction of the artistic identity, the imagined artist, and how it changed across an important period in British art history. I shall be looking at the public reception and perception of the artist and the artist's own performance for his or her public, a performance that could be influenced or even controlled by the dealer. I shall trace the relationship, sometimes the battle, between two supposedly oppositional images of the artist, the bohemian and the gentleman. And the impact on these masculine concepts of the increasing presence of the female artist

    Neighborhood Context, Poverty, and Urban Children’s Outdoor Play

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    Although research consistently demonstrates a link between neighborhood conditions and physical activity for adults and adolescents, less is known about residential context and young children’s physical activity. Using data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (N=2,210), we explore whether outdoor play and television watching are associated with children’s body mass indexes (BMIs) at age five; and whether subjective and objective neighborhood measures are associated with children’s outdoor play and television watching. Hours of outdoor play and television viewing are associated with BMI. Higher maternal perceptions of neighborhood collective efficacy are associated with more hours of outdoor play, fewer hours of television viewing, and more trips to a park or playground. In addition, we find that neighborhood physical disorder is associated with more outdoor play and more television watching. Finally, we find that children living in public housing have one-third more outdoor play time than other children.residential context, physical activity, young children, body mass indexes, Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study, television viewing

    Pengaruh Strategi Pemasaran dan Marketing Communication terhadap Brand Awareness dan Dampaknya pada Minat Menonton RCTI (Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia)

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    At the age of 24, in 2013 (the period of January to December 2013), Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia (RCTI) has been retaining the position of market leader with a 17.8% audience share reached. Based on that, RCTI needs to maintain to foster and expand the public watching interest on their program. This study aims to determine the effect of marketing strategy and marketing communications on brand awareness and the impact on the public watching interest on their program. The method used is associative-survey research methods. Data collection techniques are done by using a questionnaire distributed to the public viewers of RCTI and by making interviews to the Senior Manager. Data analysis techniques used is path analysis. As a result, there is a positive and significant effect of the variables of marketing strategy and marketing communications on brand awareness and the impact on public watching interest on RCTI

    Illegal Immigration and Media Exposure: Evidence on Individual Attitudes

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    Illegal immigration has been the focus of much debate in receiving countries, but little is known about what drives individual attitudes towards illegal immigrants. To study this question, we use the CCES survey, which was carried out in 2006 in the United States. We find evidence that - in addition to standard labor market and welfare state considerations - media exposure is significantly correlated with public opinion on illegal immigration. Controlling for education, income and ideology, individuals watching Fox News are 9 percentage points more likely than CBS viewers to oppose the legalization of undocumented immigrants. We find an effect of the same size and direction for CNN viewers, whereas individuals watching PBS are instead more likely to support legalization. Ideological self-selection into different news programs plays an important role, but cannot entirely explain the correlation between media exposure and attitudes about illegal immigration.Immigration, Illegal Immigration, Attitudes, Preferences, Media

    Auntie knows best? public broadcasters and current affairs knowledge

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    Public service broadcasters (PSBs) are a central part of national news media landscapes. In many countries, PSBs are the first choice of citizens when it comes to news providers. And in perhaps more countries still, PSBs are thought of as specialists in provision of hard news. We test this proposition here using survey data from a large crossnational survey involving indicators of current affairs knowledge and media consumption. Specifically, we examine whether exposure to public versus commercial news influences the knowledge citizens possess about current affairs, both domestically and internationally. We also test, using propensity score analysis, whether there is variation across PSBs in this regard. Results indicate that compared to commercial news, watching PSB has a net positive influence on knowledge of hard news, though not all PSBs are equally effective in contributing to knowledge acquisition. This knowledge gap between PSB and commercial news media consumption appears to be mitigated by factors such as de jure independence,proportion of public financing, and audience share

    Rethink #

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    Watching anyone struggle with mental health disorders should never be funny- and yet, in some instances, that’s exactly how it is viewed. Recently, celebrity Amanda Bynes was involuntarily committed to psychiatric hold for the second time in a year. This was following a series of very public tweets which clearly show instability in her mental health. One tweet in particular regarding a microchip she believes was implanted in her brain is markedly delusional. The media and public, however, have been sensationalizing and demoralizing her condition by treating it as just another piece of shocking celebrity news. Headlines like “Amanda Bynes’ craziest tweets”, “Amanda Bynes’ Odd Behavior Continues”, and “Amanda Bynes goes wild on twitter” are trivializing a serious situation. Any person who is involuntarily placed in a psychiatric hospital needs- and deserves- sympathy and understanding, so why is Bynes being viewed as a spectacle? [excerpt

    ITV services for socializing in public places

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    Watching TV in public locations is very different from watching at Home, but it can also be a worthy experience, especially in the context of certain collective events, such as live football. The increasingly rich features of iTV services may even provide the ground for making the Television infrastructure an alternative framework for the deployment of public display services. In this paper, we present and discuss integration scenarios in which the iTV infrastructure and public display services conceived for multi-user interaction in public spaces are combined to generate new types of services offer. It reveals a considerable potential on the idea of leveraging iTV infrastructures for supporting new types of public display services benefiting from content generated and social interactions of the co-located audience. The successful use of these approaches will require a clear understanding of the properties of the iTV infrastructure and a focus on the type of applications in which those properties may provide more added-value than limitations.(undefined

    Waxing Revolutionary: Reflections on a Raid on a Waxworks at the Outbreak of the French Revolution

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    [First paragraph] Parisians from all walks of life were already accustomed to watching heads roll before the Revolution of 1789. This is not a reference to public executions of the time (beheadings were reserved for the nobility and were rare events) but to another cultural spectacle of late eighteenth-century Paris, one which was sufficiently well-known to become the object of a satirical print in 1787. Entitled ‘Avis au public: TĂȘtes Ă  changer’, the print by P. D. Viviez lampoons the unceremonious updating of fashionable or celebrated waxwork figures displayed in the popular entertainments district of the Boulevard du Temple [See Figure 1]. It shows wax heads being handed down from shelves; heads being replaced on models; one head about to be struck off with a chisel; another head lies discarded on the ground, being sniffed at by a little cat. All of this takes place in front of a crowd of curious, chatty onlookers

    April 12, 2020: On Watching Ben-Hur

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    Blog post, “On Watching Ben-Hur“ discusses politics, theology and the law in relation to religion and public life in the democratic United States of America

    March 7, 2015: Watching the Left Behind Movie

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    Blog post, “Watching the Left Behind Movie“ discusses politics, theology and the law in relation to religion and public life in the democratic United States of America
