1,505 research outputs found

    eTOM-Conformant IMS Assurance Management

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    Aspect oriented service composition for telecommunication applications

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    This PhD dissertation investigates how to overcome the negative effects of cross cutting concerns in the development of composite service applications. It proposes a combination of dynamic aspect oriented programming with a rules driven service composition mechanism. This combination allows very flexible utilization of aspects based on run-time data. The thesis contributes a join-point model and it integrates techniques for weaving and advice definition into the underlying composition language and execution engine. A particular focus of the thesis is telecommunication applications with their unique model for utilizing heterogeneous constituent services and their severe real-time requirements. Next to its primary use for modular implementation and flexible deployment of concerns in telecommunication applications, the dissertation discusses AOP as a feature for automated management and customization of service applications. The verification of the proposed solution contributes a detailed assessment of run-time performance, including a theoretical model of the AOP implementation. It allows predicting the performance of various alternative solutions. The proposed solution for combined AOP and service composition provides properties, which directly address challenges in pervasive computing and the Internet of things. Thus, this dissertation advances beyond the telecommunication domain with results applicable to various highly relevant technical developments

    Grid service-based e-learning systems architecures

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    E-Learning has been a topic of increasing interest in recent years, due mainly to the fact that content and tool support can now be offered at a widely affordable level. As a result, many elearning platforms and systems have been developed. Client-server, peer-to-peer and recently Web services architectures often form the basis. Major drawbacks of these architectures are their limitations in terms of scalability and the availability and distribution of resources. This chapter investigates grid architectures in the context of e-learning as a proposed answer for this problem. The principles and technologies of Grid architectures are discussed and illustrated using learning technology scenarios and systems

    Deliverable JRA1.1: Evaluation of current network control and management planes for multi-domain network infrastructure

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    This deliverable includes a compilation and evaluation of available control and management architectures and protocols applicable to a multilayer infrastructure in a multi-domain Virtual Network environment.The scope of this deliverable is mainly focused on the virtualisation of the resources within a network and at processing nodes. The virtualization of the FEDERICA infrastructure allows the provisioning of its available resources to users by means of FEDERICA slices. A slice is seen by the user as a real physical network under his/her domain, however it maps to a logical partition (a virtual instance) of the physical FEDERICA resources. A slice is built to exhibit to the highest degree all the principles applicable to a physical network (isolation, reproducibility, manageability, ...). Currently, there are no standard definitions available for network virtualization or its associated architectures. Therefore, this deliverable proposes the Virtual Network layer architecture and evaluates a set of Management- and Control Planes that can be used for the partitioning and virtualization of the FEDERICA network resources. This evaluation has been performed taking into account an initial set of FEDERICA requirements; a possible extension of the selected tools will be evaluated in future deliverables. The studies described in this deliverable define the virtual architecture of the FEDERICA infrastructure. During this activity, the need has been recognised to establish a new set of basic definitions (taxonomy) for the building blocks that compose the so-called slice, i.e. the virtual network instantiation (which is virtual with regard to the abstracted view made of the building blocks of the FEDERICA infrastructure) and its architectural plane representation. These definitions will be established as a common nomenclature for the FEDERICA project. Other important aspects when defining a new architecture are the user requirements. It is crucial that the resulting architecture fits the demands that users may have. Since this deliverable has been produced at the same time as the contact process with users, made by the project activities related to the Use Case definitions, JRA1 has proposed a set of basic Use Cases to be considered as starting point for its internal studies. When researchers want to experiment with their developments, they need not only network resources on their slices, but also a slice of the processing resources. These processing slice resources are understood as virtual machine instances that users can use to make them behave as software routers or end nodes, on which to download the software protocols or applications they have produced and want to assess in a realistic environment. Hence, this deliverable also studies the APIs of several virtual machine management software products in order to identify which best suits FEDERICA’s needs.Postprint (published version

    Towards automated composition of convergent services: a survey

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    A convergent service is defined as a service that exploits the convergence of communication networks and at the same time takes advantage of features of the Web. Nowadays, building up a convergent service is not trivial, because although there are significant approaches that aim to automate the service composition at different levels in the Web and Telecom domains, selecting the most appropriate approach for specific case studies is complex due to the big amount of involved information and the lack of technical considerations. Thus, in this paper, we identify the relevant phases for convergent service composition and explore the existing approaches and their associated technologies for automating each phase. For each technology, the maturity and results are analysed, as well as the elements that must be considered prior to their application in real scenarios. Furthermore, we provide research directions related to the convergent service composition phases

    DRIVER Technology Watch Report

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    This report is part of the Discovery Workpackage (WP4) and is the third report out of four deliverables. The objective of this report is to give an overview of the latest technical developments in the world of digital repositories, digital libraries and beyond, in order to serve as theoretical and practical input for the technical DRIVER developments, especially those focused on enhanced publications. This report consists of two main parts, one part focuses on interoperability standards for enhanced publications, the other part consists of three subchapters, which give a landscape picture of current and surfacing technologies and communities crucial to DRIVER. These three subchapters contain the GRID, CRIS and LTP communities and technologies. Every chapter contains a theoretical explanation, followed by case studies and the outcomes and opportunities for DRIVER in this field

    Personalized Service Creation and Provision for the Mobile Web

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    The convergence of telecom networks and the Internet is fostering the emergence of environments where Web services are available to mobile users. The variability in computing resources, display terminal, and communication channel require intelligent support on personalized delivery of relevant data and services to mobile users. Personalized service provisioning presents several research challenges on context information management, service creation, and inherent limitations of mobile devices. In this chapter, we describe a novel framework that supports weaving context information and services for personalized service creation and execution. By leveraging technologies on Web services, agents, and publish/subscribe systems, our framework enables an effective, user-centric access of integrated services over the mobile Web environments. This chapter overviews the design, architecture, and implementation of the framework
