28 research outputs found

    Automatic Fire Detection: A Survey from Wireless Sensor Network Perspective

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    Automatic fire detection is important for early detection and promptly extinguishing fire. There are ample studies investigating the best sensor combinations and appropriate techniques for early fire detection. In the previous studies fire detection has either been considered as an application of a certain field (e.g., event detection for wireless sensor networks) or the main concern for which techniques have been specifically designed (e.g., fire detection using remote sensing techniques). These different approaches stem from different backgrounds of researchers dealing with fire, such as computer science, geography and earth observation, and fire safety. In this report we survey previous studies from three perspectives: (1) fire detection techniques for residential areas, (2) fire detection techniques for forests, and (3) contributions of sensor networks to early fire detection

    Use of AI Techniques for Residential Fire Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Early residential fire detection is important for prompt extinguishing and reducing damages and life losses. To detect fire, one or a combination of sensors and a detection algorithm are needed. The sensors might be part of a wireless sensor network (WSN) or work independently. The previous research in the area of fire detection using WSN has paid little or no attention to investigate the optimal set of sensors as well as use of learning mechanisms and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. They have only made some assumptions on what might be considered as appropriate sensor or an arbitrary AI technique has been used. By closing the gap between traditional fire detection techniques and modern wireless sensor network capabilities, in this paper we present a guideline on choosing the most optimal sensor combinations for accurate residential fire detection. Additionally, applicability of a feed forward neural network (FFNN) and Naïve Bayes Classifier is investigated and results in terms of detection rate and computational complexity are analyzed

    Security models for heterogeneous networking.

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    Security for Next Generation Networks (NGNs) is an attractive topic for many research groups. The Y-Comm security group believes that a new security approach is needed to address the security challenges in 4G networks. This paper sheds light on our approach of providing security for the Y-Comm architecture as an example of 4G communication frameworks. Our approach proposes a four-layer security integrated module to protect data and three targeted security models to protect different network entities, thus providing security in different situations without affecting the dynamics of the 4G networks

    A QoS framework for heterogeneous networking

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    In order for next generation networks to support effective handover procedures, there is a need for defining QoS signaling mechanisms that guarantee the provision of point- to- point as well as network level QoS. This paper proposes a QoS signaling mechanism to be implemented by the Y-Comm architecture as a potential 4G framework. The proposed mechanism requires certain level of cooperation among network elements; therefore, it proposes some functional modules/ interfaces to be run on different network entities. As showed in the paper, the proposed mechanism could be implemented in different scenarios such as initial registration and connection, and also in the case of handover

    Millennium Development Goals and Attainment of Healthcare Delivery in Africa: The Use e-Healthcare Technologies

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    Out of the UN Assembly (2000) initiated Eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) targeting, the MDG 4, 5 and 6 are concerned about health for all, while MDG 7 deals with environmental stability, while MDG 8 is a capstone goal advocating for global partnership for development. Quality and equitable healthcare delivery in Africa still remain a daunting challenge (Ditsa & Ojo, 2011). There is a great potential that contemporarily advanced e-healthcare technologies hold to enhance the quality and equity of the health systems in Africa. This paper examines some of the healthcare challenges in Africa and presents a prototype Dynamic Location-based e-Healthcare system to augment some of the healthcare delivery challenges facing Africa

    Exploring multi-homing issues in heterogeneous networks

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    Mobile devices with two network interfaces (WiFi and 3G) are already commercially available. Pointto- point communications such as Infrared and Bluetooth are also readily used. In the near future, mobile phones will have several interfaces including satellite and new technologies such as Ultrawideband. Hence we must assume that such devices will be multi-homed by default. For various reasons, including network congestion, network resilience and increased endpoint bandwidth, there have been several attempts to address multi-homing. Heterogeneous environments with the need to support vertical handover introduce another set of issues which make the need to solve multi-homing problems more urgent. This paper outlines the issues, looks at past efforts and proposes a solution based on the Location Id/Node Id concept but also argues that additional support is needed to make such an approach efficient for heterogeneous environments

    Modulation of electrical stimulation applied to human physiology and clinical diagnostic

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    The use, manipulation and application of electrical currents, as a controlled interference mechanism in the human body system, is currently a strong source of motivation to researchers in areas such as clinical, sports, neuroscience, amongst others. In electrical stimulation (ES), the current applied to tissue is traditionally controlled concerning stimulation amplitude, frequency and pulse-width. The main drawbacks of the transcutaneous ES are the rapid fatigue induction and the high discomfort induced by the non-selective activation of nervous fibers. There are, however, electrophysiological parameters whose response, like the response to different stimulation waveforms, polarity or a personalized charge control, is still unknown. The study of the following questions is of great importance: What is the physiological effect of the electric pulse parametrization concerning charge, waveform and polarity? Does the effect change with the clinical condition of the subjects? The parametrization influence on muscle recruitment can retard fatigue onset? Can parametrization enable fiber selectivity, optimizing the motor fibers recruitment rather than the nervous fibers, reducing contraction discomfort? Current hardware solutions lack flexibility at the level of stimulation control and physiological response assessment. To answer these questions, a miniaturized, portable and wireless controlled device with ES functions and full integration with a generic biosignals acquisition platform has been created. Hardware was also developed to provide complete freedom for controlling the applied current with respect to the waveform, polarity, frequency, amplitude, pulse-width and duration. The impact of the methodologies developed is successfully applied and evaluated in the contexts of fundamental electrophysiology, psycho-motor rehabilitation and neuromuscular disorders diagnosis. This PhD project was carried out in the Physics Department of Faculty of Sciences and Technology (FCT-UNL), in straight collaboration with PLUX - Wireless Biosignals S.A. company and co-funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT); PLUX - Wireless Biosignals, S.A.; FCT-UNL- CEFITE

    Architecture and communication protocol to monitor and control water quality and irrigation in agricultural environments

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    [ES] La introducción de soluciones tecnológicas en la agricultura permite reducir el uso de recursos y aumentar la producción de los cultivos. Además, la calidad del agua de regadío se puede monitorizar para asegurar la seguridad de los productos para el consumo humano. Sin embargo, la localización remota de la mayoría de los campos presenta un problema para proveer de cobertura inalámbrica a los nodos sensores y actuadores desplegados en los campos y los canales de agua para regadío. El trabajo presentado en esta tesis aborda el problema de habilitar la comunicación inalámbrica entre los dispositivos electrónicos desplegados para la monitorización de la calidad del agua y el campo a través de un protocolo de comunicación y arquitectura heterogéneos. La primera parte de esta tesis introduce los sistemas de agricultura de precisión (PA) y la importancia de la monitorización de la calidad del agua y el campo. Asimismo, las tecnologías que permiten la comunicación inalámbrica en sistemas PA y el uso de soluciones alternativas como el internet de las cosas bajo tierra (IoUT) y los vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV) se introducen también. Después, se realiza un análisis en profundidad del estado del arte respecto a los sensores para la monitorización del agua, el campo y las condiciones meteorológicas, así como sobre las tecnologías inalámbricas más empleadas en PA. Además, las tendencias actuales y los desafíos de los sistemas de internet de las cosas (IoT) para regadío, incluyendo las soluciones alternativas introducidas anteriormente, han sido abordados en detalle. A continuación, se presenta la arquitectura propuesta para el sistema, la cual incluye las áreas de interés para las actividades monitorización que incluye las áreas de los canales y el campo. A su vez, la descripción y los algoritmos de operación de los nodos sensores contemplados para cada área son proporcionados. El siguiente capítulo detalla el protocolo de comunicación heterogéneo propuesto, incluyendo los mensajes y alertas del sistema. Adicionalmente, se presenta una nueva topología de árbol para redes híbridas LoRa/WiFi multisalto. Las funcionalidades específicas adicionales concebidas para la arquitectura propuesta están descritas en el siguiente capítulo. Éstas incluyen algoritmos de agregación de datos para la topología propuesta, un esquema de las amenazas de seguridad para los sistemas PA, algoritmos de ahorro de energía y tolerancia a fallos, comunicación bajo tierra para IoUT y el uso de drones para adquisición de datos. Después, los resultados de las simulaciones para las soluciones propuestas anteriormente son presentados. Finalmente, se tratan las pruebas realizadas en entornos reales para el protocolo heterogéneo presentado, las diferentes estrategias de despliegue de los nodos empleados, el consumo energético y la función de cuantificación de fruta. Estas pruebas demuestran la validez de la arquitectura y protocolo de comunicación heterogéneos que se han propuesto.[CA] La introducció de solucions tecnològiques en l'agricultura permet reduir l'ús de recursos i augmentar la producció dels cultius. A més, la qualitat de l'aigua de regadiu es pot monitoritzar per assegurar la qualitat dels productes per al consum humà. No obstant això, la localització remota de la majoria dels camps presenta un problema per a proveir de cobertura sense fils als nodes sensors i actuadors desplegats als camps i els canals d'aigua per a regadiu. El treball presentat en aquesta tesi tracta el problema d'habilitar la comunicació sense fils entre els dispositius electrònics desplegats per a la monitorització de la qualitat de l'aigua i el camp a través d'un protocol de comunicació i arquitectura heterogenis. La primera part d'aquesta tesi introdueix els sistemes d'agricultura de precisió (PA) i la importància de la monitorització de la qualitat de l'aigua i el camp. Així mateix, també s'introdueixen les tecnologies que permeten la comunicació sense fils en sistemes PA i l'ús de solucions alternatives com l'Internet de les coses sota terra (IoUT) i els vehicles aeris no tripulats (UAV). Després, es realitza una anàlisi en profunditat de l'estat de l'art respecte als sensors per a la monitorització de l'aigua, el camp i les condicions meteorològiques, així com sobre les tecnologies sense fils més emprades en PA. S'aborden les tendències actuals i els reptes dels sistemes d'internet de les coses (IoT) per a regadiu, incloent les solucions alternatives introduïdes anteriorment. A continuació, es presenta l'arquitectura proposada per al sistema, on s'inclouen les àrees d'interès per a les activitats monitorització en els canals i el camp. Finalment, es proporciona la descripció i els algoritmes d'operació dels nodes sensors contemplats per a cada àrea. El següent capítol detalla el protocol de comunicació heterogeni proposat, així como el disseny del missatges i alertes que el sistema proposa. A més, es presenta una nova topologia d'arbre per a xarxes híbrides Lora/WiFi multi-salt. Les funcionalitats específiques addicionals concebudes per l'arquitectura proposada estan descrites en el següent capítol. Aquestes inclouen algoritmes d'agregació de dades per a la topologia proposta, un esquema de les alertes de seguretat per als sistemes PA, algoritmes d'estalvi d'energia i tolerància a fallades, comunicació per a IoUT i l'ús de drons per a adquisició de dades. Després, es presenten els resultats de les simulacions per a les solucions proposades. Finalment, es duen a terme les proves en entorns reals per al protocol heterogeni dissenyat. A més s'expliquen les diferents estratègies de desplegament dels nodes empleats, el consum energètic, així com, la funció de quantificació de fruita. Els resultats d'aquetes proves demostren la validesa de l'arquitectura i protocol de comunicació heterogenis propost en aquesta tesi.[EN] The introduction of technological solutions in agriculture allows reducing the use of resources and increasing the production of the crops. Furthermore, the quality of the water for irrigation can be monitored to ensure the safety of the produce for human consumption. However, the remote location of most fields presents a problem for providing wireless coverage to the sensing nodes and actuators deployed on the fields and the irrigation water canals. The work presented in this thesis addresses the problem of enabling wireless communication among the electronic devices deployed for water quality and field monitoring through a heterogeneous communication protocol and architecture. The first part of the dissertation introduces Precision Agriculture (PA) systems and the importance of water quality and field monitoring. In addition, the technologies that enable wireless communication in PA systems and the use of alternative solutions such as Internet of Underground Things (IoUT) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) are introduced as well. Then, an in-depth analysis on the state of the art regarding the sensors for water, field and meteorology monitoring and the most utilized wireless technologies in PA is performed. Furthermore, the current trends and challenges for Internet of Things (IoT) irrigation systems, including the alternate solutions previously introduced, have been discussed in detail. Then, the architecture for the proposed system is presented, which includes the areas of interest for the monitoring activities comprised of the canal and field areas. Moreover, the description and operation algorithms of the sensor nodes contemplated for each area is provided. The next chapter details the proposed heterogeneous communication protocol including the messages and alerts of the system. Additionally, a new tree topology for hybrid LoRa/WiFi multi-hop networks is presented. The specific additional functionalities intended for the proposed architecture are described in the following chapter. It includes data aggregation algorithms for the proposed topology, an overview on the security threats of PA systems, energy-saving and fault-tolerance algorithms, underground communication for IoUT, and the use of drones for data acquisition. Then, the simulation results for the solutions previously proposed are presented. Finally, the tests performed in real environments for the presented heterogeneous protocol, the different deployment strategies for the utilized nodes, the energy consumption, and a functionality for fruit quantification are discussed. These tests demonstrate the validity of the proposed heterogeneous architecture and communication protocol.García García, L. (2021). Architecture and communication protocol to monitor and control water quality and irrigation in agricultural environments [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/17422