154 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Mimba (Azadirachta Indica a. Juss) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Koloni Alternaria Porri Penyebab Penyakit Bercak Ungu Pada Bawang Wakegi (Allium X Wakegi Araki) Secara in Vitro

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    Purple blotch disease ( A. porri ) is to known as a main disease on onions it has becomes and has become endemic in central planting and it creates a lot of financial lose to farmer. Using neem leaf as a potential alternative pesticide can control the purple blotch on onion. The aim of this research was to determine the inhibition of neem leaf extract toward of fungal pathogens A. porri. This research was conducted in Laboratory of Plant Diseases Faculty of Agriculture, Tadulako University Central Sulawesi Palu. This research was conducted on August until November 2015. Method of this research was mixing neem leaf extract concentrate of 0.4% , 0.6% , 0,8% and 1% into the PDA. Results of this research show that neem leaf extract which is concentrate 1% more effective to press the inhibitory growth of A. porri was 43.33%

    Karakterisasi Jamur Penyebab Penyakit Busuk Pangkal Batang (Basal Rot) pada Bawang Wakegi (Allium x wakegi Araki)

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    Bawang wakegi merupakan hasil persilangan alami antara bawang merah (Allium cepa L. aggregatum group) dan bawang daun (Allium fistulosum L.).  Salah satu faktor yang mengganggu pertumbuhan dan mempengaruhi hasil produksi bawang wakegi di lapang adalah keberadaan penyakit busuk pangkal batang (basal rot) atau layu Fusarium.  Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh banyak spesies dari jamur patogen Fusarium spp yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan karakteristik jamur patogen busuk pangkal batang yang menyerang bawang wakegi sehingga dapat dipastikan patogen penyebabnya.  Tahapan penelitian meliputi pengambilan sampel, isolasi jamur, uji patogenisitas,  dan karakterisasi secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis.  Hasil karakterisasi jamur patogen yang menginfeksi bawang wakegi mengarah pada karakteristik jamur F. oxysporum f.sp. cepae

    Duration of low temperature storage, clove topping and gibberellic acid on garlic sprouting and seedling vigor

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    Dormancy of garlic (Allium sativum L.) creates a problem in use of freshly harvested garlic bulbs. Thus, pre-planting treatment of garlic cloves is an important agronomic concern for inducing and improving sprouting behavior of garlic. Glasshouse experiment was conducted at Haramaya University to evaluate the effect of cold storage (7°C) durations (10, 20, 30 days and one stored at room temperature that is 21°C for 30 days), clove topping (whole and cut) and gibberellic acid concentrations (0, 125, 250 and 375 mg/l) and distilled water treatment as second control on sprouting behavior of improved garlic variety (‘Tseday’). The treatments were laid out in factorial arrangement with three replications using completely randomized design (CRD). For cloves stored at ambient temperature (0 day) and non-topped, gibberellic acid application (250 and 375 mg/l) showed a significant increase in sprouting percentage, speed of sprouting and shoot dry mass of garlic as compared to 125mg/l GA3 treated and the controls. On the other hand, for topped cloves stored at ambient temperature (0 day), 10 and 20 days cold storage, gibberellic acid treatment did not show a significant influence on these characteristics as compared to the controls. The interaction effect of 30 days cold stored and topped cloves significantly increased pseudo-stem height (40.51%) compared to the lowest values recorded for the non-cold treated and non-topped cloves. The 30 days cold stored and topped cloves soaked in water significantly increased sprouting percentage over the period of 19 days after planting, speed of sprouting (four fold) and above ground shoot dry mass (79.41%) compared to the lowest values recorded for the non-cold treated and non-topped cloves not soaked in water and gibberellic acid (GA3). Hence, it can be concluded that 30 days cold storage, topping and soaking in water could enhance early sprouting of the garlic variety tested under glasshouse condition.Keywords: Clove topping, Dormancy, Garlic, Gibberellic acid, Sprouting percentage, Storage condition

    Analysis of Combining Ability, Heterosis Effect and Heritability Estimate of Yield-related Characters in Shallot (Alium Cepa Var. Ascalonicum Baker)

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    Low productivity of shallot in Indonesia can be improved through development of high yielding variety. The availability of genetic information related to the character being improved is inevitable for effective breeding program. In this study, seven shallot genotypes were evaluated for their combining ability for yield improvement using half diallel cross. Heterosis effect and heritability estimate was also investigated for yield-related characters. The results showed that there were significant differences in general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) among the evaluated genotypes. Tiron and Timor had the greatest GCA. The greatest SCA and heterosis value was found in crosses of Kuning/Tiron, Timor/Bima Juna, Tiron/Timor and Kuning/Sibolangit. Heterosis effect varied from low to high. Broad sense heritability estimate for all characters was high, but narrow sense heritability was low for most charaters. The dominant gene action observed on all yield-related characters suggests that the evaluated genotypes are potential to be used in breeding for high yielding hybrid varieties

    Physical mapping of genes on plant chromosomes

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    Efektifitas Beauveria Bassiana Vuill Terhadap Pengendalian Spodoptera Exigua Hubner (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) Pada Tanaman Bawang Merah Lokal Palu (Allium Wakegi)

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of Beauveria bassiana on the control of Spodoptera exigua Hubner ( Lepidoptera : Noctuidae ) on shallot crop varieties Palu valley ( Allium wakegi ) . This research was conducted in the village of Sidera , District Biromaru , Sigi and in the Laboratory of Plant Pests and Diseases ( HPT ) .The research was conducted from April to June 2014. This study was prepared by Group Random Design ( RAK ) with patterns of factorial , consisting of 2 factors with 3 replications , in order to obtain 24 units experiment , with treatments as follows : F1 namely doses : D0 : Without the application of Beauveria bassiana / use distilled water , D1 : 6 grams B.bassiana / L of water , D2 : 8 gr B.bassiana / L of water , D3 : 10 gr B.bassiana / L of water and F2 is the time interval applications with 2 levels : W1 : interval of 5 days and W2 : interval of 7 days . The data were analyzed using analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) and if it shows a marked influence further tested using the Test HSD 5 % . Based on observations indicate that the fungus application B.bassiana significantly affect the intensity of the attacks S.exigua , during the observation time 4,5,6,7 and 8 MST show that the intensity of the treatment D3W1 provide S.exigua the lowest compared to all other treatments at an all-time observation . In observation of 4 MST intensity of the attack only reached 2.02% , on the observation 5MST reached 1.74% , at 6MST 7MST 1.39 % and 1.19 % . In observation of severe crop production ( Table 2 ) showed that the treatment D3W1 (10g / L , 5H ) produced the highest plant weight 143,82g / clump converted can reach 3.60 t / ha-1

    Efektivitas Insektisida dalam Menekan Perkembangan Populasi dan Serangan Liriomyza, SP pada Tanaman Bawang Merah Lokal Palu (Allium Cepa L.x Wakegi Araki) di Desa Guntarano Kecamatan Tanantovea Kabupaten Donggala

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    This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of some insecticides on the population development and attack Liriomyza sp on local Palu onions. The research conducted from Februari to April 2017, at Guntarano village, Tanantovea Sub-District, Donggala District. The study used Randomized Block Design (RAK) consisting of four treatments, namely Po.Control; P1. Abamectin; P2. Azadiractin; P3. Dimohipo. Each treatment was repeated three times so that 12 treatments were obtained. The results showed that the insecticidal treatment had an effect on the development of the varied Liriomyza sp. Adult population at various plant age levels. Observations on plant age 5 and 6 of MST showed that abamectin insecticides were effective in suppressing the growth larvae populations of Liriomyza sp compared with the treatment of Azadiractin, Dimohipo and non-treated insecticides

    Divergência genética entre acessos do banco ativo de germoplasma de cebola da Embrapa Clima Temperado revelada por marcadores RAPD.

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