17 research outputs found

    Subject Benchmark Statement : Art and Design : draft for consultation, April 2016

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    Subject benchmark statement: art and design

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    The ballet can be deconstructed through some mathematized forms as the geometrical lines and trough created symmetries. Once, Paul Klee painted the Abstract Ballet (1937) in the manner that some musicians made innovative experiments in the music, or in the same manner as Oskar Schlemmer found a unique form of expression for his Triadisches Ballet. But, there were two types of ballet in the interwar period of the twentieth century between which we can differentiate: the Classical ballet (wich maintains a Romantic line too) and the Avant-garde ballet that appeared through the Triadisches Ballet composed by Oskar Schlemmer. Some dancers like Mikhail Baryshnikov brought the ballet in the area of the classic performance, and others as Maya Plisețkaia (the Ê»prima-ballerinaÊŒ of the twentieth century) brought the ballet to a classical-romantic line. Apparently, Oskar Schlemmer and Paul Klee wanted to dislodge the corrugations as they may have dislodged a cupboard or a box. I will show in my analysis how ballet can be part of our lives and how its limitation to mathematized forms sometimes has the role of a deconstruction of the expression of the artistic message. In my analysis, I will serve myself of the analysis of Dasein to justify the “becoming” of the dancer [object]ified through the corporal movements and to justify the stage- Space as a place of “being-in-the-world”. REZUMAT. SCHIMBAREA SFEREI ESTETICE A BALETULUI ÎN PERIOADA INTERBELICĂ. ÎNTRE DECONSTRUCȚIA BALETULUI LA OSKAR SCHLEMMER ȘI IDEEA DE „GEBRAUCHMUSIK” A LUI PAUL HINDEMITH  - O ALEE IMAGISTICĂ DE LA OSKAR SCHLEMMER LA CÉLINE DION [1922-2019]. Baletul poate fi deconstruit prin intermediul unor forme matematice precum liniile geometrice și prin intermediul simetriilor create. CĂąndva, Paul Klee desenase Abstract Ballet (1937) Ăźn același mod Ăźn care anumiți muzicieni au realizat anumite experimente inovative Ăźn lumea muzicii din acea perioadă sau Ăźn care Oskar Schlemmer a găsit o formă de expresie unică pentru al său Triadisches Ballett. În perioada interbelică existau două tipuri de balet Ăźntre care putem diferenția: balaetul clasic (ce menține și o linie romantică) și baletul avangardist compus de Oskar Schlemmer. CĂąÈ›iva balerini, precum Mikhail Baryshnikov  au adus baletul pe linia performance-ului clasic, sau precum Maya Plisețkaia (prima-ballerina) care a menținut baletul pe o linie clasic-romantică. Aparent, Oskar Schlemmer și Paul klee au dorit să disloce ondulațiile specifice mișcării așa cum ar fi dislocat o cutie. Pe parcursul analizei voi sublinia felul Ăźn care baletul poate fi parte din viețile noastre și cum limitările sale prin forme matematizate au uneori rolul unei deconstrucții a expresiei mesajului artistic. De-a lungi analizei, voi avea Ăźn considerare conceptul de Dasein pentru a justifica „devenireaËź dansatorului [obiect]ificat prin mișcări corporale, dar și pentru a justifca Spațiul-scenă ca un loc pentru „a fi-Ăźn-lumeËź. Cuvinte cheie: balet, corp, dans, perioada Weimar, Oskar Schlemmer, Paul Hindemith, avangardă, structuri ontice, CĂ©line Dion, Paul Klee, Alexandre Vauthier

    Space Weather Effects on Critical Infrastructure

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    Gas pipelines, transmission lines, overhead wires, transformers, GNSS navigation, and telecommunication systems are part of critical infrastructure. Industry, transportation, service operations, farming, and everyday life highly depend on this infrastructure. However, these systems are very sensitive to solar activity. Therefore, all activities above are vulnerable and defenseless against the catastrophic changes in Earth's cosmic environment. The Solar System is dominated by the influence of our star. A small fraction of the energy produced in the core of our star turns into a magnetic field and emits the constant high-velocity flow, the solar wind. Solar magnetic activity produces radiation and ejects matter from the upper atmosphere of our star. The magnetic field of the solar wind interacts with the planetary magnetic fields and atmospheres. These phenomena, called Space Weather have a serious influence on the radiation environment of Earth where telecommunication, Global Navigation Satellite System, meteorological, and other purpose satellites are located. The conductivity and transparency of the higher partly ionized atmospheric layer, the ionosphere also depend on solar radiation and activity. This fact makes the navigation and communication systems dependent on solar activity. Finally, the solar magnetic activity creates magnetic variations in the terrestrial magnetic field and induces currents in gas pipelines, transmission lines, overhead wires, and transformers. In this short briefing, we introduce the solar activity phenomena, and their influence on our planet's cosmic neighborhood and provide a detailed description of the Space Weather effects on critical infrastructure. We describe the Hungarian national and global space weather forecast centers and capabilities. Finally, we share some guidelines on how to prepare for extreme space weather events.Comment: submitted paper to a conference proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Central European Critical Infrastructure Protection held from November 17 to 18, 2022 in Budapest, Hungary, 25 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Potential of Spaceborne X & L-Band SAR-Data for Soil Moisture Mapping Using GIS and its Application to Hydrological Modelling: the Example of Gottleuba Catchment, Saxony / Germany

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    Hydrological modelling is a powerful tool for hydrologists and engineers involved in the planning and development of integrated approach for the management of water resources. With the recent advent of computational power and the growing availability of spatial data, RS and GIS technologies can augment to a great extent the conventional methods used in rainfall runoff studies; it is possible to accurately describe watershed characteristics in particularly when determining runoff response to rainfall input. The main objective of this study is to apply the potential of spaceborne SAR data for soil moisture retrieval in order to improve the spatial input parameters required for hydrological modelling. For the spatial database creation, high resolution 2 m aerial laser scanning Digital Terrain Model (DTM), soil map, and landuse map were used. Rainfall records were transformed into a runoff through hydrological parameterisation of the watershed and the river network using HEC-HMS software for rainfall runoff simulation. The Soil Conservation Services Curve Number (SCS-CN) and Soil Moisture Accounting (SMA) loss methods were selected to calculate the infiltration losses. In microwave remote sensing, the study of how the microwave interacts with the earth terrain has always been interesting in interpreting the satellite SAR images. In this research soil moisture was derived from two different types of Spaceborne SAR data; TerraSAR-X and ALOS PALSAR (L band). The developed integrated hydrological model was applied to the test site of the Gottleuba Catchment area which covers approximately 400 sqkm, located south of Pirna (Saxony, Germany). To validate the model historical precipitation data of the past ten years were performed. The validated model was further optimized using the extracted soil moisture from SAR data. The simulation results showed a reasonable match between the simulated and the observed hydrographs. Quantitatively the study concluded that based on SAR data, the model could be used as an expeditious tool of soil moisture mapping which required for hydrological modelling